For those who assume supporting a Trump presidency over a Biden one means being a MAGA Trumper....

Keep telling yourself that while you keep supporting the murder of infants.
I support the medical procedure choice for women to terminate a pregnancy.

That is factual

Your statement is not factual.
That statement is your non-factual emotional interpretation of factual words.
One day we are all going to be held accountable.
This is not factual. This is religious.
Every bit of evidence I posted came from doctors and scientists and people who have been intimately involved.
Funny, you use doctors, scientists and people involved to support this position, but also dismiss them when all the evidence from medical doctors, scientists and people involved in infectious research points to vaccines (including the COVID vaccines) are safe and effective. Pick your "evidence" man. You have got to be the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen.
No matter what excuse you give, murder is murder is murder is murder is murder is murder is murder.

I don't care if it's because the child was the result of a rape. Punish the rapist. Don't murder the child. I don't care if it's a result of incest. Punish the rapist don't murder the child. I don't care if it leads to poverty. I grew up dirt poor. We didn't have much. That didn't mean our lives didn't have value. How dare you put financial hardship as a reason to kill a baby? If a woman is in a place where if she gives birth to the child she can be harmed, medically we can remove that child safely and save both the mother and the child. We can do that because we're at that stage in the medical field. But even if we couldn't, those cases are so rare that you can't really legitimately cite them. As are by the way, the cases where a child is conceived out of incest or rape. Truth is, your side is so invested in the murder of children. You have to have any excuse you can, you will use any thing you can to shut people up to make them stop calling you out. Because you can't be held accountable for the murder of thousands and thousands and thousands of babies. So you have to shut up the people who will call you out.

Again. All hysteria all the time. You have one speed.

You cite pseudo science, by propaganda sources and think you have the right to speak to policy.

You screaming about the buh-haybees isn't making you sound anything close to an intellect. It's making you sound ridiculous.

Yes women have the right to determine if they wish to gestate and carry a pregnancy to term. Regardless of your histrionics.
How about a compromise JaySecretes? Instead of abortion, how about we just induce labor and the ones that survive, survive. Leave it up to your god to decide.

(everyone else, please realize this is a strawman if it wasn't obvious)
No matter what excuse you give, murder is murder is murder is murder is murder is murder is murder.

I don't care if it's because the child was the result of a rape. Punish the rapist. Don't murder the child. I don't care if it's a result of incest. Punish the rapist don't murder the child. I don't care if it leads to poverty. I grew up dirt poor. We didn't have much. That didn't mean our lives didn't have value. How dare you put financial hardship as a reason to kill a baby? If a woman is in a place where if she gives birth to the child she can be harmed, medically we can remove that child safely and save both the mother and the child. We can do that because we're at that stage in the medical field. But even if we couldn't, those cases are so rare that you can't really legitimately cite them. As are by the way, the cases where a child is conceived out of incest or rape. Truth is, your side is so invested in the murder of children. You have to have any excuse you can, you will use any thing you can to shut people up to make them stop calling you out. Because you can't be held accountable for the murder of thousands and thousands and thousands of babies. So you have to shut up the people who will call you out.

I am more pro-CHOICE than ever after witnessing your histrionic zealotry on the subject of abortion.

I will vote accordingly in November.

I know millions of others who don’t want to live in a Christo-fascist theocracy will do the same.

Thanks for reinforcing my position.


👉 JaySecreations 🤣

I am more pro-CHOICE than ever after witnessing your histrionic zealotry on the subject of abortion.

I will vote accordingly in November.

I know millions of others who don’t want to live in a Christo-fascist theocracy will do the same.

Thanks for reinforcing my position.


👉 JaySecreations 🤣

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.
You're the one that keeps quoting the Torah. Or misquoting it. But that's another story. You know exactly by who. And the fact that you quoted, or at least misquoted the Torah enough to show that you have read it, You know the reason for the accountability. So you have less excuse than many of the others on here.
I just want there to be actual conservatives around him to keep him in check.
This is what I thought would be the case in 2016. A guy like Pence by his side and other standard conservatives trying to guide him.

How did that work out? Not very well.

As to your abortion post? My home state of RI just voted to shield doctors who provide abortions and the recipients of them from other states trying to prosecute them.

As someone who, along with other actual men, has walked women through a crowd of pro-life assholes waving their dead baby signs along with priests who are only pro life so there will be a supply of new children to molest, I say fuck you and your stance on the matter. You 1950's house wife handbook hyenas need to back off or be backed off.
The thing is we don't have radical leftists in this country. At least not in numbers high enough to do anything. We definitely need a healthy dose of socialism in this country before we finish screwing ourselves.
Yeah the thousands of lunatics on the campus are the silent minority :rolleyes: Your denial of that mirrors how the original Nazi party was able to rise, because people didn't think they could take over. Now we are seeing these people you claim aren't a problem beating Jewish students, flying the flag of a country that kills LGBT and Trans folks, and Columbia was circling a rape is resistance flyer while wearing Hamas headbands.

But yeah, Sean, nothing to worry about.

See, here's the thing. For years uneducated brain dead sheeple like you have said all republicans are racist, all are sexist, all are this all are that. Nope, no exceptions, you're on that side you're one of them. Now here are literal Nazi's running amok, and guess what? They vote dem, just like you, so know what? You're one of them. you created them, you own them, you are them.

How's it feel?
🙄 I

😳 R

😑 O

🤣 N

🇺🇸 Y
Not really. Because the other part or at least one or the other parts of the statement about fools, is that the fool has said in his heart there is no God. Or put more literally, The fool has said in his heart, 'No, God'. And to bring up God is not anti-fact or anti-science. It is reminder that we are all accountable to our creator.
Not really. Because the other part or at least one or the other parts of the statement about fools, is that the fool has said in his heart there is no God. Or put more literally, The fool has said in his heart, 'No, God'. And to bring up God is not anti-fact or anti-science. It is reminder that we are all accountable to our creator.
A religious person tells a non religious person that they are a fool because they aren't religious.


Fucking hell.
Not really. Because the other part or at least one or the other parts of the statement about fools, is that the fool has said in his heart there is no God. Or put more literally, The fool has said in his heart, 'No, God'. And to bring up God is not anti-fact or anti-science. It is reminder that we are all accountable to our creator.
Religion has no place in politics, which renders anything you say worthless because you're basing your ideas on a fairy tale designed to control masses and help you sleep at night thinking there's something beyond this world. Hate to break it to you, but blind faith is far more dangerous than no faith. I chose the latter back even before high school, and I've seen nothing to prove me wrong.
A religious person tells a non religious person that they are a fool because they aren't religious.


Fucking hell.
I don't tell you you're a fool because you're not religious. I don't care if you're religious or not. I say you're a fool because you ignore what your creator has said about life when he made life. Religion simply means a system of works that you do to attain God's favor. What I'm talking about is simply acknowledging if my Creator says something I want to pay attention. There's a big difference.
Religion has no place in politics, which renders anything you say worthless because you're basing your ideas on a fairy tale designed to control masses and help you sleep at night thinking there's something beyond this world. Hate to break it to you, but blind faith is far more dangerous than no faith. I chose the latter back even before high school, and I've seen nothing to prove me wrong.
I'm not going to get into it here because it's a far longer conversation and there are plenty of proofs that go into the area of prophecy and science and all kinds of other areas that are very provable... It would be way too long of a discussion for my energy at this point and for this thread. In fact thread isn't quite the place for it. But suffice it to say that this is not blind faith. I challenged and questioned everything. I came to the faith conclusions I did, everything is a matter of Faith from gravity and air to whether or not the chair I sit down on is going to hold me, just a question of how reasonable that faith is, but I came to those conclusions based on an overwhelming evidence of facts. I would recommend the book evidence that demands a verdict or a really great book called I don't have enough Faith to be an atheist if you want to see some of the really great evidences for what I'm saying.

But here's the thing. If I really believe what I believe. If I really say that I claim that what I believe is the most important thing in my life, then it's going to affect everything including my politics. The fact is Christians have been the positive influence in society. Christians have been the ones who have built the hospitals and have done the charity organizations and have done the work to help people in society when no one else would. This goes back to the first century and has continued till today. Yes you can point out bad actors, again, I can point out far many more actors who are far more horrible who were atheistic or pagan or whatever. You don't want to go into that game. The reality is that everything comes down to worldview. What you believe about man and what you believe about God is going to affect your worldview. That worldview is going to determine how you see the world and how you decide things. I choose to have a worldview that's shaped by the fact that there is clearly a Creator and we are clearly going to be held accountable to him.
I don't tell you you're a fool because you're not religious. I don't care if you're religious or not. I say you're a fool because you ignore what your creator has said about life when he made life. Religion simply means a system of works that you do to attain God's favor. What I'm talking about is simply acknowledging if my Creator says something I want to pay attention. There's a big difference.
You don't understand what religion actually is, apparently. Hint: I have no creator that tells me things. And whether you do or not has absolutely no impact on me whatsoever.
I would be a hypocrite if I didn't have what I believe have the direct impact on what I believe and act on in the rest of my life. Including my politics.
You're the one that keeps quoting the Torah. Or misquoting it. But that's another story. You know exactly by who. And the fact that you quoted, or at least misquoted the Torah enough to show that you have read it, You know the reason for the accountability. So you have less excuse than many of the others on here.
I'm a Jew. I don't lend any credence to Christian theology.
Which makes you extraordinarily dangerous for the rest of us. There are no infants, no babies involved in these abortions. That's not what happens and its dishonest to claim otherwise.

In fairness most of the rules stuff is old testament and very similar to Jewish beliefs. Its funny though, Christians are supposed to believe that Jesus died because we're all scum. The only way we were going up was if God laid down his life for us and the old rules don't really apply.
Which makes you extraordinarily dangerous for the rest of us. There are no infants, no babies involved in these abortions. That's not what happens and its dishonest to claim otherwise.

In fairness most of the rules stuff is old testament and very similar to Jewish beliefs. Its funny though, Christians are supposed to believe that Jesus died because we're all scum. The only way we were going up was if God laid down his life for us and the old rules don't really apply.
Christians eat bacon and get tattoos, but they enforce isolated Torah passages when they line up with their prejudices.

The Torah doesn't apply to gentiles anyway. That's why Jews call ourselves "the Chosen People" -- chosen for extra rules that don't apply to anyone else.
Christians eat bacon and get tattoos, but they enforce isolated Torah passages when they line up with their prejudices.

The Torah doesn't apply to gentiles anyway. That's why the Jews say they're "the Chosen People" -- chosen for extra rules that don't apply to anyone else.

Honestly to me that makes them so much worse. I've known like one Muslim and he wasn't devout. He kinda obeyed Halal but he was fine with tattoos. I've known Jews who really just wanted the payout for the Bahmitzvah. When you can pick and choose what laws from God you believe you have to follow and which ones you don't what the actual fuck. You're smarter than GOD?! I am for all the same reasons I'm smarter than Dexter (both of them), Harry Potter and Batman. ITs called I'm real and they aren't.
Honestly to me that makes them so much worse. I've known like one Muslim and he wasn't devout. He kinda obeyed Halal but he was fine with tattoos. I've known Jews who really just wanted the payout for the Bahmitzvah. When you can pick and choose what laws from God you believe you have to follow and which ones you don't what the actual fuck. You're smarter than GOD?! I am for all the same reasons I'm smarter than Dexter (both of them), Harry Potter and Batman. ITs called I'm real and they aren't.
I can’t speak for Islam, but Judaism is really different from Christianity at a fundamental level. It’s not transactional. Christians follow the rules out of fear of divine punishment. Judaism doesn’t have a heaven or hell. We follow the rules because they’re ours. It’s what Jews do. We also argue over the rules all the time. We might not be smarter than God, but if He didn’t want us to make up our own minds about right and wrong, He shouldn’t have given us free will. Too late. We have free will now, and if the old rules don’t make sense in the modern world we’ll figure out how to adapt them to the world we live in.