Free Thoughts~on One word...

wildsweetone said:

There's a rail
that runs around the edge
of the room. She doesn't hold
it often, more, uses it to lean
against, or to punch
when the world closes in
and loneliness ties strings
around her soul. It's silver
painted, much like the ring
that circles her finger,
much like the knife
she left on the edge of the bath,

I read this shortly after you posted it. As usual in a hurry and had to go.
BUT I could not forget it. To me ... that makes a great poem.
I thought of how pain effects so many, sometimes we as individuals never realize what we dispose/transpose onto another. We never realize that one lil thing could change so many lives.

Thank you my friend for helping me stop
and smell the daisies everyday since reading this

RF... I like the AV

wildsweetone said:

There's a rail
that runs around the edge
of the room. She doesn't hold
it often, more, uses it to lean
against, or to punch
when the world closes in
and loneliness ties strings
around her soul. It's silver
painted, much like the ring
that circles her finger,
much like the knife
she left on the edge of the bath,

not only gripping but ... raises more questions than there are probably answers. A very, moving write sweet~

wildsweetone said:

There's a rail
that runs around the edge
of the room. She doesn't hold
it often, more, uses it to lean
against, or to punch
when the world closes in
and loneliness ties strings
around her soul. It's silver
painted, much like the ring
that circles her finger,
much like the knife
she left on the edge of the bath,

He. Either way, thought provoking dear Sweetone.
Good Mornin' ~ ;)

I have just gotten over bronchitis, stomach virus and a ruptured ear drum added too a healthy dose of migraines. Had to let ya'll know I am doing much much better. :nana: Now I'm working quiet a bit to catch up on all the missed days :rolleyes: Seems I have the privilege of working the next 12 days straight. :eek: Believe it or not ... that is a good thing :D

Missing ya'll and promising to pop in and out as much as possible over the next week or so. I will be posting new words, but please feel free to add your own ... :D :cathappy:

Thinking of you .... :devil:

As ya'll know I love love love flowers. Our new word can bring a lot of thoughts and memories to mind. Play with it, see what ya come up with.

Wildflower :

Syllables: wild-flow-er (wild flower)

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation waild flau Er

Definition 1. a flowering plant that grows in meadows, woods,
and the like without being cultivated.

Way sorry...

RhymeFairy said:
Good Mornin' ~ ;)

I have just gotten over bronchitis, stomach virus and a ruptured ear drum added too a healthy dose of migraines. Had to let ya'll know I am doing much much better. :nana: Now I'm working quiet a bit to catch up on all the missed days :rolleyes: Seems I have the privilege of working the next 12 days straight. :eek: Believe it or not ... that is a good thing :D

Missing ya'll and promising to pop in and out as much as possible over the next week or so. I will be posting new words, but please feel free to add your own ... :D :cathappy:

Thinking of you .... :devil:


To hear you've been under the weather RF. Sorta wondered where you went to. Was a "little" worried that I'd stepped on your toes there. Hope all is well honey, and get better soon.
RhymeFairy said:
I read this shortly after you posted it. As usual in a hurry and had to go.
BUT I could not forget it. To me ... that makes a great poem.
I thought of how pain effects so many, sometimes we as individuals never realize what we dispose/transpose onto another. We never realize that one lil thing could change so many lives.

Thank you my friend for helping me stop
and smell the daisies everyday since reading this


oh gosh i missed all these replies. you are welcome RF. and yes, take time out to look around you. and take care of your self!

My Erotic Trail said:
not only gripping but ... raises more questions than there are probably answers. A very, moving write sweet~

now see, there you have me cornered. i am never sure if raising more questions than there are answers is a good thing or not. at the moment i figure it's good if it gives others food for thought, because in thought there is growth imo.
I stand whimsically detained. Alert
baptized within the suns rays
flaming from inside the petals dancing.


I have been watching the buttercups
entertain. Captivating yellow sheets
laid out, welcoming me home.

Their sturdy straws keep suckling nutrients
nourishing inside and spreading warmth
throughout my home and heart.


Realizing home/inside usage, will continue later.

I love these lil flowers. Somehow
they are more than a flower in a vase.
They bring me so much joy and happiness.
Yellow, jumps out claiming my vision. While their
scent grows into a forever cycling tornado that hits
time after time.

Peace ... They bring me peace.

Weird how that happens when compared
to a tornado, lol. ~ :rolleyes:
we spoke of running away
taking time out of our day
to wet spin a few damp brushings
of sexual frustration.

off with the clothes, I wanted to strip
him bare. in the forest, under that willowing
tree. It just begged for a carousing couple
to cum spend a few moments

wrapped in green, horny thoughts.
a rampage of rumps twisting
flogging the owls eyes out, then
roasting the squirrels nuts to a brazen

woe to those, who dared to trespass
into our world of daydreaming passions
filtered only, by the lone crying tree ...

~~ just a thought
RhymeFairy said:
we spoke of running away
taking time out of our day
to wet spin a few damp brushings
of sexual frustration.

off with the clothes, I wanted to strip
him bare. in the forest, under that willowing
tree. It just begged for a carousing couple
to cum spend a few moments

wrapped in green, horny thoughts.
a rampage of rumps twisting
flogging the owls eyes out, then
roasting the squirrels nuts to a brazen

woe to those, who dared to trespass
into our world of daydreaming passions
filtered only, by the lone crying tree ...

~~ just a thought

growth comes slower than a tree's rising
or fast as a full moon soaring across the sky slowly
rarely does growth come in the blink of an eye
yet an experience may come twice as fast as a breath
In honor of this beautiful season ...


Syllables: fall

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb , noun

Phrases: fall back on , fall off , fall under

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation fawl
Inflected Forms fell, fallen, falling, falls

Definition 1. to drop downward or to a lower position; descend.
Example The curtain fell ; He fell from the top of the tree.
Synonyms plunge , drop , descend
Crossref. Syn. cascade , avalanche , pitch , decline
Similar Words tumble , topple , come down {come (vi)}

Definition 2. to lessen; abate.
Example The level of activity fell considerably.
Synonyms ebb , drop , abate , lessen , diminish , decrease
Crossref. Syn. drop off , decline
Similar Words drop off {drop (PHR)} , fade , dip , decline , dwindle

Definition 3. to hang down.
Example His hair fell in curls onto his forehead.
Synonyms hang
Similar Words dangle , drop

Definition 4. to be slain.
Example He fell in battle.
Synonyms perish
Similar Words die , croak

Definition 5. to be defeated or conquered.
Example The fort fell under enemy attack.
Similar Words capitulate , surrender , succumb

Definition 6. to happen; occur.
Example Night fell.
Synonyms occur , happen , take place {place (PHR)}
Crossref. Syn. come
Similar Words befall , betide , come , come to pass {pass (PHR)}

Definition 7. to become; pass into a particular condition or position.
Example She fell ill. ; Hiking with a group, he fell behind.
Synonyms become
Crossref. Syn. slide
Similar Words drop , lapse , take
Definition 8. to fail to resist temptation.
Synonyms err
Similar Words backslide , stray , transgress , sin

Definition 9. of the sight, to be directed to.
Example Her eyes fell on the lost pearl.
Crossref. Syn. rest

Related Words stumble , stoop , slump , rain , plunge , hail ,
offend , drape , trip , settle , ruin , lower , stream , stall , bag ,
trespass , slip , slide , give way , lose , sink , crash

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cut down (a tree) or bring down (an animal or

Synonyms fell
Similar Words strike down {strike (vt)} , smite , cut down

Phrase fall under
Phrase fall back on
Phrase fall off

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. the act or process of falling to a lower place.
Synonyms plunge , descent, tumble , drop
Crossref. Syn. decline
Similar Words stumble , dive , spill

Definition 2. a sudden decline in elevation.
Crossref. Syn. drop
Similar Words lowering {lower1} , descent , drop , decline

Definition 3. a downward slope.
Synonyms slope , decline
Similar Words slant , downgrade , dip

Definition 4. (usu. pl.) a sudden drop in a river or stream that
causes water to fall; waterfall.

Synonyms waterfall , cascade
Similar Words cataract

Definition 5. autumn.
Synonyms autumn
Similar Words Indian summer

Definition 6. a succumbing to temptation or seduction.
Similar Words original sin , error , trespass , lapse, transgression, sin

Definition 7. something that drops down or falls.
Example a fall of hair.
Synonyms cascade (2)
Crossref. Syn. rain

Definition 8. a defeat or capture, as of a military force or a city.
Synonyms defeat , capture
Similar Words sack , surrender , overthrow

Definition 9. in wrestling, the act of pinning an opponent's
shoulders against the mat for a certain brief length of time.

Similar Words pinning {pin (vt)} , hold

Related Words tumble , bathos , trip , decrease , harvest ,
collapse , down , overturn

Happy Writing ~

Last edited:
The FALL came
and I fell for it

the colored leaves
and a frisky breeze
watching leafs
fall from the trees

The FALL came
and I fell head over heals

she was beautiful
a perfect mix
between sizzling hot
and freezing cold

she reminded me of autumn
I relished the FALL
I Remember

I always remember
he was kind. Soft spoken
with a quick witty smile
that beamed for miles.

I remember
age spots circled his hands. Reaching deep
into endless pockets he pulled out a whittling
knife, a plug of 'backer and a crinkled piece
of paper, his prescription, he always said.

I remember
stories that went on all day and into the night.
He kept us laughing with a lil topsy flip of white
hair, butterfly kisses and a mischievous razor sharp
humor usually directed towards Mamaw.

I remember
climbing his favorite apple tree
while he blustered and hemmed
going on about bruising their feelings
and how no fruit would ever think about
growing there ever again. He let us put our initials
"best friends forever" deep in that tree.

I remember
mason jars hid in the cooling shed. Shhh,
don't tell Mamaw, you know how she is.
Then she found them, each and every one.
A weary woebegone look came into his eyes.
A game they had played long before
I was ever a thought.

I remember
whispers of warpaths, hell and damnation.
Both, strong southern baptist
one with a bible thumping purse
the other a crinkled piece of paper

I remember
that faded lettering
of holy thin paper. The words printed
To whom it may concern, Papaw
is allowed one beer a day. Due to
heart conditions and bad nerves.

I remember
he pulled that paper out
smiled and waved it

I remember
Mamaw storming back into the homestead
preaching dooms day, forgiveness
and sputtering sinful fools.

I remember
waiting till dark, his laughter
soft lullaby stories
and love

I remember
popsicles in June all day. Cooking out
parties with balloons, kids laughter
and my papaw dancing a jig
then settling down to whittle
laugh and sing. Mamaw and I loved
to hear him sing ...

Heard an advertisement for The Breakfast Club ...
this word jumped out at me.

Criminal :

Syllables: crim-i-nal

Parts of speech: adjective , noun

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation krI mih nEl

Definition 1. of or pertaining to crime, esp. as opposed to civil violations.
Synonyms unlawful , lawbreaking , illegal , illicit , illegitimate
Similar Words outlawed , malfeasant , lawless , felonious

Definition 2. guilty of crime.
Synonyms culpable , blameworthy , guilty
Similar Words condemnable {condemn} , felonious

Related Words unlawful , bad , guilty , crooked

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. one who is guilty of a crime or crimes.
Synonyms outlaw , felon , convict
Similar Words transgressor , culprit , thug , crook , wrongdoer ,
violator , offender , hoodlum , desperado , mobster , malfeasant ,
lawbreaker , gangster

Related Words devil , burglar , thief

Derived Forms criminally, adv.

Looks like all kinds of mischief comes outta this word eh ~

Enjoy and Happy Writing ~

Beautiful RF,,,

RhymeFairy said:
I always remember
he was kind. Soft spoken
with a quick witty smile
that beamed for miles.

I remember
age spots circled his hands. Reaching deep
into endless pockets he pulled out a whittling
knife, a plug of 'backer and a crinkled piece
of paper, his prescription, he always said.

I remember
stories that went on all day and into the night.
He kept us laughing with a lil topsy flip of white
hair, butterfly kisses and a mischievous razor sharp
humor usually directed towards Mamaw.

I remember
climbing his favorite apple tree
while he blustered and hemmed
going on about bruising their feelings
and how no fruit would ever think about
growing there ever again. He let us put our initials
"best friends forever" deep in that tree.

I remember
mason jars hid in the cooling shed. Shhh,
don't tell Mamaw, you know how she is.
Then she found them, each and every one.
A weary woebegone look came into his eyes.
A game they had played long before
I was ever a thought.

I remember
whispers of warpaths, hell and damnation.
Both, strong southern baptist
one with a bible thumping purse
the other a crinkled piece of paper

I remember
that faded lettering
of holy thin paper. The words printed
To whom it may concern, Papaw
is allowed one beer a day. Due to
heart conditions and bad nerves.

I remember
he pulled that paper out
smiled and waved it

I remember
Mamaw storming back into the homestead
preaching dooms day, forgiveness
and sputtering sinful fools.

I remember
waiting till dark, his laughter
soft lullaby stories
and love

I remember
popsicles in June all day. Cooking out
parties with balloons, kids laughter
and my papaw dancing a jig
then settling down to whittle
laugh and sing. Mamaw and I loved
to hear him sing ...


Very touching and deep-felt. Thank you for sharing this. :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Heard an advertisement for The Breakfast Club ...
this word jumped out at me.

Criminal :

Syllables: crim-i-nal

Parts of speech: adjective , noun

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation krI mih nEl

Definition 1. of or pertaining to crime, esp. as opposed to civil violations.
Synonyms unlawful , lawbreaking , illegal , illicit , illegitimate
Similar Words outlawed , malfeasant , lawless , felonious

Definition 2. guilty of crime.
Synonyms culpable , blameworthy , guilty
Similar Words condemnable {condemn} , felonious

Related Words unlawful , bad , guilty , crooked

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. one who is guilty of a crime or crimes.
Synonyms outlaw , felon , convict
Similar Words transgressor , culprit , thug , crook , wrongdoer ,
violator , offender , hoodlum , desperado , mobster , malfeasant ,
lawbreaker , gangster

Related Words devil , burglar , thief

Derived Forms criminally, adv.

Looks like all kinds of mischief comes outta this word eh ~

Enjoy and Happy Writing ~


Commit a crime
do the time
three hots and a cot
dressed in stripes
till the shower's ripe
you know the type
lights out
better close your mouth <grin
Many Feathers said:
Very touching and deep-felt. Thank you for sharing this. :rose:

Thank you MF. Just missing him. That time of year.

He passed away 5 years ago last month. Every year at this time I miss him terribly. A month to the day my biological dad ( papaws son) also passed away. So Mamaw lost her husband and son in a lil over a month.

Always before Thanksgiving and Christmas ... I get this way :eek:
For two years I could not make myself go to either holiday.
Added to that : Thanksgiving is my birthday ... the family always made a big deal over it.
I know this hurt Mamaw deeply. My only excuse, I did try to go.
I just couldn't do it.

Thank you for sharing in this memory. :rose:
He was the best Papaw, man ... and friend.

~~ always drama eh ~~
peeps are gonna start calling me a drama queen lol~ :eek: :)
My heart goes out to you honey...

RhymeFairy said:
Thank you MF. Just missing him. That time of year.

He passed away 5 years ago last month. Every year at this time I miss him terribly. A month to the day my biological dad ( papaws son) also passed away. So Mamaw lost her husband and son in a lil over a month.

Always before Thanksgiving and Christmas ... I get this way :eek:
For two years I could not make myself go to either holiday.
Added to that : Thanksgiving is my birthday ... the family always made a big deal over it.
I know this hurt Mamaw deeply. My only excuse, I did try to go.
I just couldn't do it.

Thank you for sharing in this memory. :rose:
He was the best Papaw, man ... and friend.

~~ always drama eh ~~
peeps are gonna start calling me a drama queen lol~ :eek: :)

And I DO know what you're feeling here...been through this myself. And odd, Thanksgiving is no longer one of my fav holidays either. Lost my love over that one...
My Erotic Trail said:
Commit a crime
do the time
three hots and a cot
dressed in stripes
till the shower's ripe
you know the type
lights out
better close your mouth <grin

three hots and a cot
thats all you got?
I hear tell
a man can get a lil tail
smokes and some coke
if you know the right bloke :p

~~~~ your a bad bad man Art ~!!! Lovin' it :D
Thanks for the pick-me-up

:rose: :cathappy:
RhymeFairy said:
three hots and a cot
thats all you got?
I hear tell
a man can get a lil tail
smokes and some coke
if you know the right bloke :p

~~~~ your a bad bad man Art ~!!! Lovin' it :D
Thanks for the pick-me-up

:rose: :cathappy:

ha ha ...
I know one should be very very carefull when dropping the soap in the showers while in jail... but
should one worry when dropping the soap in the shower while alone? <bigrin (~_*)