Free Thoughts~on One word...

wrote on passion thread ~ had to stash it here ~

i am not one for tasting,
actually eating
flesh. just a lil
nibble, no escape
for you. mine to teasingly
taste, lick, slicked
back, rubbed clingingly
clean. raw like a carrot
in the nude. dip that
magnanimous baby
my way. rigidity is tested
by sliding
slithering snippets,
of before mentioned
carrot. yes, i love
that taste, fearsome
feel, and strummingly
touch. often and aplenty
please. even seconds,
if you don't mind. hell,
more even if you do mind,
my dream and i want it all ~

now I shall write about : Love Potion ~

Tasting the fruit in the air
feeling you so close, to me.
Apples that drop, forgotten
on the ground. We lay
entwined within an orchard,
of leaves and twigs.

Panty slides, fingers dip. Hotter
than hell this lil honey pot. Rue
of apple sauce, mixed with nutty
berries, ripened on the vine.

Tree bark bites, tender willing
flesh. Clots of earth, trampled
beneath gripping toes clawed.

Blossoming flowers, showering
down, as tree shakes, begging
for mercy. Mercy must be,
denied. For this day, is ours.
To have and love, amidst
apple flowers ...

Just a thought. ~
RhymeFairy said:
Tasting the fruit in the air
feeling you so close, to me.
Apples that drop, forgotten
on the ground. We lay
entwined within an orchard,
of leaves and twigs.

Panty slides, fingers dip. Hotter
than hell this lil honey pot. Rue
of apple sauce, mixed with nutty
berries, ripened on the vine.

Tree bark bites, tender willing
flesh. Clots of earth, trampled
beneath gripping toes clawed.

Blossoming flowers, showering
down, as tree shakes, begging
for mercy. Mercy must be,
denied. For this day, is ours.
To have and love, amidst
apple flowers ...

Just a thought. ~

she wore the passion of the pen
with her literary smile <grin
chaining love's potion...

concoction of magic
swells in thoughts of bondage
freedom’s illusion
bluerains said:
concoction of magic
swells in thoughts of bondage
freedom’s illusion

some of my Fav thoughts Blue.
Thank you, I love it.
Greattttt imagery here.

illusions of mystical
magic, surprisingly
springing forth
loves embracing
bond. concocting
a witchery brew
for all to ... taste ~

bluerains said:
concoction of magic
swells in thoughts of bondage
freedom’s illusion

was it the magic in their hands
the knowledge of their soul
the warmth of their heart

the magic in the feelings felt
hoping all your storms have passed
and that you are now in the kitchen
you were lost in
the erotic motions
under a spell of
the perfect love potion
New word ~ Lota play here ~ *winks

bow ~

Syllables: bow
Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb , noun
Phrases: bow and scrape , bow out , take a bow

Part of Speech intransitive verb
Pronunciation bau
Inflected Forms bowed, bowing, bows

Definition 1. to bend the head or the upper part of the body
forward in greeting, acknowledgment, consent, submission,
or the like.
Synonyms nod , bob
Crossref. Syn. bend
Similar Words salaam (vt, vi) , curtsy , salute , kowtow , genuflect

Definition 2. to yield or submit.
Example They finally bowed to social pressure.
Synonyms submit , bend , defer , yield
Crossref. Syn. capitulate
Similar Words capitulate , surrender , kowtow , comply , knuckle under {knuckle (PHR)} , acquiesce

Definition 3. to bend downward; stoop.
Example He bowed under the weight of his heavy pack.
Synonyms bend , stoop
Crossref. Syn. slump , sag
Similar Words warp

Related Words stoop , crouch , grovel , mind , lean , bend

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to bend (the head or body) forward.
Synonyms bend , nod
Crossref. Syn. lean
Similar Words bob , prostrate

Definition 2. to communicate by bowing.
Example She bowed her thanks.
Synonyms nod
Similar Words communicate , impart

Definition 3. to cause to submit or yield.
Example His spirit was not bowed by misfortune.
Synonyms subjugate , subdue , humble , prostrate
Crossref. Syn. hang
Similar Words govern , crush , suppress , humiliate , vanquish , rule , affect , overwhelm , conquer , oppress , overcome , dominate , influence

Definition 4. to cause to bend downward or to stoop.
Example The snow's weight bowed the tree.
Synonyms bend
Similar Words curve , twist , warp , distort

Related Words nod , subdue , bend

Phrase bow and scrape

Phrase bow out

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. the act of bending the head or upper body
forward, as in greeting, acknowledgment, consent, or submission.
Synonyms bob , obeisance
Crossref. Syn. inclination
Similar Words salutation , salaam , gesture , curtsy , kowtow , nod

Related Words bend

Phrase take a bow

Derived Forms bowedness, n.


Syllables: bow
Parts of speech: noun , adjective , intransitive verb ,
transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation bo
Definition 1. a weapon, used for shooting arrows, made of
a curved strip of wood or other material with a cord stretched
taut between the two ends.
Similar Words crossbow , longbow , arbalest

Definition 2. a curved or bent shape, or something having this shape.
Synonyms arc , bend , curve
Similar Words sinus , curvature , arch , fold , twist , warp , camber

Definition 3. a long, thin piece of wood with horsehairs
stretched between the ends, used for playing the violin
and other stringed instruments.

Definition 4. an easily loosened knot having two or more
loops and used in tying shoes, wrapping packages, and the like.
Synonyms tie
Crossref. Syn. bustle
Similar Words knot

Related Words curve , wave , loop

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. curved or bent like a bow.
Synonyms curved {curve } , arcuate , arched {arch} , bent
Crossref. Syn. crooked
Similar Words crooked , twisted {twist }

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms bowed, bowing, bows

Definition 1. to bend or curve so as to resemble a bow.
Example The pressure on the ends bowed the boards;
One board bowed at the center.
Synonyms bend , curve
Crossref. Syn. arc
Similar Words crook , flex , fold, arch

Definition 2. to play (a violin or other stringed instrument)
with a bow.
Synonyms play

Related Words curve

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms bowed, bowing, bows

Definition 1. to bend or curve so as to resemble a bow.
Example The pressure on the ends bowed the boards;
One board bowed at the center.
Synonyms bend, curve
Crossref. Syn. arc
Similar Words crook , flex , fold, arch
Definition 2. to play (a violin or other stringed instrument)
with a bow.
Synonyms play (vt 4)

Related Words curve

Derived Forms bowedness, n.

Syllables: bow
Parts of speech: noun , adjective

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation bau
Definition 1. the front part of a ship or boat.
Crossref. Syn. stem

Definition 2. in indicating direction, either side of a boat's
or ship's bow.
Example far away on the starboard bow.

Part of Speech adjective
Definition 1. of or related to the bow of a ship.
Example the bow cannon.

Happy Writing ~ ;)

RhymeFairy said:
bow ~

Syllables: bow
Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb , noun
Phrases: bow and scrape , bow out , take a bow

Part of Speech intransitive verb
Pronunciation bau
Inflected Forms bowed, bowing, bows

Definition 1. to bend the head or the upper part of the body
forward in greeting, acknowledgment, consent, submission,
or the like.
Synonyms nod , bob
Crossref. Syn. bend
Similar Words salaam (vt, vi) , curtsy , salute , kowtow , genuflect

Definition 2. to yield or submit.
Example They finally bowed to social pressure.
Synonyms submit , bend , defer , yield
Crossref. Syn. capitulate
Similar Words capitulate , surrender , kowtow , comply , knuckle under {knuckle (PHR)} , acquiesce

Definition 3. to bend downward; stoop.
Example He bowed under the weight of his heavy pack.
Synonyms bend , stoop
Crossref. Syn. slump , sag
Similar Words warp

Related Words stoop , crouch , grovel , mind , lean , bend

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to bend (the head or body) forward.
Synonyms bend , nod
Crossref. Syn. lean
Similar Words bob , prostrate

Definition 2. to communicate by bowing.
Example She bowed her thanks.
Synonyms nod
Similar Words communicate , impart

Definition 3. to cause to submit or yield.
Example His spirit was not bowed by misfortune.
Synonyms subjugate , subdue , humble , prostrate
Crossref. Syn. hang
Similar Words govern , crush , suppress , humiliate , vanquish , rule , affect , overwhelm , conquer , oppress , overcome , dominate , influence

Definition 4. to cause to bend downward or to stoop.
Example The snow's weight bowed the tree.
Synonyms bend
Similar Words curve , twist , warp , distort

Related Words nod , subdue , bend

Phrase bow and scrape

Phrase bow out

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. the act of bending the head or upper body
forward, as in greeting, acknowledgment, consent, or submission.
Synonyms bob , obeisance
Crossref. Syn. inclination
Similar Words salutation , salaam , gesture , curtsy , kowtow , nod

Related Words bend

Phrase take a bow

Derived Forms bowedness, n.


Syllables: bow
Parts of speech: noun , adjective , intransitive verb ,
transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation bo
Definition 1. a weapon, used for shooting arrows, made of
a curved strip of wood or other material with a cord stretched
taut between the two ends.
Similar Words crossbow , longbow , arbalest

Definition 2. a curved or bent shape, or something having this shape.
Synonyms arc , bend , curve
Similar Words sinus , curvature , arch , fold , twist , warp , camber

Definition 3. a long, thin piece of wood with horsehairs
stretched between the ends, used for playing the violin
and other stringed instruments.

Definition 4. an easily loosened knot having two or more
loops and used in tying shoes, wrapping packages, and the like.
Synonyms tie
Crossref. Syn. bustle
Similar Words knot

Related Words curve , wave , loop

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. curved or bent like a bow.
Synonyms curved {curve } , arcuate , arched {arch} , bent
Crossref. Syn. crooked
Similar Words crooked , twisted {twist }

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms bowed, bowing, bows

Definition 1. to bend or curve so as to resemble a bow.
Example The pressure on the ends bowed the boards;
One board bowed at the center.
Synonyms bend , curve
Crossref. Syn. arc
Similar Words crook , flex , fold, arch

Definition 2. to play (a violin or other stringed instrument)
with a bow.
Synonyms play

Related Words curve

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms bowed, bowing, bows

Definition 1. to bend or curve so as to resemble a bow.
Example The pressure on the ends bowed the boards;
One board bowed at the center.
Synonyms bend, curve
Crossref. Syn. arc
Similar Words crook , flex , fold, arch
Definition 2. to play (a violin or other stringed instrument)
with a bow.
Synonyms play (vt 4)

Related Words curve

Derived Forms bowedness, n.

Syllables: bow
Parts of speech: noun , adjective

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation bau
Definition 1. the front part of a ship or boat.
Crossref. Syn. stem

Definition 2. in indicating direction, either side of a boat's
or ship's bow.
Example far away on the starboard bow.

Part of Speech adjective
Definition 1. of or related to the bow of a ship.
Example the bow cannon.

Happy Writing ~ ;)


I gave her a gift
it was not wrapped
she smiled

I knew she would use it
she didn't need instructions
as she pulled the bow
from the dildo
I just had to share my latest <grin

The cherry picker

The cherry picker
grumbled along
picking cherries
one by one

big ones
little ones
red ones and

weaving its way
around the bark
a delicate maneuver
spreading limbs apart

some come willing
some come hard
some come easy
others do not

with its long shaft
it probed the bush
picking a cherry
with a gentle push
My Erotic Trail said:
I just had to share my latest <grin

The cherry picker

The cherry picker
grumbled along
picking cherries
one by one

big ones
little ones
red ones and

weaving its way
around the bark
a delicate maneuver
spreading limbs apart

some come willing
some come hard
some come easy
others do not

with its long shaft
it probed the bush
picking a cherry
with a gentle push

on this sight, imagery is everything <badboy !! lol>

Last edited:
hoping to infuse a bit of

Spirit ~

Syllables: spir-it
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation spi riht
Definition 1. the vital force that is thought to be an element
of human beings; soul.
Synonyms soul , anima
Crossref. Syn. animus , ghost , psyche , mind

Definition 2. a supernatural being, such as a devil, ghost,
fairy, or elf.
Synonyms presence , ghost , apparition , specter
Crossref. Syn. phantom

Definition 3. the part of human nature that is separate
and distinct from the physical.
Synonyms soul , psyche , mind

Definition 4. fundamental nature; essence.
Synonyms core , essence
Crossref. Syn. essence , character , quintessence ,
genius , nature , flavor , being
Definition 5. disposition or character as marked by certain
qualities such as courage and energy.
Synonyms vitality , vigor , pluck , élan , vivacity
Crossref. Syn. disposition , grain , heart , morale , nature

Definition 6. (pl.) a feeling or mood.
Example in low spirits from the bad news.
Synonyms mood , humor , feeling
Crossref. Syn. tone , temper

Definition 7. the essential meaning or intent of a thing.
Example the spirit of the law.
Synonyms purpose , intention , aim , intent

Definition 8. the prevailing character of something.
Example the revolutionary spirit of the century.
Synonyms mood, character
Crossref. Syn. temper , complexion , genius , flavor

Definition 9. (pl.) alcoholic liquor.
Synonyms alcohol , liquor
Definition 10. (cap.) in Christianity, the Holy Ghost;
third person of the Trinity.
Synonyms Holy Ghost , Paraclete {paraclete } ,
Holy Spirit

Related Words energy , bounce , fight , odor , frame ,
apparition , vitality , purport , interior , person , aroma ,
presence , genius , drink , temperament , mettle , enterprise ,
ghost , gist , ambiance , warmth , go , blood , angel ,
essence , zip , grit , constitution , dash , air

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms spirited, spiriting, spirits
Definition 1. to remove secretly or mysteriously
(usu. fol. by off or away).
Example The thieves spirited away our car.
Similar Words steal , abduct , sneak

Definition 2. to infuse with spirit or determination; inspirit.
Synonyms inspirit , animate , hearten
Similar Words embolden , arouse , kindle , inspire , encourage,

in ya'll ... ;)

Happy Writing ~
RhymeFairy said:
Spirit ~

Syllables: spir-it
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation spi riht
Definition 1. the vital force that is thought to be an element
of human beings; soul.
Synonyms soul , anima
Crossref. Syn. animus , ghost , psyche , mind

Definition 2. a supernatural being, such as a devil, ghost,
fairy, or elf.
Synonyms presence , ghost , apparition , specter
Crossref. Syn. phantom

Definition 3. the part of human nature that is separate
and distinct from the physical.
Synonyms soul , psyche , mind

Definition 4. fundamental nature; essence.
Synonyms core , essence
Crossref. Syn. essence , character , quintessence ,
genius , nature , flavor , being
Definition 5. disposition or character as marked by certain
qualities such as courage and energy.
Synonyms vitality , vigor , pluck , élan , vivacity
Crossref. Syn. disposition , grain , heart , morale , nature

Definition 6. (pl.) a feeling or mood.
Example in low spirits from the bad news.
Synonyms mood , humor , feeling
Crossref. Syn. tone , temper

Definition 7. the essential meaning or intent of a thing.
Example the spirit of the law.
Synonyms purpose , intention , aim , intent

Definition 8. the prevailing character of something.
Example the revolutionary spirit of the century.
Synonyms mood, character
Crossref. Syn. temper , complexion , genius , flavor

Definition 9. (pl.) alcoholic liquor.
Synonyms alcohol , liquor
Definition 10. (cap.) in Christianity, the Holy Ghost;
third person of the Trinity.
Synonyms Holy Ghost , Paraclete {paraclete } ,
Holy Spirit

Related Words energy , bounce , fight , odor , frame ,
apparition , vitality , purport , interior , person , aroma ,
presence , genius , drink , temperament , mettle , enterprise ,
ghost , gist , ambiance , warmth , go , blood , angel ,
essence , zip , grit , constitution , dash , air

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms spirited, spiriting, spirits
Definition 1. to remove secretly or mysteriously
(usu. fol. by off or away).
Example The thieves spirited away our car.
Similar Words steal , abduct , sneak

Definition 2. to infuse with spirit or determination; inspirit.
Synonyms inspirit , animate , hearten
Similar Words embolden , arouse , kindle , inspire , encourage,

in ya'll ... ;)

Happy Writing ~


she had team spirit
even after the game
when the team lined up
under the bleachers
each taking a turn
allowing the cheer leader
to lead them on

ra ra ree
kick them in the knee
ra ra ray
next cock...
come to play.
Fog drifts
across a sleeping river
sung to slumber
by nocturnal songs
crickets, frogs and
a lone wolf's solo
a lulliby
about nature's
a lil funny ~

while taking her shower today, I became overly excited
and almost had a fit. ( one would normally ask, what kinda fit?
but oh well ... ) Why you ask? In the process of going (naked)
from bathroom to bedroom I discovered I had an intruder
in the apartment ... let's just say the bug man will never
forget this day :eek: , and in the future I
( the apartment that is ... :D ) shall remain
... debugged ~

:eek: :catroar:
RhymeFairy said:
a lil funny ~

while taking her shower today, I became overly excited
and almost had a fit. ( one would normally ask, what kinda fit?
but oh well ... ) Why you ask? In the process of going (naked)
from bathroom to bedroom I discovered I had an intruder
in the apartment ... let's just say the bug man will never
forget this day :eek: , and in the future I
( the apartment that is ... :D ) shall remain
... debugged ~

:eek: :catroar:

umm, just to clear things up

The bugman comes every 2nd or 3rd Friday, I had forgotten :eek: .
It is part of my lease. As of yet I have never saw a bug here,
BUT I have always wondered why all the women here take
Friday off
, now I know .... Yummy !!!

vent ~!!!

he always wanted
to watch.
mind if I watch
while you play
get yourself to
that point
I can, join in.
wtf ?

no, no !!
if I wanna play,
then you
go away. I am no
sideshow. I want
to be
mind blowing
and if you
are not gonna give'm to me
then go the hell away.
can I watch, ppfftt ~!!!


Just a thought that popped into my mind.
( he never did getta watch :p If he had
he probably would've timed me eh ~)

Happy Writing ~

RhymeFairy said:
he always wanted
to watch.
mind if I watch
while you play
get yourself to
that point
I can, join in.
wtf ?

no, no !!
if I wanna play,
then you
go away. I am no
sideshow. I want
to be
mind blowing
and if you
are not gonna give'm to me
then go the hell away.
can I watch, ppfftt ~!!!


Just a thought that popped into my mind.
( he never did getta watch :p If he had
he probably would've timed me eh ~)

Happy Writing ~


(laughing my ass off... you know me!)

There he stood
as she lay
he was at play
the other he that lay
while a he stood
with watch in hand
the vouyer man
not the humping man
atop the lady
that was mere gravy
in the feasting
of the fetished
as if the finish line neared
he rooted and cheered
the man that stood near
while the other man drilled
his lust into her thrusting
the clock ticking
a man snarling
as he walks away
his bone still erect
and fully stout
as time ran out
My Erotic Trail said:
(laughing my ass off... you know me!)

There he stood
as she lay
he was at play
the other he that lay
while a he stood
with watch in hand
the vouyer man
not the humping man
atop the lady
that was mere gravy
in the feasting
of the fetished
as if the finish line neared
he rooted and cheered
the man that stood near
while the other man drilled
his lust into her thrusting
the clock ticking
a man snarling
as he walks away
his bone still erect
and fully stout
as time ran out

this one I love !!! :devil:

I had to post my lil vent. I had a flashback
and went with it ~ I was NOT laughing
... now however ~~~~

RhymeFairy said:
this one I love !!! :devil:

I had to post my lil vent. I had a flashback
and went with it ~ I was NOT laughing
... now however ~~~~


your muse tickled me into this one <grinin
Oh those cloudy ... days ~

Good Morn'
Here we are on spring break, and they are talking about snow :confused: .
Been raining and cold, Grrr. Where is tha sun?

Thunder ~

Syllables: thun-der
Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb
Phrases: steal one's thunder

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation thuhn dEr

Definition 1. the loud explosive noise or low distant rumble
produced by the rapid expansion of gases along the path
of a lightning discharge.

Definition 2. any sound resembling this noise.
Example the thunder of the waves.

Crossref. Syn. roar , boom , roll

Related Words clap , explosion , blare

Phrase steal one's thunder

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms thundered, thundering, thunders

Definition 1. to produce or give forth thunder.

Definition 2. to make a sound of or like thunder.

Crossref. Syn. roar , boom , roll

Definition 3. to express oneself loudly and vehemently.

Definition 4. to move or proceed with a sound like thunder.
Example The avalanche thundered down the mountain.

Crossref. Syn. boom

Related Words storm , resound , grumble , blare

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to express loudly and vehemently.
Crossref. Syn. bellow

Related Words blaze

Think this word is appropriate ~

Happy Writing ~

Ok I think I am back up to normal so trying the flash poetry thing again
(ok just have a huge crush on rhyme fairy but what the hey)


The flash of light in the dark sky
Amidst the random rhythm of the rain
I count like I used to as a child
One Mississippi
Two Mississippi
Then the thunder clapped and shook
Its closer now, and getting closer

To hear her breathing heavily
On the bed that creaked and groaned
I pinched her tuft of flesh and counted
One Mississippi
Two Mississippi
The she gasped and moaned so powerfully
She's closer now, and getting closer

And the thunder rolls again outside our window
As I tease her more and more

moonshine bellows
hark, I drink
clear liquids magic
as my heart thunders

walking sideways
in a straight line
sipping nector
called thunder water
i cannot cry, cannot speak
heartaches no longer felt
numbing pain has carried
through. gelled organs
paralyzed as brain waves
bellow out like thundering
mountains roar from icecapped
winter, waiting for the thaw
of a tenderized motion
of emotion. bleating
from a bleeding
letdown slow and jumpstart
to restart anew

one word muse


where words are
links in a chain
a leaf on a tree
a blade of grass

one touching
and another

a patch
of colored flowers
in a field
each one
makes the whole

one word
trails to become