
Re: forest for the bushes

rhinoguy said:
mama always said, "sexy is as sexy does"


...mama repeated herself and the apple apparently didn't fall far from the tree.

but did it make a sound?

and if so...was it sexy?

Wow, so many riddles and cliché's... *brain melts* ohh... more space to put my videogames and books in! (Not really)

So, could anyone define "Sexy" in any way?

I actually think it relates to personal and sexual preferences of the user, two guys might say a naked woman is sexy whikle she wears 8 pounds of makeup, and shaved everything below the neck, but a guy who, say, saw her in reality, and not just naked and made up, might think her a hag, because of how the lights of camera's stretched her skin.

So it's all just a matter of opinion AND the situation.

My Little theorey,
Funny to me sexy always brings to mind intelligence first
beauty later. I've been attracted to people that many others (in my social circle) would not classify as physically beautiful or any words synonomous with beauty. Yet their mind and personality drew me like a moth to a flame.

On a similar note, When I hear how people discribe me I generally a little miffed. Because they always lead with she's pretty and... as if nothing else matters because I won the gene pool lottery. That's why I like the lit and similar discussion groups so much. No one sees you unless you choose to reveal yourself to them.:)
Sexy, to me, means that you're sexually attractive, no matter how ugly you look otherwise.

Last summer, I went to a course in Capoeira, held by two Brazilian guys. One was the most beautiful man I have ever seen; he was like a sculpture! But he wasn't very sexy.
His friend was butt-ugly, but had such an erotic aura around him that I had a hard time concentrating on the training. It didn't help that every time I fumbled up a movement, he came over to show me how to do it right...:rolleyes:
Svenskaflicka said:
... It didn't help that every time I fumbled up a movement, he came over to show me how to do it right...:rolleyes:

Gettin' a little sumin'-sumin' while hubby's away, huh?
I cannot say this enough: Intelligence is utmost for me. I absolutely do not care about looks, which is not to say physical traits do not arouse me. But if I cannot see, hear, or even feel the intellect then I'm the arousal dissipates quickly. (I do not mean I.Q. here either or I would have stayed at Caltech.)

My best love was very young and not literary at all, but he composed music and knew a great deal about medicine and physiology (he had leukemia). He rarely read books and I could not read music but we were never bored when conversing. He could sing though (Russian bass voice) and that was fun in bed.

Come to think of it, flirting is fun on the AH because of the wit and intellect, among *both* sexes.


p.s. waiting first arousal of the day. ;)
Don't you get it? To the left, there's a girl, showing her behind.
And to the right, there's a very well-equipped guy getting ready to show her a good time.
Re: Dirty pic for Perdya

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On the subject of clothing versus person, being a not very good looking guy until my late 30s but being 'clever' and a 'wit' I can honestly report that the vast majority of women go for looks first, in the 'sexy' stakes.

I'll disagree completely with my dad about having my head turned by a 17 year old stunner. Call me a liar if you like but any girl who looks under early 20s holds no attraction for me at all, in fact conversely, the older the better.

Back to clothing again. The modern 'belly' tops are much sexier when worn by those girls (don't see many women wearing them) who have more around their midriffs than the popular press would like. In point of fact it appears lately that pregnant women like to make a point of wearing 'belly' tops in order to show-off their expectancy. Now that is sexy.

It's always interested me how we can be attracted differently to members of the opposite sex. I remember at my last job, there was a lady that was the tall willowy blonde. Very classy, very attractive physically. Most of the guys found her incredibly attractive. I found her incredibly ugly and a poor choice for company. Because she had such a hateful attitude towards certain people.

Even where men find the same women attractive. The will often differ on which one is the sexiest.

Obviously I am speaking from my own male hetero viewpoint, but...:D
And when you left, P, things went downhill from there.

To me sexy is in the eyes and the mouth, Through them you can tell if the person you're talking to is being sincere or just faking it. If a person can't hold an intelligent conversation, I'm not interested. Being able to recite is not enough. When people can relate disparate pieces of conversation, history, current events, etc. and make it make sense, I'm drawn to the flame.

I love the AV's that show just the eyes or just the mouth.
The_Fool said:
I found her incredibly ugly and a poor choice for company. Because she had such a hateful attitude towards certain people.
I see the same way, Fool. I I had a friend once who was moviestar beautiful. She joined my family at holidays, we were part of a group who lunched and partied together. But she betrayed me and the others to promote her career. This was ten years ago and now she makes lots of money and abuses her authority seemingly to please herself. She has no real friends that I can see, only ass kissers. I look at her and cannot see anything beautiful anymore. She is one of the loneliest people I know.

I have another paraplegic friend who rides a scooter everywhere and has a good director's position on campus. On first glance she is not attractive, a bit grotesque in body and movement, but once she looks at you and speaks she is radiant. I do not condescend here, she is a gorgeous person in and out and it is evident among all who know or meet her. She jokes about cab drivers always asking her to marry them.

fortunate Perdita :)

p.s. thank you for your comments, Gauche; from an older woman.
Re: Re: forest for the bushes

Originally posted by Medieval-Man So it's all just a matter of opinion AND the situation.
Ahh.. At last the voice of experience.
Ps. How does Cheeky affect you, MB?
My 2 or 3 cents

working as a model was always a hoot. I was surprised that some of the girls had the motor skills to walk down the runway.
Some of the girls were genuinely nice and sweet a few were quite smart as well. But unfortunately a great many of them were spoiled bratty girls.
It goes with the scene though I modeled starting at 12 and luckily I had parents who had the good sense to keep me in school and use modeling as a summer and weekend hobby
It kept me humble it's hard to think of yourself as a beauty when you're in gym class getting pummled with a dodge ball.
However ifd my parents had treated me like the best thing since sliced bread I'd have probably been an unbearable little snot. When I was 19 I lived in Jamaica for 6 months in a house with 7 other models. Only one of them(aqside from myself) knew how to clean up (Ie work a washing machine and handwash dishes mop a floor). I was not well liked I told them the first week I'm not here to be anyone's maid after that if they left dirty dishes clothes ect around all of it went right on their bed food and all. It was bitchy but by the end of the third month I came home to a spotless house.

Now that I design it's the running joke for me to get the models who are auditioning to for the shows with me to bad mouth me to myself. I'm always like oh you're a model? you must know R. (that's me)
She's such a bitch. Did you hear she got fat , Bulimia really? At the end of the walk through I introduce myself and they're all so surprised.
Some times the girls will flip the script and say oh we were best friends or some such thing Still a no go. I won't hire someone who lies. I appreciate the woman who either A) never met me and says so B) Met me but doesn't really remember or C recognizes me (C only happened like twice out of hundreds)
Most people don't equate the girl I once was with the woman I now am. I have no time or tolerance for full hair and makeup, They're damn lucky I comb my hair. In anycase I don't hire liars or back biters. :kiss:
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Ah, and apparently you are not Machiavellian with your choices.
How do your applicants rate in cultural intelligence?

When I was a young whipper-snapper and dating starlet-wannabes and stewardesses, I found myself considered a 'safe' date because I liked to talk (I've changed - can't you tell) and get my date to talk. I find people's lives at least as interesting as their bodies. I didn't mind the label.

A woman who didn't follow the headlines of the day, who didn't even know the Dodgers had won the World Series (we were in L.A. - why did you think a plain-looking Jew could date such beautiful girls so easily), who didn't even know who the Vice-President of the U.S. was (Agnew, then Ford at the time), had difficulty holding my attention and a short dinner, then a taxi home - paid for by me but without my company (I was crass, wasn't I).

Several of these young ladies could explore the meanings and motivations of people's actions. They read the paper, listened to greater varieties of music, remembered their history and/or literary history, they read books. I had wonderful times with them. I took them home personally and walked them to their door to be sure they made it safe and sound. Then I kissed their hand or cheek and said goodnight. I guess I was safe. And at that point acting any differently never crossed my mind. We had already made love intellectually. (OK, I was a nerd) No regrets. Only one that I know of was disappointed.

(part of my parenthetical life)

I do have a point - I think that people (men and women) for the most part do not pay attention to life enough. When we find someone who does pay attention and who are honest in their dealings with other people, we want to keep the treasure of their friendship.
ffreak said:
I do have a point - I think that people (men and women) for the most part do not pay attention to life enough. When we find someone who does pay attention and who are honest in their dealings with other people, we want to keep the treasure of their friendship.
A good point, and it took you long enough to get to it. ;)

I've made good and real friends by spotting Life in them then making the first move and telling them just that. Saves time and makes my own life richer.

ffreak said:
Ah, and apparently you are not Machiavellian with your choices.
How do your applicants rate in cultural intelligence?

I've never felt that the ends justified the means.
I hate that story of Job in the bible where evryone always says: "Because Job had faith God showed him favor. His life was twice as good" I stand by my original analysis(Which got me kicked out of sunday school) Job got a raw deal. sure he was doubly blessed but his first seven kids had to die before he got the 14 and so on and so on...

As far as their cultural intelligence it's nice to meet someone who knows whats going on ( ie: weapons of mass destruction:rolleyes: or a thinly veiled attempt to sieze control of oil ? or better yet a vendetta against SH stemming from GWB sr.) but since the girls don't have to speak It's not a requirement.
I won't hire someone who would defame my name or anyone else's for a job. In the fashion industry image and word of mouth are everything so...
According to the academic types, Job is really the oldest book in the bible. Interesting that the only book that is supposed to predate Moses' history, law, etc. tells such a story.

I always thought the lesson was easy. Shit happens.

Why is it sunday school teachers don't like questions?
ffreak said:
Why is it sunday school teachers don't like questions?
Ha! The pope and his curia don't like questions. That's why the best theologians are always getting censored (i.e., silenced).
