Free Thoughts~on One word...

Many Feathers said:
He waited for her patiently,
the bath tub filled and ready.
Visions of her nakedness,
made him feel quite heady.

Candles lit, the music soft
surprises were in store,
he'd tease her sweet and lustfully,
like never, er' before.

But time passed by
he fell asleep, waiting for her there
For she'd not come.
forgotten all...and went to do her hair.

Good Morning. ;) On the way to prepare breakfast I ...

when I eat ...

table spread, breakfast to be had
but words, visions keep me fed.
soft slippage rub, nipples to tummy
goes down like milk and cookies, ooey
gooey, succulence to be had. round,
round I spoon tease - slap
then soft pitter patter slips, of finger
to clit.

climbing my mountain of poetic terms.
I imagine him, my ice-cream dream
scooped out and rolled into bed.

dessert dangling, tied and roped
all for this, young fairy to stroke.
starting at his head, my favorite spot
licking, swirling I traipse my trail.
shaking more silent herbs on,
I like to have my meat tenderized.
tension builds in his knife of life.

mouth watering from sliding strokes.
inches of icing surrounding his top
tipping the scales of entrée to entry.
from lips to throat, to moist sponge
cake, dripping with want. eat, have.
taking my fill, within my world of eating
and being eaten ...

:catroar: ;) :D
a few all over the threads, gotta go now, have a great one ~~~


I made it, you can too.

days - nights, fear targeted this
good ship lollipop. taking all,
giving nothing, but
selfless pity, for him.
I can and have sprouted new wings
to fly away, only leaving misery and
pain. for what could have been, if only
he stood at the plate, practiced
to be a real man. who cared
more for others than himself.
pity, pity
pity the fool who cares not for children
and mothers, only me me me.
take a number, stand in line
the pity you bus, is waiting.

~~ hope this helps, felt damn good, lol


he speaks

of the games we women play.
I play no games. honesty always.
time was, once
we were a team, now friendship bindes
two to one. always friendship. but
I remember nights, spent holding, caring
for more than here and now.
I remember wanting to spend my life with him
as partners
in crime and bed. spearing mother earth wide open
from tha pure passion that dripped
and screamed out her name, no
that was me, screaming,
moaning. wishing, believing
for a life spent under tha covers
not buried alive, in memories.


if I gave you a taste

you would want more. so I sustain
from deviating, taking the unknown path.
I live in my shelter, of tease a bit
please, never. I want so much to
take it all. the bull, the race, the red tape
cut. but I stand
alone, showing a lil glimpse of my true self
here and there. hoping you
will place the pieces, fix my puzzle
and apply even strokes of honey
to glue me back together


perfect meal :

berry wine, garlic
steak, a dabba butter


he was the first

true man I ever met.
no pretense, no lies
no whenevers. just a wholesome
how are ya and what can I do to help.

I spent nights dreaming
of our meeting. slept little
and prayed so much. he knew
still knows
he is and always shall be
my first and possibly my only
true love.

old flames built from passion
I had a few, but he touched me
really touched the me, deep inside
the girl
no one has ever really felt, only rubbed raw
and ran over in nights
of disbelief.

I spend most days, pretending.
knowing he is still there
just beyond the shadows
a place where my heart reaches out
and holds tight.

a place where I dream of going back to,
time changes us all. deems what is appropriate
for that person in that
space, place and time.

I shall stand, and wait
for my one day. if not, I know
he is there
he shall be the last.

to hold my heart and fill my soul
with a love like no other
that unconditional love
we all dream of.

I'm sorry I haven't been to your thread for a while, but things have been crazy around here. I can barely find time to sleep, much less anything else. I hope all is well with you and your family.
Unbridled_Passion said:
I'm sorry I haven't been to your thread for a while, but things have been crazy around here. I can barely find time to sleep, much less anything else. I hope all is well with you and your family.

I been busier than a spring hoe in the garden

or is that a hooker on friday night at the local check cashing store?
or a preacher at a biker rally.........

My Erotic Trail said:
I been busier than a spring hoe in the garden

or is that a hooker on friday night at the local check cashing store?
or a preacher at a biker rally.........

A sandman chasing a dream?

MaverickMan said:
I thought sandmen carried the dreams in a little pouch on their belts. :confused:

Do they escape so you have to chase them? ;)


They carry the secret sauce special stuff in a magic bag just beneath the magic wand that's used...but it ain't on no belt. :D
Unbridled_Passion said:
I'm sorry I haven't been to your thread for a while, but things have been crazy around here. I can barely find time to sleep, much less anything else. I hope all is well with you and your family.

My Erotic Trail said:
I been busier than a spring hoe in the garden

or is that a hooker on friday night at the local check cashing store?
or a preacher at a biker rally.........

You both are so special me and I do appreciate you taking the time to drop in whenever you get the chance. We've been here on the poetry boards a long time eh Art. :cool:

Most peeps don't know but Art was my first true friend here and since then I have met more friends. I am very honored and .. sheezzzz :eek: , just tickled ya'll take the time to write, play, share and help me with my writing and everything else. Kisses all around ~~

:kiss: :kiss:
As I am getting the kids ready to scoot off to school, I keep having this image pop into my mind. I will have to research it a bit, but I remember Pat writing a poem on the passion thread and the one thing that stuck out most in my mind was the night stand. He filled the whole room with such an erotic "feel" that and it all revolved around the night stand.

Give me your night stand poems, if ya have time.

Happy Writing ~~

My night stand...

RhymeFairy said:
As I am getting the kids ready to scoot off to school, I keep having this image pop into my mind. I will have to research it a bit, but I remember Pat writing a poem on the passion thread and the one thing that stuck out most in my mind was the night stand. He filled the whole room with such an erotic "feel" that and it all revolved around the night stand.

Give me your night stand poems, if ya have time.

Happy Writing ~~


My nightstand holds secrets
of another time, another place.
It is my sanctuary, an embassy
in hostile territory.

A lock of hair, a piece of ribbon,
a broken zipper
that means nothing to anyone...
but me.

A letter once written in trust,
now a reminder of deception.
A poem that once spoke of love,
nothing more now than nails on a chalk board.

A candle to remind me of records,
records set in frivolus fun
exhaustion, smiles and laughter,
a craziness borne of lust and desire.

Some few of memories of a family long gone,
a token here, a ring, a medal an old photo.
A family once together, now apart.
Just like the tiny bits of love and memories tucked away.

One day I will clean out my nightstand,
when I can muster the courage to do so.
When I can let go of simple treasures,
or when circumstance does it for me.

Until then, I sleep next to my nightstand,
filled with unknown momentos
priceless pieces of time
shutting the drawer on dreams that will never come to pass.
I don't have a nightstand but Lordy Lordy I DO have one hell of a panty drawer...amazing the treasures it contains

Beam_of_lite said:
I don't have a nightstand but Lordy Lordy I DO have one hell of a panty drawer...amazing the treasures it contains

You know...I STILL have something in that little ole nightstand too Beamer... :D
Many Feathers said:
My nightstand holds secrets
of another time, another place.
It is my sanctuary, an embassy
in hostile territory.

A lock of hair, a piece of ribbon,
a broken zipper
that means nothing to anyone...
but me.

A letter once written in trust,
now a reminder of deception.
A poem that once spoke of love,
nothing more now than nails on a chalk board.

A candle to remind me of records,
records set in frivolus fun
exhaustion, smiles and laughter,
a craziness borne of lust and desire.

Some few of memories of a family long gone,
a token here, a ring, a medal an old photo.
A family once together, now apart.
Just like the tiny bits of love and memories tucked away.

One day I will clean out my nightstand,
when I can muster the courage to do so.
When I can let go of simple treasures,
or when circumstance does it for me.

Until then, I sleep next to my nightstand,
filled with unknown momentos
priceless pieces of time
shutting the drawer on dreams that will never come to pass.

Again, beautiful. :rose:

I see not a lot of traffic here but

times will change, as memories beckon one
to come walk along the road, seldom taken.

to dream a new dream, challenge life
and see where she leads you.

on a journey beyond nightstand visions
where moans turn to silent, silken tears

from growth to victory, over distant discoveries.
now, to beginning anew. grow from this moment

in time. standing, not alone
but with fierce friends who take you

by the hand and share the journey
from this day, forward.

:rose: :heart:
I stumbled,

sighing in content, reaching for more
than his shoulders, climbing
crisscrossed buns. running

in place, a wiggle
jiggle down below. sensing more
more than his mix matched signals
to bring me that moment.
to cum, scream
screatch out, his name.
numb from secrets

from head to toe
only his friction brought about my fraction
of a " your moaning so loud
tha neighbors can hear you " kinda moment.
he laughed, I cried. not knowing why,
sudden tears filled my eyes
for what reason, I know not. except this
was special. a cutting of the umbilical chord.

rebirth, from ugly duckling to swan.
now, I fly high,
forgetting ... no. I remember before
and am thankful for here and now.

The Judds
Mama He's Crazy

Mama, I found someone
Like you said would come along
He's a sight, so unlike
Any man I've known
I was afraid to let him in
'Cause I'm not the trustin kind
But now I'm convinced
That he's heaven sent
And must be out of his mind

Mama, he's crazy
Crazy over me
And in MY life is where he says
He always wants to be
I've never been so LOVED
He beats all I've ever seen
Mama, he's crazy
He's crazy over me

And, Mama, you've always said,
"Better look before you leap"
Maybe so, but here I go
Lettin' my heart lead me.
He thinks I hung the moon and stars
I think he's a livin' dream
Well, there are men
But ones like him
Are few and far between

Mama, he's crazy
Crazy over me
And in MY life is where he says
He always wants to be
I've never been so LOVED
He beats all I've ever seen
Mama, he's crazy
He's crazy over me.

Listening to this now. I miss the old songs about love, real love. Some try to teach us to give it a chance. This song has a beauty of a pitch ~

Just sayin' ~

Ahhhh RF just getting ready to tuck myself in for the night when I saw your post..

You are a gifted woman...each of us have special gifts...I am so pleased you share yours with us :kiss:

From one MOM to another HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY :rose:
just another night stand

i have salami breath,
cracked pepper salami.

i don't care. tonight

i'll be laying on my side
facing my nightstand,

staring at the dark silhouettes of lamp,
book, cellphone turned on,
tuned in waiting for your call
that i know won't come tonight.

breathing in
and out, slow
and deep

sleeping with salami breath.

I'd say something...

wildsweetone said:
just another night stand

i have salami breath,
cracked pepper salami.

i don't care. tonight

i'll be laying on my side
facing my nightstand,

staring at the dark silhouettes of lamp,
book, cellphone turned on,
tuned in waiting for your call
that i know won't come tonight.

breathing in
and out, slow
and deep

sleeping with salami breath.


But I won't....

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

wildsweetone said:
brush my teeth before bedtime? lol i have no idea where that poem came from. lol see what RF and her words bring out in me? lol


No...wasn't thinking about brushing your teeth, was thinking about another kind of breath....:)

Also...sending you a PM
i would switch this
one night stand
for my photograph
on your night stand
in a second.
but tomorrow
when i wake up,
my picture still won't be there,
just my keys,
which i'll pick up
quietly as i slip out.
Thanks Sweets, darkerdreamer, MF .... :rose:

I've been busy the last couple of days and am hoping everyone had a

Fantabulous Mother's Day .. :rose: :nana: :cathappy:

New word ?

In honor of my daughter. She came sneaking in here at 2 am saying ...

" Mom, you do not see me up.
You do not see me, eating this apple pie
... really, you don't "

lmao ... hehehehe, so saucy and minxy eh ~

..... ten minutes later, sprawled out on the couch, she says :

" I'd be happy if I never saw another pie, in my life, ugggggggggggg "

:devil: :D I laughed my booty off. That'll teach her to get up in the middle of the night and eat half an apple pie, eh ~ :cool:

Pie :

Syllables: pie

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation pai

Definition 1. a pastry crust filled with meat, cheese, fruit, or other
filling, sometimes covered with a layer of crust, and baked in a shallow

Related Words tart , cobbler , cake

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation pai

Definition 1. the magpie.

Happy Writing ~~~~
