Feedback circle

Like I have said before this circle allows us ot read stories we might typically read, which broadens our horizens a bit, and how could that hurt.

There are stories of that deal with things I am definately not into, but perhaps in reading them, without any expectations, I can then provide the author with a different perspective on their writing. No matter the plot, or material in the stories, they all come together with sentence structure and hopefully good writing skills. We can at least evaluate that for the writer.

I just may have to read it a few times to get past the pain I am feeling ;)
I just checked !

Here here to all that and welcome aboard.

One minor point, I just had a bathroom break and checked to
make sure, but I am definately still male.

Take care

Boy is my face red!

Sorry cactiphile, I should have checked my assumptions at the door! LOL
*Chime* You've got mail!!

Cactiphile (think you already got it)

continuing down the list this evening ... um, btw ... just wanted to mention that this is the first reading circle I've ever been in that was clothing optional!! Is it getting hot in here or is it just the stories I keep reading??
Okay, hope no one minds, but I have generally been reading one to two stories by a specific author, offering feedback (and voting :), and then going to the next member. I do intend to go back and read as much as I can, but I thought it only fair to give everyone a look.

Ray Dario
Sateema Lunasi

as we say in the South, "ya'll got mail!"

Oh, and cactiphile ... I believe the law states you must have a witness to prove sex one way or the other ... and in keeping with my ever expanding selfless motives to help out other writers, I'd be more than willing to dedicate my "hands on" feminine knowledge of the subject. *EG*
*sigh* Gone for a couple of days and everyone's talking about me! :)

Just a couple of things; vgrey, I'm glad you didn't take offence at me. For your story, if it was something that I didn't really like but could tolerate I would read, but BDSM really puts me off and I don't enjoy reading it at all. So if anyone out there has BDSM stuff and I didn't read it, please don't take it personally! I think this circle has had a positive impact on all involved, and I'd really like to stay involed and have new authors coming on all the time.

Secondly, apologies to those who I haven't read yet, but i've been really busy as of late and time has been short. I promise I will get round to it eventually!

Thirdly, I am working on the new chapter in my "Safe from harm", series, and I would advise people not to start reading it until I get this chapter out. This is because I feel that I haven't really developed the story at all so far, and the new chapter will go a long way towards doing that. Hope you guys can be patient with me :)

Lastly, to those of you who read my "Peace Hotel", I'm currently rolling a few ideas around my head for the next chapter, and would like to run a few ideas past those who are interested. Obviously I will credit those involved! So if you don't mind, drop me a mail or a post here saying so and I'll be in touch....

Keep up the good work people! And don't forget your toothbrush :)
Count me in too!

I would love to be a part of this. I was browsing after being away for awhile, trying to think how I could get some story feedback and found this thread. I've read and given feedback to some of the author's before. Fifteen authors and counting on this discussion circle. It means alot of reading but I'm "up" for it LOL!

It does worry me about the content, some people don't like the edgier stuff - as vgrey and AskforMore discussed.

I'm fine with reading most anything and look forward to some diversity. My stuff as anyone who's encountered it might know is not for the faint of heart - pretty edgy nonconsent stuff, although I like to write other stuff too. I'm completely open to any and all comments, the more honest the better.

Here's a shortcut to my stuff.

I guess we are posting when we give feedback via email. So I'm going to start from the beginning of the list.

Happy to be back
Cactiphile, would you as the thread head ~g~ be willing to put together a list of the members of this circle and the links to their pages? Perhaps you could arrange us in chronological order by volunteer date? There's always that perennial favorite, alpha order, for the purists...or girls then boys...eye color...birth date...

Uh oh! Getting too personal with that last one.

Anyway, i think that might help us all (me in particular) to spend less time scanning thread posts and more time reading stories.

Maybe you could include an little indication of the story category/ies we write, too, so those who won't like my edgy BDSM babies can just slip right past my name, no hurting of their tender eyes involved.

Or am i being too controlling? (I have that tendancy acording to those nearest and dearest to me. Ever heard the term "micromanage"? That's what i tend to do.)(Apparently.)

The whole centralized list thing seems like a cool idea to me, here in the middle of the night, as i scan back through the thread trying to find the next name to get it from me. Errr. I mean "get it" in a very positive way, of course.

Blah blah blah. I should start reading and stop typing, hmm?

[Edited by cymbidia on 04-11-2001 at 01:24 AM]

OK, While something boring was downloading, I made up the list, shout if I missed anyone or got something wrong.

Its done in cacti-pseudo-random-what-damn-day-is-it? order.

Hope this helps.

(Goes to remove a spine from his finger!)

PS My wife did the witness bit and agrees, I'm a him.

Cactiphile - Humour/Satire

vgrey - BDSM/Nonconsent

circe - Non consent

Sateema - Allsorts :)

SpectreT - Lesbian

nitengale - Erotic Couplings

Ray Dario - L Wives, ECoupling, BDSM

MrWizard67 - Group sex, ECoupling, Celebs

SpecialK - Romance, Group, ECoupling

Ask For More - Voyeour/Exb, Group, E Coupling

Kat Val-Kyrie - Romance

CrystallineTears - Non Human

Satyn - ECoupling

SylviaRockOn - Non consent, Ecoupling

cymbidia - BDSM/non consent

SensitiveSuccubus - Most things :)

cactiphile said:
Just for the record, i do not write non consent stories. All mine are BDSM, yes, but they're all consensual encounters. Most of them are filtered throughout with love, respect, and all the great emotions that reverberate between two people who care hugely for and about each other.

BDSM and nonconsent are polar opposites of each other in terms of emotional-needs-met.
You'll do a great disservice to your readers if you confuse the two in any way.

Thank you very much.
~stepping off my soapbox~
You go girl!

What a terrific answer Cym! I'd shake your hands if I could just get the restraints off of them. Come to think of it, what if we shackled you to the soapbox so that you coudn't step...nah! Too complicated.

Bye for now.
Soapy Box

That box was pretty damn high for a little mistake :)

Apologies twas a slip of the tongue, I've updated my master
list and next time I repost the list with some additions, you'll be corrected in all your glory.

Is it too late to join???

I need feedback.... I need comments.... I need well I need a lot of other things, but I won't post them all here lol

anyway I only have a few stories up.... they are of all kinds... and hopefully I will have more to come.... I have been on the SRP boards too much lately :)

anyway if its not too late... my member page is
What a Plan

That sounds like a great idea! I will play along with that one too.
All are welcome :)

Hello Jaded and Kimberly.

I'll incorperate you into the list next time I put it up again.
In the meatime >>>

jadedpast76 - Non Human,Romance, group, Incest

Kymberley - Ecoupling, Non consent, Lesbian

I'll try and catch up with things in a day or two,
and pop some feedback too you.

In meantime keep well
(Smiles lots, one of my babies whose never flowered before had a flower bud :)
I would love some feedback on my first posted story "Ain't nothing like the first time". I have had some great responses but no real feedback as to style and content. I would love to join this circle as well. It really is great to have a place to share my writing with like-minded writers, thanks in advance for any reviews etc.
A Thank You and an Apology

Thank you to all the people who have sent me feedback on my stories. Very appreciated.

Also, I apologize to those on this circle. I've been in a very busy phase at work, putting in a lot of hours of overtime. I've been too burnt out to sit at the computer and read, much less offer insightful feedback.

Only a little over a week to go, and two tests to pass, before my life gets back to normal and I can catch up on my story reading. :)

Thanks VGrey for your feedback - also to Cactiphile (Must admit I'm fascinated by your username.) and Circe!
There is email for you too VGrey!
Circe I've already communicated with - I actually loved her ending to Hurried... there was some controversy apparently, but she can't put a foot wrong for me - I love your stuff!
I've been surprisingly busy and responded to almost seven on the list.
I'm wondering if others are having trouble reading across genres?
my storys

Hi, I am new here, but very interested in getting a little feed back on my stories.I would really like to hear anything I could improve on.I did get one e mail of posative feed back on the series, and i would like to say thankyou very much for responding.

Just a note to say i've been very busy and haven't been any to get any reading done, but will try and get something done as soon as i can so be patient!