For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

Duly noted that the challenge will not be taken up by you.

It was worth a shot. But I learned long ago how chickenshit the Deplorable regulars are.

No wonder their families have abandoned them. ☹️
It was worth a shot. But I learned long ago how chickenshit the Deplorable regulars are.

No wonder their families have abandoned them. ☹️
Haha. Yeah, it was worth it! And I will continue to pose the challenge (your challenge) because so many here, like myself, have such strong convictions on the upcoming election but, as shown here by babayboo, rarely care to put skin in the game.
I’m used to being called names by avid readers of my posts. Cheers. 🍻
Yes, in light of the bankruptcy of the GWP, I now subscribe to the babyboobs substack newsletter.
For the nominal price of breathing air, you too can read a poll researched by the Washington Examiner that he posts right here as well.
What part of the interview transcript are you referring to? Just copy and paste the quote and I’ll be happy to comment. No paraphrasing, no third party opinions.
I'm not talking about the interview but your comments on it, IE: "...but if you need more content to stoke your fears, be sure to follow the “Just The Polls” thread." That my dear Sir is passive aggressiveness at its peak.

And your support for the donald. And please don't try to say you don't support him. You try to obfuscate your intent, but it clearly shines through. So why not quit playing the gottcha game and just answer the question. Which is it?

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I will admit it's difficult to imagine anyone doing the things he says he will do without any sensible cautiion, but I think many believe the trials for 45 currently are an example of the left doing some already....

We're in a very strange time on so many fronts......amazing that one man has had such an impact, imo
Really? They believe that? So they believe the justice system in this country is like any other 3rd world dictatorship and works at the behest and on the command of the ruling political party? And the donald is being politically persecuted and should not be held responsible for the things he's done? Can ANY reasonable, intelligent, clear-eyed person look at the classified documents case and conclude that donald had a right to pack off all those secret documents?

Yeah I know Joe had a few. The difference is in the response. When they were found in Joe's place they were reported and he threw open the door, with a "Well Damn! Come on in and see if I forgot to return any more." Essentially taking responsibility for his actions. Contrast that with the donald. When asked to return them he lied about having them. When caught with them after lying, he tried to claim he had the right to do what he wanted to with them.

Every other president, Democrat AND Republican up to this point has abided by the rules. Only an entitled little rich kid tried to skip around them. And make no mistake, in that old man's body lives a rich little kid that thinks the rules don't apply to him.

I've said it numerous times, because I hold views from both sides of that indefinable yet seemingly concrete political line, I'd love to have a Republican candidate to consider voting for. But that ain't gunna happen until the Republican side comes back out of madness.

Really? They believe that? So they believe the justice system in this country is like any other 3rd world dictatorship and works at the behest and on the command of the ruling political party? And the donald is being politically persecuted and should not be held responsible for the things he's done? Can ANY reasonable, intelligent, clear-eyed person look at the classified documents case and conclude that donald had a right to pack off all those secret documents?

Yeah I know Joe had a few. The difference is in the response. When they were found in Joe's place they were reported and he threw open the door, with a "Well Damn! Come on in and see if I forgot to return any more." Essentially taking responsibility for his actions. Contrast that with the donald. When asked to return them he lied about having them. When caught with them after lying, he tried to claim he had the right to do what he wanted to with them.

Every other president, Democrat AND Republican up to this point has abided by the rules. Only an entitled little rich kid tried to skip around them. And make no mistake, in that old man's body lives a rich little kid that thinks the rules don't apply to him.

I've said it numerous times, because I hold views from both sides of that indefinable yet seemingly concrete political line, I'd love to have a Republican candidate to consider voting for. But that ain't gunna happen until the Republican side comes back out of madness.

Yes, I believe they think that. Every prosecution is a choice by the prosecutor bringing the charges. My personal opinion is that Georgia is the strongest case, mostly due to the phone call to the sec of state. I don't agree with some cases being brought, specifically Bragg's and The Daniel's cases.

I find, many times, that my faith in the courts goes well beyond others ability to stomach in terms of the ability to overcome corruption and misconduct. 45 is certainly unique in his ability to challenge the norms of our government.
I am pretty exhausted with those who can't seem to separate support for a person's policies, or at least many of them, from blanket support for a man. Agreement on some key points does not, nor has it ever, equated to a cult following. For example, I agree with much of the moral teachings of Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses and could have a very good conversation about the state of society today. But I could never join with them on any other level because there are key components to their teachings that I consider to be dangerous and that make them horrible cults. In many ways, cults of personality are worse.

So, for those of you who are unable to distinguish enough to have a nuanced conversation, I am going to post here four MAJOR areas where I disagree with Trump's stated platform. I understand that on three of these issues it's because I don't think he goes far enough or gives too much, but that alone makes the point that I do not consider, nor have I ever considered, him a conservative in any sense of the word. He is a populist and a pragmatist. But I do prefer him over the alternative currently out there.

Having said all that, here are my four points of major DISAGREEMENT with Trump.

1: His stance on tariffs. He did this before and I had a major beef then too. Tariffs do not help any economy, not does the intended target of a tariff, especially if they, fairly or unfairly, control much of that market, ever actually take the biggest hit. This should be basic economics 101. When prices go up, the consumer, not the company, is going to pay them. So using tariffs to punish China and other bad actors on the national stage is just a bad idea. It has never worked. If he does this, it will easily at least partially undercut the economic benefits of a Trump presidency.

2: His willingness to leave abortion laws up to the states. Abortion is a human rights issue. A baby is IN a mother's womb, but it is not PART of her body. We know this to be scientifically true. The baby has separate DNA, can be a separate gender, has different needs, and is not legitimately a "my body, my choice" issue. That is a human life. That life, no matter how it is conceived, is precious. There are other options if the mother is in danger, or it was conceived in a horrific way, but to murder a baby because of crimes not its own is horrific. Abortion, taking the life of an innocent, is ALWAYS murder. We would not leave the right to murder a baby 1 hour out of the womb, even born prematurely, up to the states. The location of that baby's body has no bearing on whether or not it should be considered a crime of the most heinous nature. Instead of taking the easy route of leaving it up to the states, there needs to be support for treating murder as murder on a national level. Period.

3. Funding for Israel in their defense, short of actual crimes and corruption, which they have not been part of at least up to this point, should never have even the consideration of qualifiers beyond the consideration of what we can afford. I know there are a LOT of you that will flip out on this statement, but I stand by it. That is a much longer discussion I don't feel the need to get into here. But his willingness to add caveats to funding and aid makes me very nervous.

4. Heavy pushes on the so-called vax for Covid-19. These things are a nightmare and are making things worse. Again, because of the purpose of this thread, I am not going to engage in the debate over the position. There are great threads and posts out there that have that debate. You can make up your own mind on that subject. I am very nervous that a push compromise on this, though, can and will lead to taking away freedom of choice on this issue. As with any vax issue, I believe failure to allow individual and family liberty on this is in fact a fundamental constitutional violation of individual rights and opens the door to far more egregious violations. Give a government an inch, they will take... everything!

There are, of course, other minor issues, but these are huge deals for me. But given the choice between these and dealing with a radical leftist socialist agenda being pushed forward, I have no issues voting for the man. I just want there to be actual conservatives around him to keep him in check.
You can not fully support Trump on every issue and still be a raving lunatic.
I'm not talking about the interview but your comments on it, IE: "...but if you need more content to stoke your fears, be sure to follow the “Just The Polls” thread." That my dear Sir is passive aggressiveness at its peak.

And your support for the donald. And please don't try to say you don't support him. You try to obfuscate your intent, but it clearly shines through. So why not quit playing the gottcha game and just answer the question. Which is it?

Apparently you believe presidents can unilaterally suspend the constitution and you’re worried that’s going to happen. Many DJ supporters are worried about the polls. That might explain the alarm bells. What made you think I would claim to not support Trump? I’ve been very transparent about who I’m supporting. DeSantis was my original pick, but he dropped out before my state’s primary. Trump is the GOP candidate and he’s got my support.
You cannot possibly have read all of what was said as quickly as that. SO what you just posted is knee-jerk reaction. Exactly the opposite of nuanced thought and debate. Unless your intention was to prove my point, you may want to actually read what others have to say, consider it, and give a full, well-thought-out, multi=sentence response. Thank you for your input, though. I appreciate it.
He's jerking something else besides his knee when posting.
Apparently you believe presidents can unilaterally suspend the constitution and you’re worried that’s going to happen. Many DJ supporters are worried about the polls. That might explain the alarm bells. What made you think I would claim to not support Trump? I’ve been very transparent about who I’m supporting. DeSantis was my original pick, but he dropped out before my state’s primary. Trump is the GOP candidate and he’s got my support.
"Apparently you believe presidents can unilaterally suspend the constitution and you’re worried that’s going to happen."

Can? Maybe not. Try most definitely, that has already been done by the donald & company. If he is elected he will try again. He's already said he would. A person can either grin and attribute that to him yanking the libs chain, or take him at his word. From his actions, I believe we should err on the side of caution and take him at his word. It's like dealing with a Grizzly, he may be doing a bluff charge or he may be coming to eat you for breakfast. I would never bank on the bluff with a Grizzly Or the donald.

If he does try he may not get it done but the country will be thrown into a place that may and probably will spark violence across the nation.

As far as you supporting Trump, since one of the two options I asked was exactly that, why didn't you just answer my questions instead of a verbal tap dance?

Apparently you believe presidents can unilaterally suspend the constitution and you’re worried that’s going to happen. Many DJ supporters are worried about the polls. That might explain the alarm bells. What made you think I would claim to not support Trump? I’ve been very transparent about who I’m supporting. DeSantis was my original pick, but he dropped out before my state’s primary. Trump is the GOP candidate and he’s got my support.
Trump is exactly the one who believes he can suspend and even tear up the Constitution, if and when it suits his personal needs.
So list the times he did anything unconstitutional.
I'm no constitutional lawyer or scholar, but I believe fomenting an insurrection would be unconstitutional. And he has more than implied in public speeches that he would suspend the Constitution if he felt necessary. I can look up the video clips if you need verification, but if you follow him, you already know.
So I have been watching what would be said on here since I posted, and intentionally did not respond. One of the things I was interested to see, was whether or not the lefties who would inevitably be bated by the thread would make coherent policy arguments here and be able to engage in a nuanced conversation.

What happened instead is precisely what I suspected would happen. I hear a lot of opinions from lefties, a lot of name calling, and a lot of broad brushing. But very little actual discussion of policy or acknowledgement that, if the start point is a different worldview from yours, what Trump HAS said that you disagree with is reasonable and logical. It's only dangerous if you start with leftist assumptions.

For example, I don't think my Never Trump friends and family are horrible or stupid. We just disagree on those points. Nor do I think my hard-core Trump follower friends and family are crazy or awful. We just disagree. We can all get together, have a nuanced debate without name-calling, agree to disagree, be brought to a place of thinking deeper about a position, and not walk away enemies. In fact our friendship is often deepened because or the debate.

But your side, lefties, has been proven once again, incapable of deep or nuanced thought or discussion of ideas. Instead, all I have seen is regurgitation of CNN and MSNBC tropes and bumper sticker thinking. Sad really. The left used to be a little more intelligent and eloquent in their arguments. Guess this is what unfettered entitlement gives us today.

Anyway, thank you for proving my point.
So I have been watching what would be said on here since I posted, and intentionally did not respond. One of the things I was interested to see, was whether or not the lefties who would inevitably be bated by the thread would make coherent policy arguments here and be able to engage in a nuanced conversation.

What happened instead is precisely what I suspected would happen. I hear a lot of opinions from lefties, a lot of name calling, and a lot of broad brushing. But very little actual discussion of policy or acknowledgement that, if the start point is a different worldview from yours, what Trump HAS said that you disagree with is reasonable and logical. It's only dangerous if you start with leftist assumptions.

For example, I don't think my Never Trump friends and family are horrible or stupid. We just disagree on those points. Nor do I think my hard-core Trump follower friends and family are crazy or awful. We just disagree. We can all get together, have a nuanced debate without name-calling, agree to disagree, be brought to a place of thinking deeper about a position, and not walk away enemies. In fact our friendship is often deepened because or the debate.

But your side, lefties, has been proven once again, incapable of deep or nuanced thought or discussion of ideas. Instead, all I have seen is regurgitation of CNN and MSNBC tropes and bumper sticker thinking. Sad really. The left used to be a little more intelligent and eloquent in their arguments. Guess this is what unfettered entitlement gives us today.

Anyway, thank you for proving my point.
your mistake is imagining anyone with an ounce of integrity, empathy, social awareness and intellect would bother debating or discussing your OP with you.
your mistake is imagining anyone with an ounce of integrity, empathy, social awareness and intellect would bother debating or discussing your OP with you.
Your version of "integrity" is following whatever CNN, PBS, or MSNBC tells you to believe. Your version of "empathy" tells you it's okay to murder babies in the womb and support groups that are burning down cities, looting, and assaulting and murdering in the name of "social justice". Your version of social awareness is a "woke" way of thinking that has created a woke army of people who look and act a hell of a lot like Nazi brown shirts. And your version of intellect is the regurgitation of ideas and thoughts that socialist professors and "intellectuals" spew.

So you will forgive me if I don't take your name calling and insults too seriously.
So I have been watching what would be said on here since I posted, and intentionally did not respond. One of the things I was interested to see, was whether or not the lefties who would inevitably be bated by the thread would make coherent policy arguments here and be able to engage in a nuanced conversation.

What happened instead is precisely what I suspected would happen. I hear a lot of opinions from lefties, a lot of name calling, and a lot of broad brushing. But very little actual discussion of policy or acknowledgement that, if the start point is a different worldview from yours, what Trump HAS said that you disagree with is reasonable and logical. It's only dangerous if you start with leftist assumptions.

For example, I don't think my Never Trump friends and family are horrible or stupid. We just disagree on those points. Nor do I think my hard-core Trump follower friends and family are crazy or awful. We just disagree. We can all get together, have a nuanced debate without name-calling, agree to disagree, be brought to a place of thinking deeper about a position, and not walk away enemies. In fact our friendship is often deepened because or the debate.

But your side, lefties, has been proven once again, incapable of deep or nuanced thought or discussion of ideas. Instead, all I have seen is regurgitation of CNN and MSNBC tropes and bumper sticker thinking. Sad really. The left used to be a little more intelligent and eloquent in their arguments. Guess this is what unfettered entitlement gives us today.

Anyway, thank you for proving my point.
Your discussion on abortion alone proves you dishonest. I gave you my position and you basically walked away from continued discussion.

I do wish you well in lobbying for your policy positions, but would hope that is more involved than a vote for President.
So I have been watching what would be said on here since I posted, and intentionally did not respond. One of the things I was interested to see, was whether or not the lefties who would inevitably be bated by the thread would make coherent policy arguments here and be able to engage in a nuanced conversation.

What happened instead is precisely what I suspected would happen. I hear a lot of opinions from lefties, a lot of name calling, and a lot of broad brushing. But very little actual discussion of policy or acknowledgement that, if the start point is a different worldview from yours, what Trump HAS said that you disagree with is reasonable and logical. It's only dangerous if you start with leftist assumptions.

For example, I don't think my Never Trump friends and family are horrible or stupid. We just disagree on those points. Nor do I think my hard-core Trump follower friends and family are crazy or awful. We just disagree. We can all get together, have a nuanced debate without name-calling, agree to disagree, be brought to a place of thinking deeper about a position, and not walk away enemies. In fact our friendship is often deepened because or the debate.

But your side, lefties, has been proven once again, incapable of deep or nuanced thought or discussion of ideas. Instead, all I have seen is regurgitation of CNN and MSNBC tropes and bumper sticker thinking. Sad really. The left used to be a little more intelligent and eloquent in their arguments. Guess this is what unfettered entitlement gives us today.

Anyway, thank you for proving my point.
Fuck you and your point. When we bring up empirically proven facts to prove our arguments, or at least bolster them, it's you and the Trump ball-garglers on here who disregard the evidence, claim it doesn't apply, repeat debunked wild claims, move the goalposts, pull some whataboutism, or change the subject entirely. So go shave your genitals with a cheese grater and fuck off with your passive-aggressive pussy bullshit.