For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

Fuck you and your point. When we bring up empirically proven facts to prove our arguments, or at least bolster them, it's you and the Trump ball-garglers on here who disregard the evidence, claim it doesn't apply, repeat debunked wild claims, move the goalposts, pull some whataboutism, or change the subject entirely. So go shave your genitals with a cheese grater and fuck off with your passive-aggressive pussy bullshit.
Maybe their next alt-name?
Your discussion on abortion alone proves you dishonest. I gave you my position and you basically walked away from continued discussion.

I do wish you well in lobbying for your policy positions, but would hope that is more involved than a vote for President.
I gave you extensive evidence and discussion and interviews and every bit of evidence anybody would need to prove from a medical and a scientific standpoint that an unborn child is exactly that. I gave you evidence from doctors who were the ones who were performing the abortions. I gave you scientific research. I gave you videos. I gave you interviews with people from Planned Parenthood. I gave you the financial statements from Planned Parenthood showing them to be liars. I gave you so much evidence, that it would take days to process all of it. To do the research and the due diligence. I happen to be familiar with the information which is why I was able to access it that quickly. You were the one that refused to even look at it. You were the one that said it's just emotional arguments and didn't look at what the arguments were. You were the one who ignored what the doctors and the scientists said. You were the one who ignored and pretended didn't exist what the abortionists and former abortionists said. I gave facts. You gave talking points. So don't tell me about walking away from a discussion after not giving the full reason.... Bullcrap. I gave every bit of evidence that would be enough to make any sane person reevaluate their position. You are just so entrenched in in your possessions that you can't see past them. You can't see past your own opinions to the fact that you have been brainwashed or willfully ignorant because of some decisions you've made in your own life that you don't want to be accountable for.
I gave you extensive evidence and discussion and interviews and every bit of evidence anybody would need to prove from a medical and a scientific standpoint that an unborn child is exactly that. I gave you evidence from doctors who were the ones who were performing the abortions. I gave you scientific research. I gave you videos. I gave you interviews with people from Planned Parenthood. I gave you the financial statements from Planned Parenthood showing them to be liars. I gave you so much evidence, that it would take days to process all of it. To do the research and the due diligence. I happen to be familiar with the information which is why I was able to access it that quickly. You were the one that refused to even look at it. You were the one that said it's just emotional arguments and didn't look at what the arguments were. You were the one who ignored what the doctors and the scientists said. You were the one who ignored and pretended didn't exist what the abortionists and former abortionists said. I gave facts. You gave talking points. So don't tell me about walking away from a discussion after not giving the full reason.... Bullcrap. I gave every bit of evidence that would be enough to make any sane person reevaluate their position. You are just so entrenched in in your possessions that you can't see past them. You can't see past your own opinions to the fact that you have been brainwashed or willfully ignorant because of some decisions you've made in your own life that you don't want to be accountable for.
Pot, meet kettle.
Your version of "integrity" is following whatever CNN, PBS, or MSNBC tells you to believe. Your version of "empathy" tells you it's okay to murder babies in the womb and support groups that are burning down cities, looting, and assaulting and murdering in the name of "social justice". Your version of social awareness is a "woke" way of thinking that has created a woke army of people who look and act a hell of a lot like Nazi brown shirts. And your version of intellect is the regurgitation of ideas and thoughts that socialist professors and "intellectuals" spew.

So you will forgive me if I don't take your name calling and insults too seriously.
your p.o.v is so disconnected to the reality of today's world as to be ridiculous

of course i don't expect you to take my 'insults' seriously; that would require a mentality you don't possess.

you are a dinosaur.
Fuck you and your point. When we bring up empirically proven facts to prove our arguments, or at least bolster them, it's you and the Trump ball-garglers on here who disregard the evidence, claim it doesn't apply, repeat debunked wild claims, move the goalposts, pull some whataboutism, or change the subject entirely. So go shave your genitals with a cheese grater and fuck off with your passive-aggressive pussy bullshit.
I'm just going to make a quick note here. Conservatives don't treat or talk to people the way you just did. Or at least not the ones that get the respect in conservative circles. I listen to people who are BLM liberals. I actually have some friends who are BLM liberals who I disagree with fiercely. I can make a distinction between. I disagree with their conclusion and they have a valid reason for coming to that conclusion. I don't name call. I don't used disparaging language to cut you down for simply believing what you believe. I give you information and facts and then what you do with it, you do with it. You may not agree with me. You clearly don't. And that's fine. I will defend my position and I will defend it to the point I need to in order to make my point. And then I just move on to another discussion and I'm good. On the other hand, you reduce your argument to vulgar name, calling and insults on a person instead of a person's ideas and beliefs. That is the sign of someone losing a debate. That's actually one of the general rules of debate to begin with: If it reduces to name calling then you've lost the debate. I encourage conservatives to avoid going there, and most of us do. I have met very few people on your side who are able to avoid going there and avoid reducing it to emotion and vulgar name calling and f-yous. But you claim to have the moral high ground. The evidence proves otherwise.
I gave you extensive evidence and discussion and interviews and every bit of evidence anybody would need to prove from a medical and a scientific standpoint that an unborn child is exactly that. I gave you evidence from doctors who were the ones who were performing the abortions. I gave you scientific research. I gave you videos. I gave you interviews with people from Planned Parenthood. I gave you the financial statements from Planned Parenthood showing them to be liars. I gave you so much evidence, that it would take days to process all of it. To do the research and the due diligence. I happen to be familiar with the information which is why I was able to access it that quickly. You were the one that refused to even look at it. You were the one that said it's just emotional arguments and didn't look at what the arguments were. You were the one who ignored what the doctors and the scientists said. You were the one who ignored and pretended didn't exist what the abortionists and former abortionists said. I gave facts. You gave talking points. So don't tell me about walking away from a discussion after not giving the full reason.... Bullcrap. I gave every bit of evidence that would be enough to make any sane person reevaluate their position. You are just so entrenched in in your possessions that you can't see past them. You can't see past your own opinions to the fact that you have been brainwashed or willfully ignorant because of some decisions you've made in your own life that you don't want to be accountable for.
You gave me videos of a medical procedure and emotional reactions of "babies" being "murdered" . You (or anyone else) thinking the procedure is horrific is not a factual statement but an emotional one. I pointed that out multiple times.

Whether you like that it occurs or not is an emotional and religious reaction, not a factual discussion. It's not a requirement to align with your religion in any way to have a valid opinion

And even through all of that, I never once said your position was wrong or incorrect or that any god would need to judge you for that position because it's beyond the pale......that was YOU who told ME that my views were wrong and that I was ignoring what I clearly told you I had not.

As I said - this discussion right here shows you for who you really are. I want you to lobby for whatever policy you want to have enacted and you are telling me that my policy views are wrong and will be judged.
I'm just going to make a quick note here. Conservatives don't treat or talk to people the way you just did. Or at least not the ones that get the respect in conservative circles. I listen to people who are BLM liberals. I actually have some friends who are BLM liberals who I disagree with fiercely. I can make a distinction between. I disagree with their conclusion and they have a valid reason for coming to that conclusion. I don't name call. I don't used disparaging language to cut you down for simply believing what you believe. I give you information and facts and then what you do with it, you do with it. You may not agree with me. You clearly don't. And that's fine. I will defend my position and I will defend it to the point I need to in order to make my point. And then I just move on to another discussion and I'm good. On the other hand, you reduce your argument to vulgar name, calling and insults on a person instead of a person's ideas and beliefs. That is the sign of someone losing a debate. That's actually one of the general rules of debate to begin with: If it reduces to name calling then you've lost the debate. I encourage conservatives to avoid going there, and most of us do. I have met very few people on your side who are able to avoid going there and avoid reducing it to emotion and vulgar name calling and f-yous. But you claim to have the moral high ground. The evidence proves otherwise.
I wasn't making an argument on any particular issue, you retarded fuckbag. I was just venting about self-important pieces of shit like you and your fellow so-called conservatives and Trump asslickers. God, do get get high smelling your own farts?
your p.o.v is so disconnected to the reality of today's world as to be ridiculous

of course i don't expect you to take my 'insults' seriously; that would require a mentality you don't possess.

you are a dinosaur.
Here's the problem with that whole today's world argument. Truth is timeless. Truth doesn't change. Truth is absolute. Truth doesn't depend on your feelings or mine. Truth doesn't depend on social opinions. Truth doesn't depend on how society has decided they want to function at the moment. Truth is absolute. Truth is changeless.

The principles that govern what is good, those last beyond what people feel. They have to. We know murder is wrong because it's taking an innocent life. We know stealing is wrong because it's it's taking property you did not work for or earn. We know rape is wrong because it is violation on the the most intimate levels. We know lying is wrong because it's a betrayal of honesty. These are absolutes. We don't get to redefine them.

The reason the US Constitution lasted and has lasted as long as it has essentially unchanged is because it was built on principles not on societal mores or opinions of the time. It was a collection of foundational principles that could be applied and expanded on as they are applied to society.

That's the nature of Truth. That's what you reject. That's why you are so wishy-washy and movable when it comes to moving to things that take you further and further down leftist rabbit holes. That's why the left has just moved further and further left as the decades have moved on. And by the way, the right has moved further and further left as well. John F. Kennedy's speeches he sounds more like today's Republicans than like a Democrat.

So I don't take your insults seriously. Because they're coming from a place of movable values. Movable values are like changing the rules of a card game in the middle of the game. There are absolutes. And those are not dinosaur values. Those are just basic principles of life.

Maybe you need to spend more time around people in their '60s and '70s and '80s and '90s, who you consider dinosaurs. Have wisdom in their little finger then you have in your entire body. Maybe you need to fill your peanut brain with the wisdom of people who have actually lived life.
You gave me videos of a medical procedure and emotional reactions of "babies" being "murdered" . You (or anyone else) thinking the procedure is horrific is not a factual statement but an emotional one. I pointed that out multiple times.

Whether you like that it occurs or not is an emotional and religious reaction, not a factual discussion. It's not a requirement to align with your religion in any way to have a valid opinion

And even through all of that, I never once said your position was wrong or incorrect or that any god would need to judge you for that position because it's beyond the pale......that was YOU who told ME that my views were wrong and that I was ignoring what I clearly told you I had not.

As I said - this discussion right here shows you for who you really are. I want you to lobby for whatever policy you want to have enacted and you are telling me that my policy views are wrong and will be judged.
You actually have the audacity to say that what doctors who have actually performed abortions then walked away saying I couldn't do it anymore because it was murder... Medical professionals... Scientists.... Those who have actually performed the abortions themselves.... You have the audacity to say that you know more about the facts than they do? You really are arrogant.
I wasn't making an argument on any particular issue, you retarded fuckbag. I was just venting about self-important pieces of shit like you and your fellow so-called conservatives and Trump asslickers. God, do get get high smelling your own farts?
Can you point out the intellectual and reasonable well-stated position and argument that you were making there. In the words you just used. Was fuckbag the intellectual argument? Or maybe it was calling other people who you disagree with pieces of shit. Or perhaps it was the fart joke. I'm sure there's an intelligent argument in there somewhere, but I'm not quite sure where it is. Please enlighten me.

i have no intention of discussing, politely or not, your desires to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies.

i spend a whole lot of time with people my own age and older. I'm 65, my husband's 73, my m-i-l is 101 and then there are all our friends and neighbours. I have lived a fair chunk of life so your attempt to insinuate i am naive is, again, ridiculous.
You actually have the audacity to say that what doctors who have actually performed abortions then walked away saying I couldn't do it anymore because it was murder... Medical professionals... Scientists.... Those who have actually performed the abortions themselves.... You have the audacity to say that you know more about the facts than they do? You really are arrogant. I don't want policy discussions. You want to tell everyone they are wrong or brainwashed..etc. Instead of pretending otherwise and then blaming everyone else...just own up to it.

The word horrific is not factual. It is, by definition, an emotion.

1. an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust. "children screamed in horror"

You refuse to see the fact that abortion is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy. Instead, you emotionally say that it is murdering babies. A baby doesn't exist until after birth occurs.
Can you point out the intellectual and reasonable well-stated position and argument that you were making there. In the words you just used. Was fuckbag the intellectual argument? Or maybe it was calling other people who you disagree with pieces of shit. Or perhaps it was the fart joke. I'm sure there's an intelligent argument in there somewhere, but I'm not quite sure where it is. Please enlighten me.
Jesus, you're dim. There's no enlightening you.

i have no intention of discussing, politely or not, your desires to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies.

i spend a whole lot of time with people my own age and older. I'm 65, my husband's 73, my m-i-l is 101 and then there are all our friends and neighbours. I have lived a fair chunk of life so your attempt to insinuate i am naive is, again, ridiculous.
Then your crime is far more egregious. Yours is that of ignoring truth. Yours is that of ignoring all the ample evidence given that babies are still babies in the womb. Your crime is punishing unborn children for the crimes of their fathers. Your crime is that of putting the life of the most vulnerable in society, a baby in a womb, at risk for death sentences because their life is inconvenient to others. I will never apologize for putting the life of an innocent baby above that of people who want to destroy that life. I will never apologize for that because that is the morally right thing to do regardless of what your mores say should happen. Murder is murder is murder. And I don't care what excuse you give.
even the reason some doctors don't wish to perform abortions points to the fact that on-demand, early termination by pill is a far better way to end an unwanted, unviable, potentially hazardous pregnancy. And yet look at those trying to make abortion pills illegal, inaccessible, and early access to pre-natal options impossible. I don't want policy discussions. You want to tell everyone they are wrong or brainwashed..etc. Instead of pretending otherwise and then blaming everyone else...just own up to it.

The word horrific is not factual. It is, by definition, an emotion.

1. an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust. "children screamed in horror"
The word horrific is a word you would not hesitate to use if we were talking about a school shooting taking out several children. I suspect, I don't know fully your position on this, that you would use the word horrific in your speaking of the death of people in the the Palestine area at the hands of Israeli gunfire or rocket fire. The word horrific is an emotion, but it's a reasonable emotion in response to a terrible thing. If you don't have that response to the murder of innocent babies, something is wrong with you. Again, you didn't answer the question. Do you really think you know more than doctors and medical professionals who have actually performed the abortions and who actually know what they're talking about? Do you think you know better than abortionists who have actually committed the abortions and then said I could not do it anymore because it was murder? Do you think you know more than the scientists who point out that this is clearly a human living being that is separate from the mother's life? Do you think you know more than people who actually have the degrees and the studies and the years of experience in their fields in these subjects? Because that's the evidence you are ignoring. Are you smarter than they are? Do you think you have better information than they have? You are the one responding with emotion and opinion instead of going with facts. Because all you're listening to is people like those associated with Planned Parenthood and those who actually have financial interests in keeping abortion going. You think you know better than the actual scientists and doctors. And that is the height of arrogance.
Then your crime is far more egregious. Yours is that of ignoring truth. Yours is that of ignoring all the ample evidence given that babies are still babies in the womb. Your crime is punishing unborn children for the crimes of their fathers. Your crime is that of putting the life of the most vulnerable in society, a baby in a womb, at risk for death sentences because their life is inconvenient to others. I will never apologize for putting the life of an innocent baby above that of people who want to destroy that life. I will never apologize for that because that is the morally right thing to do regardless of what your mores say should happen. Murder is murder is murder. And I don't care what excuse you give.
you are a silly man and believe your opinions on forced pregnancy should be more important than at least half of the population who has to carry them

if men got pregnant on a regular basis, you could be damned sure we'd not be having this conversation.

anyway... you go do your antiquated self. you, too, will die out as the world moves on.

i have no intention of discussing, politely or not, your desires to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies.

i spend a whole lot of time with people my own age and older. I'm 65, my husband's 73, my m-i-l is 101 and then there are all our friends and neighbours. I have lived a fair chunk of life so your attempt to insinuate i am naive is, again, ridiculous.

Yeah, but JaySecretions spends a whole lot of time talking to "God", who is reeeeeeeally old, so JaySecretions knows better than anyone else, and can pontificate from a place of absolute certitude.

even the reason some doctors don't wish to perform abortions points to the fact that on-demand, early termination by pill is a far better way to end an unwanted, unviable, potentially hazardous pregnancy. And yet look at those trying to make abortion pills illegal, inaccessible, and early access to pre-natal options impossible.
How about we take the contents of those abortion pills, and how about we take those and increase the dosage so it actually would be effective, and what we'll do is we'll feed them to your born grandchildren. Not all of them of course. Just the ones who are financially inconvenient for their parents. And if there's a reason in their conception that they would be a bother to the adults, then of course we can abort those grandchildren as well. And of course, if they have any kind of a disability, they clearly can't have a good quality of life. So let's feed that pill to them too.

It would be cruel wouldn't it. It would not only be murder. It would be a very horrific... I'll use the word... my murder in the process. It would be torturing that person to death.

But when you do it to the innocent baby in the womb, tiny human life with separate DNA, separate identity, separate gender at times, everything that makes it independent of its mother other than its need for the mother to nourish it, now it's okay? That baby if you were to take it out of the womb and put it on medical life support would be able to survive without its mother. We don't give it the life support that we would give a puppy or a frog. We give it life support that a human child needs. Because it is a baby. We know this instinctively. The problem is children are an inconvenient outcome of what we have deemed the mores we are going to follow in society when it comes to sex. So instead of dealing with our behavior, we just murder the outcome. That is sick.
How about we take the contents of those abortion pills, and how about we take those and increase the dosage so it actually would be effective, and what we'll do is we'll feed them to your born grandchildren. Not all of them of course. Just the ones who are financially inconvenient for their parents. And if there's a reason in their conception that they would be a bother to the adults, then of course we can abort those grandchildren as well. And of course, if they have any kind of a disability, they clearly can't have a good quality of life. So let's feed that pill to them too.

It would be cruel wouldn't it. It would not only be murder. It would be a very horrific... I'll use the word... my murder in the process. It would be torturing that person to death.

But when you do it to the innocent baby in the womb, tiny human life with separate DNA, separate identity, separate gender at times, everything that makes it independent of its mother other than its need for the mother to nourish it, now it's okay? That baby if you were to take it out of the womb and put it on medical life support would be able to survive without its mother. We don't give it the life support that we would give a puppy or a frog. We give it life support that a human child needs. Because it is a baby. We know this instinctively. The problem is children are an inconvenient outcome of what we have deemed the mores we are going to follow in society when it comes to sex. So instead of dealing with our behavior, we just murder the outcome. That is sick.
you still seem to imagine i'm willing to discuss and debate your nonsense.
bless your heart
you are a silly man and believe your opinions on forced pregnancy should be more important than at least half of the population who has to carry them

if men got pregnant on a regular basis, you could be damned sure we'd not be having this conversation.

anyway... you go do your antiquated self. you, too, will die out as the world moves on.
Again, that is a provable fallacy. The biggest and most vocal portion of society who oppose abortion... is women. The most vocal anti-abortionists out there, are women who used to work for Planned Parenthood, were actually valued employees of Planned Parenthood till they could simply not live with themselves for what they were doing to babies. Some of the other most vocal opponents to abortion are women who have had abortions, and know what it did to them. You as a man are sitting there explaining to women who have been through it and who have done it that they are wrong. That somehow their position is chauvinistic against women. But then this is something your side regularly does. You have a position and so you impose your straw men and then ignore the evidence otherwise. It's the only way you can keep up your facade.
The word horrific is a word you would not hesitate to use if we were talking about a school shooting taking out several children. I suspect, I don't know fully your position on this, that you would use the word horrific in your speaking of the death of people in the the Palestine area at the hands of Israeli gunfire or rocket fire. The word horrific is an emotion, but it's a reasonable emotion in response to a terrible thing. If you don't have that response to the murder of innocent babies, something is wrong with you.
Abortion doesn't involve babies. You describe it incorrectly to produce an emotional response rather than an objective one. I support a woman's right to end her pregnancy. That is my policy position based on my objective reasoning even as some of the visuals of the procedure may produce emotional responses.

Again, you didn't answer the question. Do you really think you know more than doctors and medical professionals who have actually performed the abortions and who actually know what they're talking about? Do you think you know better than abortionists who have actually committed the abortions and then said I could not do it anymore because it was murder? Do you think you know more than the scientists who point out that this is clearly a human living being that is separate from the mother's life? Do you think you know more than people who actually have the degrees and the studies and the years of experience in their fields in these subjects? Because that's the evidence you are ignoring. Are you smarter than they are? Do you think you have better information than they have?
I have never said any of the above and again, I've never ignored evidence. I may not watch every video that you post, but that's because you aren't providing any new information to me. I've seen abortions. I've heard medical doctors who disagree with abortions and have heard some that describe it as murder. I know the majority of doctors actually see it as a medical procedure and disagree with that position.

If they feel that they cannot perform abortions anymore, then they can choose not to do so. It has no bearing on my policy position. I would always suggest that a woman make medical decisions with the consultation of their doctor.

You are the one responding with emotion and opinion instead of going with facts.
That is blatantly false and demonstrably so in everything you post on the topic. You use words incorrectly to produce emotional responses. And you describe a medical procedure as horrific which is an emotional description.

Because all you're listening to is people like those associated with Planned Parenthood and those who actually have financial interests in keeping abortion going. You think you know better than the actual scientists and doctors. And that is the height of arrogance.
None of this is correct. I know several women who have had abortions during miscarriages. I know a few women who have had abortions for other reasons. I've talked with them about the topic multiple times. I don't rely on youtube videos of procedures for my policy positions and for medical discussion, if I have questions, I consult with my doctor.

And again you saying this, is emotional. I've never once questioned your sources or told you that your position is "the height of arrogance" or wrong or will be judged by the creator....etc. I encourage you to promote and lobby your position with your reps and those you might influence...however, I suggest that you not be such an emotional twat with them, as I doubt you'd change their minds.
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So I have been watching what would be said on here since I posted, and intentionally did not respond.
OMG. My heart goes out to you. Given your history here it had to have been so hard for you mustering the strength and fortitude not to reply. 🙄
Abortion doesn't involve babies. You describe it incorrectly and not actually to produce an emotional response rather than an objective one. I support a woman's right to end her pregnancy. That is my policy position based on my objective reasoning even as some of the visuals of the procedure may produce emotional responses.

I have never said any of the above and again, I've never ignored evidence. I may not watch every video that you post, but that's because you aren't providing any new information to me. I've seen abortions. I've heard medical doctors who disagree with abortions and have heard some that describe it as murder. I know the majority of doctors actually see it as a medical procedure and disagree with that position.

If they feel that they cannot perform abortions anymore, then they can choose not to do so. It has no bearing on my policy position. I would always suggest that a woman make medical decisions with the consultation of their doctor.

That is blatantly false and demonstrably so in everything you post on the topic. You use words incorrectly to produce emotional responses. And you describe a medical procedure as horrific which is an emotional description.

None of this is correct. I know several women who have had abortions during miscarriages. I know a few women who have had abortions for other reasons. I've talked with them about the topic multiple times. I don't rely on youtube videos of procedures for my policy positions and for medical discussion, if I have questions, I consult with my doctor.

And again you saying this, is emotional. I've never once questioned your sources or told you that your position is "the height of arrogance" or wrong or will be judged by the creator....etc. I encourage you to promote and lobby your position with your reps and those you might influence...however, I suggest that you not be such an emotional twat with them, as I doubt you'd change their minds.
The majority in Germany allowed the prison camps and the death camps that killed millions of Jews. The majority is not the evidence of Truth. The DNA of a baby is separate from its mother. That baby has a heartbeat very early on in the pregnancy. That baby has an active brain that is thinking and active very early on in the pregnancy. That baby can hear its mother singing. That baby can hear its father's voice. That baby can process and hear different kinds of music being played to it in the womb and respond to it. That baby has working hands and working arms and working feet. That is a tiny human life. Is dependency on its mother 's feeding tube does not make it part of the mother's body. It is still dependent on the mother outside of the womb when it has to breastfeed and has to be fed by others. If it were part of the mother, it would not be able to survive out of the womb at all. Instead, we know that very early on a baby can be removed from the womb and put on life support and still survive. It's not a blob of tissue. It's not just some part of the woman's body that can be disposed of. It is a human life. If I were to go in a hospital and go to the part of the hospital that has those babies on life support and go slaughtering them, you would call me a horrible mass murderer. But if I do that to that same baby at the same age in the womb, you call it part of the mother, call it a disposable tissue blob, and call it a right. When the only distinction is location, it's a baby. That's what doctors know. That's what science says. So don't pretend that because someone had an abortion and is defending that abortion that it's okay now. The doctors who are pointing out the evidence are pointing out the science that is indisputable. It is murder no matter the location of the baby.
The majority in Germany allowed the prison camps and the death camps that killed millions of Jews. The majority is not the evidence of Truth. The DNA of a baby is separate from its mother. That baby has a heartbeat very early on in the pregnancy. That baby has an active brain that is thinking and active very early on in the pregnancy. That baby can hear its mother singing. That baby can hear its father's voice. That baby can process and hear different kinds of music being played to it in the womb and respond to it. That baby has working hands and working arms and working feet. That is a tiny human life. Is dependency on its mother 's feeding tube does not make it part of the mother's body. It is still dependent on the mother outside of the womb when it has to breastfeed and has to be fed by others. If it were part of the mother, it would not be able to survive out of the womb at all. Instead, we know that very early on a baby can be removed from the womb and put on life support and still survive. It's not a blob of tissue. It's not just some part of the woman's body that can be disposed of. It is a human life. If I were to go in a hospital and go to the part of the hospital that has those babies on life support and go slaughtering them, you would call me a horrible mass murderer. But if I do that to that same baby at the same age in the womb, you call it part of the mother, call it a disposable tissue blob, and call it a right. When the only distinction is location, it's a baby. That's what doctors know. That's what science says. So don't pretend that because someone had an abortion and is defending that abortion that it's okay now. The doctors who are pointing out the evidence are pointing out the science that is indisputable. It is murder no matter the location of the baby.
Yes, you don't support abortions. You've made that clear.

The science and evidence are clear that it is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy.

Murder is not a scientific term.

And again, I wish you well in your lobbying for your policy position.