Feb. contest

Would you still participate in the monthly contest without a prize?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 81.8%
  • No

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • I will for now, but I want prizes in the future, damn it!

    Votes: 4 12.1%

  • Total voters
Re: Dang!

Reltne said:
. . .You guys can sure hijack a thread in a hurry!

To get back to the original question. I am not interested in a prize of any sort, but I will enter the contest if a bit of inspiration strikes. - I do not write well to strictures of theme nor time.
Oh, go somewhere and dangle. :p
Angeline said:

Are you contributing that book? You're so cool. And I like the interview idea--I loved the ones you had on your sites.
Don't you just love me?! :D I swear, I'm going to be nice to myself tonight.
Tristesse said:
At the risk of interrupting the flow of convesation here..............

..I'm in for a Feb contest - prize or not. We never had prizes for the STDs and they produced some great stuff - so what's the diff?
I agree... and I even read Tess's post wrong the first time around and still agree

I think a contest does not have to have
a prize, just a winner! and everyone wins
who participates and finds enjoyment in
doing so!
WickedEve said:
Don't you just love me?! :D I swear, I'm going to be nice to myself tonight.

I do love you. You're smart, you write great poems, and you're a wacko--yknow like me.

What's not to like?

neonurotic said:
I agree... and I even read Tess's post wrong the first time around and still agree


Tell me what you read wrong, please. I'm the idgit who wrote Sexually Transmitted Diseases instead of Same Title Challenge. It must be all the rampant car sex in hear, yeah, that's what it is.

Tristesse said:
Tell me what you read wrong, please. I'm the idgit who wrote Sexually Transmitted Diseases instead of Same Title Challenge. It must be all the rampant car sex in hear, yeah, that's what it is.


Now there's a challenge--car sex poetry!


Tristesse said:
Tell me what you read wrong, please. I'm the idgit who wrote Sexually Transmitted Diseases instead of Same Title Challenge. It must be all the rampant car sex in hear, yeah, that's what it is.

Just what you had said about Sexually Transmitted Diseases—I was thinking, what is she talking about? Some STD's are gifts that keeping giving.

neonurotic said:
Just what you had said about Sexually Transmitted Diseases—I was thinking, what is she talking about? Some STD's are gifts that keeping giving.

cancre.. get yer cancre here! ... I sell condom-minimums, too. Don't ask me to refund your fees, nothin' better at spreading std's as used condos

PatCarrington said:
good thing that other seat is empty then....

or the av might as well be in black and white. :)
The seat beside me isn't entirely empty. :eek:
WickedEve said:
The seat beside me isn't entirely empty. :eek:

well, taking the shyness into account, i'm assuming the photographer is either your female publicist or your trained St. Bernard.
PatCarrington said:
well, taking the shyness into account, i'm assuming the photographer is either your female publicist or your trained St. Bernard.
Goliath is in the seat beside me. I took pics at the park of the two of us close, close together.
WickedEve said:
Goliath is in the seat beside me. I took pics at the park of the two of us close, close together.

looks more like David.

what breed.....uh.....species is.....uh......she?
PatCarrington said:
i'll bet it has its own generator.
And its own men--two of them to carry it from the house to the car. This summer, I'm having wheels installed on it.
WickedEve said:
And its own men--two of them to carry it from the house to the car. This summer, I'm having wheels installed on it.

you should look into jet propulsion for it.

just make sure the wheels are properly greased. otherwise, it will have directional issues.

you wouldn't want old Goliath taking out a neighbor's picture window, or scaring anyone elderly while they're sitting on their commode.
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BooMerengue said:
What IS the February Contest? Has anyone decided yet?


anna, liar, and i are working on it.

it will be posted when we get it together.
