Free Thoughts~on One word...

RhymeFairy said:

Syllables: thun-der

Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Phrases: steal one's thunder

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation thuhn dEr

Definition 1. the loud explosive noise or low distant rumble produced
by the rapid expansion of gases along the path of a lightning discharge.

Definition 2. any sound resembling this noise.
Example the thunder of the waves.
Crossref. Syn. roar , boom , roll

Related Words clap , explosion , blare

Phrase steal one's thunder

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms thundered, thundering, thunders

Definition 1. to produce or give forth thunder.

Definition 2. to make a sound of or like thunder.
Crossref. Syn. roar , boom , roll

Definition 3. to express oneself loudly and vehemently.

Definition 4. to move or proceed with a sound like thunder.
Example The avalanche thundered down the mountain.
Crossref. Syn. boom

Related Words storm , resound , grumble , blare

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to express loudly and vehemently.
Crossref. Syn. bellow

Related Words blaze

Listening to a song :

Thunder Only Happens
Written by Stevie Nicks

Now here you go again
You say you want your freedom
Well who am I to keep you down
Its only right that you should
Play the way you feel it
But listen carefully to the sound
Of your loneliness
Like a heartbeat.. drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost ...
And what you had ...
And what you lost

Thunder only happens when its raining
Players only love you when theyre playing
Say... women... they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean... you'll know

Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
Its only me
Who wants to wrap around your dreams and ...
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?
Dreams of loneliness...
Like a heartbeat ... drives you mad ...
In the stillness of remembering what you had ...
And what you lost ...
And what you had ...
And what you lost

Thunder only happens when its raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Say ... women ... they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean ... you'll know.


Of course no one has to bounce off the song.
Just go with the word and see what happens. Wishing you

Happy Writing ~~~~


a flash of light
over head, bright
beneath grey clouds gathered

I ducked n covered
hearing the sound of thunder
riding out the stormy weather
another memory to write down for future downpours ...


this nightmare announced itself
with thunder. hard rain pelting
in sheets of worry, I try
to disconnect.

lil one up all night. vomiting
pepperoni and strawberries.
nothing left but dry heaves
dirty sheets, towels and a white
mini version of my lil one.

up late,
trying to get my motor going
kids to school, but it's a no go.
an overused battery
from running too many miles
wheels spin, getting no where.

wipers no use, rain pours in layers
as each child screams out their aversion
to school, homework, puke smells
and broken down cars.

nothing left to do but give in
keep'm all home and pray for slow
steady grace.

hours later after all is fixed, finally
some peace. but father thunder
has other plans. tension tight
ropes climb my shoulders
pressing buttons on give up,
give in, let go and breathe.

tumbling kids collide. heads bumping,
screams of laughter and giggles erupting.
drops of blood pour, from an open
sliced wound. one child hurt, as two sit
in wonderment.

( how many times told,
when it rains, it pours. )

I grab him up and head for the door.
emergency room visit, fourteen stitches
for small pinkie toe, once perfectly whole.

sounds corny, I know. driving in circles
thinking of getting out, to bathe in the cold
rains glow.


~~ can anyone say .... jinxed?


Brought to mind, this song :

Album: Burn
Title: Bring On The Rain

Another day has almost come and gone
Can’t imagine what else could wrong
Sometimes I’d like to hide away somewhere and lock the door
A single battle lost but not the war (‘cause)

Tomorrow’s another day
And I’m thirsty anyway
So bring on the rain

It’s almost like the hard times circle ‘round
A couple drops and they all start coming down
Yeah, I might feel defeated,
I might hang my head
I might be barely breathing - but I’m not dead

Tomorrow’s another day
And I’m thirsty anyway
So bring on the rain

I’m not gonna let it get me down
I’m not gonna cry
And I’m not gonna lose any sleep tonight

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thunder rapids

souls meet
they mingle
in fleeting moments
alpha omega wind warps
of jealousy and fear
chasing the tail of questions
their equilibrium lost
to riddles of what could
should or would be as
the river turns another
stone to bedrock
She who shapes the sacred land

Obsidian crystal clasped tightly
cutting deep into the life line
of a tender palm.

Blood flows
birthing sparks and flame
Pele's breath pours into her soul

Orange and yellow flicker
into her jet inner world as
a shadow child of molted lava
pours forth her pain.

Engulfed in the past, her tears slide
from old eyes caught in youth

Beauty lies within the black

Glass concieved
from cooled firey liquid
the soul of a sprite
trapped within.

Hands that carve
with a lusty heart
drumbeats of release
pour from the razor's edge
slicing away the past.

Pele dances within the starlight
of the glass that creates life
born from destruction.

The thunder rumbles in her soul.

( I was sitting here thinking about one of the girls I worked with at the treatment center in Utah. She was an unique soul and I worked hard to create a bond with her. She was a cutter. This disease is highly addictive and rarely noticed as an addiction. Just for a wee bit of history: Pele known, as “She who shapes the sacred land” is a Hawaiian Goddess who is both loved and feared. Pele, the goddess of fire, lightening, dance, volcanoes and violence embodies both the maiden and crone of the Triple Goddess. She is the embodiment of the Wild Woman who lives within each female soul. Pele is the lastest Goddess I embodied in my Celestial Diva Jewelry series. (I make amulets and talismans fancy words for jewelry.) Her energy brought Holly to mind. I pray for Holly to this day as she battles the thunder that rumbles within her soul.)
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bluerains said:
souls meet
they mingle
in fleeting moments
alpha omega wind warps
of jealousy and fear
chasing the tail of questions
their equilibrium lost
to riddles of what could
should or would be as
the river turns another
stone to bedrock


Du Lac said:
Obsidian crystal clasped tightly
cutting deep into the life line
of a tender palm.

Blood flows
birthing sparks and flame
Pele's breath pours into her soul

Orange and yellow flicker
into her jet inner world as
a shadow child of molted lava
pours forth her pain.

Engulfed in the past, her tears slide
from old eyes caught in youth

Beauty lies within the black

Glass concieved
from cooled firey liquid
the soul of a sprite
trapped within.

Hands that carve
with a lusty heart
drumbeats of release
pour from the razor's edge
slicing away the past.

Pele dances within the starlight
of the glass that creates life
born from destruction.

The thunder rumbles in her soul.

( I was sitting here thinking about one of the girls I worked with at the treatment center in Utah. She was an unique soul and I worked hard to create a bond with her. She was a cutter. This disease is highly addictive and rarely noticed as an addiction. Just for a wee bit of history: Pele known, as “She who shapes the sacred land” is a Hawaiian Goddess who is both loved and feared. Pele, the goddess of fire, lightening, dance, volcanoes and violence embodies both the maiden and crone of the Triple Goddess. She is the embodiment of the Wild Woman who lives within each female soul. Pele is the lastest Goddess I embodied in my Celestial Diva Jewelry series. (I make amulets and talismans fancy words for jewelry.) Her energy brought Holly to mind. I pray for Holly to this day as she battles the thunder that rumbles within her soul.)

Cheers :rose:

to two women making a stand in the test of time ~~

Both poems give us something to thing about and chew on
for later consumption and both drive deep. I love that !!!

:rose: :rose: :rose:
Hey RF

Hope all is well honey. Have been missing you.

Posted a few more pics if your interested. Just click on the link in my sig line under Wedding & mountain man for a look see.
thank mf

Many Feathers said:
Hope all is well honey. Have been missing you.

Posted a few more pics if your interested. Just click on the link in my sig line under Wedding & mountain man for a look see.

for sharing part of your wonderful celebration with is a song from me to you and your new mate... :rose:


bluerains said:
for sharing part of your wonderful celebration with is a song from me to you and your new mate... :rose:


That was perfect!!!!! Looked a little like Southern Utah here too in the video. :)

My son in law plays beautiful Indian flute music. That night, we danced barefoot around the fire, playfully painted faces and feet. So the song was indeed perfect to send along. Again....thank you.
Many Feathers said:
That was perfect!!!!! Looked a little like Southern Utah here too in the video. :)

My son in law plays beautiful Indian flute music. That night, we danced barefoot around the fire, playfully painted faces and feet. So the song was indeed perfect to send along. Again....thank you.

MF those are beautiful photos, thank you for sharing your celebration with us. Congratulations to you both. your images and stories have got my muse spinning in absolute delight. :rose:

Blue... that is a beautiful music find! i like jon anderson... he helped me through a very tough patch a few years ago with his Island of Life song. thanks for the reminder. :)
New word.

The weather cannot decide what it is doing, in the 30's or in the 70's. Make no mistake,

Spring has sprung ... ;)

Cold :

Syllables: cold

Parts of speech: adjective , noun

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation kold

Inflected Forms colder, coldest

Definition 1. having a body temperature below normal.
Example cold fingers and toes.
Synonyms cool , chill , chilly
Similar Words shivery , numb , shivering , ice-cold , icy , frostbitten
{frostbite (vt)} , algid

Definition 2. without warmth.
Example a cold day.
Synonyms nippy , cool , chilly , wintry
Similar Words glacial , frigid , ice-cold , freezing , icy , hyperborean , frosty ,
bitter , gelid , arctic

Definition 3. without feeling or affection.
Example cold logic ; his cold gaze.
Synonyms icy , impassive , distant , unemotional , frosty , unfeeling ,
ice-cold , chill , chilly
Crossref. Syn. frigid , hardhearted
Similar Words dispassionate , frigid , aloof , indifferent , unfriendly ,
passionless , stony , unsympathetic {sympathetic} , cold-blooded , inhospitable

Definition 4. suffering from lack of warmth.
Example I'm cold, so can I have a blanket?
Synonyms chilly , chilled
Similar Words frigid

Definition 5. of food or drink, chilled by refrigeration or not warmed.
Example cold milk ; a cold meal.
Synonyms cooled , refrigerated {refrigerate} , chilled {chill }
Similar Words iced , ice-cold

Related Words inhuman , dank , callous , stiff , cutting , cool , remote ,
dead , crisp , chill , bare , cheerless , stark , bleak , heartless , stern ,

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. weather marked by low temperature.
Example The cold was fierce.
Synonyms chill
Similar Words cold snap , Jack Frost , algidity {algid} , gelidity {gelid} ,
frigidity {frigid}

Definition 2. a minor viral illness of the respiratory system.
Synonyms common cold , flu , virus , influenza , grippe
Similar Words chill , ague , bug

Related Words cool

Derived Forms coldly, adv. ; coldness, n.

Hoppppy Writing :p

:rose: :rose: :rose:
brought over from "Lost Words" thread ~

Bounced your title ... ;)


I lost the words
that quenched the appetite.
The feelings that brought forth
utter loving, longing.

I lost the words
that expressed my intentions.
To carry on, move forward
into the darkness, and bring back
my heart.

You lost the words
that held my heart, touched
my soul
and whispered,
forever is ours
for the taking.


silly but it works ... needs work I know.
Been a while since I wrote anything meaningful so sue me ~

RhymeFairy said:
New word.

The weather cannot decide what it is doing, in the 30's or in the 70's. Make no mistake,

Spring has sprung ... ;)

Cold :

Syllables: cold

Parts of speech: adjective , noun

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation kold

Inflected Forms colder, coldest

Definition 1. having a body temperature below normal.
Example cold fingers and toes.
Synonyms cool , chill , chilly
Similar Words shivery , numb , shivering , ice-cold , icy , frostbitten
{frostbite (vt)} , algid

Definition 2. without warmth.
Example a cold day.
Synonyms nippy , cool , chilly , wintry
Similar Words glacial , frigid , ice-cold , freezing , icy , hyperborean , frosty ,
bitter , gelid , arctic

Definition 3. without feeling or affection.
Example cold logic ; his cold gaze.
Synonyms icy , impassive , distant , unemotional , frosty , unfeeling ,
ice-cold , chill , chilly
Crossref. Syn. frigid , hardhearted
Similar Words dispassionate , frigid , aloof , indifferent , unfriendly ,
passionless , stony , unsympathetic {sympathetic} , cold-blooded , inhospitable

Definition 4. suffering from lack of warmth.
Example I'm cold, so can I have a blanket?
Synonyms chilly , chilled
Similar Words frigid

Definition 5. of food or drink, chilled by refrigeration or not warmed.
Example cold milk ; a cold meal.
Synonyms cooled , refrigerated {refrigerate} , chilled {chill }
Similar Words iced , ice-cold

Related Words inhuman , dank , callous , stiff , cutting , cool , remote ,
dead , crisp , chill , bare , cheerless , stark , bleak , heartless , stern ,

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. weather marked by low temperature.
Example The cold was fierce.
Synonyms chill
Similar Words cold snap , Jack Frost , algidity {algid} , gelidity {gelid} ,
frigidity {frigid}

Definition 2. a minor viral illness of the respiratory system.
Synonyms common cold , flu , virus , influenza , grippe
Similar Words chill , ague , bug

Related Words cool

Derived Forms coldly, adv. ; coldness, n.

Hoppppy Writing :p

:rose: :rose: :rose:

Coldness seeps
inside wasted bones, decayed
from erratic heartbeats, stopped.
Tripping over live wires, my mind
fills inside out, from this septic virus
once upon a time
called, love.


once upon a time,

the neverland of excitement
for lil ones. who long after dark
still slip down the hallway to peep
at mom and dad playing santa
with chocolate chip cookies,
milk mustaches and sitting on laps
to tell what a naughty lil girl
this momma has been.


this momma

still cries at night alone.
counting sheep
in wool's clothing. parading around
doorsteps. playing hopscotch
with colored chalk
as tires roll away
like eighteen wheelers
cold, distant memories
dissected apart, piece by piece
to see what makes you tick, what makes
a man walk away.
cold hearted, virally infected
infatuation, my phantom
in the dark.


Coldness seeps
inside wasted bones, decayed
from erratic heartbeats, stopped.
Tripping over live wires, my mind
fills inside out, from this septic virus
once upon a time
called, love.

~~ merry go 'round 'n round .......
I have the shakes. Too much huffing
breathing treatments and cough meds.
One shot after another, these tasty pills
remind me of you but you're much better.

Bronchitis also reminds me of you. Everything
does these days. I oft wonder, where are you
what are you doing? Can you come and play?
Then reality steps in, reminding me of our departure,
our broken vows.

Cold then hot it's your fingers caressing, bringing
me back from the brink of these feverish ramblings, lost
in our times together. Can this be real? I know it's not
but I miss you and I know dreaming is the only way
I can have you, have us.

I am sick, it seems. Sick of being without you.
I love you and always shall but I know it cannot
be real. So I talk myself in circles. Hallucinating
of times well spent, in your arms, your bed. Always
sick, always with you.

Maybe if I huff enough, cough enough
take enough pills there will be no you. Just maybe
these shakes will stop and forever leave me be.
In silence, in love, without you.


I'm fine peeps. Just writing and trying to get well again ~

the femme fatale of
somber mermaids

Salty embryos
encased within wombs
of motherless dreams

Sirens, lost to the call of the sea.

Electric eels shock the blood warm
only to flow through cold hearts
haunted with memories of
childhood dreams.

Relying on the waves
to wash away the pain
the mermaids ride the swells
in hope to catch the scent of land.

Yemaya collects their prayers
clung to sea kelp
that wave in the blue

Sea maidens swim with
shells to their ears
awaiting the answer to
earthly desires

Warm hearts

Mortal life of flawed children
laughter of human moments
far from the sea
free from the cages
of cold hearted maids.
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I hear ya RF,,,

RhymeFairy said:
I have the shakes. Too much huffing
breathing treatments and cough meds.
One shot after another, these tasty pills
remind me of you but you're much better.

Bronchitis also reminds me of you. Everything
does these days. I oft wonder, where are you
what are you doing? Can you come and play?
Then reality steps in, reminding me of our departure,
our broken vows.

Cold then hot it's your fingers caressing, bringing
me back from the brink of these feverish ramblings, lost
in our times together. Can this be real? I know it's not
but I miss you and I know dreaming is the only way
I can have you, have us.

I am sick, it seems. Sick of being without you.
I love you and always shall but I know it cannot
be real. So I talk myself in circles. Hallucinating
of times well spent, in your arms, your bed. Always
sick, always with you.

Maybe if I huff enough, cough enough
take enough pills there will be no you. Just maybe
these shakes will stop and forever leave me be.
In silence, in love, without you.


I'm fine peeps. Just writing and trying to get well again ~


I'll sprinkle some tabac for ya! (And I know what you're going through honey...hang in there, one day it will get better)
Du Lac said:
Well behaved women do not make history

I love your siggy. I read this a few days ago with your postings. I then went to town to pick up some stuff. I saw this same statement on a bumper sticker. It blew my mind. I had just read this and here it was on the mini van in front of me. :eek: I thought someone was pullin' my leg. Then I come back here and wahhh-laaaa here it is again ~!!! :nana:

Think someone is trying to tell me something? ;)

Breathless :

Syllables: breath-less

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation brehth lihs

Definition 1. breathing heavily following great exertion.

Example He was breathless after the race.

Definition 2. suspending or as if suspending one's breath, as in reaction
to keen anxiousness or astonishment.

Example breathless with anticipation; ; beauty that left him breathless.

Related Words agog

Derived Forms breathlessly, adv. ; breathlessness, n.


New word ..... anyone wanna write?

I'm here for a bit ... will be back with it ~~ :D :nana:

Happy Writing ~

tasting flesh

tongue whipples, riding goosepimples
to ground. rounding out, tanking
touring, turning
golden freckles into frenzy
frolicking bare back
rides. high-topping stirrups,
standing my ground
with whipped cream licks
to side stepping pokes 'n prods. slide
feel the wet slide of taste buds
bursting, along your pristine proud cock,
clock winding turns into a strawberry
suicide slushie. spitting your seeds
while licking, lounging along furry
thighs dustless den. tasting, testing
breathlessness again ...

RhymeFairy said:
tasting flesh

tongue whipples, riding goosepimples
to ground. rounding out, tanking
touring, turning
golden freckles into frenzy
frolicking bare back
rides. high-topping stirrups,
standing my ground
with whipped cream licks
to side stepping pokes 'n prods. slide
feel the wet slide of taste buds
bursting, along your pristine proud cock,
clock winding turns into a strawberry
suicide slushie. spitting your seeds
while licking, lounging along furry
thighs dustless den. tasting, testing
breathlessness again ...


tasting flesh... one of my favorite foods <Grin

nibble nibble ... bite (~_*)
I look into his baby blue eyes,
which reveal his innermost secrets
The little furrow in his brow
shows he is deep in thought
Feeling my gaze, he lifts his head
and smiles at me lovingly
In slow motion, he comes to me
and kisses me passionately,
leaving me breathless for more
Utah dawn

The torrid sun rose
over ochre cliffs creating
shadows who housed lost souls.

Waves of red float before
miles of sagebrush flats
awakening the spirits
of forgotten dreams.

Rattlesnakes stir while
rabbits sniff the still air
desert life suspended
within a breathless moment
of the Utah dawn.
Indeed Du Lac

Du Lac said:
Utah dawn

The torrid sun rose
over ochre cliffs creating
shadows who housed lost souls.

Waves of red float before
miles of sagebrush flats
awakening the spirits
of forgotten dreams.

Rattlesnakes stir while
rabbits sniff the still air
desert life suspended
within a breathless moment
of the Utah dawn.

Am going to Goblin Valley next weekend in fact....looking forward to a few early morning sunrises.

I was sitting here remembering my mornings driving to work outside of Zion National Park. I witnessed the most fantastic sunrises of my life in southern Utah. It is a strange land that speaks in dramatic ways with the red cliffs that house small pools, or the searing heat of the mid day sending waves of heat across miles of sagebrush.. all which you know. but it always left tears in my eyes and many times I was breathless lost in the perfect moment of the sun's awakening. Enjoy the sunrises and say hello to the land for me.
du lac
That I shall do...

Du Lac said:

I was sitting here remembering my mornings driving to work outside of Zion National Park. I witnessed the most fantastic sunrises of my life in southern Utah. It is a strange land that speaks in dramatic ways with the red cliffs that house small pools, or the searing heat of the mid day sending waves of heat across miles of sagebrush.. all which you know. but it always left tears in my eyes and many times I was breathless lost in the perfect moment of the sun's awakening. Enjoy the sunrises and say hello to the land for me.
du lac

There are some pretty dramatic sunrises here in Northern Utah as well. As soon as the snows melt so I can make it back to my Meadow, am planning on spending a couple of days there...have some spiritual work to do, but part of that will be greeting the sunrise and giving thanks to Father Sky and Mother earth for the time I have had here to enjoy it.