Free Thoughts~on One word...

My Erotic Trail said:
one word muse


where words are
links in a chain
a leaf on a tree
a blade of grass

one touching
and another

a patch
of colored flowers
in a field
each one
makes the whole

one word
trails to become

twisted trails of dust roaming
as broken down wagons settle down
in ruts from the rain, long ago dried up
like pulverized prunes. begging
a begetting a drop or two.
free water trace, tranced
into a cyclone from way
back when
when the good guys wore white
the bad guys, you could smell
a mile off. see the their swanky
swagger. taste fear
for what it was
a bullet betwixt the eyes.
inspirational ....

Only I will Know

Come tell me of your sadness
Where the forest flowers grow
Where the whispering breeze
Binds the lips of the trees
And only I will know!

Come tell me of your secret fears
Where the beach is soft as snow
Where the sparkling spray
Binds the eyes of the day
And only I will know.

Come tell me of your special dreams
Where the roaring rivers flow
Where the white water blocks
All the ears of the rocks
And only I will know.

Come tell me of your deepest joys
Where the desert winds still blow
Where the shifting of the sand
Hides the face of the land
And only I will know.

Come tell me of your fondest hopes
Where the mountains look below
Where a gathering cloud
Cloaks the peaks in its shroud
And only I will know.

Come tell me all, my darling,
As we saunter in the snow
Where the chill of the night
Robs the goblins of sight
And only I will know.

Come tell me all, my darling,
When the land is wet with rain
When the tears blind the eyes
Of the curious skies
And only I will know!

~~ James Kavanaugh

have been on a james kavanaugh kick,
and soooo lovin it.

RhymeFairy said:
Only I will Know

Come tell me of your sadness
Where the forest flowers grow
Where the whispering breeze
Binds the lips of the trees
And only I will know!

Come tell me of your secret fears
Where the beach is soft as snow
Where the sparkling spray
Binds the eyes of the day
And only I will know.

Come tell me of your special dreams
Where the roaring rivers flow
Where the white water blocks
All the ears of the rocks
And only I will know.

Come tell me of your deepest joys
Where the desert winds still blow
Where the shifting of the sand
Hides the face of the land
And only I will know.

Come tell me of your fondest hopes
Where the mountains look below
Where a gathering cloud
Cloaks the peaks in its shroud
And only I will know.

Come tell me all, my darling,
As we saunter in the snow
Where the chill of the night
Robs the goblins of sight
And only I will know.

Come tell me all, my darling,
When the land is wet with rain
When the tears blind the eyes
Of the curious skies
And only I will know!

~~ James Kavanaugh

have been on a james kavanaugh kick,
and soooo lovin it.


thanks for the finger point <grin
and the great poems that you have found and displayed
My Erotic Tale said:

It's the civilized world...of
"we better not"


"some one might see us"

The bed room shy
love blossoms
in the garden
behind closed doors

until one night
when you release
your inner inhibitions

feeling the need
for firm grasps

in the intoxication
animal magnetism​

remembering spice .... ;)

new word ya ask?

Spice ~

Syllables: spice

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation spais

Definition 1. any of various edible vegetable substances
with a distinctive aroma or taste, such as pepper or ginger,
that are used to flavor or preserve food and drink.

Definition 2. that which contributes zest, interest, sharpness,
or the like.
Example Danger added spice to the adventure.

Crossref. Syn. tang , relish

Definition 3. a pungent or aromatic odor; fragrance.
Crossref. Syn. tang

Related Words aromatic , zest , flavor

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms spiced, spicing, spices

Definition 1. to use spice in or on (food).

Crossref. Syn. relish , flavor

Definition 2. to enhance the flavor, zest, or interest of,
as by adding some element.

Example She spiced up her dull wardrobe with a colorful hat.

Crossref. Syn. zip , accent , season , flavor

Related Words devil , season

I could not resist, my muse has a pitchfork,
and is not afraid to use it. Yours? :p

Happy Writing ~

:catroar: :devil:
Honey Drop lotion, one of my Fav. spices ~*winks*

Unbraiding gleaming
strands, feeling their soft
sway as I uncap honey
drop lotion.

Feline like fingers massage,
knead sensuously as they pay
homage to curvaceous hills,
tension tight valleys.

Putting on midnight webbed
blue silk nightie. Kissing
every curve as it trails
down to tickle my thighs.

Brushing pearly whites with
slow commanding strokes.
Swishing throughout, suds
bursting forth, tasting
whispery soft lips.

Turning down the lonely
bed. Fluffy pert pillows
thrown around glossy
smooth sheets. Sinking
singularly into endless

Sliding in deep, deeper
still. Warm snuggling,
as musky smells erupt
as I lay dreaming
of you ...


A dash of rub, a hint of heat
The taste and feel of juicy meat

A bit of spice, a sprinkled zest
A succulent tender choice of breast

She winks and asks me "You like Cumin?"
I shiver, cause I'm only human

Sage, and Basil, Pepper, Thyme
My Rosemary with squeeze of lime

The apron low about her hips
I can't help but lick my lips

Of all things tasty, all things nice
I love the way she works with spice.
she was a spicey dish
with huggable hips
swaying in the moon's light

lapping kisses
a soul's nutrition
filling my hunger inside
RhymeFairy said:
remembering spice .... ;)

new word ya ask?

Spice ~

Syllables: spice

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation spais

Definition 1. any of various edible vegetable substances
with a distinctive aroma or taste, such as pepper or ginger,
that are used to flavor or preserve food and drink.

Definition 2. that which contributes zest, interest, sharpness,
or the like.
Example Danger added spice to the adventure.

Crossref. Syn. tang , relish

Definition 3. a pungent or aromatic odor; fragrance.
Crossref. Syn. tang

Related Words aromatic , zest , flavor

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms spiced, spicing, spices

Definition 1. to use spice in or on (food).

Crossref. Syn. relish , flavor

Definition 2. to enhance the flavor, zest, or interest of,
as by adding some element.

Example She spiced up her dull wardrobe with a colorful hat.

Crossref. Syn. zip , accent , season , flavor

Related Words devil , season

I could not resist, my muse has a pitchfork,
and is not afraid to use it. Yours? :p

Happy Writing ~

:catroar: :devil:

pitch fork me baby
my moon shines high
while my pants are dropped

teasing me with flavor
words like spice
accenting sounds
and stirring the morsel
laid upon a plate

get your fork ready
sausage is seasoned
and ready for eating

Finally we have some new poems out. I am going to read,
read read !!! I have been anxious and waiting ...
Also I have a new word for today if anyone wants to bounce,
play, write ... whatever floats your boat ;)

Root ~

Syllables: root

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation rut

Inflected Forms rooted, rooting, roots

Definition 1. to cheer for or encourage a contestant or team.

Definition 2. to provide moral support.

Related Words cheer

Syllables: root

Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Phrases: take root

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation rut

Definition 1. the part of a plant that usu. grows underground,
absorbs water and nutrients, and attaches the plant to the soil.

Definition 2. something similar to the root of a plant in form,
position, or function.
Synonyms bottom , footing, matrix , ground , foundation ,

Definition 3. the embedded part of a hair, nail, tooth, or other
partially external bodily part.
Synonyms quick , matrix

Definition 4. the basis; core; origin.
Example The root of the problem lies in his childhood.
Synonyms seed , source , quick , origin , pith , core , heart ,
Crossref. Syn. ground , derivation , extract

Definition 5. (often pl.) familial, ancestral, or ethnic background.
Synonyms tradition , ancestry , origin , heritage , background ,

Definition 6. a number that multiplied by itself yields a given number.
Example Two is the square root of four.
Crossref. Syn. radical

Related Words pedigree , heart , mother , matrix , bottom ,
foundation , ancestry , germ , genesis , basis , cause

Phrase take root

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms rooted, rooting, roots

Definition 1. to grow a new root or roots.
Similar Words germinate , sprout , burgeon

Definition 2. to become fixed, accepted, or established.
Synonyms take , set , fix
Similar Words found , set in {set (PHR)}

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause to put out roots or become implanted.
Synonyms propagate , plant , germinate , implant
Similar Words embed , establish , set

Definition 2. to fix; establish.
Synonyms fix , found, set , plant , establish , base
Similar Words anchor , implant , seat

Related Words base , found , bottom , sink

Happppy Writing ~ :D

also, Thank you for writing with me. I know mine
have been few and far between as of late, but here
is to hoping that might change ~

he thinks he can bounce
tits wildly flop
as he tries to
fox trot, pen me
down as round after
round, we play.
rooting in deep
like flowers unsprung.
hotter the rue
meshingly stewed
(higher baby) as springs
zoing, faster we are going
till veins burst, breast
fry. chicken or rooster
which will be last, with pie
in the eye ~
RhymeFairy said:
Finally we have some new poems out. I am going to read,
read read !!! I have been anxious and waiting ...
Also I have a new word for today if anyone wants to bounce,
play, write ... whatever floats your boat ;)

Root ~

Syllables: root

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation rut

Inflected Forms rooted, rooting, roots

Definition 1. to cheer for or encourage a contestant or team.

Definition 2. to provide moral support.

Related Words cheer

Syllables: root

Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Phrases: take root

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation rut

Definition 1. the part of a plant that usu. grows underground,
absorbs water and nutrients, and attaches the plant to the soil.

Definition 2. something similar to the root of a plant in form,
position, or function.
Synonyms bottom , footing, matrix , ground , foundation ,

Definition 3. the embedded part of a hair, nail, tooth, or other
partially external bodily part.
Synonyms quick , matrix

Definition 4. the basis; core; origin.
Example The root of the problem lies in his childhood.
Synonyms seed , source , quick , origin , pith , core , heart ,
Crossref. Syn. ground , derivation , extract

Definition 5. (often pl.) familial, ancestral, or ethnic background.
Synonyms tradition , ancestry , origin , heritage , background ,

Definition 6. a number that multiplied by itself yields a given number.
Example Two is the square root of four.
Crossref. Syn. radical

Related Words pedigree , heart , mother , matrix , bottom ,
foundation , ancestry , germ , genesis , basis , cause

Phrase take root

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms rooted, rooting, roots

Definition 1. to grow a new root or roots.
Similar Words germinate , sprout , burgeon

Definition 2. to become fixed, accepted, or established.
Synonyms take , set , fix
Similar Words found , set in {set (PHR)}

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause to put out roots or become implanted.
Synonyms propagate , plant , germinate , implant
Similar Words embed , establish , set

Definition 2. to fix; establish.
Synonyms fix , found, set , plant , establish , base
Similar Words anchor , implant , seat

Related Words base , found , bottom , sink

Happppy Writing ~ :D

also, Thank you for writing with me. I know mine
have been few and far between as of late, but here
is to hoping that might change ~


new poems?
hadn't had any like three days, probably several dozen emerged then!

okay ROOT?

they searched and searched
for the root of the problem
the trees weren't growing
they were shrinking.

The botonists sat around
drinking root beer
thinking about the forest
scratching their watches
and whinding their ass's

When another tree dropped a foot or two
then another shrunk too
the scientist turned on their machines
to x-ray the earth
just to see

there it was
bigger than a red wood
the forest nymphs
were pulling trees under
one by one

they claim they were saving the trees
from the lumberjacks
making their way from the next county
when they were captured
they were asked
"Where did you put those trees?"

the nymphs just sat quietly
never whispering a clue
then the door flew
open wide with a student
with wide eyes

The nymphs took the trees
from the forest
and placed them
in the superdome!

"Why would you do that?"
botonists asked

nymphs replied
"The roots to this earth's survival
lies with our trees
so we made an atrium
for we plan to fill every building
with trees
it is essential to our survival you see?"

Roots, nymphs and untold police stories

My Erotic Trail said:
new poems?
hadn't had any like three days, probably several dozen emerged then!

okay ROOT?

they searched and searched
for the root of the problem
the trees weren't growing
they were shrinking.

The botonists sat around
drinking root beer
thinking about the forest
scratching their watches
and whinding their ass's

When another tree dropped a foot or two
then another shrunk too
the scientist turned on their machines
to x-ray the earth
just to see

there it was
bigger than a red wood
the forest nymphs
were pulling trees under
one by one

they claim they were saving the trees
from the lumberjacks
making their way from the next county
when they were captured
they were asked
"Where did you put those trees?"

the nymphs just sat quietly
never whispering a clue
then the door flew
open wide with a student
with wide eyes

The nymphs took the trees
from the forest
and placed them
in the superdome!

"Why would you do that?"
botonists asked

nymphs replied
"The roots to this earth's survival
lies with our trees
so we made an atrium
for we plan to fill every building
with trees
it is essential to our survival you see?"

Roots, nymphs and untold police stories


I see you caught tha muse.
Her visions (through you),
shall she infuse. Hide her well ,
for I am on your trail.
Mr. EroticTail ~ *wiggle wiggle*

RhymeFairy said:
I see you caught tha muse.
Her visions (through you),
shall she infuse. Hide her well ,
for I am on your trail.
Mr. EroticTail ~ *wiggle wiggle*


I have no idea where that came from
justa thought that sprang forth
with unbridaled edits <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
I have no idea where that came from
justa thought that sprang forth
with unbridaled edits <grin

tether her down, feather her
with unknown fears. passion
up with your precise piston
pushing, pound of flesh
which only you
have. penciled in
the next round. lathering
sweat, prodding down
into puddles
along glistening thighs.
ready to please, to be
pleasured by master of
her heart. her champion
charger ~

RhymeFairy said:
tether her down, feather her
with unknown fears. passion
up with your precise piston
pushing, pound of flesh
which only you
have. penciled in
the next round. lathering
sweat, prodding down
into puddles
along glistening thighs.
ready to please, to be
pleasured by master of
her heart. her champion
charger ~


well now don't I feel a tad bit 'up-rooted' <bigrin


snatch out of my boots
in a single pull
of the heart
by words cast

yanked from the ground
like a roadside flower
captured and taken
to the city
to be marveled till death

pulled from my stance
with words from a page
being up-rooted <grin
Hmmm ~

cave dwelling
within moistened
heat. sneaky slides,
ya off your feet.
slow snorkeling
dives, as tummy tucks
into tickling sighs.
soft pink walls quiver
natures mating call,
receiveing the treasure
he give'er

RhymeFairy said:
cave dwelling
within moistened
heat. sneaky slides,
ya off your feet.
slow snorkeling
dives, as tummy tucks
into tickling sighs.
soft pink walls quiver
natures mating call,
receiveing the treasure
he give'er


he buried his treasure
in her deep
pirate stolen kisses
three feet

and one peg leg <grin
Double Fun? *winks

Gypsy ~

Syllables: Gyp-sy (Gip-sy)

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation jIp si
Inflected Forms Gypsies (Gipsies)
Definition 1. one of a nomadic people, originally from India,
now found throughout the world.

Definition 2. the language of these people; Romany.

Definition 3. (l.c.) one regarded as looking or behaving like a Gypsy.

Related Words nomad


Nomad ~

Syllables: no-mad

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation no maed

Definition 1. a member of a group or tribe that has no
permanent home and moves from place to place, often
in search of pasturage for its animals.

Similar Words Bedouin , Romany , wanderer {wander (vi)} ,
Bohemian , Gypsy

Definition 2. a person or animal that wanders from place to
place without a fixed home.
Synonyms roamer {roam (vi)} , wanderer {wander (vi 1)} ,
Crossref. Syn. vagrant
Similar Words tramp , vagrant , migrant , traveler , rambler ,

Related Words transient

Derived Forms nomadism, n.

Have fun my Friends. ;)
I already have an idea
where this one will lead me.

A taste of the wild. Unchartered
grounds, for a select few who inhibit
passions cup ... to overflowing. Drink
from within. You shall never thirst,
for gypsy blood ably absorbs. Growth
is emanate, for intimate friends share,
like new babes who thirst for mothers
milk. Drink, partake from this nomad
sup, become one ... with us ~


they lingered with magnetic fingers
attracting gold and coin
with song and dance
and verse of prose
the gypsys of rogue river road
they have a nomads soul
song of hearts, played
out within the flames
benevolent eye. burning
touches from strangers
make my simmering
pot melt
as wet slides rummage
ram, pound
flesh to flesh, feeling pulled
in two. chin rubs, scratches
as sensitive skin reddens
while we play connect
the freckles,
around the fire light.

RhymeFairy said:
Gypsy ~

Syllables: Gyp-sy (Gip-sy)

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation jIp si

Have fun my Friends. ;)
I already have an idea
where this one will lead me.



OK as much as I want to keep doing one a day, this word is too romantically entangled in my heart to put down as just one poem.

I'll just leave one of my favorite gypsy girls and smile dreamily til tomorrow.

Thanks RF :kiss:


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Gypsy: Flight or fight

The tribes are fierce in nature but bind themselves to strict codes of ethics.To find a lone Gypsy in nature would mean they are on a quest of sorts. They are seeking to enhance their mystical powers. For these are the truly gifted and chosen leaders of the old ways which can be traced back as far as the Druids. Nymphs,sprites,faries and gnomes are all helpmates along the way in as far as they or their kind can be trusted. Gypsies: Also true in their nature are procurers of what others have so beware what you leave unattended as what is yours may soon be theirs if it's not already. Have we checked on our most prized possession of late? Is it still ours or been pulled into the vortex of their mystical realm.
Good Mornin my Friends. I have been super busy and long
to be Unfor. Things to do, peeps to see. You know
tha drill eh ~

Want to Thank you all for playing, and also GypsyMystik
for our new word today ... Welcome to the boards, hoping
you have lotzz of fun, and write till ya drop ~~ :D

Mystic ~

Syllables: mys-tic

Parts of speech: adjective , noun

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation mI stihk

Definition 1. having hidden or spiritually symbolic meaning.
Synonyms transcendental , mystical , psychic
Crossref. Syn. mystical
Similar Words epiphanic {epiphany} , symbolic , secret ,
supernatural , spiritual , metaphysical

Definition 2. of or relating to religious or occult mysteries.
Synonyms epiphanic {epiphany } , transcendental , supernatural ,
spiritual , occult , psychic
Similar Words preternatural , holy , otherworldly , profound ,
metaphysical , ethereal

Definition 3. of or relating to mystics or mysticism.
Synonyms transcendental , mystical , occult , psychic
Similar Words preternatural , magic , otherworldly , spiritual ,
metaphysical , magical

Definition 4. arousing a sense of mystery.
Synonyms mysterious , cryptic , puzzling {puzzle } , occult ,
arcane , mystical
Similar Words veiled , enigmatic , abstruse , inscrutable ,
hidden , baffling {baffle (vt)} , shadowy

Related Words cryptic

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. a person who believes in or practices the gaining
of insight into mysteries by transcending ordinary human reality,
esp. through revelation or processes of concentrated meditation.
Synonyms psychic
Similar Words soothsayer , spiritualist , parapsychologist
{parapsychology} , medium , clairvoyant , seer

Related Words visionary

Happy Writing my friends ~

RhymeFairy said:
Good Mornin my Friends. I have been super busy and long
to be Unfor. Things to do, peeps to see. You know
tha drill eh ~

Want to Thank you all for playing, and also GypsyMystik
for our new word today ... Welcome to the boards, hoping
you have lotzz of fun, and write till ya drop ~~ :D

Mystic ~

Syllables: mys-tic

Parts of speech: adjective , noun

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation mI stihk

Definition 1. having hidden or spiritually symbolic meaning.
Synonyms transcendental , mystical , psychic
Crossref. Syn. mystical
Similar Words epiphanic {epiphany} , symbolic , secret ,
supernatural , spiritual , metaphysical

Definition 2. of or relating to religious or occult mysteries.
Synonyms epiphanic {epiphany } , transcendental , supernatural ,
spiritual , occult , psychic
Similar Words preternatural , holy , otherworldly , profound ,
metaphysical , ethereal

Definition 3. of or relating to mystics or mysticism.
Synonyms transcendental , mystical , occult , psychic
Similar Words preternatural , magic , otherworldly , spiritual ,
metaphysical , magical

Definition 4. arousing a sense of mystery.
Synonyms mysterious , cryptic , puzzling {puzzle } , occult ,
arcane , mystical
Similar Words veiled , enigmatic , abstruse , inscrutable ,
hidden , baffling {baffle (vt)} , shadowy

Related Words cryptic

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. a person who believes in or practices the gaining
of insight into mysteries by transcending ordinary human reality,
esp. through revelation or processes of concentrated meditation.
Synonyms psychic
Similar Words soothsayer , spiritualist , parapsychologist
{parapsychology} , medium , clairvoyant , seer

Related Words visionary

Happy Writing my friends ~


I'll have to think about "miss. stick" <grin