Free Thoughts~on One word...

There are times
when I just want to get lost
in the moonlight.

A quiet walk, alone at night
trees whispering, sliding along
my arm as I pass by.

I can feel
the moons glow
revitalizing my energy.
Taste the wind
as it drinks my form
and spit washes my body.

I see the lake not far off. Calling
for me to toe dip and relax.
Frogs groggily waking up, croaking
their days memoirs off, one by one.
No birds out tonight. I suppose
nesting from a hard days hunt.

Lying back, feet immersed in
the cool mountain water, I think
what a wonderful place to be.
Wishing I could just stay
in this one moment
this soul cleansing experience

I am one with the earth
and wind. This is my dream.
This is my place in time
to be ... just be ~

brought over from passion thread ~

summer days spent
lazy lounging
enjoying the nothing
slipping sweet into
late heat
getting every last drop
until my summer
day's spent

i liked the idea of starting and ending with the same words here but couldn't get it right... any ideas?
HotKittySpank said:
summer days spent
lazy lounging
enjoying the nothing
slipping sweet into
late heat
getting every last drop
until my summer
day's spent

i liked the idea of starting and ending with the same words here but couldn't get it right... any ideas?

summer days
spent, lazy lounging
enjoying the nothing
slipping sweet into
late heat
getting every last drop
savoring, until
my summer day's

Just a thought. work on the formatting like I have.
Or possibly add a bit and play with it a lil more ...

Just me ~

RhymeFairy said:
summer days
spent, lazy lounging
enjoying the nothing
slipping sweet into
late heat
getting every last drop
savoring, until
my summer day's

Just a thought. work on the formatting like I have.
Or possibly add a bit and play with it a lil more ...

Just me ~


yep, yep, yep - that is what I was just thinking - this would be a nice thing to expand upon and formatting is a challenge, thank you for the helpful suggestions : )
I remember when
rent wasn’t so steep
talk was still free
Wal-mart was just a dream
a bill of goods
thought from the bearers
of gasoline..
I remember when
a joint was a jail
and rap was usually a present
with pretty paper <grin
dope was a dummy
and ecstasy came from an orgasm
crack was a broken sidewalk
and Dr. Pepper had ten two and four

I remember when
a homey was some one who stayed home
and a crib was for babies
a cell was in a prison
and a bitch was a female dog
a pig was an animal
and a hog was too <grin

I remember when...
do you?
I remember one morning
going to get the cows in,
the sun was just coming up
silver amber rays reached out as far
as my eyes could see. the moon
was lost on the other side
of neverland and I stood
transfixed, almost hypnotized
by the sheer beauty. I have not
the words to describe that moment,
except to say ... I still remember
the sun rising, twenty years later
and counting ...

she told me a secret,
one I dare not tell.
but your my best friend
so shhhh, promise not to say anything.
you'll never believe, but ....

... who wants to start?

No I am not asking personal stuff,
just go with it, have fun and be ... kind ( or not ;) ), lol ~

Happy Writing ~


secret ... hmmm ~

last night while trying to sleep
words kept coming, playing mind
games with me ...


How about a hot cock sundae
him, laid out
whipped cream shook, applied
to nipples
chest, trailed down the forbidden
path to his not so ready
cock. sprinkled with crushed nuts
the kind that look like sprinkles
just scattered.

Ice cream scooped, topped with
strawberries and warm chocolate
mingled with a lil melted carmel.
A banana yes, why not. I do so
love that sliding
sensation they have in my mouth
like a do ya wanna eat me or not.

the problem you ask?
I am wondering
if I can keep him hard enough
long enough
to have my dessert
and eat it too ...


I know a few have penned words,
somewhat like this, but you have to admit.
Mind games with oneself can be so fun eh ~

RhymeFairy said:
secret ... hmmm ~

last night while trying to sleep
words kept coming, playing mind
games with me ...


How about a hot cock sundae
him, laid out
whipped cream shook, applied
to nipples
chest, trailed down the forbidden
path to his not so ready
cock. sprinkled with crushed nuts
the kind that look like sprinkles
just scattered.

Ice cream scooped, topped with
strawberries and warm chocolate
mingled with a lil melted carmel.
A banana yes, why not. I do so
love that sliding
sensation they have in my mouth
like a do ya wanna eat me or not.

the problem you ask?
I am wondering
if I can keep him hard enough
long enough
to have my dessert
and eat it too ...


I know a few have penned words,
somewhat like this, but you have to admit.
Mind games with oneself can be so fun eh ~


I have a secret but I can't tell <bigrin (~_~)
secret ... my offering

Imagining you

So many words that surge through us
Stoking the heart
Firing the soul
Exploding with hope and fantasy around
illusions like future and love.

But then a secret part of me is in a dark red room
On a high stool
My skirt hitched high
Leaning back slightly
Watching your swollen glans
Nudging apart my lips
sliding over the pearl
pushing gently against the slit
And back through the silky folds

I want to watch this for hours
Me imagining you.
Secrets, eh?


The last place I remember you
leaving it was in a velvet jewellery
box on your bedside table. Before
that it was buried in the garden,

stuffed in a clingfilm skull and wound
in mounds of tape and twine. I heard
it murmuring everytime I stepped outside,
every syllable vibrating louder than the

earth. So we moved it and now it's lost
again.It could be dumped at the bottom
of a canal, along with old wellies and used
tyres. Or, depending on the poetic licence,

made into a kite; arms stretched out like a
bats as it flies above a common in a place
no one can pronounce. But, as they say,
the simplest explanation is the most obvious:

You swallowed it. With a big gulp, it swam
upriver into the back of your skull where it's
wired into your dreams. You will hear it tonight
I imagine, the loud thump echoing like your guilt.
Secrets of celestial kissed,
is soft silken lips,
suspended between charged meridians
and bittersweet moments immortal,
tasting unrighteous
'til nyght fades
and passion’s wings
drench dancing silhouettes
spinning on a shadowy sea.

I tied one around my pinkie
finger to help remind me
of what
I cannot remember ...

The car needs washed, but the rain
helped a bit with that. Then there is
the kids school clothes,
did she want blue or green?
Nah, think it was red.

I was supposed to call ... who
was I supposed to call? My medicine
that's it. Hmm, the green one
now, then two white later
or one white now
followed by two green?

Tying !! That's what it was.
I wanted to lace the kids new shoes.
So much for word association, next time
just do it when you think it ...


silly but typical eh ~

Auction Block ...

give me those pens ... those bright ideas that burn for release~

to auction off the best part of you ... what would it be?

Just a bounce, a thought or a write just waiting to happen.
Go with the flow and see where the river ends ~

Happy Writing ... I am off for a bath ~ ;)
RhymeFairy said:
Auction Block ...

give me those pens ... those bright ideas that burn for release~

to auction off the best part of you ... what would it be?

Just a bounce, a thought or a write just waiting to happen.
Go with the flow and see where the river ends ~

Happy Writing ... I am off for a bath ~ ;)

here Here here, come one come all, come on, t, t, t, the bidding, the bidding, it will start at, here, here, here, bid, bid, bid, one thousand dollars, I said one thousand dollars, do I hear more, do I hear more, here here hear, one thousand dollars for this, this, this big cock, I said big cock, one thousand, one thousand, do I hear more, do I hear more, cum on, cum on, look, look, look, here, here, here, it still, I say it still crows. Here, Here, Here, for one cock that crows.
My Erotic Trail said:
here Here here, come one come all, come on, t, t, t, the bidding, the bidding, it will start at, here, here, here, bid, bid, bid, one thousand dollars, I said one thousand dollars, do I hear more, do I hear more, here here hear, one thousand dollars for this, this, this big cock, I said big cock, one thousand, one thousand, do I hear more, do I hear more, cum on, cum on, look, look, look, here, here, here, it still, I say it still crows. Here, Here, Here, for one cock that crows.


Love the action here at the auction block, lol ~


does it really still crow?

To reach out,
but nothing felt,
seems a lifetime lost
among the living.
empty space to fill
with your
beautiful yesterday.
Tomorrow I'll bid,
the auctioneer says