Free Thoughts~on One word...

RhymeFairy said:
Thank You Blue for stopping by. :rose:

I like this poem. I esp. like the words ... enchanted attraction. It can be soft or all consuming. Here you have painted a world of sensuality. It speaks to me ...

Take it and run my friend. Love it ~

ty fairy queen... I played a bit more...and this is final take..what do you think?

Feeling echoes falling
from the dark,
another tear dripping
from the light of the moon
wakes me like rain
falling on the mangroves.

I search for the eyes
of lonely lost in chains
of rain's unsung blues.

I’d still be your piano,
a steady beat of your drum
or just another chord
that your guitar strums.
Such lives my opposite attraction.
Lonely sounds that says," will you play me"
bluerains said:
ty fairy queen... I played a bit more...and this is final take..what do you think?

Feeling echoes falling
from the dark,
another tear dripping
from the light of the moon
wakes me like rain
falling on the mangroves.

I search for the eyes
of lonely lost in chains
of rain's unsung blues.

I’d still be your piano,
a steady beat of your drum
or just another chord
that your guitar strums.
Such lives my opposite attraction.
Lonely sounds that says," will you play me"

I search his eyes and feel
as he plays me. Lyrical note
after note being pulled from within
till all I am is lost, outside me
laughing and circling around us.
My eyes mist, for I know
I have been played a fool
and he ... cares not.
she .... he

RhymeFairy said:
I search his eyes and feel
as he plays me. Lyrical note
after note being pulled from within
till all I am is lost, outside me
laughing and circling around us.
My eyes mist, for I know
I have been played a fool
and he ... cares not.

He danced to her sway. Open palmed
for every move, every ounce
she could give out. He wanted her
dreamed of her, had to have her.

She pulled his strings
made false promises like a puppet master
she played and did not realize
he was hurting and humbly awaited
the finish line.

umm .. ok I better stop here with that one ~

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I come here to write. To tell you
of my day, thoughts every heartbroken
feeling that zings through me. You sit
read, smile. Yes, I know your happy
to see the words. Not the feelings
behind them. The fingers that crack from rub
scrubbing of tubs. The eyes that
hate the light, for migraines intrude
every moment
everyday. Sore thighs from exercising,
backaches for my whole body is falling
aching apart. I work
to not think
to run away from this corrupted heart
that beats too fast
pounds like a woodpecker on his favorite
tree, perched there to annoy
the hell outta everyone
who passes by. Yes, this heart beats
still yet ... for you.
Good Morning friends ~ :rose:

Been a wild n crazy week.
Think it has been the same for all eh ~ :rolleyes:





A few words/thoughts we might wanna look at.

What in life makes us question?
What/who means the most to you?

We all wear different mask. Show each person a different side of us. They each know and love/hate us for that individual quality they see. So my friend, what makes you tick?

The true meaning of life, is a riddle to us until we discover/find out what and who we are. What we want outta life. When we solve this riddle then we shall be at peace with ourselves ... finally.

Go, write ... be happy ~

Just thinking aloud and thought I would share. Sweet aint I ... :rolleyes:
RhymeFairy said:
Good Morning friends ~ :rose:

Been a wild n crazy week.
Think it has been the same for all eh ~ :rolleyes:





A few words/thoughts we might wanna look at.

What in life makes us question?
What/who means the most to you?

We all wear different mask. Show each person a different side of us. They each know and love/hate us for that individual quality they see. So my friend, what makes you tick?

The true meaning of life, is a riddle to us until we discover/find out what and who we are. What we want outta life. When we solve this riddle then we shall be at peace with ourselves ... finally.

Go, write ... be happy ~

Just thinking aloud and thought I would share. Sweet aint I ... :rolleyes:

I can only say this many times a day <grin The key to Tranquility is acceptance. What makes me tick? I always seem to go from project to project, finish one start another ... I can't say it is ambition as much as I believe it is a need to acomplish many things, to touch a little of everything I can before I no longer can. But I always seem to come here for that smiling ray of sunshine that radiates from your posted words and poems, same with blue, a drink of cool, poetic blue water.
My Erotic Trail said:
I always seem to come here for that smiling ray of sunshine that radiates from your posted words and poems, same with blue, a drink of cool, poetic blue water.

I can give you no sunshine my friend.

is blue, darkened
with black. Slanted
side by side
like two coffins
lined up and ready
for their owners.

thoughts harass
to chase me
to ground
while I drowned
on dry land.
Hey hey hey hey ... :p

Mornin peepoles ~~~ :D

A new word. Take it good or bad ... spin it and see what ya web out ~


Hemlock ~

Syllables: hem-lock

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation hehm lak

Definition 1. any of various evergreens of North America that have
short needles and bear small cones, or the wood of this tree.

Definition 2. any of several poisonous herbs that have lacy leaves
and bear small white flowers.

Definition 3. poison made from this plant.

RhymeFairy said:
Hey hey hey hey ... :p

Mornin peepoles ~~~ :D

A new word. Take it good or bad ... spin it and see what ya web out ~


Hemlock ~

Syllables: hem-lock

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation hehm lak

Definition 1. any of various evergreens of North America that have
short needles and bear small cones, or the wood of this tree.

Definition 2. any of several poisonous herbs that have lacy leaves
and bear small white flowers.

Definition 3. poison made from this plant.


her hem-lock my button
and we were stuck together
the only way out
was to remove our clothes
My Erotic Trail said:
her hem-lock my button
and we were stuck together
the only way out
was to remove our clothes

good one dude.


hem locked
her knees
as she
took a
Just dropping in to say ... Hey you ~!!!! :p :D

I would love to write, seems it loves me not, at this time.
So I am going to take a break as I did yesterday evening and do the nail thing, hair, maybe a bubble bath filled to the top and light some candles.

This is mood writing eh ~ :nana: :cathappy:

Have a great one and see ya next spin ~

RhymeFairy said:
Just dropping in to say ... Hey you ~!!!! :p :D

I would love to write, seems it loves me not, at this time.
So I am going to take a break as I did yesterday evening and do the nail thing, hair, maybe a bubble bath filled to the top and light some candles.

This is mood writing eh ~ :nana: :cathappy:

Have a great one and see ya next spin ~


did you loan your muse out again <grinin'
you really should use handcuffs, the knots are not holding <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
did you loan your muse out again <grinin'
you really should use handcuffs, the knots are not holding <grin

You talkin' to me Artie Pooh .... *whip snaps * :p

I'll have you know, I tied'm tight and my handcuffs are otherwise occupied. :devil:

Any more bright ideas?


staring at the block,
fists flailing
knuckles clock,
beating the muse
until she pops,
mind closed
hard as rock,
try as I might
picking the lock.

-hope she comes back to you soon -hugs
RhymeFairy said:
You talkin' to me Artie Pooh .... *whip snaps * :p

I'll have you know, I tied'm tight and my handcuffs are otherwise occupied. :devil:

Any more bright ideas?


try green M&Ms <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
try green M&Ms <grin

placed in trails.
piece by piece laid
to tempt
coerce him out.

urging him
into a frenzy
of energy
to taste
and engorge.

what is offered
and take off
his suite
of stale crackers
at tea time.

grins* guessing it's a start eh ~

Speaking of

Green my eyes
That night,

I saw him
By the pale moonlight
He held her tight,
His arms
Just right,

And I knew I might
Have a chance,
If I learned the dance
brought over from the passion thread ... a lil smut ~


He wanted the chains.
I just wanted a good tight
rope, to bind him
stake my claim
as owner, of this fine
specimen of manhood.

Dressed in red panties
ass to match, I spanked
my toy for being
doing such naughty deeds.

I told him more licks
circles nice
slow. Now pinch
those nipples baby

You want a slut.
A serving maid.
Do as I say
or you shall pay.

The price is high
deep and long
drill me, touch me

On your knees
as I please. A milking of cream
I will present my present
to you ...

*whip snaps *

:catroar: :devil:
I am not blue

red is my color
soft n silky
sliding from nipples
to thighs
into my curtain
of red silk

yellow is my color
draped in the sun
shining flowers dip and dance
light steps tipped
as daisies run
into my rays

green is my color
forest eyes knowingly see
as shadows of grass playfully
press. passing
my bed of green.

brown is my color
skin toned sleek.
honey hair permeates
in my shade
of brown.

orange is my color
blood of the volunteer
pumps with pride
runs and streaks
across my naked lawn
of orange.

black is my color
in caves of darkness I hide
to loose myself
let go and be free
in my pitch of black

blue is not my color
down and dumpy, not me.
I am a free spirit
calling to the four winds,
oceans and mountains alike.
I will not be caught
in showers of blue ...


Just a thought ~
Maybe a bounce or a free thought.
Not there yet, just a maybe ... ya think?
RhymeFairy said:
placed in trails.
piece by piece laid
to tempt
coerce him out.

urging him
into a frenzy
of energy
to taste
and engorge.

what is offered
and take off
his suite
of stale crackers
at tea time.

grins* guessing it's a start eh ~


wow, what an AV <grinin'
OK peeps. I am going to start doing the one word again.
We have been bouncing in the wind for a bit. Inspiration
is hard to come by as of late eh ~

How about this phrase ...

summer days spent ...

I really don't mind if it is one sentence, one word, or just a thought.
Come on out and play with words and thoughts ...

Dig a lil deeper than the surface ... see what ya excavate ~

Happy Writing ~

in for a penny eh ~ ....


Summer days spent wishing
to stand in front of the fan
for hours.

Maybe, lie naked
on the bed after a nice
warm bubble bath.

My fetish for feel will kick
in and I will be rolling
sliding all over. Legs squirming
wrist sliding up and down. Soft
sensations lullaby me to dream

Smiling as music lightly plays
and I finally get that much needed
nap, on this hot summer day ..

just a thought ... and you?
my muse ... found for a moment or two, lol

OK, so he chased a lil Smutt outta me.
Exorcism is good for the soul, right?


He wanted the chains.
I just wanted a good tight
rope, to bind him
stake my claim
as owner, of this fine
specimen of manhood.

Dressed in red panties
ass to match, I spanked
my toy for being
doing such naughty deeds.

I told him more licks
circles nice
slow. Now pinch
those nipples baby

You want a slut.
A serving maid.
Do as I say
or you shall pay.

The price is high
deep and long
drill me, touch me

On your knees
as I please. A milking of cream
I will present my present
to you ...

*whip snaps *


beef ... steak.
hot, and so tender.
made to sink
your teeth into
and just feel the taste
ooze ...


I shall build a cage
for you. A house for when
naughty boys are too good
to be with.

I want you to howl
for mercy, scream
for release. A release only given
when I deem it's appropriate.

Closed door locks, find the key
my pet. Bars to bank
you in, close enough for you to
lick my toes. Finger slap my ass
until red welts mark
your reward.

Out comes the beast. The tiger
I shall tame. Spanked ass baby
for a baby you shall remain
till lips suckle
and milk my beady breast.

Clothed in nakedness
to show your wares
an auction of fortune to this
mistress of pain. One by one
I shall sell
till all is accounted for.

Then cell by cell you
shall beg me to kiss
lick away your sins. Treat you
like the bad boy you have been.

Piercing pounds
to this lil slut you love
to fuck
over and over. A poptart
teasing of your jams

Then into your cell again
my pet. Only good things
are given to very
bad boys ...

:catroar: :p :kiss:
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summer days spent
sweating the heat
dodging ant piles
swatting mosquitos
sippin' ice tea

nothing really bothers me
when your with me