Free Thoughts~on One word...

postcard revised ~

I wish you could have seen
the rain. Falling like popcorn
splat upon the ground.

So many days here without rain
had every gardner wishing. Soil so dry
a gallon of water made no difference.

Pavement was frying like griddle
cakes to toes and feet.
Yes my friend, crack an egg.

In the humid morning mist
air would suck up every drop of water
making our Smokey Mountains
look even smokier.

No one could breath
for the air was dry
as sand. Gritty and muggy
instead of giving us air
it would take your breath.

I had told friends, neighbors
and colleagues alike. I need rain.
I need to feel it run down
over and through me. My body
aches ... for rain.

When it finally began to fall
I was driving home from work.
I swear I pulled over
jumped out
and just stood there
letting it soak me
through and through.
Still, I stood. Grateful
and so humbled.

I sincerely wish
you could have been here ...

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blood red nails
dig in deep. scaling
sacred sanctuaries
with scratchingly sweet
pop kisses
smack. spanking
my naughty muse


playing with the flow here ~

there is more to this than meets the eye, me thinks ~

tapping into your passion

I have tried. carrying embers
of a lost languishing love. hefting
a ragged piece of one memory
then another. they have torn
my emotions open, making ragged
but a promise
another memory to remember
to carry on. one more thin slip
to tap


liquefied lightening
mapped out every spot
ever touched
breathed upon
by your hot greedy

like a piglet let
out of the shoot. engorged
in muck and mayhem.
is this feeling.
this liquor
I have tasted every day
and night. you

your touch has consumed
and made this woman
into a muse, who like a vampire
out for a blood letting
begs, pleads
for more ...
RhymeFairy said:

liquefied lightening
mapped out every spot
ever touched
breathed upon
by your hot greedy

like a piglet let
out of the shoot. engorged
in muck and mayhem.
is this feeling.
this liquor
I have tasted every day
and night. you

your touch has consumed
and made this woman
into a muse, who like a vampire
out for a blood letting
begs, pleads
for more ...

white lightening?
clear as a bell...
or rather a slow moving stream
of rapid fire
belly burning mind mover
lost in the liquid
sparking the flames
of intoxication
creating mayham in
the mental temple
that shakes the body
when the bell is rung loudly
the very next morning

Poem anyone? :D


Use at least three of these in a poem.

;) :)

Happy Writing ~

PS .... Thanks for the kick in tha booty Eagleyez, I owe ya one.

RhymeFairy said:

Poem anyone? :D


Use at least three of these in a poem.

;) :)

Happy Writing ~

PS .... Thanks for the kick in tha booty Eagleyez, I owe ya one.


okay, caught me in rare form this morning ... so I'll give it a go!


I am beholden
to belong
'very long'
that which is beneath me
or at least the lower section of my body
bedevil that I am
looking to bemoan or just moan <grin
beholden ... for so many things, thoughts
and friendship. right now, all I can handle
is another set of green eyes crying.

besieged ... by emotion. pure love
and simple thoughts that tend to sway me
one way, then another.

belong ... I shall stay, for another day
or two. work, although you know
as do I, wishing for another time
will not make it appear.

bemoan ... moan and groan. I continue
to castrate this living heart and
cope with life. dreams are just that,

bedeviled ... nightly I swap sides
toss and turn. only to awaken
empty armed and foggy minded.
knowing I missed something
misplaced or just plain forgot
s o m e t h i n g.

behave ... No not I. My playful heart
and kind cat eyes picture me out
because happiness is but a step away
in which direction, I know not.

beneath ... you. I want this so much
fantasize frantically about. Whirling
grinding, dipping and swiveling. Care
for a practice run, to test
my admiration, my determination?

behead ... I will do this
for you. A lil suckle, gripping
slide of tongue, mouth
and lips. Before long your steam
whistle shall blow its stack
therefore knocking you off track ...

wanna ?

Turned more toward free thoughts. :rolleyes:
Who knows may be a poem in there somewhere, lol ~

Oil ...

Never knew my car and I had so much in common.

We both require a bit of oil to keep us running smooth.

I have another fetish it seems. I love to run my fingers body bound with oily fingers dipping into every caressing spot. Some require a lil extra massage or two, only to rewind and replay the moment again. Soft sighs will escape as tired muscles release and settle in for a soothing session of rejuvenation and exhilaration.

Maybe a bubble bath as I sink low, bath oils are best for this relaxing treat. Candles tend to add to the ambiance of sliding down and just letting everything go. Nothing on earth beats a Calgon moment ... make that an hour and you have a brand new body, soul and mind. Ready to slip between cotton sheets that silkily cocoon a tired body and refreshed mind ...

just a thought ~
RhymeFairy said:
Oil ...

Never knew my car and I had so much in common.

We both require a bit of oil to keep us running smooth.

I have another fetish it seems. I love to run my fingers body bound with oily fingers dipping into every caressing spot. Some require a lil extra massage or two, only to rewind and replay the moment again. Soft sighs will escape as tired muscles release and settle in for a soothing session of rejuvenation and exhilaration.

Maybe a bubble bath as I sink low, bath oils are best for this relaxing treat. Candles tend to add to the ambiance of sliding down and just letting everything go. Nothing on earth beats a Calgon moment ... make that an hour and you have a brand new body, soul and mind. Ready to slip between cotton sheets that silkily cocoon a tired body and refreshed mind ...

just a thought ~

better than a CALGON commercial <grinin
I have the funnel <bigrin
My Erotic Trail said:
better than a CALGON commercial <grinin
I have the funnel <bigrin

See that's what happens when ya get two days off.
One disappears into the bathroom, never to be heard from again ;)
or at least until it's time to punch that time clock again ~ :(

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she has turned
from my li pixie angel, into
a teenage vamp. when did it all begin
and will she ever understand
... what you advertise
is what the buyer sees as real.

blossomed over night, a flower that
begs for attention. a lil sniff
and lil persuasion for a plucking,
years down the road.

boys boys boys
I like this one. No Mom
he is sooo yesterday.

blah blah blah
she rattles on every afternoon
about how she is so in love
then an about face into
crying fits of no one likes me
everyone hates me. think I will
have some cake.

hormones ... running rampit
through my lil girls dreams
taking away my sweet baby
turning her into half woman
half screaming banshee

flipsided into a sweet innocent
who only wants love
and craves the attention
of every boy between the ages
of twelve and twenty


* pulling hair out and bolt locking all doors n windows ~*

Good Morning friends .....

While making coffee I reached for a coffee cup and saw a big red hot tamale.

The slogan on my coffee cup says ~ Hot Tamale Express

Think I picked this lil gem up at a garage sale or something :rolleyes:
Anywho ... what says you to a hot tamale poem?

Hot Tamale ... Express

Go with it. What's the harm? Have fun, adventure
into the unknown and stoke ... stroke up
those cravings.


Happy Writing ~
Any native knows
that when you wanna be cool
long term cool
you gotta bite a little hot--
so small so dangerous
swelling the tongue and wringing
the circulation, speeding
salsa just under
the skin.
Tear ducts open, pores
yawn and glisten
and your water lifts
on every precious breeze.
RhymeFairy said:
Good Morning friends .....

While making coffee I reached for a coffee cup and saw a big red hot tamale.

The slogan on my coffee cup says ~ Hot Tamale Express

Think I picked this lil gem up at a garage sale or something :rolleyes:
Anywho ... what says you to a hot tamale poem?

Hot Tamale ... Express

Go with it. What's the harm? Have fun, adventure
into the unknown and stoke ... stroke up
those cravings.


Happy Writing ~

sleeveless senoritas
dance around a sombrero
as I sip on margarita
and savor her salty flesh
the hot tamale express
Ya'll are too good for me ya know that. :D

I had noticed not a lotta writing going on except the 30/30 thread and on the Passion thread. So I thought to plant a seed to flourish the free thinkers here and hopefully get the threads to moving a bit more.

What I failed to realize was ... it's not Saturday yet and so many have so much to do through the week. :rolleyes: Bad thing is, I work a lot on weekends and do not get as much free time as I would like.

So my friends fill in my blank ...

This weekend I had the most fun ....

Poem anyone? Free write? Blog it I don't care. :D
Just tell me what all us weekend workers are missing ...

Happy Writing ~

:cool: :rose:
Fun ...

the fair is coming you know. another round
of carouseling rides, riddled with people
as far as the eye can see.

the lil one grasping for another ice cream
cotton candy and of course a funnel cake
or two. smiling faces smudged, sticky fingers
touching rubber ducks and too heavy hammers.

pop the balloon for a prize. hit the bullseye
and pick a present for that sweetheart of yours.
all can be bought, had or gotten. a lil silver
crossing the palm for plastic gizmos and a gold fish
that one hopes shall live forever.

rides that are either too scary or not scary enough,
depending on the height of dardevilism you ladies
and gents have. loop-de-looping swings, stick you
to the sides rides that either have one vomiting
or screaming for more. so come, share the excitement
and fun or the local fair.

remember ... fun is not an option ~

what I am looking forward to ~ :D
sounds a bit like a commercial eh ~ :rolleyes:

RhymeFairy said:
Fun ...

the fair is coming you know. another round
of carouseling rides, riddled with people
as far as the eye can see.

the lil one grasping for another ice cream
cotton candy and of course a funnel cake
or two. smiling faces smudged, sticky fingers
touching rubber ducks and too heavy hammers.

pop the balloon for a prize. hit the bullseye
and pick a present for that sweetheart of yours.
all can be bought, had or gotten. a lil silver
crossing the palm for plastic gizmos and a gold fish
that one hopes shall live forever.

rides that are either too scary or not scary enough,
depending on the height of dardevilism you ladies
and gents have. loop-de-looping swings, stick you
to the sides rides that either have one vomiting
or screaming for more. so come, share the excitement
and fun or the local fair.

remember ... fun is not an option ~

what I am looking forward to ~ :D
sounds a bit like a commercial eh ~ :rolleyes:


virgin pie eating contests
and three legged races
rabbits, pussies and hares
by the cock and the pull-its
down from the studs
and the bulls with big balls
all is FAIR in love <grin
is it fair
she is not aware
of feelings that grow
like vines in the night
to fair the weather
to fair the heat
and kiss morning dew
with a lapping tongue
just to taste
her fair skin

I will be fair
can I pounce
the pouncer
if the bouncer
is not around

can I inspire
a desire
with words
on fire

or hint
a tease
with what is
between my knees

bounce my pounce <bigrin
My Erotic Trail said:
can I pounce
the pouncer
if the bouncer
is not around

can I inspire
a desire
with words
on fire

or hint
a tease
with what is
between my knees

bounce my pounce <bigrin

You lookin for a fair fight or a knee deep dirty brawl?

:p :devil:

OK my friend. I am working on it. :rolleyes:
Again, writers block and a bit of a cold.
Once this is said and done you promise to call me in the morning? lmao ~

I will bounce your pounce ... soon.

I live in the shadows.

your impression still stains
the sheets of my mind. only
to unwind and undergo a mutation
transferring an iron-on sticky
to my heart. tattooed
to that one spot deep
in my subconscious, where scant
memories still live.


Sometimes a word, thought bring certain times, feels to mind.

Will have to come back and work on this one me thinks.
The imagery of shadows is what I am zeroed in on.

Go with it if ya feel the need ~
