Free Thoughts~on One word...

My Erotic Trail said:
my feet planted
firmly on the ground
engulfed in clouds
a breath taking view
atop a mountain
gazing at the valley
where my roots lay

Simplistic and sweet.
I like how you think and love
this view, myself. Great imagery my friend ~


Searching for a new word .. asap.

Spring is the time
for planting. Perhaps
my friends have yet
to sort through
the wood shed
and find
their green thumb.

:p ;) :D
this new day brings,
lost thoughts.
a quiet brook
with no current.
the music
of lost dreams.

puff. inhaling
pure pettiless
essence. of pennies for pound
as smoking engines encourage,
more. hot
sw-vay, ( nice word
to describe )
deserted memories
of a horny toad. green
from envious
energy spent, on timeless nights
forever reaching
for the mt. summit
of soft sensual,
smoothing glides.

hmm, working on that sensual ... feel. not quiet got it. :rolleyes:
give me time. ...


I have a fetish

for feeling. wet
cum drips, dropping.
deep, down. sliding moist
lathered, liquor in. to taste
the tunnel,
of your hooded rim.
over the abundant trails
of your ridged, rocky
spike. spinning those dials
against your ponied-up
hothouse. mouthing out,
this heater, of heaven.
milking past one
to another. then brake
'n taste.

days, months,
years of love
seemingly thrown away.
one phone call, on her way
to see her man. only,
to turn around, disembark
and hang him out, to dry.

limp from tears, cries
of "it's not fair" and "what
has this other man done to me"
to make me disbelieve
in true love. happiness

but a trip away. blinded
she trips
going to, on the way back
from insecured ties. knotted
pressure wires
hit the trigger switch
of just love me, for me
or is this a booty call
for here

and now.
fuck tomorrow
a ghost is had, not
heard. two hearts crying, neither

is heard, over passed
indecisive hauntings
come and go. a free for all forensics
of blood trails and crowbar hits.

which path
do you choose? to have it all
or hang out 'n see. will he, won't he
cross the line and pass go
to hide

behind bars
made from the decrepit
bones of loves,


your list

drags, like animal cracker
paws. off baby, down!
come sniff 'n
scratch'me, like
you mean it.

hunched down, four paws
prance. tail swipes
send singeing
nail biting
rakes. from nipping
meowing howls
to spanked kitty
jowls. come kitty kitty

Once again RF,,,

RhymeFairy said:
days, months,
years of love
seemingly thrown away.
one phone call, on her way
to see her man. only,
to turn around, disembark
and hang him out, to dry.

limp from tears, cries
of "it's not fair" and "what
has this other man done to me"
to make me disbelieve
in true love. happiness

but a trip away. blinded
she trips
going to, on the way back
from insecured ties. knotted
pressure wires
hit the trigger switch
of just love me, for me
or is this a booty call
for here

and now.
fuck tomorrow
a ghost is had, not
heard. two hearts crying, neither

is heard, over passed
indecisive hauntings
come and go. a free for all forensics
of blood trails and crowbar hits.

which path
do you choose? to have it all
or hang out 'n see. will he, won't he
cross the line and pass go
to hide

behind bars
made from the decrepit
bones of loves,


your list

drags, like animal cracker
paws. off baby, down!
come sniff 'n
scratch'me, like
you mean it.

hunched down, four paws
prance. tail swipes
send singeing
nail biting
rakes. from nipping
meowing howls
to spanked kitty
jowls. come kitty kitty


We're of like minds on this...
Let's try something a bit new. I think we did something like this before. :confused:


I am looking for a feeling ... paint me your picture of walking outside your front door.

Weather, animals, sights ... whatever comes to mind. Spring is most def. here. I live in an apartment :( and I am just itching to plant flowers and smell/feel mother earth.

Anyone else?

Happy Writing ~~

icky green shrubs, shoulder around
taking over, pathway to curb. single digit
lines with their detestable dinginess,
an eyesore every sixteen feet and on.

being brought up on a farm,
I long for

plush meadows, a carpet of luxury
for tired woe-begotten toes. to dig
barefoot in silken dirt. a sodding
of nourishment. a band-aid
to this depleted desert soul.

replenishing my love
for outdoors I see,
long reaching trees, tulips in bloom
and birds circling, nesting
in the rafters. where playing
jump the bale is not
just a long distance memory.

waking up each morn to ride out
catch the sunrise coming up
over clear baby blue skies.
skies, that just beg one
to take flight and ride, let go
of everything, except
that feeling
of oneness with the earth
and sky. to be free and feel
the witching wind, grab your hat
and pull your hair. while you let loose
and laugh with pure enjoyment.
an adrenaline rush for the moment.
a prayer, a ceremony
of oneness and freedom.


RhymeFairy said:
Let's try something a bit new. I think we did something like this before. :confused:


I am looking for a feeling ... paint me your picture of walking outside your front door.

Weather, animals, sights ... whatever comes to mind. Spring is most def. here. I live in an apartment :( and I am just itching to plant flowers and smell/feel mother earth.

Anyone else?

Happy Writing ~~


how do you feel?
with your fingers?
have you felt love?
or touched its passion?
you can not escape...
feeling desire.
how do you feel?
with your fingers?
Stealing thoughts...

I listen, ..

the window open
just far enough
to breathe,
deep, with a sigh.
I hear the drops
hitting wet
the old wood and rusted nails
to the smell
of spring.
The drops sing to me,
like a sweet lullabye
in tune with my soul,
warm, wet, absorbed.
While the petals of
daffodils dance
beneath each
crystal drop.
Let it rain,
quenchng the thirsty earth,
replenish me, us..
until we are full.
Bloom again
with the sunrise,
for tomorrow,
the daffodils will
laugh with color-


I came to read, be inspired, you are all so talented with soul touching verse,
how could I not but steal a piece for myself...... It is raining here, so soft, oh how I love the rain... and to be lulled by its grace.

sweet GA peaches said:
I listen, ..

the window open
just far enough
to breathe,
deep, with a sigh.
I hear the drops
hitting wet
the old wood and rusted nails
to the smell
of spring.
The drops sing to me,
like a sweet lullabye
in tune with my soul,
warm, wet, absorbed.
While the petals of
daffodils dance
beneath each
crystal drop.
Let it rain,
quenchng the thirsty earth,
replenish me, us..
until we are full.
Bloom again
with the sunrise,
for tomorrow,
the daffodils will
laugh with color-


I came to read, be inspired, you are all so talented with soul touching verse,
how could I not but steal a piece for myself...... It is raining here, so soft, oh how I love the rain... and to be lulled by its grace.


:heart: this.

I was just chatting with a friend about the rain. :)
I too love it to lullabye me to sleep. Very cozy, snuggly weather eh ~ ;)

I love your imagery and the feel here ~ Also again, sooo glad to have you back ~!!!

New word for the lonnnngg weekend my friends ... ;)


Syllables: scent

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation sehnt

Definition 1. a characteristic odor, esp. a pleasant one.
Example The roses have a lovely scent.
Synonyms perfume , smell , fragrance
Crossref. Syn. aroma

Definition 2. the distinctive, traceable odor given off by a person
or animal.
Example The hounds lost the scent of the fugitive.
Synonyms trail , odor

Definition 3. a liquid that imparts a pleasant smell; perfume.
Synonyms cologne , perfume
Crossref. Syn. essence

Definition 4. the sense of smell.
Synonyms olfaction , smell

Related Words wind , trail , aroma , odor

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms scented, scenting, scents

Definition 1. to detect the presence or nearness of (someone or
something) by or as if by using the sense of smell.
Example The dog soon scented the fox ; The children scented
Synonyms smell
Similar Words wind , trace , track , trail , sniff , detect

Definition 2. to give a pleasant odor to.
Example Lilacs will scent the air.
Synonyms perfume , aromatize
Similar Words embalm , incense

Related Words perfume

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. of a hound or other animal, to hunt by following the
prey's odor.
Similar Words smell , hunt , track

Related Words stalk


Mmmm, with all the changes in weather, this one
will be hard to hunt, ya think?

Happy Writing ~~

scent you out.
your attention.
no talk,
just a look up
and feel out.
to know
every change.
why not,
come ... yank
my chain ~

:catroar: :kiss:
RhymeFairy said:
New word for the lonnnngg weekend my friends ... ;)


Syllables: scent

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation sehnt

Definition 1. a characteristic odor, esp. a pleasant one.
Example The roses have a lovely scent.
Synonyms perfume , smell , fragrance
Crossref. Syn. aroma

Definition 2. the distinctive, traceable odor given off by a person
or animal.
Example The hounds lost the scent of the fugitive.
Synonyms trail , odor

Definition 3. a liquid that imparts a pleasant smell; perfume.
Synonyms cologne , perfume
Crossref. Syn. essence

Definition 4. the sense of smell.
Synonyms olfaction , smell

Related Words wind , trail , aroma , odor

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms scented, scenting, scents

Definition 1. to detect the presence or nearness of (someone or
something) by or as if by using the sense of smell.
Example The dog soon scented the fox ; The children scented
Synonyms smell
Similar Words wind , trace , track , trail , sniff , detect

Definition 2. to give a pleasant odor to.
Example Lilacs will scent the air.
Synonyms perfume , aromatize
Similar Words embalm , incense

Related Words perfume

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. of a hound or other animal, to hunt by following the
prey's odor.
Similar Words smell , hunt , track

Related Words stalk


Mmmm, with all the changes in weather, this one
will be hard to hunt, ya think?

Happy Writing ~~


she smiled like violets
and pricked like a rose
she sang songs
in 'off key' prose

she'd walk her toes
up my leg
in my lap
went her head

'tasty cream"
I knew what she meant
I became engrossed
in her scent

lapping and licking
ravishing her flavor
her sweet aroma
I gladly savored
signs of spring are all around.

in the trees lined up
down my lane. big
pink buds bursting,
scenting the neighborhood
with cherry dog essence.

birds stealing seeds
from the feeder, right outside
my window. I also hung a nest box,
hoping a visitor might come,
make herself at home.

the fish
are just starting to bite,
really bite. a lil worm,
placed just right
brings in fresh trout.
or just sit back
and watch,

as mother earth
awakens. petting, grooming
and coddling
her sleepy-eyed babe.


~~ exploratory vision ~~needs work ~

memo to self, edit and format ~~
My Erotic Trail said:
I could almost smell the scent
that she was thinking

:) :rose:

Hope ya'll havent been as busy as I have.
If so, better slow down, breath deep and hold on
to your booty, next round'sa comin' ~~ :rolleyes:


RhymeFairy said:
:) :rose:

Hope ya'll havent been as busy as I have.
If so, better slow down, breath deep and hold on
to your booty, next round'sa comin' ~~ :rolleyes:


It is...:(
Thank You and welcome biggsmall0669


Come One, Come Alll ~~
(stepping on soapbox)

I've been really busy as I had previously stated. Hoping to find time to come back on a daily basis soon, but honestly my friends I am not expecting to any time soon. I do miss ya'll and I think of each and every one of you, very often. Thanks for all the great poems and thoughts.

Until such a time as my return, please feel free to write it out
and remember to take the time to stop and smell the daisies ...

:kiss: :rose: :)

I shall return .... promise~ :kiss:

Happy Writing ~

Hey RF...

RhymeFairy said:
Thank You and welcome biggsmall0669


Come One, Come Alll ~~
(stepping on soapbox)

I've been really busy as I had previously stated. Hoping to find time to come back on a daily basis soon, but honestly my friends I am not expecting to any time soon. I do miss ya'll and I think of each and every one of you, very often. Thanks for all the great poems and thoughts.

Until such a time as my return, please feel free to write it out
and remember to take the time to stop and smell the daisies ...

:kiss: :rose: :)

I shall return .... promise~ :kiss:

Happy Writing ~


Wondered how you've been doing honey. Been a bit busy as well...but not with good stuff. You be taking care of you now...and keep in touch. :kiss: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
:) :rose:

Hope ya'll havent been as busy as I have.
If so, better slow down, breath deep and hold on
to your booty, next round'sa comin' ~~ :rolleyes:


Unfortunately, we have been that busy, like little bees buzzing here and there. Next week it should slow down to race car pace, so maybe I can get some rest(lol). Take care of yourself, and we will patiently await your return.
Unbridled_Passion said:
Unfortunately, we have been that busy, like little bees buzzing here and there. Next week it should slow down to race car pace, so maybe I can get some rest(lol). Take care of yourself, and we will patiently await your return.

I did it again <grin...sorry
Unbridled_Passion said:
Unfortunately, we have been that busy, like little bees buzzing here and there. Next week it should slow down to race car pace, so maybe I can get some rest(lol). Take care of yourself, and we will patiently await your return.

...does that mean there will be time to write poetry (~_~) woohoo!!!
now that the lit earthday story contest tales are behind us!
My Erotic Trail said:
...does that mean there will be time to write poetry (~_~) woohoo!!!
now that the lit earthday story contest tales are behind us!

One would almost think your excited .... about something ;)


Excite :

Syllables: ex-cite

Part of Speech : transitive verb

Pronunciation : ihk sait

Inflected Forms : excited, exciting, excites

Definition 1. to stimulate or cause to be aroused or agitated.
Example We were excited by his performance.

Synonyms : kindle, stir, agitate , inflame, ignite , stimulate

Crossref. Syn. : irritate , tickle , provoke , work , frenzy , wind up ,
heat , thrill , rouse , intoxicate , quicken

Similar Words : thrill , provoke , galvanize , electrify , fluster ,
rouse , titillate

Definition 2. to arouse.
Example His appearance here excited much interest.

Synonyms : fire , arouse , stir, provoke , stimulate , raise

Crossref. Syn : heat , tickle , inflame , challenge , rouse

Similar Words : whet , elicit , spark

Definition 3. to provoke to action.
Example She excited the man with her glances.

Synonyms : stir up , incite, arouse , work , provoke

Crossref. Syn. : inflame , fire , rouse

Similar Words : foment , energize , animate , whip up {whip } , rouse

Definition 4. in physics, to raise (an atom, particle, or molecule) to
a state of higher energy.

Synonyms : energize

Similar Words : charge

Related Words : fan , evoke , activate , ravish , get , tempt , incite ,
actuate , infect , interest , kindle , pick , prod , prompt , motivate ,
wake , flush , touch , inflate

Happy Writing ~~ :p ;)
