Free Thoughts~on One word...

Mystic Mystere

How is it that she haunts me?
Always in the back of my mind
Peeking out from hiding places
Where I least expect her to be
A ghost that is here then gone

Her spirit is all about me now
I can close my eyes and hear her
The way she laughs and speaks
The way she touches me inside
I can feel her somehow

A shadow, a spectre, a wisp of a dream
An apparition of desire and want
So I light a candle and wait
For her to come to me again
In my dreams and fantasies

marvels of mystik
in fog and haze
lightening fingers
and thunder words
spells cast
in hopes of love
miss stick
worked wonders
with a hard rod

a one eyed snake charmer
rides a cock
like busting broncs

whip in hand
she likes a man
with a big stick

miss stick
from the desk of miss stick

My Erotic Trail said:
miss stick
worked wonders
with a hard rod

a one eyed snake charmer
rides a cock
like busting broncs

whip in hand
she likes a man
with a big stick

miss stick

I have set out with my master plan.
A pocket full of catnip to catch a man.

With my barbed whip and velvet mitten.
I'll soon turn him into a purring kitten.

He can try to resist, but alas he will fail.
I'll soon have a piece of my erotic tale :nana:

I got your stick bud. :kiss:
GypsyMystik said:
I have set out with my master plan.
A pocket full of catnip to catch a man.

With my barbed whip and velvet mitten.
I'll soon turn him into a purring kitten.

He can try to resist, but alas he will fail.
I'll soon have a piece of my erotic tale :nana:

I got your stick bud. :kiss:


I'll just whip

do I stick

my lips
with a kiss

then smit
my stick <grin
Wow, I love the bounces here ;) .
Gettin' a bit steamy in here ~

New word, or just continue bouncing.
No worries just have fun ~ ;)

Loot ~

Syllables: loot
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation lut

Definition 1. valuables taken by pillaging or plundering,
usu. in wartime; spoils.
Synonyms spoils , booty , pillage
Crossref. Syn. conquest , sack , plunder
Similar Words sack , plunder , valuables , riches , prize

Definition 2. goods taken by stealth or other dishonest means.
Example the thieves' loot.
Synonyms plunder , steal , swag
Crossref. Syn. score
Similar Words goods , take , booty

Definition 3. (informal) a number of purchases, gifts,
or the like.
Example After his shopping spree, he came over
to show me his loot.
Synonyms haul
Crossref. Syn. booty
Similar Words gifts , purchases , goods , riches

Definition 4. the act of looting.
Synonyms spoliation , pillage , plunder
Crossref. Syn. sack
Similar Words sack , despoliation , forage

Related Words graft , capture , possession , haul , cache

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms looted, looting, loots

Definition 1. to forcibly remove valuables from; plunder; pillage.
Example The enemy soldiers looted the village.
Synonyms sack , pillage , despoil , plunder
Crossref. Syn. prey , liberate
Similar Words raid , maraud , forage , strip , rob , harry ,

Definition 2. to take (goods, money, or the like) by stealth;
Synonyms steal , plunder
Crossref. Syn. raid , rob
Similar Words raid , burglarize , pilfer , commandeer , burgle,
rob , pillage , ransack

Related Words steal , rifle

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to pillage or plunder.
Synonyms plunder , pillage
Similar Words raid , maraud , forage , harry

Related Words steal , rob

Derived Forms looter, n.

closer ~

could you lean
closer. share in this moment.
alone, wanting you near.
feel ... people bumps
have arisen, chasing thoughts
into silent nets with holes big
as texas. where stars
can be tasted
by looking, no touch me not
flowers take root here.
so lean closer, let me
feel more
than your presence
in mindless
need. more than one can
bare. I am loaded for bare
to face the forces, if only
you could ... lean closer ~

free thoughts ~

I can color your world
with words of passion
and nights filled
with only ... me~


simplistic need
of one heart,
to touch another
spearing flames
of embering
remembrance ~


coated with cream,
a cupp'a light
with a bitt'a sugar
to make that bitter
pill taste
so much
... sweeter.

free thoughts on her

Salvor-Hardon said:

aww this is a sweet one Salvor ~~ :)

I think I shall pick one to bounce,
or do free thoughts on tonight/tomorrow,
unless someone else beats me to it, lol ~

RhymeFairy said:
aww this is a sweet one Salvor ~~ :)

I think I shall pick one to bounce,
or do free thoughts on tonight/tomorrow,
unless someone else beats me to it, lol ~


she beats me to it every time
the shower, the last grape
an orgasim
she is always first in everything
first to kiss
first to hug
but I don't mind
she beats me to it everytime

The ticking of the antique clock
Steady, sure and persistent
Each tick another heart beat
as she waits for him

The leather strap laid out
On the bed when she came
To the bedroom that day
Told her what to do

Undressed, unashamed
Sitting on the edge of the bed
Waiting and listening to that
Clock and its tick tick tick tick

His footsteps were a counterpoint
Filling in the brief silences
she stood up and turned
Bending over as he approached

His hand took the leather
She closed her eyes and breathed
Her heart, her breath, that clock
Then the rhtythm of the strikes

SLAP One tick tick
SLAP two tick
three four five

And the beat goes on
and the beat goes on

Have you ever lost your pussy?
or caught your pussy reading
with out your knowledge?

routine as turned axis
morning cat nip suffle
head pats and goodbye waves

evening greets missed when one night
there were none
no purrs from a kitty
or leg rub swirls
of in an out darting
awaiting reception
with little 'alrights'

mystery to me
to lose a pussy

hours and hours of
hide and seek with nary a clue
kitty wins
or kitty lost
very strange
window pane
pressed outward
an outlet

my pussy's free
stray cat a bound
Have you ever lost your pussy?
Love the bouncin' goin on .. Grrrrr ~ :catroar:
Hot, sexy, sweet stuff here ~

New word perhaps?

Shadow ~

Syllables: shad-ow
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation shae do

Definition 1. the image cast on some surface by a person
or thing blocking the light of the sun or another source of illumination.
Crossref. Syn. shade

Definition 2. an area of relative darkness.
Crossref. Syn. shade

Definition 3. (often pl.) the darkness that comes after the sun sets.

Definition 4. a trace; suggestion; hint.
Crossref. Syn. kiss , ghost , suggestion , shade

Definition 5. remnant.
Example a shadow of one's old self.

Definition 6. a time or an instance of sadness or gloom.
Crossref. Syn. chill

Definition 7. a threat.
Example in the shadow of starvation.

Definition 8. a dominant influence.
Example He lives in the shadow of his father.

Related Words trace , vestige , gloom , ghost , particle , crony

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms shadowed, shadowing, shadows

Definition 1. to cast a shadow on or over; shade.
Crossref. Syn. becloud , shade , overshadow

Definition 2. to hide or protect from light or heat.
Crossref. Syn. shade

Definition 3. to make dark, depressing, or gloomy.
Definition 4. to follow (a person) closely and secretly in order
to watch; trail.

Related Words follow , ghost , chase , eclipse , blacken , cloud ,
pursue , stalk , overcast

Happy writing ~~~~~ ;)

RhymeFairy said:
Love the bouncin' goin on .. Grrrrr ~ :catroar:
Hot, sexy, sweet stuff here ~

New word perhaps?

Shadow ~

Syllables: shad-ow
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation shae do

Definition 1. the image cast on some surface by a person
or thing blocking the light of the sun or another source of illumination.
Crossref. Syn. shade

Definition 2. an area of relative darkness.
Crossref. Syn. shade

Definition 3. (often pl.) the darkness that comes after the sun sets.

Definition 4. a trace; suggestion; hint.
Crossref. Syn. kiss , ghost , suggestion , shade

Definition 5. remnant.
Example a shadow of one's old self.

Definition 6. a time or an instance of sadness or gloom.
Crossref. Syn. chill

Definition 7. a threat.
Example in the shadow of starvation.

Definition 8. a dominant influence.
Example He lives in the shadow of his father.

Related Words trace , vestige , gloom , ghost , particle , crony

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms shadowed, shadowing, shadows

Definition 1. to cast a shadow on or over; shade.
Crossref. Syn. becloud , shade , overshadow

Definition 2. to hide or protect from light or heat.
Crossref. Syn. shade

Definition 3. to make dark, depressing, or gloomy.
Definition 4. to follow (a person) closely and secretly in order
to watch; trail.

Related Words follow , ghost , chase , eclipse , blacken , cloud ,
pursue , stalk , overcast

Happy writing ~~~~~ ;)


My chair is black
I sit at my computer
I go to the kitchen
and return with a snack
and sat
on my shadow

I walk down the hall
and didn't mean to
but accidentally kicked
my shadow

Shadow is are hard to see
when black meets black
and it all becomes one color
the color of night

I wake up and my shadow
is beside me
it is a feline thing
my cat
casting his lustful lure.
throw one more line out
see what she does, watch
her expressions. will
she nibble a bit or slide
a hook shot in
hoops that might
or sink. swim
wash away with the currents
that currently have you speared
mouth agape, from her lil shimmy,
you better watch it
shake n bake time. as I sit gleefully
watching tha burn.
Do you have a

Vision ~

Syllables: vi-sion
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation vI zhEn

Definition 1. the ability to perceive through sight.
Synonyms sight , eyesight
Similar Words perception

Definition 2. the power to anticipate or foresee future events
or ideas.
Synonyms prescience , foreknowledge , foresight
Similar Words understanding , perspicacity , insight , wisdom ,
perception , imagination , discernment

Definition 3. something present in or experienced by the imagination
but that is not actually present or true.
Example a vision of one's own destruction.
Crossref. Syn. hallucination , dream , phantom , fancy , image
Similar Words hallucination , figment , illusion , fancy , chimera ,
dream , delusion , mirage , fantasy

Definition 4. an object or person of great beauty.
Crossref. Syn. dream

Similar Words sight , apparition , image

Related Words view , vista , feast

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms visioned, visioning, visions

Definition 1. to picture; envision.
Similar Words imagine , envision , picture

Derived Forms visionless, adj.

of life, dreams, wants
... desires. Share with me
what you require. A'light the path
before us, single out
every rose, butterfly, fish
flying high. Tell me your
dreams. Give me
a chance to show you

I will do a poem on Vision
... just had to throw that out there, lol.

I hear her calling
nothing to do
but answer in kind.
morning mist, melancholic
march across lush green
lawns. day passes
over, night settles in. seaside
waves, barefoot ... bikini clad
babe, skinny dipping
into her smooth
fragrant skin.


RhymeFairy said:
Vision ~

Syllables: vi-sion
Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation vI zhEn

Definition 1. the ability to perceive through sight.
Synonyms sight , eyesight
Similar Words perception

Definition 2. the power to anticipate or foresee future events
or ideas.
Synonyms prescience , foreknowledge , foresight
Similar Words understanding , perspicacity , insight , wisdom ,
perception , imagination , discernment

Definition 3. something present in or experienced by the imagination
but that is not actually present or true.
Example a vision of one's own destruction.
Crossref. Syn. hallucination , dream , phantom , fancy , image
Similar Words hallucination , figment , illusion , fancy , chimera ,
dream , delusion , mirage , fantasy

Definition 4. an object or person of great beauty.
Crossref. Syn. dream

Similar Words sight , apparition , image

Related Words view , vista , feast

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms visioned, visioning, visions

Definition 1. to picture; envision.
Similar Words imagine , envision , picture

Derived Forms visionless, adj.

of life, dreams, wants
... desires. Share with me
what you require. A'light the path
before us, single out
every rose, butterfly, fish
flying high. Tell me your
dreams. Give me
a chance to show you

I will do a poem on Vision
... just had to throw that out there, lol.


I lost my vision

I have heard that
will lead to blindness

I couldn't help my self
I pulled her hand to me
and then glided it downward
and she wrapped her fingers around it
and stroked it
with gentle, seductive slides
up and down
up and down

it felt so good
I closed my eyes
and lost my vision

In honor of ....

Spring ~

Syllables: spring
Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb ,
noun , adjective

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation sprIng

Inflected Forms sprang [or] sprung, sprung, springing, springs

Definition 1. to move upward quickly or suddenly; jump.
Synonyms bound , leap , dart , vault, hop , jump
Crossref. Syn. catapult , bolt , jump , start
Similar Words bounce , lunge , caper

Definition 2. to change position suddenly or unexpectedly.
Synonyms dart , pop , dash, leap , vault , start, jump
Crossref. Syn. bound
Similar Words shoot , snap

Definition 3. to close or move quickly when activated or released.
Example The trap springs when a mouse enters.
Synonyms snap , pop
Crossref. Syn. catapult
Similar Words recover , react , kick , rebound , recoil

Definition 4. to originate or develop from someone or something.
Synonyms stem , descend , grow , develop , arise
Crossref. Syn. rise , swell , derive
Similar Words dawn , germinate , sprout , emerge , burgeon

Definition 5. to come into being or evolve quickly.
Synonyms start , mushroom , burst , pop, crop up {crop (PHR)} ,
shoot up {shoot } , burgeon , sprout
Crossref. Syn. derive
Similar Words rise

Definition 6. to become warped, as wood.
Synonyms warp
Similar Words buckle , twist , bulge , contort , give

Definition 7. to work loose, as part of a machine.
Synonyms unscrew
Similar Words pop , bust , rupture , burst , break

Related Words leap , hop , career , fly , jump , well , plunge ,
dart , vault , bolt , proceed , race , start , result

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause to leap, move, or jump suddenly.
Synonyms dart , snap
Similar Words pop , shoot , thrust , propel

Definition 2. to cause (a device) to release or activate.
Example A mouse sprang the trap.
Synonyms snap , pop, trigger
Similar Words set off {set (vt)} , release

Definition 3. to cause to split, separate, or break.
Example The pipes sprang a leak.
Similar Words develop , form

Definition 4. to release or disclose.
Example They sprang a bird from the cage ; He sprung a secret.
Synonyms unleash , unloose , release , let out {let (PHR)} , free
Similar Words divulge , unfasten , undo , disclose

Definition 5. (slang) to release from confinement, such as prison.
Synonyms free
Crossref. Syn. liberate
Similar Words release , liberate , break

Related Words catapult , bounce , leap , kick

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. an elastic device or object that regains its original
shape after being compressed, stretched out, or otherwise distorted.
Crossref. Syn. bound

Definition 2. a quick and sudden movement; jump.
Synonyms vault , bound , leap , hop
Crossref. Syn. bounce , skip , jump

Definition 3. lightness of foot; bounciness.
Example a spring in her step.
Synonyms sprightliness {sprightly (adv)} , bounce
Crossref. Syn. skip

Definition 4. a flow of water from the earth.
Synonyms well, fount

Definition 5. elasticity; resilience.
Example the spring in a tennis ball.
Synonyms flexibility {flexible } , bounce , stretch , give ,
elasticity , resilience

Definition 6. a structural defect caused by breaking or warping.
Synonyms distortion , warp

Definition 7. a season of the year between winter and summer,
in the northern hemisphere continuing from the March equinox to
the June solstice.
Synonyms springtime
Crossref. Syn. prime

Related Words plunge , bounce , leap , hop , dart , vault , bolt ,
kickback , thaw , kick , caper

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. pertaining to or characteristic of the season of spring.
Synonyms vernal
Similar Words equinoctial

Definition 2. appropriate for the season of spring.
Example spring clothes.
Similar Words vernal

Definition 3. containing or working by springs.

Derived Forms springlike, adj.

Good Morn ~~

You can use my word. Or choose from any other
words that might *jump out at ya. Just free write.
Let it FLOW ~~~ ;)

Happy writing my Friends ~

:rose: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Spring ~

Syllables: spring
Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb ,
noun , adjective

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation sprIng

Inflected Forms sprang [or] sprung, sprung, springing, springs

Definition 1. to move upward quickly or suddenly; jump.
Synonyms bound , leap , dart , vault, hop , jump
Crossref. Syn. catapult , bolt , jump , start
Similar Words bounce , lunge , caper

Definition 2. to change position suddenly or unexpectedly.
Synonyms dart , pop , dash, leap , vault , start, jump
Crossref. Syn. bound
Similar Words shoot , snap

Definition 3. to close or move quickly when activated or released.
Example The trap springs when a mouse enters.
Synonyms snap , pop
Crossref. Syn. catapult
Similar Words recover , react , kick , rebound , recoil

Definition 4. to originate or develop from someone or something.
Synonyms stem , descend , grow , develop , arise
Crossref. Syn. rise , swell , derive
Similar Words dawn , germinate , sprout , emerge , burgeon

Definition 5. to come into being or evolve quickly.
Synonyms start , mushroom , burst , pop, crop up {crop (PHR)} ,
shoot up {shoot } , burgeon , sprout
Crossref. Syn. derive
Similar Words rise

Definition 6. to become warped, as wood.
Synonyms warp
Similar Words buckle , twist , bulge , contort , give

Definition 7. to work loose, as part of a machine.
Synonyms unscrew
Similar Words pop , bust , rupture , burst , break

Related Words leap , hop , career , fly , jump , well , plunge ,
dart , vault , bolt , proceed , race , start , result

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause to leap, move, or jump suddenly.
Synonyms dart , snap
Similar Words pop , shoot , thrust , propel

Definition 2. to cause (a device) to release or activate.
Example A mouse sprang the trap.
Synonyms snap , pop, trigger
Similar Words set off {set (vt)} , release

Definition 3. to cause to split, separate, or break.
Example The pipes sprang a leak.
Similar Words develop , form

Definition 4. to release or disclose.
Example They sprang a bird from the cage ; He sprung a secret.
Synonyms unleash , unloose , release , let out {let (PHR)} , free
Similar Words divulge , unfasten , undo , disclose

Definition 5. (slang) to release from confinement, such as prison.
Synonyms free
Crossref. Syn. liberate
Similar Words release , liberate , break

Related Words catapult , bounce , leap , kick

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. an elastic device or object that regains its original
shape after being compressed, stretched out, or otherwise distorted.
Crossref. Syn. bound

Definition 2. a quick and sudden movement; jump.
Synonyms vault , bound , leap , hop
Crossref. Syn. bounce , skip , jump

Definition 3. lightness of foot; bounciness.
Example a spring in her step.
Synonyms sprightliness {sprightly (adv)} , bounce
Crossref. Syn. skip

Definition 4. a flow of water from the earth.
Synonyms well, fount

Definition 5. elasticity; resilience.
Example the spring in a tennis ball.
Synonyms flexibility {flexible } , bounce , stretch , give ,
elasticity , resilience

Definition 6. a structural defect caused by breaking or warping.
Synonyms distortion , warp

Definition 7. a season of the year between winter and summer,
in the northern hemisphere continuing from the March equinox to
the June solstice.
Synonyms springtime
Crossref. Syn. prime

Related Words plunge , bounce , leap , hop , dart , vault , bolt ,
kickback , thaw , kick , caper

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. pertaining to or characteristic of the season of spring.
Synonyms vernal
Similar Words equinoctial

Definition 2. appropriate for the season of spring.
Example spring clothes.
Similar Words vernal

Definition 3. containing or working by springs.

Derived Forms springlike, adj.

Good Morn ~~

You can use my word. Or choose from any other
words that might *jump out at ya. Just free write.
Let it FLOW ~~~ ;)

Happy writing my Friends ~

:rose: :rose:

I was on top
then she wanted on top
so we switched
while I was on bottom
I found out why
something was sticking me
in the middle of my back
a matress...

spring ... sprung ... trap set ~ lol

his words gather
like a snowball rolling, germinating
my thought process to
null n void. still yet,
catapulting emotions
keep rounding the bend. shaking
my sugar tree, as he populates
young saplings of lust
making them leap into
action. intensifying
forgetful heart. revived
reminded this frost bitten
fairy to breathe. once again,
life has sprung, bringing new hope
to a forgotten soul ...

RhymeFairy said:
his words gather
like a snowball rolling, germinating
my thought process to
null n void. still yet,
catapulting emotions
keep rounding the bend. shaking
my sugar tree, as he populates
young saplings of lust
making them leap into
action. intensifying
forgetful heart. revived
reminded this frost bitten
fairy to breathe. once again,
life has sprung, bringing new hope
to a forgotten soul ...


a cool breeze
on a warm day
lush green world
flowers abound
and the sounds

of spring
new word ~~ UnWritten

Artist: Natasha Bedingfield
Song : Unwritten

I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined
Im just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you can not find
Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten

I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines
We've been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can't live that way

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words that you can not find

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
But the rest is still unwritten

Feel the rain on your skin
No one else can feel it for you
Only you can let it in
No one else, no one else
Can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten
The rest is still unwritten


Thought I would do something a lil different. A song to motivate ~

Happy writing ~ UnWritten ;)

:rose: :rose: