Feedback circle

Well I dunno...

I don't want to turn this into more work, rules, figuring out who's turn it is etc. I just started at the top of this thread and I have been working my way down the list of writers in the order that they signed on. If folks can't find the time to respond to my stuff in kind, well that's o.k. too. Everybody has other things going on in the world, myself included. I just like the idea of this list for the reason that Mickie mentioned, everyone here asked for it and at least has the intention of getting back to you. You can't force feedback out of people, either they have something to say about your stuff or they don't. If we get caught up in spending all of our time deciding who's turn it is, then we won't have time for writing.

Of course your welcome to do as you like, but personally I prefer less structure.

Just me,


p.s. The effectiveness of a committee is an inverse ratio to the number of its members.
I don't it want to be a lot of fuss either...look what happened to the other one really is posting much...and I haven't heard word from too many who signed up in the feedback circle either...I know people have lives...I sure do, but I do take time to read something when I can...I honestly am easy..I'm just a new writer grabbing help where I can...I wanna get better, I want to learn...I'm not here to cause any problems... =)

What I need is someone to adopt me, take me under their guiding the newbie writer find her, review, instruct, etc. Not a big wish. Tiny.

Maybe we need an "Adopt a new Writer Program" here.

[Edited by nitengale on 03-22-2001 at 11:20 AM]

Hi again. I agree that there needs to be less structure and more substance. That's part of the problem with the regular story discussion. The other part is committment. Those who began it should be in there more. However, since I know what it's like to start something, and then not have the time or the energy to follow through, I won't hammer on the subject.

An adopt a writer program. *picturing small puppy with bright eyes and wagging tale with a sign in front reading -- needs a good home-- * That, as much or even more than anything, needs some kind of committment. How bad would you feel if the person who adopted you suddenly had a brilliant insight and decided to work on a novel, thus leaving you shivering on the chain in the back yard for lack of time? It would be a great idea if there were rules of conduct and so on to safeguard against sudden abandonment or abuse or anything else that might happen to hurt the fledgling writer. Sorry, I still believe most people are essentially amoral when it comes to committments on the web.

Perhaps the simplest solution of all would be to get back to the individual stories. Do a review - feedback - and ask, beg, plead for the writer you've just critiqued to do the same for you. One story. Name the story. Only a single committment, and you can choose the writer you want to ask by doing his/her story. In some place on your membership screen place the words "Will return feedback". That oughta generate some unsolicited reviews, but it also requires that you actually return the feedback, so be careful of what you promise.

There. I've said my piece. Thanks for listening.
Well said, Mickie! Say can I join too? If anyone is interested, here is the link to my profile.

Katerina Val-Kyrie

I promise to give as well as receive. I try to invest my time in reading a few stories a day. Will give it my best shot!

Hugs Katerina :)

[Edited by Katerina Val-Kyrie on 03-25-2001 at 11:55 AM]
Keep circling :)

Welcome to the latest people in list.
Remember you have to review other peoples work in the list as well to make the circle work.

I'll try and get some reading done monday :)

Count me in!

I'd love to join in as well. I only have one story up so far, but feedback is great. I love giving and receiving it!

Here's a link to my page (with my one itsy bitsy story)

To all those who have read my stories and provided me with feedback...thank you so much! To those who have offered to, thank you so much!! I think at this time however I am going to back out of this feedback circle. I'm rethinking the whole writing thing right now. See, feedback does work!

Thanks again! =)

You have mail, hon.

I just read one of your stories. Why ever would you rethink writing??? You are a gifted, intelligent writer. Even though my coffee was calling me from the kitchen, I couldn't stop reading your story. (That is my most supreme compliment; your story won over my morning coffee! VBG!)

I'm not sure what has hurt your feelings. Our stories are like our children and we don't like to see them picked on. But surely you, yourself, believe in your ability? You should, hon.

Big, Bright, Blessings,
Negative feeback

When people read our stories and critique them, it is easy to think they are being overly harsh. Some people are overly harsh, but the fact is that there is only so much that can be said about how you like a story. To improve the story, you sort of have to focus on what is wrong with it. This can cause some hurt feelings at times. I try to make sure that people realize that everything I say is only my opinion and I relish people giving me there opinions.

I really like the idea of this feedback circle, but I don't want it to cost literotica any excellent writers (This means you Nitengale) so I hope we can all realize that feedback is opinion and worth what you paid for it. But if you can use it to improve your writing, you can make it worth much, much more.

BTW Thanks to everyone here who has reviewed my work. All the comments were great, even the negative ones. Let's keep this thing going, please!

Negative feedback.

Very good point Ray.
We learn more by whats wrong than whats right.
I'd much rather have comments that give me an
indication of what to put right in the next story
rather than a vague, 'yep, I liked ur story'.

Saving that Ray, I hope I didn't upset you with my critique :)


Damn, there are some good writers in here! I am constantly amazed. I apologize for my lack of giving feedback. All hell is breaking loose over here, so I I promise I will catch up as soon as I can breathe.
The more the jollier!

Anybody still out there?

Still looking for more people to join this circle.
I'm making my second pass down the list so far,
and am happy to give feedback as long as I get one
or two in return now and then :)

Is everybody sleeping?

I was planning to read some of circe's stories and realised there's no!

And don't forget to vote for everyone that you read! :)

[Edited by Ask For More on 04-02-2001 at 06:05 PM]
Mail for nitengale, mrwizard, ray dario, sateema and spectre!

Apologies to vgrey for not reading but I'm not into bondage at all, hope you don't hold it against me!

I think I need a cold shower......
Okay, probably opening up a vein here, but I just posted my virgin story to lit ... not a "virgin" story, but my "first". (Sometimes it helps to clarify)

Would love for at least one person to read it and let me know what you think!! Please? Pretty please? Mardi Gras under Satyn ... might post another in a day or so if I get gutsy ...

I'm afraid to ask for feedback. I've read and read this thread, almost replying time and again, but my fear has stopped me.

I write niche stuff, stuff that most don't like. For example, AskForMore simply doesn't want to read vgrey's stories (which i think are wonderful, btw). This from me now is *certainly* not aimed at AskForMore (or anyone else in particular for that matter); i'm simply using his recent post to illustrate why i'm afraid to join this circle, though i certainly hunger for the feedback.

I'm kinda wondering if there's enough BDSM and nonconsent writers, and/or those who will read our stuff with some enjoyment, to form another feedback group. For me, to ask for feedback and get people passing on my stories cuz of subject matter would... well... it would be disheartening. It would be worse, maybe for the people who might feel obligated to read my stuff, hating every minute of it, but it would be hard for me, too. Like everyone else, i'd like to find some small niche of acceptance for my words, a place of honest feedback and constructive criticism.

It seems like my stories might need a slightly different group of peers to review them; either that or i'm being hypersensitive. What do you think?
Reading things u dont like :)

I've read a few of vgreys stories although I'm not keen on the subject matter. I think that regardless of that the comments I made to him were still helpful (at least I hope so!). From my point of view I read something different than I normally would, and maybe I picked up a few pointers from seeing how he wrote things.

I can't say I'd like to feel obligated to read all his stories at once, but I don't mind reading one now and then.

From the point of view of voting, I approximately vote around 50% on style and 30% on whether the stories had an interesting plot or twist, 20% on whether I liked it or it 'sparked' for me.

Have a go anyway, you havent got anything to lose
(apart from your soul, self esteem, dignity...should I go on?)

I'm in.
If you can read my stories and offer considered feedback, then i'll be more than happy to do the same for you.

I have a new one posted, "Pierced". It's the best i've done, i think, and would like to offer it for your consideration.

"Pierced" is a pretty edgy story though, you should know that going in. (In the BDSM world, "edge play", or "edgy" anything means whatever is going to be done or written about or illustrated is beyond the mainstream, literally out on the edges of what's considered "normal" even for BDSM'ers.) There's some blood, not a lot, but it's an integral part of the story. There's a lot of pain but it, too, had to be there. How can one write about the emotions and needs of a well-matched pair, he a sadist, she a masochist, without pain being involved?

Don't read my stories if my subject, BDSM, puts you off. Please, spare us both that kind of trauma! ALL my stories deal with power exchange relationships. Most of them involve some kind of pain, always consensual, always with both parties gaining from the exchange, but pain nonetheless.

My warm thanks to Cactiphile and nitengale for their generosity of spirit in reading my stuff without my even being a part of this ring. It was that more than anything which prompted my daring to hope for a place among you now.
Hey, no problem!

I totally understand if AskForMore doesn't want to wade through stories that are outside his area of interest and I appreciate the fact that he simply says so. I don't take it hard at all.
On the other hand, cactiphile was generous enough to give me feedback on my stories, even though he was right up front with the fact that he didn't care for the subject matter. It was helpful for me to have an "outsider's" perspective on my story and he wound up helping me to confirm some doubts that I already had about style in my writing.
I can understand what cymbidia means about a "niche"(thanks for the compliment btw). I do write my stories with a specific audience in mind and I am more concerned about their responses and input into what I'm doing than anything else.

Another thing that I try to keep in mind are the two major types of feedback that I can get: response, and analysis. A response is what I will often get from someone that enjoys the genre that the story is in and will tend to inform me of how my story impacted them personally. This type of feedback will usually not be concerned with specifics of technique or style. Analysis is more academic and detached (not neccessarily more complete) and it can come from anyone, even someone with no interest in the subject matter. This is helpful for pointing out grammer, technique and style issues and sometimes offering solutions for problems. It is also more work on the part of the person giving the analysis and there are not many that will go to all of that trouble over a story that they inherently don't like. That is why editors and English professors get paid for what they do.

I would just like to say that I don't take any of those things personally, and thanks to anyone who does give me feedback. I realize that my stories are not for everyone, I write them that way, and I certainly don't want anyone reading through a story that they don't like (life's too short!) As Abraham Lincoln once said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones that you should concentrate on!" (or something like that)

[Edited by vgrey on 04-09-2001 at 12:16 PM]