First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

Protests at the homes of people involved in public health were constant in the early days of the pandemic. This was not exactly low-profile.
The difference here is there is a federal statute prohibiting such behavior against federal judges, witnesses, jurors, or employees of the Judiciary in order to influence the court. 18 USC 1507. Look it up.
Yes, I believe most of us can read the title of your thread. Maybe in question over some of the trumpie side there, but I'm good here, thanks.
The title of this thread wasn't written by me. There was another leak but it was a "final decision" just days before the announcement and was not designed to influence a final decision. We just know more than you do.
The title of this thread wasn't written by me. There was another leak but it was a "final decision" just days before the announcement and was not designed to influence a final decision. We just know more than you do.
I originally thought it was your thread and corrected my comment after I found out otherwise.

I personally don't give two fucks about leaks. This one showed the liars on the court for who they are and revealed the sham of a nomination process that they went through. Reap what they sow
All in all, there's a reason you want to focus on the leak....and it's to avoid talking about the content of the ruling, which is shit
I originally thought it was your thread and corrected my comment after I found out otherwise.

I personally don't give two fucks about leaks. This one showed the liars on the court for who they are and revealed the sham of a nomination process that they went through. Reap what they sow
The fact is you don't give a fuck about anything illegal the left does. The other fact is nobody on the Court lied, none of those real justices testified that the right to abortion is in fact contained in the Constitution, nor does this draft end abortion or access to abortion. It simply states that Roe was wrongly decided, that the court does not settle "moral issues," and that moral issues are the duty of the states and the people.
The fact is you don't give a fuck about anything illegal the left does. The other fact is nobody on the Court lied, none of those real justices testified that the right to abortion is in fact contained in the Constitution, nor does this draft end abortion or access to abortion. It simply states that Roe was wrongly decided, that the court does not settle "moral issues," and that moral issues are the duty of the states and the people.
That's not really what I meant, but whatever. I literally am focused on the more important issue to me.

Leaks are political and there's nothing about this that will change the is just cover for dipshits like you to play the victim.
That's not really what I meant, but whatever. I literally am focused on the more important issue to me.

Leaks are political and there's nothing about this that will change the is just cover for dipshits like you to play the victim.
Leaks can be and often are illegal. It depends on the actions of the leaker to secure the document and how it was transmitted.

In this case, the victim is the court itself but you're too ignorant to understand the inherent danger this presents for the Judiciary
Leaks can be and often are illegal. It depends on the actions of the leaker to secure the document and how it was transmitted.

In this case, the victim is the court itself but you're too ignorant to understand the inherent danger this presents for the Judiciary
It doesn't. You just want to make it about that to play the victim.
from my post 222
I figure the Dobbs leaker is Alito as well.

So strange how the Pro-Birth advocates outside the SCOTUS were so prepared the moment the ruling officially came down.

They definitely have a “man” on the inside funneling information.

The fact that Alito happens to have a face that screams “asshole” only strengthens the case against him.

I figure the Dobbs leaker is Alito as well.

So strange how the Pro-Birth advocates outside the SCOTUS were so prepared the moment the ruling officially came down.

They definitely have a “man” on the inside funneling information.

The fact that Alito happens to have a face that screams “asshole” only strengthens the case against him.

well, they do say pride cometh before a fall....

SCOTUS warned police themselves or congress will after alito and roberts come under ethics suspicions over leaked ruling of hobby lobby case 2014:

And if the court continues to suggest it’s not serious about policing itself, Congress will step in, warned the joint letter from Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), and Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), chairs of the subcommittees overseeing the federal judiciary in their respective chambers.
“If the Court, as your letter suggests, is not willing to undertake fact-finding inquiries into possible ethics violations that leaves Congress as the only forum,” they wrote.
They also demanded information about Schenck’s letter to Roberts in July disclosing that he learned about the Hobby Lobby outcome days before it came down from one of his volunteers after she attended a dinner with Alito and his wife. Schenck sent his letter as part of the court’s investigation into the leak of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. Alito, who authored both the Dobbs and Hobby Lobby decisions, denied leaking the Hobby Lobby outcome.

Groundless allegation by partisan politicians gets shot down.

Supreme Court’s Lawyer Dismisses Ethics Allegations Against Justice Samuel Alito​

High court’s legal counsel says there is no evidence supporting reports that justice may have played a role in leak of 2014 ruling on contraceptive access​

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court’s staff lawyer rejected allegations that Justice Samuel Alito may have disclosed to conservative activists the outcome of a 2014 case on contraceptive access before it was published.

“There is nothing to suggest that Justice Alito’s actions violated ethics standards,” Ethan Torrey, the Supreme Court’s legal counsel, wrote in a letter responding to queries from two Democratic critics of the court’s ethical practices, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia.
Alito's lawyers deny leaked allegations that Alito leaked the Dobbs decision.

Sounds solid 👍
Alito's lawyers deny leaked allegations that Alito leaked the Dobbs decision.

Sounds solid 👍
1. The Supreme Court Office of Legal Counsel does not represent Alito. It’s a support staff to assist justices with various tasks.
2. Mr. Torrey declared there is no evidence to support the allegation.
1. The Supreme Court Office of Legal Counsel does not represent Alito. It’s a support staff to assist justices with various tasks.
2. Mr. Torrey declared there is no evidence to support the allegation.
1. If they are making a comment about a justice, they are representing their interest.
2. There was never any evidence presented to support the allegation to begin with, so he is just confirming that this was allegation was presented without evidence.

Those who believe the allegation are just as gullible as those who believe this lawyer. There hasn't been any statement on who leaked the decisions so everything is speculation and anonymous sources saying things.