Free Thoughts~on One word...

my halo beams

from anger
pressed hard. hardly
letting in, only suppressing
the anger
inside. barley able to grab hold
of this excitable anger
that lets loose
with both barrels aimed
to blow the steam
of any passerby.

he did it,
really did it. while I was
smelling the daises
dreaming of ever after.
with a future
in mind. my black sheep
strayed. stifling our future
with shots of pond scum
skank. yes, I'm mad

has nothing on me ~

RhymeFairy said:
my halo beams

from anger
pressed hard. hardly
letting in, only suppressing
the anger
inside. barley able to grab hold
of this excitable anger
that lets loose
with both barrels aimed
to blow the steam
of any passerby.

he did it,
really did it. while I was
smelling the daises
dreaming of ever after.
with a future
in mind. my black sheep
strayed. stifling our future
with shots of pond scum
skank. yes, I'm mad

has nothing on me ~

wasted energy
anger toward another
for they will own you...

choose to love yourself
excited in your beauty
owning your own heart....
bluerains said:
RhymeFairy said:
my halo beams

from anger
pressed hard. hardly
letting in, only suppressing
the anger
inside. barley able to grab hold
of this excitable anger
that lets loose
with both barrels aimed
to blow the steam
of any passerby.

he did it,
really did it. while I was
smelling the daises
dreaming of ever after.
with a future
in mind. my black sheep
strayed. stifling our future
with shots of pond scum
skank. yes, I'm mad

has nothing on me ~

wasted energy
anger toward another
for they will own you...

choose to love yourself
excited in your beauty
owning your own heart

your right of course. :eek: I just had to blow off a lil steam.
All's well ... Thanks Blue, your the bestest ~!!

:rose: :rose:
now this ... is exciting


RhymeFairy said:
Seems spring is ... what you make it ~
To me, spring is the earth awakening to a new year.
Ones soul also has a spring time ~



Signs of Spring

icky green shrubs, shoulder around
taking over, pathway to curb. single digit
lines with their detestable dinginess,
an eyesore every sixteen feet and on.

being brought up on a farm,
I long for

plush meadows, a carpet of luxury
for tired woe-begotten toes. to dig
barefoot in silken dirt. a sodding
of nourishment. a band-aid
to this depleted desert soul.

replenishing my love
for outdoors I see,
long reaching trees, tulips in bloom
and birds circling, nesting
in the rafters. where playing
jump the bale is not
just a long distance memory.

waking up each morn to ride out
catch the sunrise coming up
over clear baby blue skies.
skies, that just beg one
to take flight and ride, let go
of everything, except
that feeling
of oneness with the earth
and sky. to be free and feel
the witching wind, grab your hat
and pull your hair. while you let loose
and laugh with pure enjoyment.
an adrenaline rush for the moment.
a prayer, a ceremony
of oneness and freedom.

bluerains said:
thats a girl...pick that halo off the curb ...and run...with the wind


omg ... Just reallllly saw this. Yes, I did read it earlier but it just sank in :eek:

Me ... halo ... (gulp) uhhh, sure

:rose: ;)
listening to :

Freddy Fender

Wasted days and wasted nights,
I have left for you Behind
for you don't belong to me,
your heart belongs to someone else.

Don't you remember the day,
that you went away and left me?
I was so lonely,
prayed for you only,
my love

Why should I keep loving you,
when I know that you're Not true?
And why should I call your name,
when you're to blame
for making me Blue?

Don't you remember the day,
that you went away and left me?
I was so lonely,
prayed for you only,
my love

Wasted days and wasted nights,
I have left for you Behind
for you don't belong to me,
your heart belongs to someone else.


~~ yes Blue ... I'm working on it ~~ ((Blue))

RhymeFairy said:
Freddy Fender

Wasted days and wasted nights,
I have left for you Behind
for you don't belong to me,
your heart belongs to someone else.

Don't you remember the day,
that you went away and left me?
I was so lonely,
prayed for you only,
my love

Why should I keep loving you,
when I know that you're Not true?
And why should I call your name,
when you're to blame
for making me Blue?

Don't you remember the day,
that you went away and left me?
I was so lonely,
prayed for you only,
my love

Wasted days and wasted nights,
I have left for you Behind
for you don't belong to me,
your heart belongs to someone else.


~~ yes Blue ... I'm working on it ~~ ((Blue))


Are the days really wasted if you had a good time during them? Or is it the memories that feel wasted? Either way, I am sorry you were hurt.
RhymeFairy said:
Freddy Fender

Wasted days and wasted nights,
I have left for you Behind
for you don't belong to me,
your heart belongs to someone else.

Don't you remember the day,
that you went away and left me?
I was so lonely,
prayed for you only,
my love

Why should I keep loving you,
when I know that you're Not true?
And why should I call your name,
when you're to blame
for making me Blue?

Don't you remember the day,
that you went away and left me?
I was so lonely,
prayed for you only,
my love

Wasted days and wasted nights,
I have left for you Behind
for you don't belong to me,
your heart belongs to someone else.


~~ yes Blue ... I'm working on it ~~ ((Blue))


this is blue poetry
I don't mean blues
as in bluerains
but blues
like a black and blue heart

slides RF a bandaid
My Erotic Trail said:
I think you disappear just so I will send those big, muscle-bound Marines to look for you <grin

<<< x... x >>>

big, muscle-bound Marines ?

:nana: ;) :p

truth is, daughter messed up phone connection.
I had to hide-out-n-wait, till the " marines " fixed it ~

:eek: :rolleyes:

:rose: :rose: :rose:
Unbridled_Passion said:
Are the days really wasted if you had a good time during them? Or is it the memories that feel wasted? Either way, I am sorry you were hurt.

I've been wanting to ask that same question of myself and of others in general.

Are we better off with memories of great experiences if that level can never be reached again or are we better off never knowing what we can't have?
RhymeFairy said:
<<< x... x >>>

big, muscle-bound Marines ?

:nana: ;) :p

truth is, daughter messed up phone connection.
I had to hide-out-n-wait, till the " marines " fixed it ~

:eek: :rolleyes:

:rose: :rose: :rose:

ha ha ha... you know RF...
for something like that they send a lil 90 pound, scrawny, bald headed man with pop bottle glasses and buck teeth (o_o) the bright side is.. he probably adores poetry <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
ha ha ha... you know RF...
for something like that they send a lil 90 pound, scrawny, bald headed man with pop bottle glasses and buck teeth (o_o) the bright side is.. he probably adores poetry <grin

Wow, you have been a great private eye on your team ~ :p
Always my luck, I get brains with no brawn ... ppfftt :rolleyes:

New word coming up ~~

Glass :

Syllables: glass

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation glaes

Definition 1. a hard, breakable, usu. transparent material made from
silica and metallic oxides and used for windows, bottles, mirrors, and
the like.

Similar Words obsidian , silicate , crystal , silica , quartz

Definition 2. a drinking vessel, usu. made of glass.

Similar Words tumbler , vessel , wineglass , goblet , beaker ,

Definition 3. any of several objects made of glass, such as
a window, mirror, or barometer.

Crossref. Syn. mirror
Similar Words glazing , mirror , magnifying glass , windowpane ,
crystal , lens , barometer , glassware

Definition 4. (pl.) a pair of lenses mounted in frames and worn to
aid vision; eyeglasses.

Synonyms spectacles , eyeglasses
Similar Words lenses , specs , monocle , lorgnette , bifocals ,

Related Words drink

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms glassed, glassing, glasses

Definition 1. to fit or cover with glass.
Synonyms glaze

Related Words glaze

Derived Forms glasslike, adj.

Let's be different today ... give it a try ~ :p :)

Happy Writing ~~

From intense personal experience...

ruminator said:
I've been wanting to ask that same question of myself and of others in general.

Are we better off with memories of great experiences if that level can never be reached again or are we better off never knowing what we can't have?

I now believe, we are better off never knowing what we can't have.
RhymeFairy said:
Glass :

Syllables: glass

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation glaes

Definition 1. a hard, breakable, usu. transparent material made from
silica and metallic oxides and used for windows, bottles, mirrors, and
the like.

Similar Words obsidian , silicate , crystal , silica , quartz

Definition 2. a drinking vessel, usu. made of glass.

Similar Words tumbler , vessel , wineglass , goblet , beaker ,

Definition 3. any of several objects made of glass, such as
a window, mirror, or barometer.

Crossref. Syn. mirror
Similar Words glazing , mirror , magnifying glass , windowpane ,
crystal , lens , barometer , glassware

Definition 4. (pl.) a pair of lenses mounted in frames and worn to
aid vision; eyeglasses.

Synonyms spectacles , eyeglasses
Similar Words lenses , specs , monocle , lorgnette , bifocals ,

Related Words drink

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms glassed, glassing, glasses

Definition 1. to fit or cover with glass.
Synonyms glaze

Related Words glaze

Derived Forms glasslike, adj.

Let's be different today ... give it a try ~ :p :)

Happy Writing ~~


from my vault...

A Bottle of Poetry
by My Erotic Trail©

Cast upon an ocean of white, I write
glass words, reflective and transparent.
There is no hiding the note I tone
caught in the current, life.

Bottled up inside my journey
reading others as they drift by.
Feeling the emptiness of my void
save a page of cursive thoughts.

Ascending and descending
like a bottle shaped all wrong.
Focused on being tossed about
on an aimless ride upon life's swells.

Engulfed in the raging silence
of the sun and stars guidance.
The winds, a steering push by friends.
Weathering blue still waters and storms.

Filling droplets of life, patiently await
submerged in fear of allowing them in
for that which uplifts my vessel,
can also sink me.

Castaway, marooned in my dreams
an ocean of endless possibilities.
Until, embracing tidal sands bury me
and this time-capsule's voyage ends.

May I not kiss jagged rocks fate
but land softly upon a paradise shore.
Where a finger's touch opens me,
a bottle of poetry.
My Erotic Trail said:
from my vault...

A Bottle of Poetry
by My Erotic Trail©

Cast upon an ocean of white, I write
glass words, reflective and transparent.
There is no hiding the note I tone
caught in the current, life.

Bottled up inside my journey
reading others as they drift by.
Feeling the emptiness of my void
save a page of cursive thoughts.

Ascending and descending
like a bottle shaped all wrong.
Focused on being tossed about
on an aimless ride upon life's swells.

Engulfed in the raging silence
of the sun and stars guidance.
The winds, a steering push by friends.
Weathering blue still waters and storms.

Filling droplets of life, patiently await
submerged in fear of allowing them in
for that which uplifts my vessel,
can also sink me.

Castaway, marooned in my dreams
an ocean of endless possibilities.
Until, embracing tidal sands bury me
and this time-capsule's voyage ends.

May I not kiss jagged rocks fate
but land softly upon a paradise shore.
Where a finger's touch opens me,
a bottle of poetry.

the emptiness drips from
my bottled up anger. emotions burst
popping the cork
on this disruptive disaster.

he was, the very one
who painted my moon in golden rays
seen only by me,
or so I thought.

I saw
crystal visions
of mountain berry happiness
I held near
and dear. but,

but not so dear it seems, to one
who visits another
on the beach
with bachelor days spent

diving vivaciously
nestled between thighs that corrupt
and tarnish
the glass that was already full
or so it seemed.


~~ I'm back. A bit sad but it works eh ~ :eek:

New word? I am sooooo in the mood to write, any takers???


Syllables: thun-der

Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Phrases: steal one's thunder

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation thuhn dEr

Definition 1. the loud explosive noise or low distant rumble produced
by the rapid expansion of gases along the path of a lightning discharge.

Definition 2. any sound resembling this noise.
Example the thunder of the waves.
Crossref. Syn. roar , boom , roll

Related Words clap , explosion , blare

Phrase steal one's thunder

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms thundered, thundering, thunders

Definition 1. to produce or give forth thunder.

Definition 2. to make a sound of or like thunder.
Crossref. Syn. roar , boom , roll

Definition 3. to express oneself loudly and vehemently.

Definition 4. to move or proceed with a sound like thunder.
Example The avalanche thundered down the mountain.
Crossref. Syn. boom

Related Words storm , resound , grumble , blare

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to express loudly and vehemently.
Crossref. Syn. bellow

Related Words blaze

Listening to a song :

Thunder Only Happens
Written by Stevie Nicks

Now here you go again
You say you want your freedom
Well who am I to keep you down
Its only right that you should
Play the way you feel it
But listen carefully to the sound
Of your loneliness
Like a heartbeat.. drives you mad
In the stillness of remembering what you had
And what you lost ...
And what you had ...
And what you lost

Thunder only happens when its raining
Players only love you when theyre playing
Say... women... they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean... you'll know

Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions
I keep my visions to myself
Its only me
Who wants to wrap around your dreams and ...
Have you any dreams you'd like to sell?
Dreams of loneliness...
Like a heartbeat ... drives you mad ...
In the stillness of remembering what you had ...
And what you lost ...
And what you had ...
And what you lost

Thunder only happens when its raining
Players only love you when they're playing
Say ... women ... they will come and they will go
When the rain washes you clean ... you'll know.


Of course no one has to bounce off the song.
Just go with the word and see what happens. Wishing you

Happy Writing ~~~~


There was thunder in the sky this weekend,
Great Spirit spoke his words of life.

New beginings, final hopes
as I bonded to my wife.

Thunder spoke inside my heart,
his words spoke loud and clear.

Only forward now I walk,
never to the rear.

Time too short to look behind,
so much to learn and see.

Though short this path I journey on,
it is my destiny.

Thunder Spirit, Holy one
Bless all I do and know,

Let your words of Wolf and Hawk
show me where to go.

Let the Skunk that is my soul
walk with Eagle's mind

And thunder words, whispered soft.
to leave what was behind.
still breathing in ... the thunder


I'm afraid

to cross the line. when all
is seemingly well. when roots
bring memories, distant thundering
theories of way back when. I remember well
intense passion, persuasive voices
pleading for the release
of seeds, to be planted,
hard into the fertile valleys of heated
mossless crevices, begging
for a new dawn to sweep away the pain
and live a flourishing life
without shaded, parched
pathways ahead. to live
to live
to live. without demonic dreams, without
heavy hands covering mouth openings
a hit or miss sunshine-y day to glimpse a small speck
of happiness.


MF~ Your poem runs deep and brings fresh, wonderful air into these lungs. Very refreshing and also humbling ... Thank you for sharing ~~

:rose: :rose: :rose:
Congrats Many Feathers

Being as though I can't contact you directly, I thought I would chance you looking at this here.

I'm so happy for you and your new family. I have a gift if you would be willing to accept it. If not, that's ok too. Anyway, good luck!
