Free Thoughts~on One word...

RhymeFairy said:
My cup is empty,
like my life.
Refill me baby,
and don't forget
tha cream ~

;) :rose:

when I think of mother goose
thoughts go running wildly loose
of children running through the clothes on the line
dragging garters and bras across the sand castles
using panties for sling shots
and thongs as a pirate's eye patch
My Erotic Trail said:
when I think of mother goose
thoughts go running wildly loose
of children running through the clothes on the line
dragging garters and bras across the sand castles
using panties for sling shots
and thongs as a pirate's eye patch

This is too cute. I can just see all tha kiddy poohs playin and us, laughin our booties off at'm ~~

:D :nana:

RhymeFairy said:
This is too cute. I can just see all tha kiddy poohs playin and us, laughin our booties off at'm ~~

:D :nana:

For a minute there...thought you said "Boobies off"
Many Feathers said:
For a minute there...thought you said "Boobies off"

lmao ... ohhh tha visuals there eh ?

Ready to write? I can only try, seems I have a headache knockin on my backdoor ... :eek:

But I did write...

RhymeFairy said:
lmao ... ohhh tha visuals there eh ?

Ready to write? I can only try, seems I have a headache knockin on my backdoor ... :eek:


Thought you'd have enjoyed that one... :eek:
I enjoy cotton candy
and cotton sheets
flowing in the breeze.

Six sticky hands reach,
grab - tug'n run. Giggles
follow running feet

out back, through the woods.
Where life is a carnival
and time ... stands still.

... it's a start, more like a vision ~

I heard it
in his voice. The slow
let down of when.

there used to be times, I could read him
like a book. now, I sense the steady downpour
of tears passing after the phone goes dead.
when there is nothing left to be said but
I love you
I will always love you, but

what else is there to say, but
you saved me. when my life was turned upside wrong
you helped me put it right again. you
you helped me, be me

I have never tasted a love so pure
nor, will I again. but
I am a new person and I need more
than a phone call, a letter
let's wait till ...

this is my love poem to you. my
eternal, undying devotion of love.
you have it, have always had it


Spring or Summer, makes no difference.
The flowers, like love are in full bloom.

;) :rose:

New word?

Bud :

Syllables: bud

Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Phrases: nip in the bud

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation buhd

Definition 1. a swelling on a plant that can develop into new parts,
such as leaves or a flower.
Crossref. Syn. germ
Similar Words shoot , scion , protuberance , sprout , offshoot ,

Definition 2. in primitive animal organisms, a swelling or projecting growth
that can develop into a complete organism.
Crossref. Syn. germ
Similar Words outgrowth

Definition 3. any of various small, round parts, such as a taste bud.
Similar Words nodule , protuberance , taste bud , node

Definition 4. any person or thing that has not reached its mature state.
Similar Words kid , fledgling , child , baby

Related Words blossom , bloom

Phrase nip in the bud

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms budded, budding, buds

Definition 1. to develop or create buds.
Synonyms pullulate , burgeon
Similar Words germinate , sprout , flower , bloom

Definition 2. to grow.
Synonyms grow
Similar Words develop , sprout , burgeon , thrive , luxuriate , flourish ,

Related Words green , grow

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause to put forth buds.
Similar Words germinate , sprout , graft
Derived Forms budless, adj. ; budlike, adj.

Syllables: bud

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation buhd

Definition 1. (informal) used to address a male, usu. one whose name
is unknown and sometimes in a condescending or hostile tone.
Crossref. Syn. buddy
Similar Words buddy , mister {Mister}

Happy Writing ~~

My Erotic Trail said:
when I think of mother goose
thoughts go running wildly loose
of children running through the clothes on the line
dragging garters and bras across the sand castles
using panties for sling shots
and thongs as a pirate's eye patch

If you see my son wearing a thong as an eye patch, please don't let him go where anyone can see him! Talk about embarassing!!!
my heart is sore

budding eyes wide
I step into a mystical
future. holding nothing back,
I shall give it my all.

to do anything less
is shameful and I have made
this promise to myself :
no man shall ever
tread upon me or mine

a timid flower,
bruised from the rain.
I gather in nourishment
for the long days ahead.

nights find me, head bowed
not from defeat this time
but in blessed fascination
with renewed life.

this, my band-aid
shall keep me healthy
and happy. So I can share
my beauty with one
who deserves,
and me ...


OK, I tried writing. :rolleyes: Seems I need a couple more days of work with no sleep to get it right, lol

Hope everyone is well ~~

:rose: :kiss: ;) :cathappy:
She picked apart the bud
with well-trained fingers
leaving them sticky
with fragments of green and red,
and tiny perfect crystals.
I wanted to lick her fingers clean,
taste that sweet musky citrus
and her sweeter salty skin.
But, restraint is an inopportune visitor,
so I contented myself in smoking
at her side, and day dreaming
while staring at her hands.


(couldn't help myself. ;))
darkerdreamer said:
She picked apart the bud
with well-trained fingers
leaving them sticky
with fragments of green and red,
and tiny perfect crystals.
I wanted to lick her fingers clean,
taste that sweet musky citrus
and her sweeter salty skin.
But, restraint is an inopportune visitor,
so I contented myself in smoking
at her side, and day dreaming
while staring at her hands.


(couldn't help myself. ;))

I'm glad you couldn't. :kiss:

Feel free to drop by anytime ... :rose: ;)

Great imagery
with sweetness, rising to the top ...

Rainbow Buddies

As the base of one,
filaments of light
flow into bedrock
eyes of connections,
spinning webs
from sprouting seed
and destiny roots,
linking lengths
of all that is fruitful together,
tree band rainbows united.
RhymeFairy said:
Spring or Summer, makes no difference.
The flowers, like love are in full bloom.

;) :rose:

New word?

Bud :

Syllables: bud

Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Phrases: nip in the bud

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation buhd

Definition 1. a swelling on a plant that can develop into new parts,
such as leaves or a flower.
Crossref. Syn. germ
Similar Words shoot , scion , protuberance , sprout , offshoot ,

Definition 2. in primitive animal organisms, a swelling or projecting growth
that can develop into a complete organism.
Crossref. Syn. germ
Similar Words outgrowth

Definition 3. any of various small, round parts, such as a taste bud.
Similar Words nodule , protuberance , taste bud , node

Definition 4. any person or thing that has not reached its mature state.
Similar Words kid , fledgling , child , baby

Related Words blossom , bloom

Phrase nip in the bud

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms budded, budding, buds

Definition 1. to develop or create buds.
Synonyms pullulate , burgeon
Similar Words germinate , sprout , flower , bloom

Definition 2. to grow.
Synonyms grow
Similar Words develop , sprout , burgeon , thrive , luxuriate , flourish ,

Related Words green , grow

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to cause to put forth buds.
Similar Words germinate , sprout , graft
Derived Forms budless, adj. ; budlike, adj.

Syllables: bud

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation buhd

Definition 1. (informal) used to address a male, usu. one whose name
is unknown and sometimes in a condescending or hostile tone.
Crossref. Syn. buddy
Similar Words buddy , mister {Mister}

Happy Writing ~~


undressing her slowly,
anticipating sights unseen
he slips off her last article
of clothing

gently lying her on the bed
kisses begin
from the eyelids
going down agonizingly

around the breasts
his tounge goes
never touching the
pink buds
standing at attention

down to the navel
she takes a deep breath
as his tounge travels
exactly where
she always wanted it
listen here 'Bud'
in every child rearing book
there is a chapter on
bud nippin'

nip it
nip it
nip it
in the bud <shrug (~_~)
Insatiable :

Syllables: in-sa-tia-ble

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation ihn se shE bEl

Definition 1. incapable of being satisfied or fulfilled; extremely greedy.
Example insatiable desires.
Crossref. Syn. voracious , desperate

Related Words avid , greedy , rapacious

Derived Forms insatiability, n. ; insatiableness, n. ; insatiably, adv.


Quotes :

Everyone probably thinks that I'm a raving nymphomaniac, that I have an insatiable sexual appetite, when the truth is I'd rather read a book.

~~ Madonna (1991)

The sea has an enormous thirst and an insatiable appetite.

~~ French Proverb.

The fact that logic cannot satisfy us awakens an
almost insatiable hunger for the irrational.

~~ A. N. Wilson

Quote # 129 My life is one indivisible whole, and all my activities run into one another, and they all have their rise in my insatiable love of mankind.

~~ Ghandi

"I am Insatiable, I can never be satisfied. It is my gift, my curse."

~ Star Wars

I believe that if I rid myself of insatiable cravings, lusts, paranoia, deep-seated anger and ill-will towards others, I'll be a much better person.

~~ Chuck Lorre

What say ... you? ;) :D

Happy Writing ~

RhymeFairy said:
Insatiable :

Syllables: in-sa-tia-ble

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation ihn se shE bEl

Definition 1. incapable of being satisfied or fulfilled; extremely greedy.
Example insatiable desires.
Crossref. Syn. voracious , desperate

Related Words avid , greedy , rapacious

Derived Forms insatiability, n. ; insatiableness, n. ; insatiably, adv.


Quotes :

Everyone probably thinks that I'm a raving nymphomaniac, that I have an insatiable sexual appetite, when the truth is I'd rather read a book.

~~ Madonna (1991)

The sea has an enormous thirst and an insatiable appetite.

~~ French Proverb.

The fact that logic cannot satisfy us awakens an
almost insatiable hunger for the irrational.

~~ A. N. Wilson

Quote # 129 My life is one indivisible whole, and all my activities run into one another, and they all have their rise in my insatiable love of mankind.

~~ Ghandi

"I am Insatiable, I can never be satisfied. It is my gift, my curse."

~ Star Wars

I believe that if I rid myself of insatiable cravings, lusts, paranoia, deep-seated anger and ill-will towards others, I'll be a much better person.

~~ Chuck Lorre

What say ... you? ;) :D

Happy Writing ~


An insatiable appetite
he wakes all through the night
to fill his ever hungry need
going to great lengths to feed

So very tired from no rest
she tried to do her very best
to keep him happy and satisfied
but couldn't, no matter how she tried

Up and down all night long
moans and growls were their song
between the sheets he never tired
his libido was always wired

Her friends laughed at her complaints
wishing they had similar fates
to be kept up all night long
playing a passionate song
we dream

of days, tenders moments
spent, alone. hand in hand
body to body
lips seek, asking permission
to stumble back
down memory lane, for one more peck
on passions double plated, stained
rose glass window pains of yesterdays love.
all the while getting lost
inside our insatiable need of the eager
here and now, take me, love me.
help me remember what it's like to feel
outside this numb, gnome home I currently
reside in ...


ya'll have to forgive. had a minor accident this pm
and one pain med ... has me scruff and rubbed
around the edges.


RhymeFairy said:
we dream

of days, tenders moments
spent, alone. hand in hand
body to body
lips seek, asking permission
to stumble back
down memory lane, for one more peck
on passions double plated, stained
rose glass window pains of yesterdays love.
all the while getting lost
inside our insatiable need of the eager
here and now, take me, love me.
help me remember what it's like to feel
outside this numb, gnome home I currently
reside in ...


ya'll have to forgive. had a minor accident this pm
and one pain med ... has me scruff and rubbed
around the edges.


You need to PM me girl! :kiss:
Many Feathers said:
You need to PM me girl! :kiss:

It might help, to follow the trail of bread crumbs I leave behind. For those whom love and help support, I leave to thee...

:heart: :kiss: *hugss*
Hey you...

RhymeFairy said:
It might help, to follow the trail of bread crumbs I leave behind. For those whom love and help support, I leave to thee...

:heart: :kiss: *hugss*

So what happened???????????????????????????????? :kiss:

Emerald hummingbirds
fly to the moon
a million flutters
lie within ochre dreams
of Shekina's childhood
and my own insatiable need
to be free.
Last edited:
RhymeFairy said:
we dream

of days, tenders moments
spent, alone. hand in hand
body to body
lips seek, asking permission
to stumble back
down memory lane, for one more peck
on passions double plated, stained
rose glass window pains of yesterdays love.
all the while getting lost
inside our insatiable need of the eager
here and now, take me, love me.
help me remember what it's like to feel
outside this numb, gnome home I currently
reside in ...


ya'll have to forgive. had a minor accident this pm
and one pain med ... has me scruff and rubbed
around the edges.


filled with great images and powerful emotions... as always I love your writes sweetie. My heart says you need some one to tell you how special you are... just so you know it... you are a wonderful supportive and all around fantastic woman and person. Blessings du :nana:
I'm off today and have spent all day ( till now ) with my daughter. We coerced her boyfriend :D into going thrifting with us lmao ~~ :nana:

Now, time to do the laundry, before the prince turns into a pumpkin :eek: ;) :p

Will be back and tell ALLLL my news ...
