Free Thoughts~on One word...

MaverickMan said:
I would try to be careful as I was twisting on the Oreos before I got down to licking your creamy middle! :p :devil:

Unfortunately, the only thing on my chest right now is a shirt. :rolleyes:

Wish I could write off the cuff like some of you.
Just doesn't work for me.

Hope your weekend is great, RF! :heart: :kiss:

I replied to your thread my friend, and I have been sit here thinking about the above. :eek:

I really want to emphasize that I love to write and play with words/imagery/images in general, that's a big ego kick. To sit back and let the words flow. We all know that BUT

My concern is, when I am writing off the cuff (as you say), that people will take my writing seriously. Most times I write to vent or get a feeling across. AND most of my writing is just word play fun. I am serious about most things in life but here at Lit, I am relaxing and having a good time.

Now to some serious poets, that is not the way to go but it works for me. I also love it when someone writes me saying : if your serious about your poetry, then work on * ...... * and I love to get that reaction.

My point being, when a poem hits me and it's one of those I just cannot forget then most times I submit it. I have been trying not to submit as of late because I am not the best judge (as of late ) of my own writing ... sounds silly but vulnerability plays havoc with the mind and the heart. So my friends, if you see a poem that sticks to you for some reason or another, give me a heads up.

Thanks for reading thus far and know I sincerely love the companionship and laughs ... AND the writes, I'm gonna get'm outta ya if'n it means huntin' ya to ground ...

:catroar: ;) :D :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
I replied to your thread my friend, and I have been sit here thinking about the above. :eek:

I really want to emphasize that I love to write and play with words/imagery/images in general, that's a big ego kick. To sit back and let the words flow. We all know that BUT

My concern is, when I am writing off the cuff (as you say), that people will take my writing seriously. Most times I write to vent or get a feeling across. AND most of my writing is just word play fun. I am serious about most things in life but here at Lit, I am relaxing and having a good time.

Now to some serious poets, that is not the way to go but it works for me. I also love it when someone writes me saying : if your serious about your poetry, then work on * ...... * and I love to get that reaction.

My point being, when a poem hits me and it's one of those I just cannot forget then most times I submit it. I have been trying not to submit as of late because I am not the best judge (as of late ) of my own writing ... sounds silly but vulnerability plays havoc with the mind and the heart. So my friends, if you see a poem that sticks to you for some reason or another, give me a heads up.

Thanks for reading thus far and know I sincerely love the companionship and laughs ... AND the writes, I'm gonna get'm outta ya if'n it means huntin' ya to ground ...

:catroar: ;) :D :rose:

I really don't know if there is a right or wrong way to write anything. Some of the best works in poetry, prose, and even song lyrics (another sort of poetry) are written off the top of the writers head. The words just flow. Doesn't mean that they are perfect in the classical sense, but they very effectively communicate to the reader or the listener an idea, emotion, a mood or a story.

And whether they are "serious", meaning that they relate to your life or communicate your personal feelings doesn't matter. Your work flows even when you are using your free association, word play, style.

Very often it may be one line or one verse or just the general tone of the piece that communicates to someone enough to stick in their mind. Like Beam reacted to your pond scum line. ;)

I am enjoying it. Need to read more of it. :D


Have a wonderful weekend, my new friend! :kiss:
pearl toes dangling, like earrings to heavy
for the hole. sagging, to sink in deep
red wine carpet. my scooped scallion stilettos
slung carelessly aside.

a free carpet ride from bed to bath
feeling tha silken slide of burping bubbles
slowly teleport this weary mind, away.

copper red hair, coiled like a snake
atop this angelic face. free ranging
worry lines rescind, forgoing another trip
from waxed brows to elfin chin.

descending into pure bliss, my soul floats
to aroma therapy land. feeling pink rose petals
lightly swish down, decorating my bath
into a smooth satiny sin upon golden tanned skin.

honey glazed freckles, blossom and bloom
mapping out twin pouty breast
playing peak-a-boo, atop an ever flowing tub
of fizzing foam.

sparkling froth decorates colt like legs.
lifted high and gracefully arching
catching the rosy ray reflection,
from the happy valley, nestled neatly
between the finger slides of tawny thighs.

~~~playing with words and imagery ~~
posted this week ....

Goooood Morning. :rose:

Just picked these two up on tha way. It's raining here, sees a good time to snuggle down and write.

so many good times
have come and gone,
leaving behind an emptiness
not suitable for man nor mice


grips to hair
sucking you bare
boned in deep
tasting your seep.

pinching nipples
with a (full throttled) twist
I see, your getting the gist
of a full moon rising
riding, turning and dicing.

while weathered bones wither
with each fornicating slither
smacking that ass in suspense
as I give you, your due tuppence.

Happy Happy ~


Part of speech: noun

Syllables: me-tem-psy-cho-sis

Pronunciation: mE tehm sai ko sihs; mE tehmp sai ko sihs;
mE tehm sai ko sihs; meh tehm sai ko sihs

Inflections: metempsychoses

Definition: the transmigration of the soul of a dead person or animal into the living body of another.

Derived Words: metempsychosic, adj. ; metempsychosical, adj

This one had me thinking a lil blue but what got me was the thought process in the wording. Just sayin'

Happy Writing

Hey RF,,,

RhymeFairy said:

Part of speech: noun

Syllables: me-tem-psy-cho-sis

Pronunciation: mE tehm sai ko sihs; mE tehmp sai ko sihs;
mE tehm sai ko sihs; meh tehm sai ko sihs

Inflections: metempsychoses

Definition: the transmigration of the soul of a dead person or animal into the living body of another.

Derived Words: metempsychosic, adj. ; metempsychosical, adj

This one had me thinking a lil blue but what got me was the thought process in the wording. Just sayin'

Happy Writing


Posted a story for the "How to" contest. You might enjoy it. :D
If I could lay it out, it would go like this :

Plucked brows, each a distant thought
left unthought. Only you know
I really thought long and hard, not
to think it.

I imagine gluing my eyes closed,
not able to see, then I can no longer see
what I am missing. But then
images would fill my inner vision
sharing their thoughts on,

What a fool I am,
but then my subconscious would come in,
arms rounding, fighting it's way through.
Showing me, see
See !!!!
See, what a fool
you've already made of yourself
over this, this

man, who says forever.
cannot make it to the door
to beg, exclaim
his sincerity. His undying love stumbles
and breighs on, showing true
colors, with whispered : I made a mistake

Yet, I read his heart true. I feel
the band pulling me
through the eye of a needle, squeezing
every ounce out. Down
to the last trickle of I love yous,
I shall always,
will never stop,
could never imagine,

Pour the wax. Apply heat.
Pluck out thine own eyes.
love exist ...
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Damn it RF...

You and I have danced the same dance. :kiss:

Weeks, months...laying in the darkness
listening to the music that was her, us.
Each song we made love to, a permanent memory now,
but a reminder as well of how foolish I was.

Chastisement at believing the impossible,
wishing it, wanting it more than life itself.
Loving that which did not wish to be loved,
hoping for that which ended up loving another.

Foolish are we? Making the same mistakes
over and over again. Opening that same door
a second time, then a third. Each time having it
slammed in your face.

Sitting in the darkness with the music playing,
the smell of her, the feel of her
her smile, her softeness
foolish for wanting to hear the knock.

Knowing that to open that door, a forth time
would kill you, yet you stand with your hand on the knob,
the safety chain secured just in case.
Who of us is the greater fool?
I hear you cluckin' ... wait till I find your nest my friend !!

:catroar: :D :D :D

Thanks for sharing
and caring so much.

Without you
I would be lonesome
and yeah, sometimes blue.

You've carried me through the dark
and dreary, now it's time to have a beery.

Shoulder to shoulder we wander through,
partnering up to have a brew.

Swapping one liners, I get your drift
you want more than just a draft.

:eek: :D ;) :kiss:
You and I...

RhymeFairy said:
I hear you cluckin' ... wait till I find your nest my friend !!

:catroar: :D :D :D

Thanks for sharing
and caring so much.

Without you
I would be lonesome
and yeah, sometimes blue.

You've carried me through the dark
and dreary, now it's time to have a beery.

Shoulder to shoulder we wander through,
partnering up to have a brew.

Swapping one liners, I get your drift
you want more than just a draft.

:eek: :D ;) :kiss:

Have walked hand in hand,
separated only by distance,
yet in tune, and in touch with experience.

We've shared thoughts, hearts and more
known sorrow, felt pain and grief
yet we've had a laugh or two as well,
and a naughty thought here and there.

Our day will come, maybe not in this lifetime
but I believe that it will.
One can only hope in what we do not understand
and accept what we find unfair.

Well...sort of.
Many Feathers said:
Have walked hand in hand,
separated only by distance,
yet in tune, and in touch with experience.

We've shared thoughts, hearts and more
known sorrow, felt pain and grief
yet we've had a laugh or two as well,
and a naughty thought here and there.

Our day will come, maybe not in this lifetime
but I believe that it will.
One can only hope in what we do not understand
and accept what we find unfair.

Well...sort of.

'tis true

I've felt misery, became bed partners
with pain. Held my tongue,
when it was all I could do
not to scream. Out loud, outside
my public persona sees a happy-go-lucky girl
but deep within, I'm dead,
soured, decayed
withered dry
eyes laid to rest from years
of torture and stress
from years of loving a man
a myth
a mortal human, who promised
so much, only to back down and depart
when I needed. I
needed ...


RhymeFairy said:
'tis true

I've felt misery, became bed partners
with pain. Held my tongue,
when it was all I could do
not to scream. Out loud, outside
my public persona sees a happy-go-lucky girl
but deep within, I'm dead,
soured, decayed
withered dry
eyes laid to rest from years
of torture and stress
from years of loving a man
a myth
a mortal human, who promised
so much, only to back down and depart
when I needed. I
needed ...


I hear you...same words, just switch gender.
RhymeFairy said:
'tis true

I've felt misery, became bed partners
with pain. Held my tongue,
when it was all I could do
not to scream. Out loud, outside
my public persona sees a happy-go-lucky girl
but deep within, I'm dead,
soured, decayed
withered dry
eyes laid to rest from years
of torture and stress
from years of loving a man
a myth
a mortal human, who promised
so much, only to back down and depart
when I needed. I
needed ...


promises made and broken
bright days made sad
and love but a token
tossed at the gate
for entry gained
and no soft word spoken

A quick ride, everyday trip
mindlessly ridden
who knew a heart would rip
of one who enjoyed
thought of cruise
of lifetime bliss

now lost with the past
head high with class
opening mind, heart
this pain will pass
through door thought locked
true love seeps in at last.

:D :heart:
Kinda Gloomy eh ~ Lets kick it up a bit in here what'da say?

This was from the Dear X thread earlier today :

RhymeFairy :

Dear X,

I really have no clue where to take our relationship. Our distant times together grow cloudier day by day and then, I meet another fella who wishes to worship, every command I make.

I try to hold on to the past and it starts speaking, almost in tongues you could say. As if possessed, it climbs my waist, shoulders, then straight to the top of my head. Electrocuting me with sparks of lust and greed. Licking it's way down, cell by cell till my body folds in half. I, gasping for air and shaking from a sensory overload can do noting but beg my subconscious : Do it, do it, do it again !!!

After hours of self torture from our visions, dreams, and reliving our times together, I shed my thong and traipse to bed. Thinking maybe tomorrow, I will surpass the past and get on with my future ...

Many Feathers / RhymeFairy said:
MF : P.S. Easier said than done...

RhymeFairy : Now you mister !! You know, I'll love you forev- ahhh !! ;) :kiss:

MF: You damn well better. Now, close your eyes, and lie down. There's something I want to do for you... ;)

RhymeFairy :

Dear X,

I ran across
this mystery man.
He helps me
by holding my hand.

When my vibe is going
a hundred and two,
I look up to see
how much he grew.

While he licks my pretty pink bee
I shout " lord have mercy
somethin's gotta hold on me "

Twisting and jerking,
slobbering his way south.
But he's much, much to late,
his cock's already in my mouth.

:p ;) :catroar:
MaverickMan said:
promises made and broken
bright days made sad
and love but a token
tossed at the gate
for entry gained
and no soft word spoken

A quick ride, everyday trip
mindlessly ridden
who knew a heart would rip
of one who enjoyed
thought of cruise
of lifetime bliss

now lost with the past
head high with class
opening mind, heart
this pain will pass
through door thought locked
true love seeps in at last.

:D :heart:

You my friend are a S W E E T I E P I E !!!!

:kiss: :p :catroar:
RhymeFairy said:
You my friend are a S W E E T I E P I E !!!!

:kiss: :p :catroar:

That's me, Mr Sappy! ;)

Eternal optimist, hopeless romantic!

Oh, and dedicated pussy eater! :p :devil: :nana:
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mine ... mine ... mine

(she says gleefully, rubbling fingers
to hands as if washing the laughter
outta his soul)

:rose: :kiss:
RhymeFairy said:
mine ... mine ... mine

(she says gleefully, rubbling fingers
to hands as if washing the laughter
outta his soul)

:rose: :kiss:

:D :devil:

The laughter is in permanent ink! :cool: ;)
coping a feel

by the slow
steady rush,
that lingers
after the storm.
RhymeFairy said:
coping a feel

by the slow
steady rush,
that lingers
after the storm.

flying high
good and hard,
mind flooded,
lost in the
pleasure electric
from the bud.

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avoid ... tucking

(I tucked him in,
found to my surprise
a big hard quill
not meant,
for me ...*sighs
back to the drawing board ... )

lol ~

MaverickMan said:
flying high
good and hard
mind flooded,
lost in the
pleasure electric
from the bud.


flying low
passing the storm.
now backtracking, I
want it all ...

:catroar: ;)

*Taps foot* Hmmmm *looks at watch* Hmmmmm

*listens to see if the bath-tubs running.* :D
Many Feathers said:
*Taps foot* Hmmmm *looks at watch* Hmmmmm

*listens to see if the bath-tubs running.* :D

lmao .. What ? You waiting on me ?

Sorry, no water sports for you today mister.
I drained tha tub *weg :nana: ;) :D


Where's my poem, huh ??

*stomps foot* .... <looks at watch>

I'm ging ya 1 hour, then your in for it !!

:D Heheheheheh~~

Oh yeah?

RhymeFairy said:
lmao .. What ? You waiting on me ?

Sorry, no water sports for you today mister.
I drained tha tub *weg :nana: ;) :D


Where's my poem, huh ??

*stomps foot* .... <looks at watch>

I'm ging ya 1 hour, then your in for it !!

:D Heheheheheh~~


He waited for her patiently,
the bath tub filled and ready.
Visions of her nakedness,
made him feel quite heady.

Candles lit, the music soft
surprises were in store,
he'd tease her sweet and lustfully,
like never, er' before.

But time passed by
he fell asleep, waiting for her there
For she'd not come.
forgotten all...and went to do her hair.