Five things...

Five things I want to do this weekend:

Noe (check hehehehe)
Do my homework like a good girl (kinda check)
Get drunk (hell yes check)
Get a plan for Halloween next weekend (kinda check again)
Uhh... sleep extra because I am a sleep deprived person

5 ideas for new years resolutions
Five things I want to do this weekend:

Noe (check hehehehe)
Do my homework like a good girl (kinda check)
Get drunk (hell yes check)
Get a plan for Halloween next weekend (kinda check again)
Uhh... sleep extra because I am a sleep deprived person

5 ideas for new years resolutions

Lose weight
Do more things out of the house with the kids
Get stronger
Spend less
Eat better

5 ideas for new years resolutions


Put a stamp in my passport.

Continue to pay off debt.

Finish getting a professional certification for work.

Keep downsizing my life, getting rid of things to make room for experiences.

Have some mind-blowing, amazing sexual experiences.

Pass ;)
1. Do something with the one million photos I have and that are in digital format only. Somehow it's as if they do not exist.
2. Buy a bicycle and use it often.
3. Find time for intense physical exercise too (enough with mental).
4. Attract more clients.
5. Stop pretending I will actually accomplice the above while I am not seriously into it.

Name five things you loved when you were eighteen.
Listening to the Chicago Cubs on the radio
Going for long walks
reading radical newspapers and looking for a way to rebel
going to beer bars
writing poetry.

{an aside: passports seem to take forever. Still waiting for mine, getting a little paranoid}

same list.... about being 18...
5 things I loved when I was 18?

Staying up late.
Living with my brother.
So much disposable income.
My waistline regardless of what or how much I ate.
Naps whenever the hell I wanted.

When I was 18..?

Having my own money for the first time.
Partying :D
Learning how to cook.
Falling in love every day..
Being the boss of me :)

When I was 18..?

Having my own money for the first time.
Partying :D
Learning how to cook.
Falling in love every day..
Being the boss of me :)


My friends
This dude
Going to concerts
My summers with my cousin

Pass it.
Five things you'd go back and tell your younger self?


There are a few people I would tell me to avoid :rolleyes:
(Something tells me that one is going to be popular :D)
I would adjust my career path.
I would buy a house sooner.
I woulda have more kitties :cattail:
There are certain situations with my family I would handle better.

Since I'm a lazy sod and wouldn't bother doing anything that I'd tell them to do differently, instead I'd go back to my 15 year old self and convince [me] that aliens took over the world and systematically eradicated humanity in 2016 and I'm using their technology to send a message back. Seems like it would make me give up on everything and recklessly pursue self-destructive lifestyles, but knowing me it would probably have the direct opposite effect and I'd be doing much better than I am now.
Five things you'd go back and tell your younger self?

The major you want is Veterinary Technician. NOT early education, or criminal justice. And get your shit together so you can stay at the cheap college and graduate on time, rather than the ungodly expensive one you'll never pay off.

DON'T let M be your roommate. She'll coast a fortune, fuck you over, and never pay you the full cost of the truck you bought her.

You're beautiful. No really, you are.

You're going to get married. Yeah, for realz, and you're going to be happier than you ever knew you could be. And you're going to have kids. In fact, you're going to TRY to have kids because you want them so bad and you're going to be super awesome at making them. So make sure all the Mr. Wrongs wrap that shit.

This hole you're in. This deep dark inescapable abyss, it gets shallower. Pretty soon you'll be able to climb out, and the days won't be so bad. After graduation, life gets easier, and I'm really glad I never did anything stupid to keep me from living my future. I love you.

can you imagine Con as a hyper successful business type, with all of his money squirreled away in a lavish private prepper bunker somewhere?
I feel as though if I were a hyper successful business type I'd get so bored and eventually just throw money at finding the most absurd, wasteful and convoluted way of killing myself possible.

E.g I'd probably kidnap a scientist and have them create a super-pheromone that will attract little old ladies to a warehouse so I can feed them into a woodchipper and use the resulting paste to make counterfeit money so I can buy fuel for my ice-ray that will freeze the entire city which will cause everyone to flock to my beverage vendors who will sell them hot chocolate laced with a mutagen designed to drive everyone insane so that my 'humanitarian' charity groups can step in to help them out which I will use as promotional material in my presidential campaign so I can use the position to privatise helium production which will inspire the re-imagining of airship travel so I can jump off the balcony of one in-flight and die.
I feel as though if I were a hyper successful business type I'd get so bored and eventually just throw money at finding the most absurd, wasteful and convoluted way of killing myself possible.

E.g I'd probably kidnap a scientist and have them create a super-pheromone that will attract little old ladies to a warehouse so I can feed them into a woodchipper and use the resulting paste to make counterfeit money so I can buy fuel for my ice-ray that will freeze the entire city which will cause everyone to flock to my beverage vendors who will sell them hot chocolate laced with a mutagen designed to drive everyone insane so that my 'humanitarian' charity groups can step in to help them out which I will use as promotional material in my presidential campaign so I can use the position to privatise helium production which will inspire the re-imagining of airship travel so I can jump off the balcony of one in-flight and die.

Sounds like Donald Trump.....