Free Thoughts~on One word...

all American through and through
she loved the red, white and blue
flaunting her 'ass'ets was her appeal
using whatever it takes to seal the deal

uncle sam's came and went
some were found and some were sent
by the agency she sometimes used
but those guys were always abused

they liked it when she bit them hard
and paraded them naked around the yard
in the end they would always try
to get a piece of her American pie

but the only ones who had extra cash
would see and touch her beautiful patch
the ones who didn't were left high and dry
and crying for her American pie
RhymeFairy said:
Pie :

Syllables: pie

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation pai

Definition 1. a pastry crust filled with meat, cheese, fruit, or other
filling, sometimes covered with a layer of crust, and baked in a shallow

Related Words tart , cobbler , cake

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation pai

Definition 1. the magpie.

Happy Writing ~~~~


In darkened room by light of moon
He sat with skin upon his knee.
Through his head there ran a tune
That pulled hard on this cobbler he.

Dreams of her, the long lost lady,
Of flesh, so soft, so warm and toasty.
Nights spent needing her soft pastry
In a dream that seemed so tasty.

Her eyes, her mouth, they pinged his heart
But deep, deep down she was such a tart.
Pulling on nips, sweet moisture on her digit tips
Sucking him in with sugar on his lips.

The crusty heart of this man she'd take
Filling him with thoughts of cream
Slathered thick, icing for his stake
Culmination and fulfillment of his dream.

For hours long his meat could bake
Dripping with juice, bathed in steam
But the lady had this piece of cake
And ate it with his dream.

Still he sees her in minds eye
Hot and wet and sweet and sticky
It belongs to him, this lady's pie.
But the bite is always tricky!

:nana: :devil: :nana:
MaverickMan said:
In darkened room by light of moon
He sat with skin upon his knee.
Through his head there ran a tune
That pulled hard on this cobbler he.

Dreams of her, the long lost lady,
Of flesh, so soft, so warm and toasty.
Nights spent needing her soft pastry
In a dream that seemed so tasty.

Her eyes, her mouth, they pinged his heart
But deep, deep down she was such a tart.
Pulling on nips, sweet moisture on her digit tips
Sucking him in with sugar on his lips.

The crusty heart of this man she'd take
Filling him with thoughts of cream
Slathered thick, icing for his stake
Culmination and fulfillment of his dream.

For hours long his meat could bake
Dripping with juice, bathed in steam
But the lady had this piece of cake
And ate it with his dream.

Still he sees her in minds eye
Hot and wet and sweet and sticky
It belongs to him, this lady's pie.
But the bite is always tricky!

:nana: :devil: :nana:

omg ... This is yummy !!!

Mav, where you been hiding such talent? :rose:

I love it. Very creative with tasty imagery, one could say : serev me first, please ... :devil:

:catroar: ;) :D
RhymeFairy said:
omg ... This is yummy !!!

Mav, where you been hiding such talent? :rose:

I love it. Very creative with tasty imagery, one could say : serev me first, please ... :devil:

:catroar: ;) :D

Thanks RF. :D

It was in a box under the spare bed. Really dusty! ;)


Got most of the words in your definition in there! :D
MaverickMan said:
Thanks RF. :D

It was in a box under the spare bed. Really dusty! ;)


Got most of the words in your definition in there! :D

So, the definition does help. I know I love having it up there, just for general word usage too. Thanks Mav ~~ Hmm, maybe you should clean out from under that spare bed .... more often. ;) :D

RhymeFairy said:
So, the definition does help. I know I love having it up there, just for general word usage too. Thanks Mav ~~ Hmm, maybe you should clean out from under that spare bed .... more often. ;) :D


Well, I washed it off really well and reoiled it. Hopefully it will work for a while! :D

A little stroking occasionally helps! :nana:
I agree...

Very nice write Mav....but you could find a better place to write than from under the bed. (Or was that where Beamer was waiting to surprise you?)
Many Feathers said:
Very nice write Mav....but you could find a better place to write than from under the bed. (Or was that where Beamer was waiting to surprise you?)

Wasn't writing under the bed. Just crawled under there to dig out the talent that was in a box with marbles and bent baseball cards............. and the stack of old dog eared Playboys!

And Thanks!!!

;) :cool: :D
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Her pie perched on the window cill
fresh, hot and steaming
fragrant as a daffodil
the juices wet and gleaming

one by one the bees approached
drawn by her sweet scent
buzzed, alighted, took a taste
until the pie was spent

drunkenly they flew away
swerving as they flew
hoping that tomorrow aft
she'd bake a pie anew

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Oh yeah...

MaverickMan said:
Wasn't writing under the bed. Just crawled under there to dig out the talent that was in a box with marbles and bent baseball cards............. and the stack of old dog eared Playboys!

;) :cool: :D

The ones with the pages all stuck together. I remember those... :D
popcorn theif
coke, drinker.
bring on tha pie
and keep your paws
to yourself ....

< mmmmm, creamy ~~ mine mine mine, cause I'm greedy !! >

sorry had to be said, an inside joke and I am soo lovin it, lol

:kiss: ;)

~~~ spies Beamer under tha bed and smiles ;) :D ~~

RhymeFairy said:
popcorn theif
coke, drinker.
bring on tha pie
and keep your paws
to yourself ....

< mmmmm, creamy ~~ mine mine mine, cause I'm greedy !! >

sorry had to be said, an inside joke and I am soo lovin it, lol

:kiss: ;)

~~~ spies Beamer under tha bed and smiles ;) :D ~~

She DOES enjoy watching... ;)
tungtied2u said:
Her pie perched on the window cill
fresh, hot and steaming
fragrant as a daffodil
the juices wet and gleaming

one by one the bees approached
drawn by her sweet scent
buzzed, alighted, took a taste
until the pie was spent

drunkenly they flew away
swerving as they flew
hoping that tomorrow aft
she bake a pie anew


sugar and cream
not a drop of tart
a pure pleasure of sin 'n silk,
iced with her cream.
come on big boy,
get it while it's hot ...

~~ Seems, I cannot write this evening but what fun, lol :rolleyes: ;)

Thanks TT ... :kiss: I promise I will try to get it right, tha next time ~

RhymeFairy said:
sugar and cream
not a drop of tart
a pure pleasure of sin 'n silk,
iced with her cream.
come on big boy,
get it while it's hot ...

~~ Seems, I cannot write this evening but what fun, lol :rolleyes: ;)

Thanks TT ... :kiss: I promise I will try to get it right, tha next time ~


When I was a kid
I used my finger.
Now something more is needed
longer, hotter and thicker
to take a taste of pie
and lick and linger!

:devil: :p :nana:
RhymeFairy said:
sugar and cream
not a drop of tart
a pure pleasure of sin 'n silk,
iced with her cream.
come on big boy,
get it while it's hot ...

~~ Seems, I cannot write this evening but what fun, lol :rolleyes: ;)

Thanks TT ... :kiss: I promise I will try to get it right, tha next time ~


Please miss, may I taste a wedge
I'll make it last all day
Savor it small bit by bit
Won't touch what's left upon the ledge

Unless of course you want to offer
more in all your kindness
each lick will get my full attention
I'm sure that's what you'd prefer
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shaking my head

Many Feathers said:
Unless your both like we are. :D ;)

Well my Mom used to say "You get like the people you hang out with"...I'm beginning to wonder if she was right :devil:

Beam_of_lite said:
Well my Mom used to say "You get like the people you hang out with"...I'm beginning to wonder if she was right :devil:

I wouldn't place any bets against that. :)
Mav .... I'm loving it ~~ *grins

MF: Where's my poem hmmmm???

:D :kiss:

tungtied2u said:
Please miss, may I taste a wedge
I'll make it last all day
Savor it small bit by bit
Won't touch what's left upon the ledge

Unless of course you want to offer
more in all your kindness
eat lick will get my full attention
I'm sure that's what you'd prefer

No need to beg
on bent knee
I want you spread
out before me.

Tasting your sugar
so sweet and right
crispy crumbs of sex'n delight
Mmm, just right.

I will take you
in my mouth
to your surprise
what's next, you surmise

a dressing of lace
to tickle your fruit
a plop od ice cream
I shall watch tha stream

down your thighs
your pudding is sweet
till I can no longer wait
to absorb your fate

inside my mouth.
deep 'n moist
I take it all
I'm in for tha long haul ...

:catroar: :kiss: :D :nana:

lol .. I better get to bed if I wanna have a job tomorrow, .... Thanks everyone for coming out to play and write.

:kiss: :rose:

Apple pie and icecream
what a deliciously tasty treat
smearing it upon you,
while I playfully lick and eat.

Nipples hard from vanilla,
as it slowly melts away,
running streams of sticky white
with apple crumb parts in the way.

Add to that some whipping cream
a cherry on each breast
then suck the pearls of pleasures treats
and let nature do the rest.

Bake the pie and shove it in,
until it's golden brown
sugar sweet, with spices neat
and twirl it all around.

Another dab of ice cream
a banana split you see
some chocolate and hot fudge fun
will make you sing with glee.

Yes mom certainly had it right,
when she baked that apple pie.
But not sure she knew what I would do
when I looked her in the eye.
Beam_of_lite said:
Loving the visuals RF...come on honey I'll tuck you in... :kiss:

Mmmmm, tuck me in ... Your a sweetie pie .. I better get off here b4 my bed abandons me, lol

night Beam huggsss :kiss:

and MF:

I will come back and read your write asap, promise. :kiss:

Night to everyone ~~

How about...

RhymeFairy said:
Mmmmm, tuck me in ... Your a sweetie pie .. I better get off here b4 my bed abandons me, lol

night Beam huggsss :kiss:

and MF:

I will come back and read your write asap, promise. :kiss:

Night to everyone ~~


You fuck tuck me in? ;) :D :eek:
I'm waiting

one day she will notice, there are no spoons
clean, to stir up her drama as she dials number
after number to offer up her version of
of how her life is so wonderful.

one day she will notice, she has nothing clean
to wear, as she dolls up to go to school
and show off her beautiful wardrobe, bought
from the mall, where she wanders isle after isle
to spend her twenty dollar allowance.

one day she will notice, her life is cluttered
from all the things not done, while she chats
the night away, talking to boy after boy,
looking for the attention she so desperately craves
while her mother silently waits, for her attention ...
