
perdita said:

I miss having my cigarette lit by a man. It could be so rich: taking his hand while he held out the match or lighter, looking into his eyes in a particular way, taking the first drag (still looking into his eyes, suck suck suck...), blowing it out to the side, he catches the lipstick stain, etc. etc.

Got a light, Fool?

Perdita :rose:
You'll like my story. ;)
Thank you, perdita. Coming from you, it's high praise. :kiss:

The story isn't ready for submission, yet. I can PM you with the unedited passage in question...
rhinoguy said:
Can you flirt*?
DO you flirt?
DO you have expectations or "goals" when you flirt?

Well ... lets answer this one after another ...

Can you flirt? - Given the reponses and "successes"... NO, i cant flirt.

Do your flirt? - Actually rarely, cause of the low "success".

DO you have any expectations or "goals" when you flirt? - Well, thats tricky to answer. According to my previous definition of flirting it was to get to know the opposite sex and, eventually get laid :D. But some of the comments in this thread and especially this:

Svenskaflicka said:
I flirt all the time, with anyone. Man, woman, boy, girl, animal... Not sexual flirting, I reserve that for Hubby, but everyday flirting. Like, I'm goin to the bus, and it starts to rain, so I have to run, and I make it just before the bus leaves. The driver makes some little remark that I better hurry up before I get all drowned by the rain, and I smile and answer something like "Maybe I shouldn't get off at my regular stop, but go with the bus until it stops raining".


Friendly chat, including body language. Not necessarily sexual, just friendly, in order to make the day a little nicer for myself and my fellow human beings (and my fellow animal beings, as well. I'm very often seen in town, standing on my hands and knees, getting my face licked by a happy dog).

made me kinda change my mind on this ... or at least consider some more perspectives. Normally i see flirting as a way to get intimate with a person. So, yes i have a goal when flirting. I am trying to get laid, if i may say so ...

But reading Svenskaflicka's post ... well she is right. We always try to flirt, be it deliberately or not, just to make our fellow human beings feel better. Up to now I thought, that I would flirt only deliberately ... but I was wrong. A couple of days ago, I was visiting the big yellow and blue furniture shop :D and was I due to pay. I paid with card and had to sign the sales slip. I signed it and made a rather funny comment about all those annoying autograph hunters and the woman behind the desk laughed lightly in response ... So ... maybe that was undeliberate flirting ... sweet :D.

Anyway ... I think most people think of flirting as the start to get intimate or sexual and use it for that purpose. But I think also, that we should define that word in a broader way ... like Svenskaflicka and perdita have already pointed out.

But the sexual flirting part has always been kinda frustrating, so I rarely try it ... Hach .. life is just unfair.

Lauren, I just popped over to your site. It is beautiful, classy and extremely elegant. Without meaning to go OTT, you and your personality ooze from the pages. I know I will be a regular visitor.

Lou :rose:
This is all very good. I think the old movies are far more intriguing and yes, flirtatious. Applying the no expectation rule, perhaps because the writers and directors knew they had to be restrained we benefited with such good scenes.

Today movies tend to be far more pornographic (per Umberto Eco - a whole nother thread - erotica vs porn, story vs unfettered sexual mechanics) in that they get to physical action with little to no excuse.

The Italian Job seems to be an attempt to return to the old way of handling budding relationships on-screen. No sex happens in the film (they still blow-up some things) yet there is a change in the way the two main characters treat each other that definately heats-up.

p.s. hermosa Perdita - the twinkle in your eye, the knowing look. I think you are just as lovely.

Are you really 'old Europe' and can't flirt?

What is the world coming to? :confused:

ffreak said:
p.s. hermosa Perdita - the twinkle in your eye, the knowing look. I think you are just as lovely.
Very good Eff-eff, improving by the post.

Perdita :rose:

p.s. there's a scene in "Red River" (great film) where Monty Clift merely stares at a woman - nothing like it, and I know for myself. And it doesn't make a diff knowing he was gay. Brando could do that gaze too.
Re: CrazyyAngel:

perdita said:
Are you really 'old Europe' and can't flirt?

What is the world coming to? :confused:


Well .. old europe as in Germany :D. And if I remember correctly we germans arent known as the most flirtatious people on the planet. And being a very shy person doesnt help either. As I have said before, I havent had much success when flirting ... and being "rejected" over and over again is kinda frustating, so you eventually you just stop.


Well, I think there's good and varied advice on this thread. Stick around, look on the other threads, you'll see many flirtations going on to varying degrees. And rent those old films!

best to you, Perdita :rose:
I flirt with a lovely turn of phrase, a sweet, sweaty, sexy alliteration, a pregnant pause delineated through the ... There are so many euphemistic metaphors for what we want to imply to our darlings that double entendre and imagery abound in both my on-line relationships and with my amusing friends in real life.

If my clever companion has the wit to be able to play on the same playground equipment as I; I promise we'll be swinging upside down on the jungle gym, my skirt will be hanging over my breasts and I'll let my pretty white cotton panties gleam brightly in the magnesium glare of the sun in no time at all.
Hmm... "Red River", I'll have to find that and watch it. You guessed right, I love movies as well as books.
Re: CrazyyAngel

perdita said:
Well, I think there's good and varied advice on this thread. Stick around, look on the other threads, you'll see many flirtations going on to varying degrees. And rent those old films!

best to you, Perdita :rose:

I will definitly stick around ... I am already hooked up to Lit. You people are nice and there are a LOT of stories to read :).

And best to you to .. :kiss:
Well, Angel, all I can say is never give up. Just remember that finding someone on the same frequency takes a lot of looking. When you do, it's a lot of fun and worth the efforts.
ffreak said:
Well, Angel, all I can say is never give up. Just remember that finding someone on the same frequency takes a lot of looking. When you do, it's a lot of fun and worth the efforts.

Well I know finding the "right" person is kinda hard and takes long. But I am not even finding the "wrong" ones ... and thats the sad thing.
CrazyyAngel said:
Well I know finding the "right" person is kinda hard and takes long. But I am not even finding the "wrong" ones ... and thats the sad thing.

Take my advice with a pinch of salt, because I don't know you, you don't know me and I am merely speculating.

A few things you've said in this thread strike me as someone who is trying hard to impress the ladies, when you flirt. You go into a situation with an objective (of getting laid), and that can seem obvious to women, and even put them off. Relax a little, stand back, try to be cool. I think that's the gist of what most people have said in this thread. The real art of actual flirting comes from subtle actions, discreet body language, and only very mildly suggestive comments.

Oh, I almost forgot... Hi CrazyAngel, and welcome. :rose:

Lou :kiss:
Tatelou said:
Take my advice with a pinch of salt, because I don't know you, you don't know me and I am merely speculating.

A few things you've said in this thread strike me as someone who is trying hard to impress the ladies, when you flirt. You go into a situation with an objective (of getting laid), and that can seem obvious to women, and even put them off. Relax a little, stand back, try to be cool. I think that's the gist of what most people have said in this thread. The real art of actual flirting comes from subtle actions, discreet body language, and only very mildly suggestive comments.

Oh, I almost forgot... Hi CrazyAngel, and welcome. :rose:

Lou :kiss:

First of all ... thanks for the warm welcome :kiss: But how do I answer the rest of your post ... lets see ... I hope I am not too out of topic :)

You are right, I am trying really hard, but actually not for getting laid. As you may have guessed, I am still a virgin but sex isnt the thing I am searching most. I mean, to get relief, I just have to read some stories here and watch a porn and thats about it. I am also not that worried about the thing that I am still a virgin, I will get laid eventually (hopefully :) ). I am more craving for someone to be with, to have a relationship with ... And trying to flirt with women always raises the question in my mind "Will I be successful this time?". But you are right, I should relax more ... but thats easier said than done ;).

Sorry for changing the subject ...

perdita said:

I miss having my cigarette lit by a man. It could be so rich: taking his hand while he held out the match or lighter, looking into his eyes in a particular way, taking the first drag (still looking into his eyes, suck suck suck...), blowing it out to the side, he catches the lipstick stain, etc. etc.

Got a light, Fool?

Perdita :rose:

Darling, I've always got a light for you...
CrazyyAngel said:
You are right, I am trying really hard, but actually not for getting laid. As you may have guessed, I am still a virgin but sex isnt the thing I am searching most. I mean, to get relief, I just have to read some stories here and watch a porn and thats about it. I am also not that worried about the thing that I am still a virgin, I will get laid eventually (hopefully :) ). I am more craving for someone to be with, to have a relationship with ... And trying to flirt with women always raises the question in my mind "Will I be successful this time?". But you are right, I should relax more ... but thats easier said than done ;).

Sorry for changing the subject ...

Hey, no worries about changing the subject, it happens. Anyway, you haven't really changed the subject. This thread is about flirting, the ways in which we go about it and our motivations for doing so.

You definitely have the right attitude: about finding someone you can be close to, for companionship, and hopefully, eventually, sex. I think it is the kind of predicament that most young men go through (I'm assuming you are fairly young.) I completely agree, being relaxed about such things is far easier said than done.

I'm sure it will happen for you. You seem like a very nice, friendly, flirtatious guy. Just go with the flow. ;)

Lou :rose:
Tatelou said:
Hey, no worries about changing the subject, it happens. Anyway, you haven't really changed the subject. This thread is about flirting, the ways in which we go about it and our motivations for doing so.

You definitely have the right attitude: about finding someone you can be close to, for companionship, and hopefully, eventually, sex. I think it is the kind of predicament that most young men go through (I'm assuming you are fairly young.) I completely agree, being relaxed about such things is far easier said than done.

I'm sure it will happen for you. You seem like a very nice, friendly, flirtatious guy. Just go with the flow. ;)

Lou :rose:

Well thanks lou, that last part kinda made my day :kiss: ... actually my night, as it is 1.40 AM over here in Germany :D.

As for the age ... well I am 25, so not that young at all.

And as your comment made this night for me, a little smile by a complete stranger can make your day. I expierenced it last week. That little story I told before. In the cue, two people behind me was a woman. She looked interesting, and I just smiled at her. Imagine my surprise when she returned the smile ... that made my day. It is strange what those little things in life can do to you ...
Re: Re: CrazyyAngel

CrazyyAngel said:
You people are nice

You're new here, aren't you... :D

If you want to practice your flirting while trying to get laid, why not try the playground? If you can stomach the way guys swarm around any new woman that dares to reveal her gender like flies around shit, you'll soon find someone to test your skills on.
Re: Re: Re: CrazyyAngel

fiery_jack said:
You're new here, aren't you... :D

Yes ... is it that obvious? :D

fiery_jack said:
If you can stomach the way guys swarm around any new woman that dares to reveal her gender like flies around shit, you'll soon find someone to test your skills on.

Whats thats supposed to mean :confused:. Are you under the impression i am a woman? Or have I just gotten this wrong ? :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: CrazyyAngel

CrazyyAngel said:
Whats thats supposed to mean :confused:. Are you under the impression i am a woman? Or have I just gotten this wrong ? :)

I didn't think you were female, just recalling what i saw a lot of in the playground. Kinda the reason why i left.

All i'm saying is that, if you don't mind the occasional scent of desperation, the playground is a decent place to flirt (whether you want to be subtle or outrageous).

Welcome to Lit. :cool:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: CrazyyAngel

fiery_jack said:
I didn't think you were female, just recalling what i saw a lot of in the playground. Kinda the reason why i left.

All i'm saying is that, if you don't mind the occasional scent of desperation, the playground is a decent place to flirt (whether you want to be subtle or outrageous).

Welcome to Lit. :cool:

Well i am kinda desperate myself sometimes ... :rolleyes:

But thanks for the welcome .. :D
Tatelou said:
Lauren, I just popped over to your site. It is beautiful, classy and extremely elegant. Without meaning to go OTT, you and your personality ooze from the pages. I know I will be a regular visitor.

Lou :rose:
Thank you, Lou. I appreciate your compliments and am very glad you enjoyed the site. I just updated it yesterday, and plan on doing it every couple of weeks, at least. Hope you keep visiting.
