For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

No law in Hitler's Germany said killing Jews was murder.
Murder is a legal term.

No law in Hitler's Germany said Jews were humans with human dignity.

I don't care what the "legal language" is there. I care what the factual language is, regardless of the way your heroes twisted legal language to justify their crimes against children.
You don't care what is actually factual. You care what feels factual to you.
Except you admitted they aren't and instead rely on the spirit of words (I. E. fetus = baby, abortion = murder)
You can't even be honest with yourself on what you do.

No law says abortion is murder.
No doctor says a fetus is a baby.

You confuse feelings with fact.
You confuse religion with requirement.
And correction there. Pro-Abortion doctors say fetuses are not babies. There are in fact many doctors who say the fetus is a baby. You openly stated you reject their statements, but they are still doctors. They are still experts in the medical fields. They are still experts in what they study and practice. They are still in fact incredible doctors. Even if you don't like what they have to say. Many doctors say that a fetus is a baby because that's what the science says. The doctors that reject that statement are the ones who have a motive for doing so. It's called money.
Yup. Sure.

I'm sure it was totally credible. Totally.

So, let me guess I'm supposed to chase down yet another bit of propaganda from yet another ignorant man who insists he is correct - regardless of never experiencing something which impacts women, families, children and society at very personal levels.

How about that which affects the unborn baby at a very personal level. As in taking its life. How about that personal effect. How about the innocent child who did nothing wrong who you want to kill because they are inconvenient. How about the innocent child that you want to see dead because of what their father did or because they might have a birth defect. Because they might have a lower quality of life than you think they should have. How about the baby's life. How about the baby's freedom. How about the baby's right to live. What about them. Does that life have no value? Is the value of that life arbitrary to whether or not the mother, dna and heartbeat and everything else is totally separate from that child, whether or not she feels like the child is worth something? The very fact that women like you would even say what you're saying shows how twisted you have become in your affections. The natural affection of a mother is to her child.
And correction there. Pro-Abortion doctors say fetuses are not babies.
The birthing process results in a baby. Period.

There are in fact many doctors who say the fetus is a baby. You openly stated you reject their statements, but they are still doctors. They are still experts in the medical fields. They are still experts in what they study and practice. They are still in fact incredible doctors. Even if you don't like what they have to say. Many doctors say that a fetus is a baby because that's what the science says. The doctors that reject that statement are the ones who have a motive for doing so. It's called money.
Try a dictionary. Your only reason for using incorrect terms is emotional. Abortions do not involve babies.

Going back to the OP - you have no desire to discuss policy.
Murder is a legal term.


You don't care what is actually factual. You care what feels factual to you.
I am quoting what is factual by actual science, not by so-called science as propped up by Planned Parenthood the most corrupt organization, or at least one of the most corrupt organizations in the world.
The birthing process results in a baby. Period.

Try a dictionary. Your only reason for using incorrect terms is emotional. Abortions do not involve babies.
I believe if you would actually go up to the original Webster's dictionary, you would find a different definition. The intellectual elite had to change the dictionaries in order to get the definitions you wanted.
I am quoting what is factual by actual science, not by so-called science as propped up by Planned Parenthood the most corrupt organization, or at least one of the most corrupt organizations in the world.
You are not. Again, there is no reason to even mention Planned Parenthood. Abortion doesn't require Planned Parenthood.
The birthing process results in a baby. Period.

Try a dictionary. Your only reason for using incorrect terms is emotional. Abortions do not involve babies.

Going back to the OP - you have no desire to discuss policy.
Sex between a male and a female that ends in the fertilization of an egg produces a baby. That's in fact what used to be taught when we had the birds and the bees kind of thing... You know, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much....

Wasn't until we wanted to justify killing that baby that we changed the language.
I believe if you would actually go up to the original Webster's dictionary, you would find a different definition. The intellectual elite had to change the dictionaries in order to get the definitions you wanted.
Lol....of course 👍

Don't rely on the's a lie

Fucking hell
Back before the media and politicians they served succeeded in fear and hate mongering people to believe that if they were concerned with anything someone in their party was doing then they don't care about....fill in the blank, and they' get it.

Before this time people voted on the state of the economy, state of the country, state of social issues, international issues other words, if things were going poorly, people would vote for the other party, hoping things could be fixed.

Now, we have a bad economy, serious social unrest, the country flooded with illegals, funding other countries wars, the list goes on. But you're told if you're concerned about that,'re a Nazi. Meanwhile the real Nazi's have risen from that same base and that alone would be enough to drive people towards Trump...if this were any previous era where people still had a mind of their own.

In fact, to me, this election is a replay of 1980 to an extent. Carter, because of inflation, the gas shortage, the Iran hostage situation, was beaten badly by Regan. But again, back then people weren't afraid to vote for the better candidate for that time.

I don't think Trump is a good candidate. I wish the dipshit GOP had backed Haley, or someone else, because if they did this election would be a foregone conclusion. But they kowtowed to this loon, but compared to what's going on in the world, I think more people may feel they need to go that way, but not enough to win. The lemming left will vote for their own ruination.

I'll vote RFK, or some other indy.
You are not. Again, there is no reason to even mention Planned Parenthood. Abortion doesn't require Planned Parenthood.
But Planned Parenthood is in fact the leading killer of babies through abortion. They in fact have a vested interest in and continue to push hard to push all the lies told about abortion to justify their revenue stream.
How about that which affects the unborn baby at a very personal level. As in taking its life. How about that personal effect. How about the innocent child who did nothing wrong who you want to kill because they are inconvenient. How about the innocent child that you want to see dead because of what their father did or because they might have a birth defect. Because they might have a lower quality of life than you think they should have. How about the baby's life. How about the baby's freedom. How about the baby's right to live. What about them. Does that life have no value? Is the value of that life arbitrary to whether or not the mother, dna and heartbeat and everything else is totally separate from that child, whether or not she feels like the child is worth something? The very fact that women like you would even say what you're saying shows how twisted you have become in your affections. The natural affection of a mother is to her child.

Yes. Gasp. Shock. I hope you are sitting down for this. I hate to break it to you. An abortion ends a progressing human life. That's right. Snuffs it right out of existence. At the decision of the woman.

Yes a woman decides if she wants to use her body to gestate and give birth to another human life. As it should be. That is her role as the one who is capable of the function. As a man, your role is impregnation so it is up to you to decide if you would like to play a role in that - with the appropriate consent of course.

Can you stop with they hysteria and romanticization of gestation and childbirth, and the complete disrespect of women?
Lol....of course 👍

Don't rely on the's a lie

Fucking hell
No, I rely on original definitions, before we corrupted the language. For our agendas got in the way of us using language to tell the truth.
Sex between a male and a female that ends in the fertilization of an egg produces a baby
It does not. A fertilized egg is not a baby.

That's in fact what used to be taught when we had the birds and the bees kind of thing... You know, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much....
You obviously flunked that class.

Wasn't until we wanted to justify killing that baby that we changed the language.
An abortion has never involved a baby.
Yes. Gasp. Shock. I hope you are sitting down for this. I hate to break it to you. An abortion ends a progressing human life. That's right. Snuffs it right out of existence. At the decision of the woman.

Yes a woman decides if she wants to use her body to gestate and give birth to another human life. As it should be. That is her role as the one who is capable of the function. As a man, your role is impregnation so it is up to you to decide if you would like to play a role in that - with the appropriate consent of course.

Can you stop with they hysteria and romanticization of gestation and childbirth, and the complete disrespect of women?
Tell that to the women who have had the abortions and have been through this, have come out the other side almost suicidal. Tell that to the women who have been involved in the abortion industry and committed those abortions and come out saying I was murdering babies. Tell that to the women who survived abortions and looked back in absolute horror at the fact they were almost aborted. Tell that to the women who actually carried a child of incest or rape to completion and were thankful that they did because they did not add murder to the list of crimes committed. I'm not making any of these up. These accounts are ubiquitous and abundant. Your side refuses to listen to them because they don't fit your agenda.
No, I rely on original definitions, before we corrupted the language. For our agendas got in the way of us using language to tell the truth.
You rely on whatever caters to your feelings. Every piece of "evidence" you post demonstrates that.
But Planned Parenthood is in fact the leading killer of babies through abortion.
Abortion doesn't involve babies.

They in fact have a vested interest in and continue to push hard to push all the lies told about abortion to justify their revenue stream.
Is your policy position about abortion or about Planned Parenthood? If it's about Planned Parenthood, why didn't you discuss that in your OP?
Abortion doesn't involve babies.

Is your policy position about abortion or about Planned Parenthood? If it's about Planned Parenthood, why didn't you discuss that in your OP?
It's about both abortion and Planned Parenthood, because in America the two are almost inseparable. Abortion is what Planned Parenthood does. Their last budgets show that they do very little else. They won't even do ultrasounds unless it's for the purpose of abortion.
You rely on whatever caters to your feelings. Every piece of "evidence" you post demonstrates that.
Every bit of evidence I posted came from doctors and scientists and people who have been intimately involved in the abortion industry. That's not emotionalism. That's laying out facts. The fact that you don't like that information, that you want to defend your murder in spite of the information, that in fact is the emotional decision. Are emotions involved? Of course. If I were discussing the evils of rape I would in fact be emotional. That doesn't mean rape isn't evil. It means I am emotional about those facts because they are heavy and important. We are currently in America slaughtering generations of children. So yes I'm emotional about that. But that doesn't mean the facts aren't on my side. In fact, the doctors and scientists and former players involved in the abortion industry openly state what I am saying. I am simply telling you what the actual experts that don't have financial interest involved are telling you. If you can't deal with that, that's on you.
It's about both abortion and Planned Parenthood, because in America the two are almost inseparable. Abortion is what Planned Parenthood does. Their last budgets show that they do very little else. They won't even do ultrasounds unless it's for the purpose of abortion.
Again, good luck on whatever mess of a policy you lobby for. It's obvious that you are completely lobbying for a federal ban on abortion.

I'll opt for codifying Roe. 👍
Exodus what chapter, verses 21-23? I do believe you are lifting that passage way out of context. In fact I can give you, if you like, several OT passages, including the Prophets and Psalms, that make it clear that Scripture says life begins at conception.
Exodus 21:22-23 directly addresses your hypothetical (a punch to the stomach causing a miscarriage):
אָסוֹן--עָנוֹשׁ יֵעָנֵשׁ, כַּאֲשֶׁר יָשִׁית עָלָיו בַּעַל הָאִשָּׁה, וְנָתַן, בִּפְלִלִים.
22 And if men strive together, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart, and yet no harm follow, he shall be surely fined, according as the woman's husband shall lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine.

וְאִם-אָסוֹן, יִהְיֶה--וְנָתַתָּה נֶפֶשׁ, תַּחַת נָפֶש
23 But if any harm follow, then thou shalt give life for life
If a man causes a woman to miscarry but she is otherwise unharmed, the punishment is a fine.

But if she dies as a result, he should be put to death.
Tell that to the women who have had the abortions and have been through this, have come out the other side almost suicidal. Tell that to the women who have been involved in the abortion industry and committed those abortions and come out saying I was murdering babies. Tell that to the women who survived abortions and looked back in absolute horror at the fact they were almost aborted. Tell that to the women who actually carried a child of incest or rape to completion and were thankful that they did because they did not add murder to the list of crimes committed. I'm not making any of these up. These accounts are ubiquitous and abundant. Your side refuses to listen to them because they don't fit your agenda.

Again, more hysteria.

Yes they made a mistake for them. And they are in the minority.

Again, the overwhelming vast majority of women do not regret their abortions.

Talk to the women who were denied an abortion and now can no longer have children. Talk to the women who are in poverty because they were denied an abortion after already having several mouths to feed. Talk to the women who are raped and forced to bear their rapist's child.

And on and on and on. If you want to go the hysterical emotional route there are multiple arguments. But the reality is that abortion is the woman's decision as she is the one who gestates and gives birth.

If you feel strongly about having a potential child of yours aborted then I highly recommend that you exercise your choice and be very careful about impregnation.

In the meantime, the (again) overwhelming vast majority of the medical community - including ob-gyns - believe that abortion should not be banned or restricted like you want it to be and like it currently is in many states.
Every bit of evidence I posted came from doctors and scientists and people who have been intimately involved in the abortion industry.
You keep saying that. What about the doctors and scientists with opposing viewpoints? Do you just ignore them? (Answer: yes)

That's not emotionalism. That's laying out facts.
Like that abortion is not actually murder factually? Like that abortion does not involve babies factually?

Yes..of course 👍

The fact that you don't like that information, that you want to defend your murder in spite of the information, that in fact is the emotional decision.
Nothing I've said is emotional. Zero. Nada.

I've pointed out you're twisting of definitions and facts to suit your position. My position relies on the medical freedom of a woman during pregnancy...period. It gives priority to the woman during pregnancy, period. It suggests consultation with a doctor prior to decision.

Doctors perform the medical procedure daily and can provide valid and correct risk to the woman as requested to make an informed decision.

Are emotions involved? Of course.
For you, that's the only thing.

If I were discussing the evils of rape I would in fact be emotional. That doesn't mean rape isn't evil. It means I am emotional about those facts because they are heavy and important. We are currently in America slaughtering generations of children. So yes I'm emotional about that. But that doesn't mean the facts aren't on my side.
Facts don't actually support or oppose abortion.

In fact, the doctors and scientists and former players involved in the abortion industry openly state what I am saying. I am simply telling you what the actual experts that don't have financial interest involved are telling you. If you can't deal with that, that's on you.
They tell you that abortion is a valid medical procedure. They probably skip the back alley abortions that occur when abortion is made illegal.
Again, more hysteria.

Yes they made a mistake for them. And they are in the minority.

Again, the overwhelming vast majority of women do not regret their abortions.

Talk to the women who were denied an abortion and now can no longer have children. Talk to the women who are in poverty because they were denied an abortion after already having several mouths to feed. Talk to the women who are raped and forced to bear their rapist's child.

And on and on and on. If you want to go the hysterical emotional route there are multiple arguments. But the reality is that abortion is the woman's decision as she is the one who gestates and gives birth.

If you feel strongly about having a potential child of yours aborted then I highly recommend that you exercise your choice and be very careful about impregnation.

In the meantime, the (again) overwhelming vast majority of the medical community - including ob-gyns - believe that abortion should not be banned or restricted like you want it to be and like it currently is in many states.
No matter what excuse you give, murder is murder is murder is murder is murder is murder is murder.

I don't care if it's because the child was the result of a rape. Punish the rapist. Don't murder the child. I don't care if it's a result of incest. Punish the rapist don't murder the child. I don't care if it leads to poverty. I grew up dirt poor. We didn't have much. That didn't mean our lives didn't have value. How dare you put financial hardship as a reason to kill a baby? If a woman is in a place where if she gives birth to the child she can be harmed, medically we can remove that child safely and save both the mother and the child. We can do that because we're at that stage in the medical field. But even if we couldn't, those cases are so rare that you can't really legitimately cite them. As are by the way, the cases where a child is conceived out of incest or rape. Truth is, your side is so invested in the murder of children. You have to have any excuse you can, you will use any thing you can to shut people up to make them stop calling you out. Because you can't be held accountable for the murder of thousands and thousands and thousands of babies. So you have to shut up the people who will call you out.
You keep saying that. What about the doctors and scientists with opposing viewpoints? Do you just ignore them? (Answer: yes)

Like that abortion is not actually murder factually? Like that abortion does not involve babies factually?

Yes..of course 👍

Nothing I've said is emotional. Zero. Nada.

I've pointed out you're twisting of definitions and facts to suit your position. My position relies on the medical freedom of a woman during pregnancy...period. It gives priority to the woman during pregnancy, period. It suggests consultation with a doctor prior to decision.

Doctors perform the medical procedure daily and can provide valid and correct risk to the woman as requested to make an informed decision.

For you, that's the only thing.

Facts don't actually support or oppose abortion.

They tell you that abortion is a valid medical procedure. They probably skip the back alley abortions that occur when abortion is made illegal.
Keep telling yourself that while you keep supporting the murder of infants. One day we are all going to be held accountable.