No Reply Needed

I've heard that scratching records is a technique used in some music forms
Well, ideally, you wouldn't be able to tell from looking at the record that it had been repeatedly and repetitively scratched. Someone's doing it wrong, if so.

Unless, I don't know, I'm not Hungarian, but maybe that's how they do it in Hungary?
I had someone join a thread I created just to say, "I can't think of anything that would motivate me to play this particular game".

I was tickled. I imagined someone coming up to my table in a pub in order to tell me he thought my conversation was silly and he wasn't going to sit down and join in.

He most certainly would not buy my tobacconist, thank you very much.
Every so often I see an AH thread that goes something like this:


"I am writing a story set in Hungary. I am seeking advice specifically from Hungarian locals about how a Hungarian woman might let a Hungarian man know that she's attracted to him."


"I'm not Hungarian, and I don't know any Hungarian women, but one time I watched a James Bond film set in Hungary and here's how I think it would go..."
"I'm not Hungarian, and anyway Hungary sucks. You should set your story in Spain instead, it's much better. Here's how women flirt with men in Spain."
"I'm not Hungarian, but I took some of my favourite pick-up lines and put them through Google Translate, and I think 'A légpárnásom tele van angolnákkal' would work..."
"I'm not Hungarian, but I typed this question into ChatGPT and here's what it said..."

Gentle reminder to people who do this: You don't need to be in every conversation. If you don't have the information the OP is looking for, it's fine not to reply. If the OP is asking specifically for advice from Hungarian locals, they probably have reasons for that. If they're not relying on GPT or a quick Google search for the answers, they probably have reasons for that also.

When you find yourself typing that "I'm not Hungarian, but...", stop and ask yourself: do I really have something useful to contribute here? Something that OP would be grateful for? Or am I just posting for the sake of saying something?

Sometimes it's marginal. Maybe you're not Hungarian, but you lived there a couple of years and you think you can give the OP something that's better than nothing. In those situations, one option is to wait and see whether somebody else who is Hungarian shows up and answers the question. If that hasn't happened within a couple of days, maybe then go ahead and offer that "better than nothing".

You left out the part where someone posts, "I am Hungarian and my thoughts are..." and everyone scrolls right by it and continues the tangential arguments.
And yet I have so much to say and oh! I like to carry on.
I've opinions that are orthodox and others quite contrarian.
I have my say in threads in words precise and lapidarian.
I am the very model of a modern mad Hungarian.
Hey! How dare you! Destroying amazing music is *my* job, not yours! Back! Back in your box, or I'm going to get the comfy chair!
Sometimes it's marginal. Maybe you're not Hungarian, but you lived there a couple of years and you think you can give the OP something that's better than nothing. In those situations, one option is to wait and see whether somebody else who is Hungarian shows up and answers the question. If that hasn't happened within a couple of days, maybe then go ahead and offer that "better than nothing".

I agree with everything you said except this part. I do like the "better than nothing" posts and sometimes it can add an interesting angle to get a perspective from someone that is close to the subject matter yet not entirely - 100% - what the thread creator asked for. Basically, a near miss oftentimes still adds value. At least when I've been asking questions, I've appreciated those kind of responses more than I expected to.

Now you know my opinion, thus I have contributed to the thread. This post was useless. :ROFLMAO: