'Fess up. How often

I check my stories every couple of days unless a new one is pending which is the situation now. Then I check two or three times a day to see if the submissions total has increased, currently 50. If the number goes up I look further.

I have public comments on two of my stories and one of them is from me - how sad can you get? I intend to add comments to some of my earlier stories to explain what, if anything, I'm going to do to them.

hiya again

just checked mine cos of this thread, bloody hell!!

it's only been there a few weeks, it's got 39874 views 91 votes and a score of 4.11, also 5 public notes all 100pc on the thermometer. i just checked my e account and i've had 27 feedback emails on the story, all glowing barring one.

i never knew stories attracted that much interest.
Re: hiya again

LorriLove said:
just checked mine cos of this thread, bloody hell!!

it's only been there a few weeks, it's got 39874 views 91 votes and a score of 4.11, also 5 public notes all 100pc on the thermometer. i just checked my e account and i've had 27 feedback emails on the story, all glowing barring one.

i never knew stories attracted that much interest.

Lorri hon, not all of them do. *tries to keep envy out of voice*

Whisper :rose:
Not a hijack, just a fashion aside

Gary Chambers said:
Not only do I have to contend with Lauren's tantalising peekaboo Christmas hooter, but now Shereads has started using September Morn, one of my favourite paintings. It's a plot!

>>running back to dressing room to change back into September Morn AV<<

Did you know September Morn was once considered porn? From the website where I swiped (borrowed?) the jpg:

"In May of 1913, displayed in the window of a Manhattan art gallery, it caught the eye of Anthony Comstock, head of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice...The ensuing controversy was given wide publicity by the press and the painting was simultaneously denounced and defended across the entire country. Meanwhile, curious crowds filled the street outside the shop straining to see the painting that caused such a stir.

Soon enterprising entrepreneurs were reproducing September Morn on everything conceivable: calendars, postcards, candy boxes, cigar bands, cigarette flannels, pennents, suspenders, bottle openers, and more. Purity leagues tried to suppress it. Postcard reproductions were forbidden in the mails. The painting became the object of stock show gags and even inspired an anonymous couplet that swept the country, "Please don't think I'm bad or bold, but where its deep it's awful cold."
Re: Not a hijack, just a fashion aside

shereads said:
>>running back to dressing room to change back into September Morn AV<<

Did you know September Morn was once considered porn? From the website where I swiped (borrowed?) the jpg:

"In May of 1913, displayed in the window of a Manhattan art gallery, it caught the eye of Anthony Comstock, head of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice...The ensuing controversy was given wide publicity by the press and the painting was simultaneously denounced and defended across the entire country. Meanwhile, curious crowds filled the street outside the shop straining to see the painting that caused such a stir.

Soon enterprising entrepreneurs were reproducing September Morn on everything conceivable: calendars, postcards, candy boxes, cigar bands, cigarette flannels, pennents, suspenders, bottle openers, and more. Purity leagues tried to suppress it. Postcard reproductions were forbidden in the mails. The painting became the object of stock show gags and even inspired an anonymous couplet that swept the country, "Please don't think I'm bad or bold, but where its deep it's awful cold."

This reminds me of a poem I've seen recently. Hold on, I'll get it, and post it here. Ah yes, it's by Dunkin, and it almost paints your AV with words that still make me chuckle. Here it is. I found it in his/her book of Love Poems:

Watery Incarnation
by Dunkin
And I saw a shape rise up
and out of the great sea
with the liquid giving way
a surround reluctant to leave
the vision born of a will
shaped in fluidity, a briar
one that caresses the eyes
but whose barbs cut quick.
And like the water; it moved
in rolling waves of wonder
on two curved stalks, upright
always forward, never back
an army of motion embattled
fighting against itself and torment
a soul tortured by the struggle.
And the creature stood still
looking about the firmament
a deity without and within
basking in it’s own light.
When the air echoed in song
chasing dirt in their dance
earth asked, “Who are you
that you aspire greatness?”
The voice that came forth
tickled with chimes, ringing
for all of the world to hear
as seductive as sweet fruit
“What’s the matter asshole
never seen a woman before?”
Great Poem

Hey Dirt, I've got that book. Bought it online, and it only took two days to get it. From Booksurge.com, or Amazon.com, one of those I think. Yeah, I love that poem. It always makes me laugh. I've got his other poetry book too. I love his work.

Re: hiya again

LorriLove said:
it's only been there a few weeks, it's got 39874 views 91 votes and a score of 4.11, also 5 public notes all 100pc on the thermometer.
Lorrilover, that's terrific, your editor must be jealous. Kisses for you both, love,

Perdita :kiss: :kiss: