First EVER Supreme Court Leak: Roe V. Wade overturned

The idea that the unelected, unaccountable, and lifetime-tenured justices deserve more deference than the other branches of government which directly answer to the people — because no one would care if this was a leak from the White House or from Congress — has no rational basis.
Oh, it does have a rational basis. A crassly political and opportunistic basis, but a rational one. The Republicans would love it if everyone paid more attention to the leak than to a decision that puts us roughly on a par with Saudi Arabia in terms of women's rights, and which 80% of Americans oppose. That is why they're whining so much about someone violating SCOTUS' right to privacy with respect to its decision that the rest of America has no such right.
There are so many women that would jump at the chance to adopt.
They don't need the Supreme Court to force them to make that choice. They already had that option if they wanted it, and it's none of your damn business or anyone else's if they decided against it.
They don't need the Supreme Court to force them to make that choice. They already had that option if they wanted it, and it's none of your damn business or anyone else's if they decided against it.
I agree, it's not the job of the supreme court force anything.
The court draft opinion seems to indicate they would overturn Roe and send the abortion issue back to the states where it belongs.

"and it's none of your damn business or anyone else's if they decided against it." There may be states that impose a 15 week restriction and if "we" the people vote to make it law it will be our business and it will be law.
Medical procedures that have no societal impact have no reasoning to be litigated. Doctors and patients are what is required there.
Oh, it does have a rational basis. A crassly political and opportunistic basis, but a rational one. The Republicans would love it if everyone paid more attention to the leak than to a decision that puts us roughly on a par with Saudi Arabia in terms of women's rights, and which 80% of Americans oppose. That is why they're whining so much about someone violating SCOTUS' right to privacy with respect to its decision that the rest of America has no such right.
Right now the integrity of the court is more important then whining over the content of a draft opinion which has a long way to go before a final decision is made. The left is doing what they do best, *political hair on fire bullshit* for political leverage. Dems don't give a flying fuck on women's choice, this bantering is all about the elections and maintaining power. Only the Dems send posses to the homes of political adversaries to intimidate, to influence the judicial process, in this case judges, I can only hope a canister of CS gas gets pumped right up their asses.
Dems don't give a flying fuck on women's choice, this bantering is all about the elections and maintaining power.
Exactly what makes you think you know what Democrats care about?
Only the Dems send posses to the homes of political adversaries to intimidate, to influence the judicial process, in this case judges,
Every time I think I can't be any more astounded by the amount of projection the right engages in...or have you honestly never read about that judge who was murdered last year? Or the right-wing protestors who harassed the Michigan Secretary of State at her home? Or Sarah Palin and her website with the crosshairs? I could go on, but...
Exactly what makes you think you know what Democrats care about?
I live in MA. I watched phony senator Warren barf all over public media, she's is a hypocrite and a liar.
Every time I think I can't be any more astounded by the amount of projection the right engages in...or have you honestly never read about that judge who was murdered last year? Or the right-wing protestors who harassed the Michigan Secretary of State at her home? Or Sarah Palin and her website with the crosshairs? I could go on, but...
There's plenty of projection on both sides of the isle. The problem with (D)s is their total lack of self awareness.

The murder does not reflect conservative values, prosecute, incarcerate and throw away the key.

Cruz, McConnell and many others needed police protection from rioters. Now the left are forming posses to intimidate supreme court justices. Portland, ANTIFA got violent with a republican rally. I could go on and on about leftist violence on the street (Maxine Waters) promoting violence on a few occasions.

Crosshairs meant nothing more than a focus point and not the crosshairs. of a weapon. Cut the crap!

Violence by the left is far more prevalent. Won't even bring up The baseball game in DC
She was only a shitty candidate because the Right has spent thirty plus years doing everything in their power to make her look like the devil. Her policies not only were not good, they were not rejected at the ballot Box. They were rejected by roughly 70k strategically placed votes.

The reality is that she should have won and anybody paying attention knew she would have and the Russian Collusion was SO thick Trump both claimed it was still around in 2020 but when asked why he'd done nothing to do to fix it.

She made a strategic error that honestly anybody familiar with various game theories would have made.
She's a lying, war mongering, corporate owned whore. Stop trying to put lipstick on that pig. She's as crooked as a dog's hind leg.

Recalling Hillary Clinton’s claim of ‘landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

One of our all-time great fact checks was The Fact Checker’s March 21, 2008, report on Hillary Clinton’s false claim that she arrived in Bosnia “under sniper fire.”

The 5 Worst Excuses for Hillary Clinton’s Vote To Invade Iraq

Former senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton is the only candidate for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination who supported the invasion of Iraq.

It would have been a “mistake” if Hillary Clinton had pushed the “aye” button when she meant to push the “nay” button. In fact, her decision—by her own admission—was quite conscious.

That war not only resulted in 4,500 American soldiers being killed and thousands more permanently disabled, but also hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths, the destabilization of the region with the rise of the Islamic State and other extremists, and a dramatic increase in the federal deficit, resulting in major cutbacks to important social programs. Moreover, the primary reasons Clinton gave for supporting President George W. Bush’s request for authorizing that illegal and unnecessary war have long been proven false.

Here's Who Paid Hillary Clinton $22 Million in Speaking Fees

An investigation from the Associated Press ties those fees to government influence. Of the nearly $22 million Clinton made in fees, most was from groups that had recently lobbied the government.
She's a lying, war mongering, corporate owned whore. Stop trying to put lipstick on that pig. She's as crooked as a dog's hind leg.

Recalling Hillary Clinton’s claim of ‘landing under sniper fire’ in Bosnia

One of our all-time great fact checks was The Fact Checker’s March 21, 2008, report on Hillary Clinton’s false claim that she arrived in Bosnia “under sniper fire.”

The 5 Worst Excuses for Hillary Clinton’s Vote To Invade Iraq

Former senator and secretary of state Hillary Clinton is the only candidate for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination who supported the invasion of Iraq.

It would have been a “mistake” if Hillary Clinton had pushed the “aye” button when she meant to push the “nay” button. In fact, her decision—by her own admission—was quite conscious.

That war not only resulted in 4,500 American soldiers being killed and thousands more permanently disabled, but also hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths, the destabilization of the region with the rise of the Islamic State and other extremists, and a dramatic increase in the federal deficit, resulting in major cutbacks to important social programs. Moreover, the primary reasons Clinton gave for supporting President George W. Bush’s request for authorizing that illegal and unnecessary war have long been proven false.

Here's Who Paid Hillary Clinton $22 Million in Speaking Fees

An investigation from the Associated Press ties those fees to government influence. Of the nearly $22 million Clinton made in fees, most was from groups that had recently lobbied the government.

I honestly don't give a shit about that sniper thing whether it was true or false.

Of course she voted for the Iraq war EVERYBODY DID and she wanted to be president. She might as well have given up any desire to go any farther in politics if she'd voted no as the senator from New York.

Why would anybody care how she got her money, especially considering her competition?
I honestly don't give a shit about that sniper thing whether it was true or false.

Of course she voted for the Iraq war EVERYBODY DID and she wanted to be president. She might as well have given up any desire to go any farther in politics if she'd voted no as the senator from New York.

Why would anybody care how she got her money, especially considering her competition?
I repeat... She's a lying, war mongering, corporate owned whore.

Just because you don't care she's a lying, war mongering, corporate owned whore doesn't mean she's not a a lying, war mongering, corporate owned whore.
Yeah if those are the criteria we are going with throw out anybody whose been involved in politics for more than five years save Bernie Sanders
I live in MA. I watched phony senator Warren barf all over public media, she's is a hypocrite and a liar.
Is she? Or is it just that you hate what she stands for?
There's plenty of projection on both sides of the isle. The problem with (D)s is their total lack of self awareness.

The murder does not reflect conservative values, prosecute, incarcerate and throw away the key.
That's irrelevant to the fact that is has happened.
Cruz, McConnell and many others needed police protection from rioters.
Including those from their side on January 6.

Now the left are forming posses to intimidate supreme court justices.
So you say. But I haven't heard anything about that anywhere else yet.

I could go on and on about leftist violence on the street (Maxine Waters) promoting violence on a few occasions.
I've debunked that one repeatedly. By now you must know you're taking her words out of context.

Crosshairs meant nothing more than a focus point and not the crosshairs. of a weapon. Cut the crap!
Baloney. You can't connect all but one of the dots and then call it "crap" when someone draws the logical conclusion, especially not when your side does have a history of violence against abortion providers.
Violence by the left is far more prevalent.
You wish.
Won't even bring up The baseball game in DC
The one where a racist and homophobe's life was saved by a Black lesbian? Yeah, I can see why you'd rather not talk about that.
The fact is violence from the Right is so bad in many cases that the media simply ignores it.
Is she? Or is it just that you hate what she stands for?

That's irrelevant to the fact that is has happened.

Including those from their side on January 6.

So you say. But I haven't heard anything about that anywhere else yet.

I've debunked that one repeatedly. By now you must know you're taking her words out of context.

Baloney. You can't connect all but one of the dots and then call it "crap" when someone draws the logical conclusion, especially not when your side does have a history of violence against abortion providers.

You wish.

The one where a racist and homophobe's life was saved by a Black lesbian? Yeah, I can see why you'd rather not talk about that.
You don’t debunk shit, you either ignore the facts, promote race baiting or whine “ taking words out of context which your kind did against Trump for 4 years. The Democrat party lied for 5 years while attempting a soft coup. You gloss over a whole year of violence and rioting justifying it to being racial equity or some other racial bullshit and then accuse conservatives of a violent history but never acknowledged that all conservatives were outraged by the Jan 6 breach of the capital building which is more than I can say about the left democrats admitting to their criminal behavior. Take your story telling someplace else. All you do is parrot half truths.

Right as we speak leftist groups are organizing intimidation rallies at the homes of conservative judges, that’s what the left does.
You don’t debunk shit, you either ignore the facts, promote race baiting or whine “ taking words out of context which your kind did against Trump for 4 years. The Democrat party lied for 5 years while attempting a soft coup. You gloss over a whole year of violence and rioting justifying it to being racial equity or some other racial bullshit and then accuse conservatives of a violent history but never acknowledged that all conservatives were outraged by the Jan 6 breach of the capital building which is more than I can say about the left democrats admitting to their criminal behavior. Take your story telling someplace else. All you do is parrot half truths.

Right as we speak leftist groups are organizing intimidation rallies at the homes of conservative judges, that’s what the left does.
The right organized demonstrations at the homes of election officials.

Stupidity is not a party line trait.
Congress voted for the Iraq War because the Bush admin lied to them.
Medical procedures that have no societal impact have no reasoning to be litigated. Doctors and patients are what is required there.
All that is being done at the SCOTUS is a correction of a mistaken interpretation of the Constitution. The issue is and always has been a state issue.