Five things...

I feel as though if I were a hyper successful business type I'd get so bored and eventually just throw money at finding the most absurd, wasteful and convoluted way of killing myself possible.

E.g I'd probably kidnap a scientist and have them create a super-pheromone that will attract little old ladies to a warehouse so I can feed them into a woodchipper and use the resulting paste to make counterfeit money so I can buy fuel for my ice-ray that will freeze the entire city which will cause everyone to flock to my beverage vendors who will sell them hot chocolate laced with a mutagen designed to drive everyone insane so that my 'humanitarian' charity groups can step in to help them out which I will use as promotional material in my presidential campaign so I can use the position to privatise helium production which will inspire the re-imagining of airship travel so I can jump off the balcony of one in-flight and die.

President, huh? Of the US? Well that couldn't happen for at least 16 years due to residency requirements, so I won't worry about it. Unless you have been secretly living here for the past 10 years... In which case I would have to worry about it as soon as our next election. And at this rate, you probably won't even be the worst candidate :p
Learn Italian
Don't fuck Donna, she'll tell her boyfriend
Ask more questions
Try out for the football team as a kicker
Pay more attention to knots in Boy Scouts

Five things you need in your kitchen
Learn Italian
Don't fuck Donna, she'll tell her boyfriend
Ask more questions
Try out for the football team as a kicker
Pay more attention to knots in Boy Scouts

Five things you need in your kitchen


A bigger fridge. One of those lovely French door types.
A never ending stack of money. I could fit that in my kitchen, even if it's small :p
Granite. I need it! You know, to roll out pastry and such. Yep.
A seriously good non stick pan. I don't like any of them..

5 words others use to discribe me. . .




Inattentive (adhd)



5 ways you might like to spend a Sunday afternoon...

Sexing :devil:
Reading with coffee
Eating with friends and a bottle of wine (each :p) at a waterside table somewhere quiet
With family, at a park in beautiful weather

Good one! Pass :)
Sexing :devil:
Reading with coffee
Eating with friends and a bottle of wine (each :p) at a waterside table somewhere quiet
With family, at a park in beautiful weather

Good one! Pass :)

Lazy long brunch at a Bistro
Reading the Financial papers
Lengthy Swedish Massage

5 ways you might like to spend a Sunday afternoon... Pass
you lost me at 'onions'. :(

Who doesn't like onions? :confused:

Five words others use to describe me?

Depends on the others :D


The dogs are here right now, I think they would say:

And what they should say is patient.

Pass it.

bad tangent, but I don't like onions.

When they're raw, they are too pungent for me.
I can deal with them cooked sometimes, but not when they are par cooked.
I'm kinda weird like that.

I totally understand not liking raw onions. In fact, I'm not the biggest fan myself ( I use red onions soaked in lime juice overnight for salads, they lose their bite). :rose: I love slowly cooked, sweet onions though, and it's an interesting challenge to a cook who leans probably over heavily on the holy trinity of mirepoix/sofritto

Cooked, carmelized onions ONLY.
Lazy long brunch at a Bistro
Reading the Financial papers
Lengthy Swedish Massage

5 ways you might like to spend a Sunday afternoon... Pass

I don't spend my Sunday afternoons this way, but I might like to...

Be fucking
Be sucking
Be reading
Be hiking
Be laughing

Pass it.