Feedback Offer

The Work of MyEros333

I read “Wolf Calls”.
Then “Dressing Down”. Then “Something Sensual”, and then it hit me. Like you, as the lover in “Something Sensual”, I was looking for a key. For the pin that holds your works together. There is usually a key. Or a common thread. Something.
I have been told that my stories are about control, in some form or another. Others are about freedom. Some are nothing more than wishful thinking.

MyEros333 is a seeker, and this line exhibits his search as nothing else can:

“For tonight will hopefully be just the beginning of many, but only as your desire permits. When you ask for my body, you gain the rights to so much more. The right to expect me to be renewed for you. The right to request anything of me without judgement and without rejection. The rights to secrecy and discretion. The right to be the sole posessor of my body and sexual self so long as you still desire me. Those are the rights I give to you, those and many more, and may you never have to demand them of me."

Now, I go on to skim “Something Wilder”, to see if the theory proves itself before I wax poetic about it. First the hypothesis, then the proof, and yes, it’s there. And now, the final step. I think that you must be single, so I check your profile.

Ha. I’m right.

These stories are exceptionally interesting, for someone twenty years older and with the wisdom of hindsight. Your theme is the discovery of THE ONE. You know, the woman who will fulfill you, love you, give you passion and grief and children. You are seeking, and it pours out in your writing. EVERY story starts the same way: a meeting. It may be in the woods, in the store, or on a hilltop, but there it is. You meet someone. Even in “Something Sensual”, where you are already with “her” at the start of the story, you write, “FOR YOU ARE NEW TO ME.”

There is good reason why you say these women in your stories are elusive. Because, as you have not found “HER” yet, you do not know which face to put upon her. She has no real form for you. If you had a wife you adored, or even a girlfriend that your heart knew was the ‘one’, your lover would not be so elusive.

Also, your stories are greatly egocentric. You, the lover, while certainly gentle and very considerate, are the focus. The great lover. That’s not a bad thing, darlin...just the reality of your work as I read it. You present yourself as focus, perhaps because, while you long to find her and truly please her, you also fear her. Fear losing yourself in her; losing your own identity to her. We all fear it. We all lose ourselves, to some extent. But remember, as you gain, she gains. And as you lose, she loses...but the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Stop worrying about it. She’ll come along.
I'll take you up on your offer! I've submitted stuff to volunteer editors before and never got responses, so perhaps others have had similar experiences and are leery to use them. I appreciate your offer and would love any feedback you could provide. I've read your other feedback and that's just the stuff I'm looking for!
Here are my stories:

Mistyfox's "Pacific Heat"

WOW....while typing in the title of your story, I got the double entendre. :D

You asked for it:

Para. 1: If you wanna dance with words, darlin, you gotta have rhythm. *g* You have a good opening, but your flow is too choppy. You write: “The night was hot. There was some humidity in the air, but that was to be expected, after all it was August. The balcony of my house overlooked the Pacific Ocean, and the slight breeze felt good against my tingling skin. I knew he was coming tonight. I don’t know how I knew, I just did.”

Try this: “The night was hot. A little humidity hung in the air but that was to be expected. After all, it was August. Standing out on the balcony of my house overlooking the Pacific, I felt a slight breeze against my tingling skin. I knew he was coming tonight. I don’t know how I knew, but I did.”

For an opening paragraph, that’s pretty good...aside from a few ‘word tucks’ and omitting a comma and a word or two, there wasn’t a lot to change. You got my attention.

Para. 2: Should say “the anticipation alone was enough to send...”, not ‘ALMOST’ enough to send shivers through her. If she ISN’T getting enough stimulation to shiver, then why are you mentioning it? Also, you say “I couldn’t possibly imagine it getting better...” You would do well to tell us specifically what “IT” is. At this point, we know we’re reading an erotic story but you could be talking about his cooking.

“His touch [had been] like fire [arcing from] his fingertips and [burning, or invading, or sinking deep within, or lighting] my skin.”

I’d omit “His dark eyes could set my soul on fire” or change it. Too much fire imagery. Also, say, “His dark eyes [had] set my soul on fire” are talking about something that happened in the past.

Why is it “almost enough to make her shiver” and now it’s “almost leaving [her] breathless”? Damn....let the girl be shivery and breathless. It’s sexy.

“How could one kiss [have] set me on fire...” and again with the fire imagery.

Her hand did not ‘instinctively [rise]’. SHE made it move. I have trouble with phrasing that makes body parts seem like they have their own brains and are separate from the body. I would say, “Deliberately, I lifted my hand, touching my fingertips to my lips, as if by doing so I could bring him back.”

Then you say “licking them...” and I assume you mean her lips, but you could mean her hand.

Then you have her teeth playing with her bottom lip while her tongue “made little, ALMOST imaginary circles”. Try doing that yourself, and see if it makes sense. Why is everything “almost”?

“Oh, where that mouth had been and the things it had done.” Should be, “Oh, the places my lips had been, and the things I had done with them!” Again, her lips are part of HER, not their own entity. Love the blush!

I like the next paragraph so much that I’m not even going to mention how weary I am of hearing “firm” related to breasts. *S*

Ok, I like the paragraph after that one so much I’m just gonna sit here and smile.

“...desire written all over my face...” The difference between good and great is the metaphor. Make one up yourself. BASH THE CLICHES!!! How about, “A blush of desire had crept up to caress my cheeks with softest pink...” or some such thing?

Look, darlin, we gotta talk about this “ALMOST” thing...what’s with that, anyway? It’s almost (yeah, I know) as if you’re afraid to get into the REALLY heavy emotion. Don’t be so timid. “...almost afraid to recall all the details...”

THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! Finally, somebody who says, “He SEEMED to know” rather than “He knew”. Separate points of view....hallelujah!

I am sure that “kid” was supposed to be “kind”. “...introduce himself to me [insert comma here] though.”

Again with the cliches. “I wouldn’t give it up for the world”. Come on, you’re better than that.

Why does she show indifference to him saying hello? Seems odd. You should have ended that with “Thanks.”

“No, really, when you sing, it moves me. Wow, did I actually just say that?” He chuckled and his eyes lit up. I think that’s what broke the ice. “At least let me buy you a drink.”
Doesn’t she know what broke the ice? She was there. How about:

“No, really! When you sing, it moves me.” He chuckled, and his eyes lit up, and the ice not only broke, it shattered into powder. [KILL THE CLICHE!!] “Wow, did I actually say that? Can I at least buy that beautiful throat a drink?” A few words. Does it make a difference?

Uh oh....we need to issue you a professional strength Cliche Killer. “We sat at the bar and talked for what seemed like hours.” Come on, Miss Fox. You can do better.

Okay....from here I’m just going to read, and give comments on major stuff.

(and list of cliches...) ‘humor caught me off guard’ ‘if I had a dime for every time...’

Must interject here...LOVE the cute ass comment, tucked in at the end like that. YES!!

Okay, big problem...”Do you need a ride home,” he asked me. So, this was it, I thought. The moment of truth [another cliche????]. You have two points of view here mashed together, and no delineation for her thoughts. Should be:

“Do you need a ride home?” he asked.
‘So, this was it,’ I thought. The moment of truth.

You have trouble knowing when to be past tense, when to be present tense. Right now she’s telling us in her thoughts about something that happened in the past. So, “Something was telling me this guy was different and I’ll be damned if I could tell you what it was” Should be “I’d be damned if I could have told you what it was.”

I will forgive “Hello, is this thing on?” because of the fact that I think you’re a good writer at this point and I like this guy.

I don’t understand what you mean by “something came over me like a thin piece of gauze”??

By the way, in case I didn’t mention it, I LOVED the guy in the grocery store with the two kids. If you had said he had 2-point-5 kids, I would have laughed even harder, picturing it.

LOVE LOVE LOVE the exchange about the not breathing while talking and the Pacer.

“Night, doll. Be safe.” Should be separated from “Ah, Manny. Where would I be...?” they are two separate points of view.

one female trying to convince her friend that she was fine to drive “IN”? one of them, or just omit the “BY”. That’s even better.

‘Please let it be the Lexus’ in single quotes for thoughts. Double quotes for speech.

Love the drive home; the inner thoughts. Hate that it was his “erectness” that made the decision for her. I would have gone with “new car leather interior smell” madness myself.

“Without notice, he pulled back” Well, yeah, guess it’s kind of hard to give notice when you’re kissing.

I WENT WET WITH DESIRE. man, how come I never think of great lines like that?

You keep mixing up points of view!!! “No, not tonight” should be in a separate paragraph from “Morals? I meet a guy...”
“...eyes so intense that they almost hurt to look at. So I turned my gaze downward.” Should be, “...gaze so intense that it hurt to look into, so I turned my gaze downward.” Here we go with the “almost” again.

breathing heavily, not heavy.

No, he did not “almost [there’s that word again] shriek” with pleasure....MEN do not shriek. Cry out, or moan, or howl, or something.

lopsided, one word

BIG complaint about the sex....this passive voice is really boring. You need more active voice, active verbs.

Referring to a man’s cock as a “throbbing mass” is rather un-complimentary, don’t you think?

Mixed verb tenses. “Now, here I am...” followed by “I walked”.

Okay, I’m done reading. A five. Well, more like six, really, but you have to draw the line someplace, you know? I bet you’re into romance novels, huh? Love them, myself. Even got one published once.
Leave off the cliches. Get a good thesaurus and every time you write a cliche, look up something in the thesaurus and twist that cliche until it sings.
You are a very, very, very good writer. You make characters, not just cardboard cut outs. You create a story, not just excuses for fucking. And you make me want to know what’s going on. You give me suspense, bless your heart.

I would suggest an editor (clears throat delicately) and I fully expect to see GREAT from you.
Oh, and more thing...

I would suggest not writing the story in first person, or making SURE you get some damn good editing first. First person is the hardest to make smooth.
Re: The Work of MyEros333

ladyphoenix said:
Also, your stories are greatly egocentric. You, the lover, while certainly gentle and very considerate, are the focus. The great lover. That’s not a bad thing, darlin...just the reality of your work as I read it. You present yourself as focus, perhaps because, while you long to find her and truly please her, you also fear her. Fear losing yourself in her; losing your own identity to her. We all fear it. We all lose ourselves, to some extent. But remember, as you gain, she gains. And as you lose, she loses...but the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Stop worrying about it. She’ll come along.

hehehe Touche...a little free therapy (Grin).

Actually, you've summed up a fair amount of it correctly... I really do put far too much of my true self into my stories, but I'm not sure I'd have it any other way. It's a what-you-see-is-what-you-get sort of package with me and my stories. So, no false advertising.

And yes, I am single, I am a seeker. The difference being that I'm not looking for THE one, I am merely looking for someone who will then instantly become the one in my eyes. Yes, there's criteria for this, but all of them have to do with the lady's mind, heart, and reactions to me. And yes, most women either think this philosophy is a ploy, B.S., or impossible to pull off...but those are the same ones that since they wouldn't be interested in me, would result in me not being interested in them. The way I tick is backwards.

Every story of mine begins with a meeting (so far, but now that I relaize I've been doing it, I should start a serial with my partner having a fmailiar feel as though established as being the same character in the story thread just to give the readers a bit of a treat). The meeting is to tell anyone who may be interested in me that no one has decided to cash in yet and also that I'm not writing this story about/to someone specific. And yes when I added to that story "...for you are new to me..." it was because I felt I was making her a little too familiar to give the reader a taste of what that meant, and then I chickened out since I was afraid someone who was only reading that one, single story might misconstrue...ugh I truly disklike being misunderstood...sorry, that wasn't directed at you.

Actually, the poetry would have put everything into focus faster/easier...but the stories were a more fun trip to take you through since I thought maybe just maybe you'd enjoy them a bit... But I dated the poems because I've found I can trace my own history and relationship history as well as my development/state-of-mind from piece to piece.

And yes, as you mentioned, the lover in my stories wouldn't be so elusive of description, but then if I had someone in my life then almost definitely I wouldn't be writing these types of stories either because I'd be living them. Yes that is so possible. hehehe Been there before anyways. ;)

My stories aren't intentionally egocentric...dang if I'm coming off that way in my writing then I SERIOUSLY need to start revising these stories. If anything, my self-esteem leaves me shy when I'm not writing or outside the bedroom. Hmmmm, it'd help if I actually read my own dang stories (Grin).

The reason I'm the one doing most of the actions is because my only experience with lovers have been the sort of women that, although extremely responsive, have not been big fans of reciprocation, of making me the focus for all the attention I shower on them. So that comes through in the action in the story, the other reason why things aren't really done *TO* me in the story is because I don't want to go assuming things nor do I want to be selfish because that just isn't my way. I'm a natural pleasure-giver, it's what I'm good at, so I write about it.

Fear of losing myself...I think that's the only thing you mentioned that you actually got wrong. I have never feared it, indeed I believe that for someone to love someone like me almost requires sublimation in order to make them as happy as possible. Just as any lady can become the lover of my dreams with no changes required of her, so I am willing to change any aspect of myself to create her optimal satisfaction. At the same time, your statement is true, the more ground I give, the more she'll ultimately lose.

Dang, that's the other problem with writing myself into the becomes more a discussion about me than about what's taking place in the fantasies. I've gotta find a new style. (Grin) But still, I'd asked for it all, and I hope nothing in here came off as rubbing you the wrong way. I meant to say nothing in a harsh tone towards you in here. And I'm sorry if I got a little defensive by explaining so much (thus opening myself up further), but it's just that one of the things I do truly fear is being misunderstood.

OK, I've made enough of a putz out of myself for one message I think. hehehe Thanks for the feedback so far, I've actually enjoyed the experience of our little exchange. :)

Being rubbed the wrong way

No, no, no....

I loved your response; that's what this forum is all about: the exchange of ideas related to writing.

And just because your writing may be egocentric that doesn't mean you have to "find a new style". Your style is yours, just as mine is mine. The great challenge, however, of writing is to be able to make your stories appeal across the board, and having a personal slant so often makes that difficult.

Still, your writing reflects you, and that isn't a bad thing. Go out and experiment if you wish. Use OTHER people as characters. Promise yourself NOT to use the words I or ME in the next story. Or not....either way, be self-satisfied and happy. Sounds like you're pretty much there.

Regards:rose: :rose:
Hmmm...time to try a new flavour...

ladyphoenix said:
No, no, no....

I loved your response; that's what this forum is all about: the exchange of ideas related to writing.

And just because your writing may be egocentric that doesn't mean you have to "find a new style". Your style is yours, just as mine is mine. The great challenge, however, of writing is to be able to make your stories appeal across the board, and having a personal slant so often makes that difficult.

Still, your writing reflects you, and that isn't a bad thing. Go out and experiment if you wish. Use OTHER people as characters. Promise yourself NOT to use the words I or ME in the next story. Or not....either way, be self-satisfied and happy. Sounds like you're pretty much there.

Regards:rose: :rose:

Actually, that was some excellent advice. :)

Perhaps, I've been writing for myself. On the screen I live out my own fantasies, relive some fantastic lovemaking memories, and conjure the notion and essence of my dream lover. Even if my stories remained unappreciated and unread, I would continue to write them even if for the sheer effect they have on me. As I write, I find myself getting swept up in the enthusiasm of the moment, almost anticipating the next word that my fingers will decide to type onto the screen from the concepts I'm envisioning. And as the words fall into place, my excitement thrills along with the action in the story. When I reach the story's climax and conclusion, I feel as though a mental orgasm has washed over me. I'm left a little wrung out, definitely those tender feelings of intimacy, and just absolutely euphoric. And no, I'm not touching myself as I write and I'm not actually cumming, but I've found writing fantasies is the next best thing. I think perhaps maybe all author's unconsciously seek the secret to that. And I think a small part of that is to remain true to yourself, write the way you'd want to read it. Actually, there are a lot of secrets to that sort of writing...but suffice to say that yes, I do derive a lot of self-satisfaction every time one of my stories completes itself.

But also suggested something new to me, and so I'm going to try that. I've been putting off for some time a few story requests.
One request invloves writing a lesbian love story that starts out as experimentation and grows into a relationship. That will be difficult to properly portray and capture the essence since I am not a female, nor would I have any lesbian experience. So that precludes the use of "I" in that story.

The second request is also "do-able", a lovely couple have asked me to give them a few lovemaking pointers akin to what appears in some of my other stories. I could write that as a story, from the outside looking in. Hmmmm, maybe, if nothing else I still feel flattered that they asked me.

The third request is for a series...I'm not sure if I can get into it or not, I'll certainly write it from third-person if I go for it. It's from another couple, both bi that want me to write myself into the equation between them. I told them I'd think about it hard before writing it and harder before posting it. But still, as you mentioned in your reply, it might expand my audience somewhat, expand my appeal across the board. (Grin) Still, for some reason this concept seems a little embarrassing.

All of these requests are great departures from my usual style and even my chosen fantasy type. Hmmmm, I think subconsciously I've also put them in the order I might write them. That word, might, is becoming more concrete all the time though.

I apologize if I got a little melodramatic yesterday, I was just in a bit of a slump...but now I've got a mild breeze back in my sails. Everyone has bad days, maybe I can get to return the favour next time. :)

Take care over there,
To Lady Pheonix - Did you hear it?

Before I compose a reply, I'm sending just this to see if your PM box is full. If it is I'll scream so loud you'll hear it all the way over on your side of the screen. Here goes...

ladyphoenix wrote on 08-10-2002 04:52 PM:
To Joe

There is NOTHING in my pm box...I know. I've been there every five seconds, hoping for something
Pls check yr email!

There's a problem either with my or your PM -- I've been trying to PM you since yesterday

Is that all there is?

Hmmm....well, friends, if that's all there is, then my best to all, and thanks for being so lovely about the critiques....

And if that's NOT all there is, then let's keep dancing....

Feedback please

I have a short ditty -- pretty clearly misclassified (by me) as "romance" -- called "A Passing Chance". It is pretty graphic, as intended, and probably should be in erotic encounters or group sex.

Be that as it may, I would like your reaction to it, and comments. Thanks for the help!
n-erasmus' "A Passing Chance"

Hey darlin...sorry this took so long. Forgive me?

Paragraph 1: “It was as hot a night in Texas as anyone could remember. Walking out to the parking lot after another fourteen hour day, I rounded the corner of my building, nearly stumbling at the sight that met me. About eight feet away, there were two women, one leaning against the red brick of the building, pale pink silk blouse fluttering in a blessing of a light breeze, eyes closed, left foot on the shoulder of the second woman who was kneeling before her. The kneeling woman’s face [HOW DO YOU KNOW SHE’S YOUNGER IF HER FACE IS HIDDEN?] was in Pinkie’s crotch, blond hair damp with sweat, and she was making muffled sounds beneath the half-cover of the brown skirt Pinkie was wearing, hands clasped passionately around Pinkie’s ass. [this was a bit confusing, keeping the two straight, so I give one a nickname, for the pink could improvise here]
Pinkie had what looked like a riding crop in her right hand, but her closed eyes and intense expression [“twisted face” is a bit much] told me that she was lost in the passion that rose just before orgasm, moaning softly and playing with Blondie’s hair [okay, now it’s a little gag...Pinkie and Blondie, but we have a way to separate them] while pressing her cunt at Blondie’s mouth, encouraging the young bitch to keep going. [ I assume you mean she was pressing HERSELF “gently upwards” as you made no reference to her using the crop for anything (?)] Neither seemed aware that I was there. [at this point, I went back and changed my edited first few lines, to clarify things a bit. They would HAVE to be aware of him if he ‘nearly stumbled’ over them]. My cock began to throb as I watched the heat of the two of them overshadow the heat of the night air, and I suddenly wanted [the use of ** in the text may seem cute, but it’s like drawing hearts over an i instead of just a point. You know?] to partake in their raunchy little play; to get a share of the blonde’s mouth--and maybe more.”

Para. 2 How can he step out of pants “hard”?....OHHHHHHH You meant he stepped out of his pants and his cock was hard. That’s a dangling participle, I believe. The word “hard” here describes the way he stepped out of his pants.
How can he step up behind them, if she’s leaning her back against a building?????
When you use --, don’t put spaces before or after them. “...pretty far gone -- who knows what? Who cares?” Should be, “...pretty far gone--who knew on what? Who cared?”
“I took her hand from the back of the blonde’s head, slowly leading it...”
“Oh! Lubbock is much nicer than it used to be, dry prairie with drier people” is a nice line, but out of place. Fit it in with the text and it might work. Like this: “’Lubbock is much friendlier than it used to be’, I thought while her hand worked my shaft. ‘Dry prairie, drier people, or at least that’s what I used to think. But these two seemed lusciously wet, despite the prairie conditions’” or something to that effect.
The last line, about the transition, is very nice.

Okay....from here I’m just reading...
Well, a very quick and somewhat awkward ending. Makes me wonder if you just got tired of writing and wanted to finish in one sitting, or what...hmmm.

Honestly, I think the story was not the best you can do. You show some great wordplay here. The prairie line was great. The silent transition, also. You give us some teases, showing us the edge of your talent, but I don’t think you gave this one your all. You started writing a story, and I think either ended up just writing what you THOUGHT people wanted to read, or as I said before, wanted to finish quickly....okay, that’s my gut feeling about this.
I say SCREW what people want to read, and write for yourself. You’ve got some potentially great words in you, and I want to see them. It’s hard takes more than one or two or three sittings for some of us to write, but don’t shortchange yourself or the story (and therefore the reader) by rushing. Let the story develop. This would have been better left in the dark, without the wino and the woman in the car. I almost wonder if you felt a certain shame in writing what you did...hmmm....yeah, that would fit. You start out writing something hot, and after the first orgasm you have some writer’s regret? Guilt? So you expose your little trio, tie up the ending in a less than satisfying bow, and leave it to us? Am I far off?

Damn, there goes the therapist in me again, always analyzing. Sorry. I think you’re gonna do great, darlin...but give it your all.

Okay, Summer is officially over tomorrow. Let's have some more feedback requests. I'm getting tired of famine and looking forward to some feasting.
