Free Thoughts~on One word...

They've taken my books. All my beautiful words
have fallen by the wayside, withstanding the chronicle
crunching and slanderous sidetalk of this two stepping
sideshow Jane.

I rise only to fall into this pit of purgatory where nothing
makes sense. Stationary movement, my only defense against
the darkside. Where daytime depression incinerates
the mind and incorporates itself into the monopolization
of mutinous mayhem that brings forth the never ending
sleepless nights.

I speak only to be ignored. My words, entertainment
for the masses, match sticks rubbed raw nothing left
but wooden words, working the sheets by beating,
belting brooms hitting their mark.

RhymeFairy said:
They've taken my books. All my beautiful words
have fallen by the wayside, withstanding the chronicle
crunching and slanderous sidetalk of this two stepping
sideshow Jane.

I rise only to fall into this pit of purgatory where nothing
makes sense. Stationary movement, my only defense against
the darkside. Where daytime depression incinerates
the mind and incorporates itself into the monopolization
of mutinous mayhem that brings forth the never ending
sleepless nights.

I speak only to be ignored. My words, entertainment
for the masses, match sticks rubbed raw nothing left
but wooden words, working the sheets by beating,
belting brooms hitting their mark.


I especially liked the last stanza (~_~)
this confusion
breeds the illusion
all is well.

look deep
see words seep
shhh, don't tell
My Erotic Trail said:
I especially liked the last stanza (~_~)

Thank you ... :rose:

I'm a mess, lol. I have worked the last 11 days straight and now I get a day off only to see ... the kids have hidden/misplaced ... messed with my books. Grrrrrr~~~~ :devil:

Standing on ones last leg awaiting the sandmans arrow~ :rolleyes:

talking, writing without a compass or boat to row.
Darkness my friend, everything is dark ... in the beginning ;)
borrowed from Blue ~~

Rogue :

Syllables: rogue

Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation rog

Definition 1. one who is dishonest or malicious; scoundrel.
Synonyms fraud , cheat , swindler , scapegrace , knave ,
scoundrel , blackguard , cur , rascal , miscreant , villain
Crossref. Syn. wretch

Definition 2. one who is mischievous or naughty; scamp
or prankster.

Synonyms rascal , prankster , scamp , trickster
Crossref. Syn. devil

Definition 3. a vicious animal that has been isolated from
the herd, esp. a solitary elephant of that disposition.

Related Words cheat , adventurer

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms rogued, roguing, rogues

Definition 1. to live or behave like a rogue.
Similar Words steal , lie , cheat , swindle

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cheat or defraud.
Synonyms trick , fool , hoax , cheat , swindle , dupe
Crossref. Syn. gyp
Similar Words rook , fleece , gull , con , defraud

Definition 2. to uproot or destroy (undesirable plant specimens).
Similar Words uproot , clear

What thinks you???

Come on, get up off your booty
and tell me about the rogue ... in you :devil:

Happy Writing ... :rose:
He's a swindler to be sure.
He swings from girl to girl
liking the twin shaped pear ass
he excommunicatingly defrauds
each and every one. A glance,
smile, shaking of geriatric hips
makes'm go wild and beg for

More, of the villainous vegetation
to scamper around on and have
their way. Only it's his way,
bad boy that he is. Keeps'm thinking,
knowing it was their idea to begin with.
Naughty naughty rogue ...


Just a thought to play with. :eek:
I'm sure there is more to this word
than we have exercised as of yet ...

RhymeFairy said:
He's a swindler to be sure.
He swings from girl to girl
liking the twin shaped pear ass
he excommunicatingly defrauds
each and every one. A glance,
smile, shaking of geriatric hips
makes'm go wild and beg for

More, of the villainous vegetation
to scamper around on and have
their way. Only it's his way,
bad boy that he is. Keeps'm thinking,
knowing it was their idea to begin with.
Naughty naughty rogue ...


Just a thought to play with. :eek:
I'm sure there is more to this word
than we have exercised as of yet ...

Would that I was borne,
in another place and time.

Large plumed hats,
with buckled boots.

And speech that tends to rhyme.

Busty maids and ale
a cop and feel or two.

And I the rogue with mustash,
a midnight rondevu.

A ride at night by horseback,
a silvery stream by moon.

Pretense at modesty given
her sigh and feigned at swoon.

Then entered in that sweetness
deflowered so she be.

Ah yes the rogue another time,
is what I'm sure I'd be.
Many Feathers said:
Would that I was borne,
in another place and time.

Large plumed hats,
with buckled boots.

And speech that tends to rhyme.

Busty maids and ale
a cop and feel or two.

And I the rogue with mustash,
a midnight rondevu.

A ride at night by horseback,
a silvery stream by moon.

Pretense at modesty given
her sigh and feigned at swoon.

Then entered in that sweetness
deflowered so she be.

Ah yes the rogue another time,
is what I'm sure I'd be.

Mmmm Yummy MF~!!!

I can see it all right before my eyes.
Great job on this word. You, my friend
did todays word justice. :rose:

You can be my rogue ... anytime. ;)

Oh, ... Happy honeymoon ~~~ ;) :rose: :rose: :rose:
Rodger rogue
rogued around town
and down the road
doing rogue things
like ring around the rose
pulling up trees
and sleeping with females
in a rogue way
on a full moon that rose
shedding light that exposed
his deeds as a rogue

RhymeFairy said:
Rogue :

Syllables: rogue

Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation rog

Definition 1. one who is dishonest or malicious; scoundrel.
Synonyms fraud , cheat , swindler , scapegrace , knave ,
scoundrel , blackguard , cur , rascal , miscreant , villain
Crossref. Syn. wretch

Definition 2. one who is mischievous or naughty; scamp
or prankster.

Synonyms rascal , prankster , scamp , trickster
Crossref. Syn. devil

Definition 3. a vicious animal that has been isolated from
the herd, esp. a solitary elephant of that disposition.

Related Words cheat , adventurer

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms rogued, roguing, rogues

Definition 1. to live or behave like a rogue.
Similar Words steal , lie , cheat , swindle

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cheat or defraud.
Synonyms trick , fool , hoax , cheat , swindle , dupe
Crossref. Syn. gyp
Similar Words rook , fleece , gull , con , defraud

Definition 2. to uproot or destroy (undesirable plant specimens).
Similar Words uproot , clear

What thinks you???

Come on, get up off your booty
and tell me about the rogue ... in you :devil:

Happy Writing ... :rose:
What happens when the giving
the loving is not enough? What does one do
when the night closes in on them, only to
be embraced by bright rays and rainbow skies.
The darkness still surrounding, serenading the heart
telling tall tale lies, while lethargically counting down the nights
to when one is whole again.

What happens?

RhymeFairy said:
What happens when the giving
the loving is not enough? What does one do
when the night closes in on them, only to
be embraced by bright rays and rainbow skies.
The darkness still surrounding, serenading the heart
telling tall tale lies, while lethargically counting down the nights
to when one is whole again.


Sometimes we give until we've given it all. Even then, its not enough.

When the night closes in, we cry, curse and beat at ourselves, longing for the morning light to chase away the demons of our dreams.

Even then, sunlight doesn't chase away the sorrow, nor lessen the pain in our hearts.

We lie to ourselves to make ourselves feel better. Place blame, take on the guilt and responsibility.

But we are never truly whole.
Happy Halloween ... word~

Web :

Syllables: web

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation wehb
Definition 1. a thin and fragile structure spun by spiders and the larvae
of certain insects.

Synonyms cobweb
Similar Words gossamer

Definition 2. a fabric made by weaving. Synonyms mesh , lace
Similar Words net , screen , webbing , tissue , weft , screening ,
netting , gossamer , gauze

Definition 3. any network that is similar to woven material.
Example a web of cords and wires behind his stereo.
Synonyms network , webbing
Similar Words maze , lattice , cobweb , tangle , fabric , latticework

Definition 4. a complicated design or scheme.
Example a web of intrigue.
Synonyms mesh , tissue , net
Similar Words network , plot , maze , scheme , design , dragnet ,
snare , labyrinth , noose , tangle

Definition 5. a membrane connecting the toes
of various water birds and water animals.

Similar Words webbing

Related Words mire , mesh , toil

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms webbed, webbing, webs

Definition 1. to cover or envelop with, or as if with, a web.
Synonyms net , entangle
Similar Words trap , snare , enmesh , envelop , tangle

Derived Forms webless, adj. ; weblike, adj.

Good Morning my friends :D

The season is in full swing. :cathappy:
Why not give in to it and let it all hang out? :devil:

Happy Writing ~ :p

Webbed ~


wrapped in a web of my own making
I seem to withstand the current only
to be drug down from in-depth thoughts
as indecisive weaves catch, spin me
into another time and place.

Oh yeah...

RhymeFairy said:

wrapped in a web of my own making
I seem to withstand the current only
to be drug down from in-depth thoughts
as indecisive weaves catch, spin me
into another time and place.


You lured me in a second time,
to your web of deciet and lies.

With promises of love and life,
and liquid velvet thighs.

And like the unsuspecting fool I was,
I came back to you with hope.

Not knowing then the trap that lay,
as I crossed that silvered rope.

Then smiling as you gathered me,
into your waiting arms.

To taste of you and passions heat
and lavished on your charms.

Not feeling then the poisons strike,
as it siezed my hungry heart.

Left wrapped within your web of lies,
and watching you depart.

And though you've left me dangling here,
as I slowly die.

I will not, cannot care for you,
and no longer will I cry.

I pitty now the next you take
as you linger watching me.

For we'd have had the best of things,
as one day you will see.
Many Feathers said:
Was a "little" worried that I'd stepped on your toes there. Hope all is well honey, and get better soon.

Oh my ... I just read this. Was going back rereading things ;)


You Mister, can step on my toesies any time, ;)
as long as ya kiss'm and make'm better :p


RhymeFairy said:
Oh my ... I just read this. Was going back rereading things ;)


You Mister, can step on my toesies any time, ;)
as long as ya kiss'm and make'm better :p


Ok if I suck on em a little before I do that? :eek: :rose:
trains of thought
traversing rails of rationale
crisscrossing the landscape
in paths of contradiction

no compass or map
to unravel the web of
misdirection, only emotions
emerging from a tunnel

dark to light, day to night
hoping for clarity from confusion
praying for purpose to be
divined from indecision
Suck :

Syllables: suck
Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb , noun

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation suhk
Inflected Forms sucked, sucking, sucks

Definition 1. to pull into the mouth by using the tongue and lips
to create a partial vacuum.

Definition 2. to drain the liquid contents of in this way.
Example The runners sucked orange slices.

Definition 3. to hold in the mouth and squeeze with the tongue.
Example The baby is sucking her thumb.

Definition 4. to consume by dissolving in the mouth.
Example Suck a hard candy if you're hungry.

Definition 5. to take in by or as though by suction.
Example The flowers sucked water from the vase.

Definition 6. (vulgar slang) to perform fellatio on.
Crossref. Syn. blow

Related Words lick , tongue , bite

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to pull something, esp. milk from the breast, into
the mouth by using the tongue and lips to create a partial vacuum;

Definition 2. to pull in or be pulled in by or as if by suction.

Definition 3. (slang) to behave obseqiously (often fol. by around or up to).
Example He is always sucking up to the boss.

Definition 4. (slang) to be considered disgusting or unworthy.
Example This town sucks.

Related Words draw

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. the act or an instance of sucking.

Definition 2. a sucking force or movement; suction.

Definition 3. the sound made by sucking.

Thanks MF and TT2U ... for todays new word. ;)

A sassy word needing to be played with ... wouldn't ya say?
Now I have to change avatars for this one. Let the naughty side
out a bit to have her fun :devil:

Happy Writing ~

RhymeFairy said:
Suck :

Syllables: suck
Parts of speech: transitive verb , intransitive verb , noun

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation suhk
Inflected Forms sucked, sucking, sucks

Definition 1. to pull into the mouth by using the tongue and lips
to create a partial vacuum.

Definition 2. to drain the liquid contents of in this way.
Example The runners sucked orange slices.

Definition 3. to hold in the mouth and squeeze with the tongue.
Example The baby is sucking her thumb.

Definition 4. to consume by dissolving in the mouth.
Example Suck a hard candy if you're hungry.

Definition 5. to take in by or as though by suction.
Example The flowers sucked water from the vase.

Definition 6. (vulgar slang) to perform fellatio on.
Crossref. Syn. blow

Related Words lick , tongue , bite

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to pull something, esp. milk from the breast, into
the mouth by using the tongue and lips to create a partial vacuum;

Definition 2. to pull in or be pulled in by or as if by suction.

Definition 3. (slang) to behave obseqiously (often fol. by around or up to).
Example He is always sucking up to the boss.

Definition 4. (slang) to be considered disgusting or unworthy.
Example This town sucks.

Related Words draw

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. the act or an instance of sucking.

Definition 2. a sucking force or movement; suction.

Definition 3. the sound made by sucking.

Thanks MF and TT2U ... for todays new word. ;)

A sassy word needing to be played with ... wouldn't ya say?
Now I have to change avatars for this one. Let the naughty side
out a bit to have her fun :devil:

Happy Writing ~


A Black belt of blow jobs

Master of tongue fu
she has a black belt in blow jobs
a Tigeress that can swallow the Dragon's tail
with the gentle grace of a long neck Crane
from the Valley of Romance at the Temple of Wind
practicing moves in the Blow Dojo;

(she can suck a patch off of a uniform) <grin

I think I'll work on this <grin
Sorry for the MIA had a sick child and a lotta workin' going on :cool:

Here I thought a bus load of peeps would jump on the band wagon :eek:

Okie dokie my friends ... new word?

Someone please jump in with a new word. I have a lotta reading to catch up on. The 30/30 thread looks tempting :eek: and the Altmania thread has most def caught my eye ~ ;)

If no one offers, I shall be back a bit later ...

Have a Great one ~

RhymeFairy said:
Sorry for the MIA had a sick child and a lotta workin' going on :cool:

Here I thought a bus load of peeps would jump on the band wagon :eek:

Okie dokie my friends ... new word?

Someone please jump in with a new word. I have a lotta reading to catch up on. The 30/30 thread looks tempting :eek: and the Altmania thread has most def caught my eye ~ ;)

If no one offers, I shall be back a bit later ...

Have a Great one ~


"Peepin'" in, on the band wagon! (~_~)
No takers eh ... Man ya'll are a hard lot to please :catroar: :p

In honor of the season ....

Scarecrow :

Syllables: scare-crow

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation sker kro

Definition 1. a large figure of a human being, usu. made from
stuffed clothes and set up in a crop field to scare birds away.

Definition 2. a very thin or raggedly dressed person.


... dress him up and take'm to town. ;)

Happy Writing ~

bounced off of ... Arts' moon

This is the season ...

full moon as dark dark time
falls. The trees talking, wind walking
across the meadows of my heart ~

may need to change meadows. Timbers, nah to harsh ... something with a Fall realism would be good. Have to come back later, gotta go to work

scarecrow .... free thought ~

raking yards and yards of leaves
we set out to "clean it all up," as momma said.
my brother was apt to get sidetracked, wander off.
I was left to do the work. not this day.

rakes in hand we discovered a new friendship.
dancing around as leaves kept falling, laughing
because we new our job, would never be done.

placing a green tarp in the middle of the yard, throwing
mucking through yellows, reds and deep embering reds.
crackling to pieces of nothing.

disintegrating fragments crunched and spread. finally,
a huge pile was made. only to watch, as the wind scattered
them all over again. giving up, was easy to do.

jumping from porch to pile as pillows of leaves
caught our landing. around, around again
till gasping breaths had as in tears of merriment.

leaves in hair, shirts and socks, a new idea hit us both.
dads ratty pants, flannel buttoned holed shirt
and goofy old shoes ... whose we had no clue.

stuffing, cramming pushing them deep. developed
a devilment of cackling among the crackling leaves.
our scarecrow was the best in the neighborhood.
ugliest too, but the enjoyment of that day still stands
and delivers a happiness I shall never forget ...
