Five things...

I only have two.

Work boots and... other work boots.

( I know, makes your head spin. )

--Pass it--

Only 2 pair total or only 2 you'll wear?

Black ballet flats
Navy ballet flats
Brown sandles
New winter boots with fur!
Gray and blue sneakers

I only have 3 pair sooooo

Tennis shoes.
Flip flops.
Warm boots.


:eek: :eek:
Put your woman card up here for one demerit, Missy!

Black boots with buckle tops
Black clogs
Black flip flops..
Hmmmm. I'm sensing a theme :D
Fuzzy booties
Black leather heels that are great to walk in :heart:

Five things you have in your house that you should get rid of.
:eek: :eek:
Put your woman card up here for one demerit, Missy!

Black boots with buckle tops
Black clogs
Black flip flops..
Hmmmm. I'm sensing a theme :D
Fuzzy booties
Black leather heels that are great to walk in :heart:

Five things you have in your house that you should get rid of.


The elephant in the room. Hubs, Oh wait, that's happening.
Old computers
Cat poo (in litter boxes!)
50 billion lacrosse stuff and things
Those expired cheese stix

Pass it.

The elephant in the room. Hubs, Oh wait, that's happening.
Old computers
Cat poo (in litter boxes!)
50 billion lacrosse stuff and things
Those expired cheese stix

Pass it.

I'd say hubs but he isn't in the house!

Crib set
Too small clothes
Lots of unused toys
General clutter?
My aunt and her shit!

Pass it!
An old PC, but I need to scrub the hard drive and never get around to it.
Books I have read! Lots of those.
A paella pan.
Speakers that are just ridiculously too large (they were a gift :()
Shoes! Probably more shoes than books :eek:

:eek: :eek:
Put your woman card up here for one demerit, Missy!

Black boots with buckle tops
Black clogs
Black flip flops..
Hmmmm. I'm sensing a theme :D
Fuzzy booties
Black leather heels that are great to walk in :heart:

Five things you have in your house that you should get rid of.

* hands over card * I hate clothes shopping too.

So. Many. Toys.
Clothes I don't wear.
26895468633389 MtG cards. Only the crappy old no value ones tho.
Baby gear the kids have outgrown.
The garbage needs to go out today.

An old PC, but I need to scrub the hard drive and never get around to it.
Books I have read! Lots of those.
A paella pan.
Speakers that are just ridiculously too large (they were a gift :()
Shoes! Probably more shoes than books :eek:


Uhhhh can I get the paella pan?
Five things you have in your house that you should get rid of.

Several pairs of jeans I've worn out that still take up room in my closet.

Old work shirts and t shirts that got ruined when I repainted.

Miscellaneous electronics and outdated musical equipment that I should really get to.

Boxes for stuff I don't even have.

Myself, all done here :D

--pass it--
40 screwdrivers that we got at an auction.
Mismatched cups and saucers.
Boxes of books that I don't want to read.
The ugly chair that's in the basement.
8 suitcases that I'll never use.

5 things that you want to get done before it snows.....
40 screwdrivers that we got at an auction.
Mismatched cups and saucers.
Boxes of books that I don't want to read.
The ugly chair that's in the basement.
8 suitcases that I'll never use.

5 things that you want to get done before it snows.....

Winterize the coop.
Move my dog to my moms (temporarily).
Have a big bon fire.
Shoot outside for the last of the season.
Get another haircut. I've needed one a while. I'm not sure why it's so damn hard to find time and money to get it done.

Who's up for a dumpster dive?! :D

Ohohoh! Me! Me!

Five things you have in your house that you should get rid of.
boxes from our move
clothes to be donated
books to be donated
that's about it.
5 things that you want to get done before it snows.....
buy snow chains
get the house more cleaned up.
move furniture around to get to fireplace.
make sure we have the winter jackets out
make sure we have our emergency stuff put together

Pass the second question.
5 things to do before it snows?

1. clean out garage.
2. find my winter boots
3. maybe hire a service to shovel???
4. put away summer clothes
5. pull up my big girl panties and stop mourning the fact we aren't going south this winter

5 things in your life you wish you could do over
5 things to do before it snows?

1. clean out garage.
2. find my winter boots
3. maybe hire a service to shovel???
4. put away summer clothes
5. pull up my big girl panties and stop mourning the fact we aren't going south this winter

5 things in your life you wish you could do over

1. Getting my daughter help sooner rather than "wait and see".
2. Waiting so long to dump guy 1. And guy 2... And 3...
3. I should have fucked that really really sexy amazing guy at the convention while I was with guy 1. The relationship was dead anyway, and I think I really missed an opportunity for my first good fuck.
4. I wish I hadn't sold my truck. He was an amazing hunk, I miss him :(. He was an '88, there's just something about older men :p.
5. Giving Master a chance sooner. He's the most patient man in the world. :heart:


(sorry... channeling a past relationship for a moment. Was her answer every single time I asked. Never got old.)


or *might get to*?

Play games with my brother in AZ
Take my kids to see grandma (my mom)
A little Pyrography
binge watch netflix with my wife
have a night off from the little one's bedtime routines

Ohhh... you pyrographate? :D
We want to see, of course! In the crafty thread maybe? :)

Ok! I want to:
Buy a ticket home!
Go shopping.
Possibly in that order :)

* hands over card * I hate clothes shopping too.

So. Many. Toys.
Clothes I don't wear.
26895468633389 MtG cards. Only the crappy old no value ones tho.
Baby gear the kids have outgrown.
The garbage needs to go out today.


"Donate" the MtG cards to your local gaming store, for store credit, and buy more pretty dice.