Female Authors

Number 19

"Let us get our hands washed"


"I feel in need of a visit to the water closet."

I knew you were learned

I just knew you were learned, oggbashan.

It's your 'at!

Originally qioted by CharleyH
Being bi-natured, I can transcend on multi-levels - I am best at semiotics, metaphors, symbols, etc. - ask what you will!
What are you talking about? I am sorry, but this sounds like gibberish. Do you gibber?

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Yorkshire for beginners lessons 26 to 40

26. Nahthenthee, wothadooin? I say my man. Would you kindly let me know what task you are currently undertaking?
27. Asta seenim onttelly? Isn’t he on one of those awful celebrity get me out of here programmes?
28. Corferus ahfpastate intmornen Our duel is at 8:30 tomorrow morning.
29. It dunt marrer areight lot. It is of minor consequence
30. Lerrus gurret pichers. Shall we go to the cinema? There is a marvellous Truffaut film in the original French.
31. Astagorratanner? Would you like to invest a few grand in Enron?
32. Eenose naht abartit. He is singularly uninformed.
33. Eez gunnagerra lorra lolly ferit. Cilla Black told him it is worth a lorra lorra money.
34. Letter gerroftbus! Allow the lady to terminate her excursion at this location.
35. Eedursant purrized underwatter! His wig is not waterproof
36. Eesesee antaddit. He denies all knowledge of the crime, your honour.
37. Oowurriwee? Wurriwiweeiszen? Who were you with last night, under the pale moonlight, it wasn’t your sister, it wasn’t your ma….? It were my bloody Yorkshire terrier, I keep telling thee.
38. Ateldim burreewunt lissn. I tried to inform him but he would not take the slightest notice.
39. Lerrim puttizaton. Allow him to don his customary millinery attire
40. Assl clowtthee ifthadunt gioer! I shall be forced to assail your person if you don’t clear off.

This question of who sounds like what fascinates me. I do believe that men and women have different POV's but having come up in a very physical family with three brothers, one sister and patriarchal/matriarchal roll models for days...I think that the question gets answered on the exposure level as well.

It's often about knowing the character you're trying to write, to me. I seem to write male characters who are grounded fast in what ever drives them. I'm not surprised about that because I had a lot of those men in my life coming up. But I also had a lot of women in my life who were the same way, and honestly...I've borrowed traits from both genders when creating a male or a female character.

So far no one has said to me - Gee was that bit of business from your grandfather or your great aunt? And I'm hoping no one ever asks me such a question because on the whole, I think strength is strength, weakness weakness, fear fear and joy - joy! :)

Congratulations Oct. If I had a Bikini Rose to gi'thee I'd gi'theeit.


And a petal for Og.
Not so much that these are new consepts, but it seems like these days, they have to be defended, because it might be considered sexist to say that men and woman think diferently about anything! (I have been attacked for this sentament many times)

Sex *is* different for men and woman, and of course for every person. That;s why its a good idea to get another perspective from the 'other side' rather than rely on steriotypes or just assume that the opposite gender will think the same way as you the writer. Its true that woman have casual sex and some men think of sex as emotional and loving and not just physical- but no matter what there will be some differences, and some things that a writer of the other gender is likely to over-look.

Maybe stating the obvious, but sonetimes it needs to be said:0


Originally posted by sweetnpetite
it still usually involves both male and female characters.

What a daring, novel concept!

Originally posted by CharleyH
Males and females have different perspectives on sex.

Dear Charley,
Sorry to take that out of context, but it's such a novel concept that I had to take it out and play with it a little. Wait 'til the girls at my tea club hear about this!!
Yorkshire exam

1. Intitot?... Isn't it hot?
2. Shizeer! ...She's here!
3. Summatsupeer. ...Something's up here.
4. Thamungerritettn!
5. Gerrimteld
6. Supwithee? ...What's up with you?
7. Smarraweeim?.... What's the matter with him?
8. Ianpgorritonme!...I haven't got it on me!
9. Azeeginiter? ....How's he get in here?
10. Geeituz mester ey?
II. Eez. gooinoam
12. Ahsthimum? ....How's your mum?
13. Worartyevin?.... What are you having?
14. Asta gorrit withy? .....Have you got it with you?
15. Purremineer. ....Put 'em in here.
16. Ayampt eared nowt. ....I haven't heard naught.
17. Thalafta gerra noowun. .....You'll have to get a new one.
18. Eesesitintinit burraberritiz....He says it isn't in it but I bet it is.
19. Lerrus gerrus andzwesht! ...Let's get a sandwich.
20. Sumonems gorragerroffnah....Someone's got to get off now.
21. Gizzitngerrahtvit..... ??? and get out of it.
22. Shintin thanose.
23. Shtthigob thee!
24. Owzeeno eb? .....How does he know that?
25. Aberritinters
26. Nahthenthee, wothadooin? .....Now, then, you, what are you doing?
27. Asta seenim onttelly? ....Have you seen him on telly (TV)
28. Corferus ahfpastate intmornen .....Call for us half past eight in the morning.
29. It dunt marrer areight lot....It doesn't matter a right lot.
30. Lerrus gurret pichers. .....Let's go to the pictures.
31. Astagorratanner? .....Have you got a tanner? (10 pounds)
32. Eenose naht abartit. .....He knows nothing about it.
33. Eez gunnagerra lorra lolly ferit..... He's going to get a lot of lolly (by which I would guess money) for it.
34. Letter gerroftbus!..... Let her get off the bus!
35. Eedursant purrized underwatter!..... He durst not=dares not put his head under water.
36. Eesesee antaddit. .....He says he hasn't had it.
37. Oowurriwee? Wurriwiweeiszen? Oh, were we? [Couldn't figure out 2nd part]
38. Ateldim burreewunt lissn...... I told him but he wouldn't listen.
39. Lerrim puttizaton...... Let him put his hat on.
40. Assl clowtthee ifthadunt gioer!.... Us'll clout thee if tha doesn't give over=I'll hit you if you don't quit.
41. Tintintin,
42. Gerarry tergithi andweeit.
43. Eez gorrum atooam.
44. Weers gaffer gonta?.... Where's grandpa going to?
45. Midads gorrajag...... My dad's got a Jag.
46. Thakkan eftha wantsta...... You can if you want to.
47, Cantha cumtowerows tuneet? .....Can you come to our house tonight?
48. Thwanster weshthi earoils aht! .....You want to wash your earholes out.
49. Tantad nowt dunnatit asanose on.
50. Weev gorragerrus imbux. We've got to get us [something]
With regard to female writers, I've come to the conclusion that nobody writes gay male sex stories like a woman, JFinn and Wavyscribe being cases in point. I also spent a hell of a long time wading tediously through the member index trying to find out the gender of John Hill, the author of that series about Mike traveling with his uncle, but when I at last found him or her...you guessed it! I still don't know.
While there may be male and female pov's regarding sex
-- the woman, they say, looks for a reason; the man looks for a place--it's pretty clear no one can tell the sex of a good author (who wants to keep his/her sex out of the picture).

Further, even orgasm descriptions cannot be told apart if certain anatomical references are left out.

Classic cases are "Wuthering Heights", and the porn great "The Story of O". Both thought to be by men. People think violence, terse writing [ "He plunged his cock into her." ]and female degradation ['He slapped the bitch around and peed on her."] are male writers' characteristics.

It's something like the handwriting thing. Some think they can tell a 'feminine' hand, but generally that claim is rubbish, from what I've read on it.

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Yorkshire speak

I have not read all the way through this post, just the last page. Having looked at Oct's useful yorkshire-english/english yorkshire pharsebook I had to chuckle.

I think what made me laugh most was that I read through and understood nearly all of it. And nearly all the words used I have been guilty of using myself.

In relation to SlickTony's questions and anwers, did someone post a quiz earlier on. By the way one I thought was a bit of teaser for most people...

41. Tintintin... (obvious surely) It is not in the tin. broken down in yorkshire should be said, Tint (it is not) in (in) tin (tin)

Yeah, there was a quiz. I was looking for one of these Yorkshire lads to give me a grade.
Pure said:
While there may be male and female pov's regarding sex
-- the woman, they say, looks for a reason; the man looks for a place--it's pretty clear no one can tell the sex of a good author (who wants to keep his/her sex out of the picture).

Further, even orgasm descriptions cannot be told apart if certain anatomical references are left out.

Classic cases are "Wuthering Heights", and the porn great "The Story of O". Both thought to be by men. People think violence, terse writing [ "He plunged his cock into her." ]and female degradation ['He slapped the bitch around and peed on her."] are male writers' characteristics.

It's something like the handwriting thing. Some think they can tell a 'feminine' hand, but generally that claim is rubbish, from what I've read on it.


Exactly. One really important reason to get a POV from the opposite gender is so that you don't end up steriotyping that gender in your story. But some things are pretty routinly true and the opposite sex doesn't realize them. (ie, how do woman masterbate? probably not how men imagine!) so again, if you want it to avoid making some telling errors, its best to consult.