Free Thoughts~on One word...

Du Lac said:

I was sitting here remembering my mornings driving to work outside of Zion National Park. I witnessed the most fantastic sunrises of my life in southern Utah. It is a strange land that speaks in dramatic ways with the red cliffs that house small pools, or the searing heat of the mid day sending waves of heat across miles of sagebrush.. all which you know. but it always left tears in my eyes and many times I was breathless lost in the perfect moment of the sun's awakening. Enjoy the sunrises and say hello to the land for me.
du lac

I too have seen a sunrise like that.

Coming right up over the Smokey Mountains. One of those rare mornings I got away and just drove. Yes, you guessed it, right into the sunrise. A beauty so breathtaking one could search forever and never have enough adjectives to describe the pure perfection of the sun slowly making her way up. Blues, pinks, red and orange rays ... reaching as far as the eyes could see. I always have to stop, pull over and just breath. Seriously, a strange kinda fascination, me and tha morning sun ~ sharing our cuppa coffee together and just letting the world float on by ...

I am most def. a child of the earth ~~ sounds like I have great company ~~

:rose: :rose: :rose:
a few across the threads this week ~


liquid lube spread

creamy soft,
like butterfly wings flapping.
surrounding my moistness.

slow, gentle as we go
trying to prepare
your landing strip

with an easy access
en - trance to probe
heavens paradise.


I tried not to peak

but his words, thoughts
kept me guessing, wondering
what ... Open me, see
what wonders I am hiding
to tempt 'n tease you with
lil miss fairy child.

a pressie for me, wide eyed
amazement. I do so love'm.
words flowed. my river
of devotion, held back only by
a mere click of the keyboard.
gates open and letters tumbled
triggering emotions, kept hidden
so well hidden, no one would know.

are we dating, talking, chatting
just skivy mates or can we
deep sea dive and never come back up for air.
hibernate in the undertow of clam bakes
and beer bongs. toss away the thong,
taking our ride on twin crescent waves
tunneling down sandcastle moats and all.

yes, he held me captivated
blue lungs grasping as heartbeats hurtled.
word by word he built me up
molded my memories, to have
and hold, near
so dear. I'm glad
I peaked. This pressie
is a keeper ~


I run a mile

with his thoughts and feelings.
put'm in my lil mixin' bag

shake'm real good. a tight fisted hold
to capture and never

release my five digit abracadabra dance,
letting memories dissolve into thin air.

a Milky Way rainbow of white wave dancing
giggles, galloping down Lil Reds path

telling nursery rhymes while doing
the naughty Bo Peep

in the forest of naked nymphs
and betting truckers.



Had to add these here somewhere ~ ;)

Hope everyone is doing OK. I am slowly but surely getting better. I have bronchitis again :rolleyes: added to that some kind of bacterial infection from an unknown allergen. Believe me it's the pits ~~

Thanks again for reading and writing with me ~~

New word ~

Gonna leave this one up for a few days I think. So think on it, come back and write it out. OR write it out now, then come back again, :nana: whatever floats your boat ;) Thanks for writing and scheming with me ... :rose:

Rock :

Syllables: rock

Phrases: on the rocks

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation rak

Definition 1. a large mass of hard mineral matter that lies under
the earth's soil or forms a cliff, mountain, or the like.
Synonyms stone , bedrock
Crossref. Syn. adamant , pitch

Definition 2. a piece of such matter, such as a boulder, stone, or
Synonyms stone , pebble , monolith , boulder

Definition 3. a person or thing that provides support or acts as a
strong foundation.
Crossref. Syn. mainstay , pillar

Definition 4. a diamond or other gem.
Synonyms precious stone , gemstone , stone , diamond

Related Words jewel , anchor , gem , anchorage

Phrase on the rocks

Derived Forms rockless, adj. ; rocklike, adj.

Syllables: rock

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb , noun , adjective

Phrases: rock the boat

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation rak

Inflected Forms rocked, rocking, rocks

Definition 1. to sway strongly back and forth or from side to side.
Synonyms pitch, sway , wobble , roll
Crossref. Syn. waver , turn
Similar Words swing , shake , toss , quake , seesaw , lurch , jerk

Definition 2. to move back and forth in a rocking chair.

Definition 3. to play, listen to, or dance to rock music.
Similar Words swing , boogie , dance , jive , jam

Related Words topple , move , pitch , bump , vacillate , sway

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause to move back and forth or from side to side,
esp. with a gentle motion so as to lull (a child) to sleep.
Similar Words lull , cradle

Definition 2. to affect strongly; move emotionally; shock; disturb.
Example The stock market fall rocked the nation.
Synonyms jar, shock, stun , jolt , stagger , floor , shake
Crossref. Syn. agitate
Similar Words rattle , astound , upset , stupefy , convulse ,
unsettle , agitate

Definition 3. to cause to shake violently; disrupt.
Example Stop rocking my tree house!
Synonyms rattle , jolt , shake
Similar Words upset , unsettle , jar , jerk , sway , agitate

Related Words swing , shake , jiggle , roll

Phrase rock the boat

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. a swinging or swaying movement, as in a boat or
rocking chair.
Synonyms pitch, sway , roll
Crossref. Syn. swing

Definition 2. a form of popular music derived from rhythm-and-blues,
with a strongly accented beat and usu. played on electronically amplified
instruments, esp. guitars; rock-'n'-roll.
Synonyms rock-'n'-roll

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. of or pertaining to rock-'n'-roll.
Similar Words pop , R and B

Derived Forms rockingly, adv.


Happy Writing ~

:p :rose:
Definition 3. a person or thing that provides support or acts as a
strong foundation.
Crossref. Syn. mainstay , pillar


I find myself say : he/she
is my rock. some understand
others look queerly
and go on about their business. :rolleyes:

my mom and dad
have always been there for me.
I found myself pregnant, they advised
if he is good enough to sleep with
he is good enough to marry.

I know they wanted what was best
but in this case, I should'a ran away
and never looked back.

Now, three kids, divorced
and trying to make ends meet.
I have another rock.

My daughter heard me crying.
The seven seas, had nothing
on me
. Wrapping arms around,
snuggling me in tight
she pleads, don't let'm do this.
don't let'm have that kind'a control.

a mistake, a miracle :heart:
I made her strong.
now, to finish
what I started thirteen years ago.
let go, never look back.

~~ a start ... there is more ( of course :eek: ;) :D )
just had to get that out. Next I shall write about
my other

Nugget :

Syllables: nug-get

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation nuh giht

Definition 1. a small, solid lump, esp. of a precious metal such as gold.

Definition 2. something resembling this, as in size or value.

Example nuggets of wisdom.

Related Words clump , fat , chunk

Derived Forms nuggety, adv.

Hook it in with rock .... or just bounce. Have fun ~
Yes, I'm still here. Just lurking a bit due to colds and stuff ~ ;)

Happy Writing :rose:

The nugget...

RhymeFairy said:
Nugget :

Syllables: nug-get

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation nuh giht

Definition 1. a small, solid lump, esp. of a precious metal such as gold.

Definition 2. something resembling this, as in size or value.

Example nuggets of wisdom.

Related Words clump , fat , chunk

Derived Forms nuggety, adv.

Hook it in with rock .... or just bounce. Have fun ~
Yes, I'm still here. Just lurking a bit due to colds and stuff ~ ;)

Happy Writing :rose:


The nugget is our Fairy,
she comes on when she can.
Her words of prose enduring,
remembering her man.

We think alike in many things,
this nugget, little rock,
and I bet she's good at other things
like sucking on a....

Well we'll leave it there for another time,
this silly little ditty,
I did it fast, not meant to last,
now come here clitty kitty.
Many Feathers said:
The nugget is our Fairy,
she comes on when she can.
Her words of prose enduring,
remembering her man.

We think alike in many things,
this nugget, little rock,
and I bet she's good at other things
like sucking on a....

Well we'll leave it there for another time,
this silly little ditty,
I did it fast, not meant to last,
now come here clitty kitty.

You naughty naughty man !!! :D :catroar: ;)

A ditty deticated to me :eek: Just so ya know. Not the first and shall not be the last, I'm guessing :p ;)

Good to see you. :rose: Hope all is well. Now, I am hoping to write ... been too long and this time : no prose enduring, of my remembered man ~

Can ya handle it?

:D :devil:
I can if you can...

RhymeFairy said:
You naughty naughty man !!! :D :catroar: ;)

A ditty deticated to me :eek: Just so ya know. Not the first and shall not be the last, I'm guessing :p ;)

Good to see you. :rose: Hope all is well. Now, I am hoping to write ... been too long and this time : no prose enduring, of my remembered man ~

Can ya handle it?

:D :devil:

Hope you're feeling better RF, not going to write any anything along those lines either. Time has become precious to me, and I refuse to live in the past and waste the future. Too much heartache down that road, and I'm done with it.

Life does go on...for a while. :rose:
I listen

to this sad, sad music.
It warms my heart, lets me
remember days gone past.

I try to stay away
from the booze. My dry house built
with kool-aid reminders, not to take
the already beaten glass.

Closing eyes, tired body aches
takes me away to tobacco days.
Mom and dad, hardworking honeys,
with two kids to clean and muck
the cattle shoot.

Climbing trees, jumping in leaves
these lil nuggets of memories
binde the holes that continually cut inside
at : what to do, where to go?
Back to where life was safe
and secure.

No matter how hard the work was,
how gruesome the job got,
we were a family. Sticking together
through bad times, as well as good.

I sit, sigh. Listen to tears dry
with each passing lyric.
Knowing, one day this too
shall be just another memory.

~~ A lil sappy but it's a start.
Been too long and it's what's on my mind ~ :rolleyes:


RhymeFairy said:
I listen

to this sad, sad music.
It warms my heart, lets me
remember days gone past.

I try to stay away
from the booze. My dry house built
with kool-aid reminders, not to take
the already beaten glass.

Closing eyes, tired body aches
takes me away to tobacco days.
Mom and dad, hardworking honeys,
with two kids to clean and muck
the cattle shoot.

Climbing trees, jumping in leaves
these lil nuggets of memories
binde the holes that continually cut inside
at : what to do, where to go?
Back to where life was safe
and secure.

No matter how hard the work was,
how gruesome the job got,
we were a family. Sticking together
through bad times, as well as good.

I sit, sigh. Listen to tears dry
with each passing lyric.
Knowing, one day this too
shall be just another memory.

~~ A lil sappy but it's a start.
Been too long and it's what's on my mind ~ :rolleyes:


I've sat in darkness thinking,
those same songs playing in my mind.
Remembering the laughter,
and leaving that behind.

The drink in hand long empty,
yet I'll sip from it still,
the burning, yearnining emptiness,
remembering that thrill.

What do we do but accept the day,
and the silence of the night,
and pray with all that rests within,
somehow it will turn out right.

I've been surprised when sun has risen
and I stand up from my chair,
the vigil of my hearts long wait
and still there's no one there.

It's ok now to remember,
and to finally get some sleep,
for winter's message comes for me,
a meeting I must keep.

So take what was and leave it there,
you can peek from time to time,
but do not hurt, nor cry my friend,
just words in passing rhyme.
Many Feathers said:
I've sat in darkness thinking,
those same songs playing in my mind.
Remembering the laughter,
and leaving that behind.

The drink in hand long empty,
yet I'll sip from it still,
the burning, yearnining emptiness,
remembering that thrill.

What do we do but accept the day,
and the silence of the night,
and pray with all that rests within,
somehow it will turn out right.

I've been surprised when sun has risen
and I stand up from my chair,
the vigil of my hearts long wait
and still there's no one there.

It's ok now to remember,
and to finally get some sleep,
for winter's message comes for me,
a meeting I must keep.

So take what was and leave it there,
you can peek from time to time,
but do not hurt, nor cry my friend,
just words in passing rhyme.

Beautiful ... :rose:
Pick a word ....


Part of speech: noun

Syllables: ca-tal-y-sis

Pronunciation: kE tae lE sihs

Inflections: catalyses

Definition: 1. the introduction or intervention of a substance that causes
or speeds up a chemical reaction without being affected itself.

Definition: 2. an action initiated between persons or forces by an agent
that remains unaffected.

Derived Words: catalytic, [adj.], n.


Part of speech: transitive verb

Syllables: a-mal-ga-mate

Pronunciation: E mael gE met

Inflections: amalgamated, amalgamating, amalgamates

Definition: 1. to combine or blend into a single unit.

Synonyms: mix , combine, blend , fuse, unite , merge
Similar Words: interfuse, unify, coalesce, synthesize, consolidate,
commingle, compound

Definition: 2. to make into an alloy with mercury.
Similar Words: alloy

Part of speech: intransitive verb

Definition: 1. to combine or unite.

Synonyms: mix , combine , fuse, unite , coalesce, merge
Similar Words: unify, mingle, commingle, compound

Definition: 2. to blend with another metal.

Similar Words: blend, compound

Derived Words: amalgamable, adj. ; amalgamative, adj. ; amalgamable,
adj. ; amalgamator, n.

Having a cuppa coffee and trying to wake up. Ran across these definitions
and could not resist. So here's two for ya ...

Have a Great one and

Happy Writing ~

to each his/her own ~

I'm not the pliable kinda girl

who says stick it in here please.
I shall eat your balls and shave your cock
with my tongue. Play hide-n-go-seek
with lil whisps of strawberry jam,
while plying your eager ego
with tiny morsels of love me, kiss me,
fuck me hard. Then side saddle
your daddy long leg
while tying you tight as can be
with hard,steel cuffs. I hold the key
to RhymeVille. A place
where all wanna go, play
and walk out of with fanciful memories
and wishes of a fast return.

~~ :devil:

just a thought ~
You're not?????????

RhymeFairy said:
I'm not the pliable kinda girl

who says stick it in here please.
I shall eat your balls and shave your cock
with my tongue. Play hide-n-go-seek
with lil whisps of strawberry jam,
while plying your eager ego
with tiny morsels of love me, kiss me,
fuck me hard. Then side saddle
your daddy long leg
while tying you tight as can be
with hard,steel cuffs. I hold the key
to RhymeVille. A place
where all wanna go, play
and walk out of with fanciful memories
and wishes of a fast return.

~~ :devil:

just a thought ~

Damn! :eek:
RhymeFairy said:
I'm not the pliable kinda girl

who says stick it in here please.
I shall eat your balls and shave your cock
with my tongue. Play hide-n-go-seek
with lil whisps of strawberry jam,
while plying your eager ego
with tiny morsels of love me, kiss me,
fuck me hard. Then side saddle
your daddy long leg
while tying you tight as can be
with hard,steel cuffs. I hold the key
to RhymeVille. A place
where all wanna go, play
and walk out of with fanciful memories
and wishes of a fast return.

~~ :devil:

just a thought ~

Edited : a work in progress :

RhymeFairy said:
I'm not the pliable kinda girl

who says stick it in here please.
I shall eat your balls and shave your cock
with my tongue. Play hide-n-go-seek
with lil whisps of strawberry jam,
while plying your eager ego
with tiny morsels of love me, kiss me,
fuck me harder. Then

side saddle
your daddy long leg
while tying you tight as can be
with hard, steel cuffs. I hold the key

to RhymeVille. A place
where all wanna go, play
and walk out of with fanciful memories
and wishes of a fast return.

~~ :catroar:
Many Feathers said:

You nibble ... I bite. See whatz I'm layin' down? ;)

I'm in one of those ferocious moods. I swear I could bite through a ten penny nail and burp up the Golden Gate Bridge ~

... ;) :kiss: :rose:
How about...

RhymeFairy said:
You nibble ... I bite. See whatz I'm layin' down? ;)

I'm in one of those ferocious moods. I swear I could bite through a ten penny nail and burp up the Golden Gate Bridge ~

... ;) :kiss: :rose:

You just ride my nail, and let me worry about entering that Golden Gate. :D
Many Feathers said:
You just ride my nail, and let me worry about entering that Golden Gate. :D

this is not passion

this feeling of want
juices flowing, hard core
action of thrown to the wall, pool table spread
tank top down, flouncing tits blackening eyes.

listening to this pervert in the park,
who wants to be flashed
with crotchless panties while he plays
pocket pool. Or, listening to this spineless arse
in the gene pool who also wants flashed. what is it
with tits, cookies and ass
that gets him brick hard, ready for a ride.

passion, no. lust is my guess. lust
for a free for all orgy. the kind that has hair pulling,
screams for release of pent up jelly jams
that taste, so creamy 'n sweet. only to
double back and go at it again. if not passion
then lust. fill mine to the top
and yes, make it a double ~

:catroar: :devil:
Very good RF...

RhymeFairy said:
this is not passion

this feeling of want
juices flowing, hard core
action of thrown to the wall, pool table spread
tank top down, flouncing tits blackening eyes.

listening to this pervert in the park,
who wants to be flashed
with crotchless panties while he plays
pocket pool. Or, listening to this spineless arse
in the gene pool who also wants flashed. what is it
with tits, cookies and ass
that gets him brick hard, ready for a ride.

passion, no. lust is my guess. lust
for a free for all orgy. the kind that has hair pulling,
screams for release of pent up jelly jams
that taste, so creamy 'n sweet. only to
double back and go at it again. if not passion
then lust. fill mine to the top
and yes, make it a double ~

:catroar: :devil:

A weekend spent with banannas
and things that twist and twirl.

Whipping cream for shaving cream
little blue pills and wine.

Grinning wickedly, records set
though who is keeping track?

One position then another
time runs backwards, night sets.

Morning comes, as we've both
liquid pleasures sticky.

Nipples sore, balls drained
smiling, ready to go again.
Many Feathers said:
A weekend spent with banannas
and things that twist and twirl.

Whipping cream for shaving cream
little blue pills and wine.

Grinning wickedly, records set
though who is keeping track?

One position then another
time runs backwards, night sets.

Morning comes, as we've both
liquid pleasures sticky.

Nipples sore, balls drained
smiling, ready to go again.

grips to hair
sucking you bare
boned in deep
tasting your seep.

pinching nipples
with a (full throttled) twist
I see, your getting the gist
of a full moon rising
riding, turning and dicing.

while weathered bones wither
with each fornicating slither
smacking that ass in suspense
as I give you, your due tuppence

:catroar: ;) :D
I keep an eye on all of you over here :kiss: I do...yeah mostly I lurk....but always I appreciate you all sharing your words
MaverickMan said:
You are definitely exercising my brain! :cool:

:kiss: :rose:

Care to elaborate? Join us,

.... As long as ya know, we do bite ;) :catroar:

Thank you too, for the support.

RhymeFairy said:
Care to elaborate? Join us,

.... As long as ya know, we do bite ;) :catroar:

Thank you too, for the support.


Just flowing with the stream of words that lead me into places where my imagination explodes.

I do love the twisted juxtaposition of words that convey so much more than a straight prose could possibly do. :D :devil: