Free Thoughts~on One word...

Ya know...

RhymeFairy said:
scarecrow .... free thought ~

raking yards and yards of leaves
we set out to "clean it all up," as momma said.
my brother was apt to get sidetracked, wander off.
I was left to do the work. not this day.

rakes in hand we discovered a new friendship.
dancing around as leaves kept falling, laughing
because we new our job, would never be done.

placing a green tarp in the middle of the yard, throwing
mucking through yellows, reds and deep embering reds.
crackling to pieces of nothing.

disintegrating fragments crunched and spread. finally,
a huge pile was made. only to watch, as the wind scattered
them all over again. giving up, was easy to do.

jumping from porch to pile as pillows of leaves
caught our landing. around, around again
till gasping breaths had as in tears of merriment.

leaves in hair, shirts and socks, a new idea hit us both.
dads ratty pants, flannel buttoned holed shirt
and goofy old shoes ... whose we had no clue.

stuffing, cramming pushing them deep. developed
a devilment of cackling among the crackling leaves.
our scarecrow was the best in the neighborhood.
ugliest too, but the enjoyment of that day still stands
and delivers a happiness I shall never forget ...


I once got a handjob in a pile of leaves...wonder if I could do a poem about that! :eek:
RhymeFairy said:
scarecrow .... free thought ~

raking yards and yards of leaves
we set out to "clean it all up," as momma said.
my brother was apt to get sidetracked, wander off.
I was left to do the work. not this day.

rakes in hand we discovered a new friendship.
dancing around as leaves kept falling, laughing
because we new our job, would never be done.

placing a green tarp in the middle of the yard, throwing
mucking through yellows, reds and deep embering reds.
crackling to pieces of nothing.

disintegrating fragments crunched and spread. finally,
a huge pile was made. only to watch, as the wind scattered
them all over again. giving up, was easy to do.

jumping from porch to pile as pillows of leaves
caught our landing. around, around again
till gasping breaths had as in tears of merriment.

leaves in hair, shirts and socks, a new idea hit us both.
dads ratty pants, flannel buttoned holed shirt
and goofy old shoes ... whose we had no clue.

stuffing, cramming pushing them deep. developed
a devilment of cackling among the crackling leaves.
our scarecrow was the best in the neighborhood.
ugliest too, but the enjoyment of that day still stands
and delivers a happiness I shall never forget ...


I thought about this all day. I just knew I had done that
... do ya get the feeling the leaves were red?

Many Feathers said:
I once got a handjob in a pile of leaves...wonder if I could do a poem about that! :eek:

It was all Hallows eve that autumn I turned twelve.

I was spending the night with my bestest friend. We were walking alone
down the road from her grandmothers house. An eerie gruff voice
went to calling out
... RhymeFairy


(we looked towards the woods.) darkness, nothing but
darkness. The voice kept calling, following us. Daring me
to come down there. I was spooked I don't care to admit it, so


My Erotic Trail said:
<grinin... I had the honors to have sex while she sat on a washing machine doing a spin cycle <grin (*_~)

Ya'll are crackers ~!! I never had sex with him in the woods, lmao. As a matter of fact I never had sex with him period. :p

It turned out to be my friends older brother. He was crushing on me bad bad bad ... back then. Now ... he is a police officer ;)

MF's post reminded me of hay and it was this time of year, so

... that's where that came from. He scared the bee-gee-bees outta me that night. We thought there was a perv down there and we high tailed it outta there right quick like ~

Edited to add ~ the scary part was .... she told me that night there was an old saw mill down there and vagrants ( like there really were some on those back roads way back then :rolleyes: ) would go down there and do all sorts of evil stuff. She got my goose and I didn't see it coming. She knew what she was doing and it worked. Boy was I a scare--dee cat back then.

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LOL....thanks for the memories....

RhymeFairy said:
Ya'll are crackers ~!! I never had sex with him in the woods, lmao. As a matter of fact I never had sex with him period. :p

It turned out to be my friends older brother. He was crushing on me bad bad bad ... back then. Now ... he is a police officer ;)

MF's post reminded me of hay and it was this time of year, so

... that's where that came from. He scared the bee-gee-bees outta me that night. We thought there was a perv down there and we high tailed it outta there right quick like ~

Edited to add ~ the scary part was .... she told me that night there was an old saw mill down there and vagrants ( like there really were some on those back roads way back then :rolleyes: ) would go down there and do all sorts of evil stuff. She got my goose and I didn't see it coming. She knew what she was doing and it worked. Boy was I a scare--dee cat back then.


Years and YEARS ago, while taking my then girlfriend out to a haunted spook house for halloween, once inside, we ducked into a really dark alcove for some fairly heavy petting while the group we were with continued on with the expectation of having the wits scared out of them. So...there we were, me openly fondling her very bare breasts by this time which had been accomplished by the simple lifting of the sweater she was wearing (no bra) and out of the blue...this piece of black wall suddenly emerges from within the very corner we'd ducked into. (How were we to know this was a hide-a-way for some dude in a black outfit designed to jump out and scare you as you went by.) Boy was he surprised...and did he ever get an eye-ful. But needless to say, when he finally did find his voice and said simply "boo" laughing as he did...did we jump like no-bodys business. Best damn spook I've ever experienced! :)
Many Feathers said:
Years and YEARS ago, while taking my then girlfriend out to a haunted spook house for halloween, once inside, we ducked into a really dark alcove for some fairly heavy petting while the group we were with continued on with the expectation of having the wits scared out of them. So...there we were, me openly fondling her very bare breasts by this time which had been accomplished by the simple lifting of the sweater she was wearing (no bra) and out of the blue...this piece of black wall suddenly emerges from within the very corner we'd ducked into. (How were we to know this was a hide-a-way for some dude in a black outfit designed to jump out and scare you as you went by.) Boy was he surprised...and did he ever get an eye-ful. But needless to say, when he finally did find his voice and said simply "boo" laughing as he did...did we jump like no-bodys business. Best damn spook I've ever experienced! :)

interesting... <grin

I remember being a teen and playing the petting game in a haunted 'spook' house for halloween. We found a broom closet and locked the door, we never dreamed the owners would happen to need a broom and unlocked the door, never saw clothes jump up from the floor so fast in your life <bigrin
thanks for the stroll down memory lane MF

My Erotic Trail said:
interesting... <grin

I remember being a teen and playing the petting game in a haunted 'spook' house for halloween. We found a broom closet and locked the door, we never dreamed the owners would happen to need a broom and unlocked the door, never saw clothes jump up from the floor so fast in your life <bigrin
thanks for the stroll down memory lane MF

We're gonna have to start rhyming these spookie stories or RF's gonna chase us away. Though cum to think of it...she started it!

Thank you both for the great stories and memories. Can ya tell I am smiling from ear to ear and a giggle does escape upon the odd occasion at the thought of all these goin's ons ~ Bad I tell ya, bad bad boys ~!!!

:D :D
If you want to pop my cherry
come, linger and lick
while goose down flies off
from the firm pressing of fresh
twin lips.

I lay in wait
drinking in your border, where
light meets darkness. Apply
your mouth watering cum
to my

dehydrated pit. Knowing
no bounds. Only
the juicy, pungent
pie eye precision to hone in

on you.

I wrote this one off the cuff for an anonymous challenge.
Seems It was tooo * RhymeFairy'ish * ... will work on another me thinks.
Take my time this go'round and see what happens.

Ah yes...

RhymeFairy said:
If you want to pop my cherry
come, linger and lick
while goose down flies off
from the firm pressing of fresh
twin lips.

I lay in wait
drinking in your border, where
light meets darkness. Apply
your mouth watering cum
to my

dehydrated pit. Knowing
no bounds. Only
the juicy, pungent
pie eye precision to hone in

on you.

I wrote this one off the cuff for an anonymous challenge.
Seems It was tooo * RhymeFairy'ish * ... will work on another me thinks.
Take my time this go'round and see what happens.


So sweet that first tender slithering
warm moist suckling
As your neither lips
gather in the turgid desire of my manhood

Hearing the whispered sigh of acceptance
the press of sharp nails needling my flesh
The arch of your back in surrender
The thrust of unbridled claimage

Wanton are the needs first felt
remembered are the sounds first heard
heady were the aromas first waft
sweetly pungent the taste of passion.

How I remember
How you always will
Many Feathers said:
We're gonna have to start rhyming these spookie stories or RF's gonna chase us away. Though cum to think of it...she started it!

very true
very true
and a great idea <grin

prom night

I remember
my senior prom
and waiting
for the dance to end
so that the main course
of my affection
could begin

her name was "bare feet"
she never wore shoes
but to the beach
on a fast wind she blew
till we could
frolic in the sands
of a south texas star lit night
pointing was the north pole

it wasn't till the next day
mom had a few words to say
like why was her car
so full of tar


sure as snow falls
the beach was dark
and we hadn't seen the oil
an oil rig off shore dumped...
millions of gallons of oil into the gulf
and lucky me... it coated the beach
where I made love
on my prom night <grin

(thanks MF) (~_*)
Once again...

I forget the movie,
don't really care.
Twas the smell of your skin,
and the softness of your hair.

Was the kiss we first shared,
and the lingering touch,
which you allowed,
and which I wanted so much.

Scary the movie,
though not as much as I.
Undoing buttons,
fumble fingers this guy.

Though lucky for me,
now your bra came away,
those now nimble fingers,
so anxious to play.

The stiff rippened nipple,
so firm and so taut,
filling my palm,
like a hard little knot.

The moan of your pleasure,
as I continued to touch,
the soft gentle kisses,
we both wanted so much.

Then surprise at your boldness
as you then fondled me,
the shock, yet surprise
as I looked down to see.

The slowness of zipper
as you lowered it down,
the wet glistening shaft,
which your thumb lingered round.

So anxious to continue
in the back of that car,
still amazed that I'd gotten
so close, yet so far.

Then a wrap on the window
and the shine of a light,
ruined what was,
a near perfect night.
My Erotic Trail said:
very true
very true
and a great idea <grin

prom night

I remember
my senior prom
and waiting
for the dance to end
so that the main course
of my affection
could begin

her name was "bare feet"
she never wore shoes
but to the beach
on a fast wind she blew
till we could
frolic in the sands
of a south texas star lit night
pointing was the north pole

it wasn't till the next day
mom had a few words to say
like why was her car
so full of tar


sure as snow falls
the beach was dark
and we hadn't seen the oil
an oil rig off shore dumped...
millions of gallons of oil into the gulf
and lucky me... it coated the beach
where I made love
on my prom night <grin

(thanks MF) (~_*)

Many Feathers said:
I forget the movie,
don't really care.
Twas the smell of your skin,
and the softness of your hair.

Was the kiss we first shared,
and the lingering touch,
which you allowed,
and which I wanted so much.

Scary the movie,
though not as much as I.
Undoing buttons,
fumble fingers this guy.

Though lucky for me,
now your bra came away,
those now nimble fingers,
so anxious to play.

The stiff rippened nipple,
so firm and so taut,
filling my palm,
like a hard little knot.

The moan of your pleasure,
as I continued to touch,
the soft gentle kisses,
we both wanted so much.

Then surprise at your boldness
as you then fondled me,
the shock, yet surprise
as I looked down to see.

The slowness of zipper
as you lowered it down,
the wet glistening shaft,
which your thumb lingered round.

So anxious to continue
in the back of that car,
still amazed that I'd gotten
so close, yet so far.

Then a wrap on the window
and the shine of a light,
ruined what was,
a near perfect night.

:D Love the rhyme ~~~ :rose:

Ya'll don't have to rhyme ya know.
Just write ... Whatever makes the thoughts flow ~

New word anyone?

Yes, I shall be participating in this one. :D

Contour :

Syllables: con-tour

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , adjective

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation kan tur

Definition 1. the outline of a surface, form, or figure; shape.
Crossref. Syn. lay , mold , form , shape , outline , line

Definition 2. a line representing such an outline.

Definition 3. (often pl.) a surface, esp. of a multicurved form.
Example the contours of the land.

Related Words hang

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms contoured, contouring, contours

Definition 1. to shape the outline or surface form of.
Example He contoured the car body to resemble an airplane.

Definition 2. to design or shape (a road or the like) to conform to
the contours of the land.

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. of plowing, following the contour lines of the land,
to reduce soil erosion.

Definition 2. conforming to the contour of some form.
Example a contour seat in a car.

I will be back a bit later to give it a test drive ;)

Happy Writing ~~

her contours
allure men
to view her
as she does down the road

like a shiney penny's
smile she goes by
purring like a kitten

driven to ecstasy
while other men dream
she's a restored coup
fingers trace every curve
contour of his face.
to remember, instill life
lines inside heart beats
trailing veins. give existence
to decayed remains ...



Benevolent acolyte drones
in frozen faces,
move the tired, hungry, the poor
with resonating voices.

Paid to walk in peace clothes
they lick your wounds
with glowing promises
from tongues tangled
in shadowed wisdom.

Forgiveness lingers in
silent messages sealed in
tears and sweat and
pain drops slip sliding
into themselves,
their echoes exfoliated.
bluerains said:

Benevolent acolyte drones
in frozen faces,
move the tired, hungry, the poor
with resonating voices.

Paid to walk in peace clothes
they lick your wounds
with glowing promises
from tongues tangled
in shadowed wisdom.

Forgiveness lingers in
silent messages sealed in
tears and sweat and
pain drops slip sliding
into themselves,
their echoes exfoliated.

Beautiful and heartfelt ... :rose:
New word ... Thanks again, to Blue


Benevolent :

Syllables: be-nev-o-lent

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation bE neh vE lEnt

Definition 1. desiring to do good for others; generous.
Synonyms generous , considerate , bounteous , altruistic
Crossref. Syn. good , big , charitable , bighearted , unselfish
Similar Words magnanimous , thoughtful , munificent , humanitarian ,
kind , bighearted , unselfish , good-hearted

Definition 2. intended to benefit others rather than to make
a profit; altruistic.

Example a benevolent organization.
Synonyms nonprofit , eleemosynary , charitable
Crossref. Syn. good , generous , altruistic
Similar Words philanthropic , altruistic , humanitarian

Definition 3. marked by good will; kindly.
Example a benevolent old man.
Synonyms good , friendly , benign , kindly , kind , beneficent
Crossref. Syn. generous , propitious , gentle , charitable , bighearted
Similar Words considerate , warmhearted , benignant , bighearted ,

Related Words obliging , good , eleemosynary , liberal , helpful ,
openhanded , bounteous , accommodating

Derived Forms benevolently, adv.

Happy Writing ~

I searched for you yesterday. Eyes hopeful
watching shadows being born as day
turned to dusk. Appearing in my mind
time after time, only to disappear.

A knocking at my hearts door
answered. Cracking splinters of ice
as burning needs burst forth. Formulating,
instigating a desire to feel. A bespeaking
of every longing ever envisioned.

Benevolent temptations took delight
in tantalizing my flesh, enforcing
iron clad cravings forth. A spinning
web of starving urges sizzled
a bloodletting of heat,
infusing itself down my spine.

Shaking thighs locked in thoughts,
zeroing in on a plea for release.
A selfish intuition knew the time
was near. An itch needed scratched
from honey head to twitching toes.

Darkness fell, life moved forward. Time
stood still at the doorstep to destiny.
I searched for you. Eyes hopeful
watching shadows being born as day
turned to dusk. Appearing in my mind
time after time, only to disappear.
RhymeFairy said:
I searched for you yesterday. Eyes hopeful
watching shadows being born as day
turned to dusk. Appearing in my mind
time after time, only to disappear.

A knocking at my hearts door
answered. Cracking splinters of ice
as burning needs burst forth. Formulating,
instigating a desire to feel. A bespeaking
of every longing ever envisioned.

Benevolent temptations took delight
in tantalizing my flesh, enforcing
iron clad cravings forth. A spinning
web of starving urges sizzled
a bloodletting of heat,
infusing itself down my spine.

Shaking thighs locked in thoughts,
zeroing in on a plea for release.
A selfish intuition knew the time
was near. An itch needed scratched
from honey head to twitching toes.

Darkness fell, life moved forward. Time
stood still at the doorstep to destiny.
I searched for you. Eyes hopeful
watching shadows being born as day
turned to dusk. Appearing in my mind
time after time, only to disappear.

great return on Contoured...its shines of truth and passion..ty...

benevolent crossroad moving
to the sea
want my feet wet
with cobblestones
to hold on to