Free Thoughts~on One word...


the kids will go to bed.
I will try to sustain,
from the sandmans
reagal calling.

Perhaps, I shall a sneak
down the hall
to the deserted room,
where no one sleeps
and batteries
are in abundance ~~


Thanks MF for the idea ~~ :nana:

(not that haven't done it before :p ,
just haven't written about it )


It is not something looked for,
that slow easy snuggling,
The curtains billow
in twilight's breeze,
the cat's silhouette
mingles with the trees.
The heat of the night
passes unseen, unfelt,
wildsweetone said:

It is not something looked for,
that slow easy snuggling,
The curtains billow
in twilight's breeze,
the cat's silhouette
mingles with the trees.
The heat of the night
passes unseen, unfelt,

I'm here off and on and see what I miss when I'm not ... :(

Helllllooooo Sweets ~~!!! I like this poem. Very easy flow that pulls images out of thin air. Also, has a sensual feel to it. Very nice pen here ~~~ Thanks lil lady for stopping by. Not many do that oft on this thread, ..... :rose:

RhymeFairy said:
I'm here off and on and see what I miss when I'm not ... :(

Helllllooooo Sweets ~~!!! I like this poem. Very easy flow that pulls images out of thin air. Also, has a sensual feel to it. Very nice pen here ~~~ Thanks lil lady for stopping by. Not many do that oft on this thread, ..... :rose:


thank you RF. glad you like the poem. just a little one to help get my muse flowing after not feeling so well. doing great now though (apart from side effects from medication that is very nearly worse than the problem itself lol there's gotta be a poem in that ;) )

i might not post here often these days but i am still writing a lot and i am still reading lots, so don't think that i miss your writings.

and hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii back at you :)

wildsweetone said:
thank you RF. glad you like the poem. just a little one to help get my muse flowing after not feeling so well. doing great now though (apart from side effects from medication that is very nearly worse than the problem itself lol there's gotta be a poem in that ;) )

i might not post here often these days but i am still writing a lot and i am still reading lots, so don't think that i miss your writings.

and hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii back at you :)


Funny you mention medication. :rolleyes: That's one of my problems these days, it seems. I had stopped taking mine for a while and now I have to get back on it. I hate taking meds and just when I think it's OK to stop, I get waylaid by something. Grrrrrr, so my friend, I do understand the unusual side effects and reasoning behind being on or off it. :rolleyes: I'm guessing that's why my writing is or has been so sporadic as of late ~~

~~~ carry on with your writing my friends, just had to pop in here for a moment, lol


New word :::::: ;)

Sporadic :

Syllables: spo-rad-ic

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation spE rae dihk

Definition 1. occurring irregularly or in a thinly scattered manner in
time or space.
Example sporadic gunfire ; sporadic outbreaks of a disease.
Crossref. Syn. periodic , erratic , occasional

Related Words infrequent , occasional , fitful

Derived Forms sporadically, adv.

Happy Writing ~~


close your eyes
and keep still.
the wind is picking up,
and light is deepening.
gather the dust
on your wrist
for it is our birthday.
when shadows crawl
the walls up to
the ceiling, i will
join you, and we'll have
tea till the waves
come crashing in.
sellthecookie said:

close your eyes
and keep still.
the wind is picking up,
and light is deepening.
gather the dust
on your wrist
for it is our birthday.
when shadows crawl
the walls up to
the ceiling, i will
join you, and we'll have
tea till the waves
come crashing in.

Cookie friend ,

I love this poem. I know I say that a lot to everyone here and it is always true. There is always something that "touches" me in a poem when I say that ... as for this poem. I love the whole thing. It has a magical, mystical feel to it. Kinda like slow sweet fingers, slowly creeping up ones back. Very erotic with a sweet sexy feel.

I would submit, just for these reasons, just saying ~~ Kudo's my friend and Thank you for stopping by and writing with me ~~

:rose: :rose:

Sporadic are the moods I'm in,
flying high then low.

A valum or a hit of speed?
I know which not to go.

Sometimes the pain is tolerable
sometimes it goes away

Just like the future I wonder on
will I have another day?

I flip through photos of memories
and wonder as I do.

Will those who come behind me now
know these I kept of you?

Will they frown and toss away
the precious thoughts I kept.

Or will they know the hard felt pain
and nights I sat and wept?

Will I finally put away
these memories that I keep

Will they go, forever more
when at last I pass to sleep?

Sporadic are my thoughts these days
as I travel too and fro,

To laugh, to cry to shout in anger
which face will I now show?

It matters not, not really,
sporadic as it seems,

Like fragment pieces and puzzles
are these my nightmares dreams.
RhymeFairy said:
Cookie friend ,

.... and Thank you for stopping by and writing with me ~~

:rose: :rose:

hey thanks rhymefairy:)

im glad you liked it. yes , i noticed you do say you admire this and that poem always, but i / we believe you.

i liked what you said in your last line, "stopping by and writing with me". as if we we were in gradeschool sharing an armchair writing together. :)
Many Feathers said:

Sporadic are the moods I'm in,
flying high then low.

A valum or a hit of speed?
I know which not to go.

Sometimes the pain is tolerable
sometimes it goes away

Just like the future I wonder on
will I have another day?

I flip through photos of memories
and wonder as I do.

Will those who come behind me now
know these I kept of you?

Will they frown and toss away
the precious thoughts I kept.

Or will they know the hard felt pain
and nights I sat and wept?

Will I finally put away
these memories that I keep

Will they go, forever more
when at last I pass to sleep?

Sporadic are my thoughts these days
as I travel too and fro,

To laugh, to cry to shout in anger
which face will I now show?

It matters not, not really,
sporadic as it seems,

Like fragment pieces and puzzles
are these my nightmares dreams.

I love how you stepped out with this one Rick ... The rhyme and flow are a bit different but the real meaning speaks loud and clear my friend. That last stanza, speaks volumes and I love it !!! :rose:

My sporadic poem is a bit slow in coming but I shall return this pm and write till I drop, I am sooo in the mood ;) :catroar:

I already know the next word if your interested. Beamer let it slip on Free Thoughts Four Walls and I'm grabbing up with both hands, growwwlllllllllllllll ;)

"Anticipation" .... go with it my friends~~

Have a great one ............ :rose: :kiss:

RhymeFairy said:
Funny you mention medication. :rolleyes: That's one of my problems these days, it seems. I had stopped taking mine for a while and now I have to get back on it. I hate taking meds and just when I think it's OK to stop, I get waylaid by something. Grrrrrr, so my friend, I do understand the unusual side effects and reasoning behind being on or off it. :rolleyes: I'm guessing that's why my writing is or has been so sporadic as of late ~~

~~~ carry on with your writing my friends, just had to pop in here for a moment, lol


New word :::::: ;)

Sporadic :

Syllables: spo-rad-ic

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation spE rae dihk

Definition 1. occurring irregularly or in a thinly scattered manner in
time or space.
Example sporadic gunfire ; sporadic outbreaks of a disease.
Crossref. Syn. periodic , erratic , occasional

Related Words infrequent , occasional , fitful

Derived Forms sporadically, adv.

Happy Writing ~~


sporadic words
from a tempered heart
unravels time
Hey RF...

FYI, that story I told you about has posted. Fitting that it will probably be my last one no? :)
Good Morning my friends. New word ?

Anticipation :

Syllables: an-tic-i-pa-tion

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation aen tI sE pe shEn

Definition 1. the act or process of anticipating.
Synonyms expectation , expecting {expect } , anticipating
{anticipate } , expectancy
Similar Words envisioning {envision} , fulfillment , forestalling
{forestall} , prediction , prevention

Definition 2. expectation or hope.
Synonyms expectation
Crossref. Syn. prospect , hope
Similar Words hopefulness {hopeful} , prospect , hope

Definition 3. foreknowledge; intuition.
Synonyms presentiment , foreknowledge , intuition
Similar Words prescience , foreboding , premonition

Related Words precedence , enthusiasm , future , calculation ,
trust , presumption

Sorry about the MIA. Between work, family and unforeseen headaches I have been super busy AND laid out ... comatose. :rolleyes: Hoping everyone is OK and doing well. :rose:

Now, for those of us who feel the need to write, feel free to let it ALL hang out ;) We have a lot of useful words above and I foresee a lot of play with this new word, lol ~~

Happy Happy ~~~

:rose: :kiss: :)
I, the lil crab
crawl out from underneath
a darkened shell. finding peace
in the arms of being tied
to my one.

anticipation, was not foreseen.
I did, catch a glimpse of his southern
charm. he had me hooked
line and sinker. Now, time to

sprawl out, full body wide
weather permitting,
to lie in his arms,
in dreams of what's to come.
while trusting, the waves
not to crash and burn ...

:rose: :heart: :kiss:
Good Morning ... :rose:

Time moves fast my friends. As summer sashays on through, let us take time to

Ponder :

Syllables: pon-der

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation pan dEr

Inflected Forms pondered, pondering, ponders

Definition 1. to think about something deeply and carefully; meditate.
Synonyms contemplate , study , reflect , meditate , muse , mull

Crossref. Syn. deliberate , consider , think , ruminate , cogitate
Similar Words deliberate , cerebrate , think , ruminate , cogitate ,

Related Words wonder , reason , puzzle , speculate , decide

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to consider carefully; deliberate about.
Synonyms deliberate , think , meditate , cogitate , ruminate ,
weigh , study , mull , contemplate
Crossref. Syn. chew , debate , revolve
Similar Words consider , cerebrate

Related Words deal , regard , balance , wonder , view , entertain ,
reason , digest

life. We all do it on a daily ( if not momentary ) basis. Come, sit a spell and feel the soft wind, curling around your entire body. Settle down, beneath the old oak tree out back, on your favorite blanket. Book and water bottle in hand, take this day to ponder on things to come. Come, dream with me ... my friend.

Happy Writing ~~

RhymeFairy said:
Good Morning ... :rose:

Time moves fast my friends. As summer sashays on through, let us take time to

Ponder :

Syllables: pon-der

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation pan dEr

Inflected Forms pondered, pondering, ponders

Definition 1. to think about something deeply and carefully; meditate.
Synonyms contemplate , study , reflect , meditate , muse , mull

Crossref. Syn. deliberate , consider , think , ruminate , cogitate
Similar Words deliberate , cerebrate , think , ruminate , cogitate ,

Related Words wonder , reason , puzzle , speculate , decide

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to consider carefully; deliberate about.
Synonyms deliberate , think , meditate , cogitate , ruminate ,
weigh , study , mull , contemplate
Crossref. Syn. chew , debate , revolve
Similar Words consider , cerebrate

Related Words deal , regard , balance , wonder , view , entertain ,
reason , digest

life. We all do it on a daily ( if not momentary ) basis. Come, sit a spell and feel the soft wind, curling around your entire body. Settle down, beneath the old oak tree out back, on your favorite blanket. Book and water bottle in hand, take this day to ponder on things to come. Come, dream with me ... my friend.

Happy Writing ~~


What ??? No takers?? Thought this was a poetry board. :devil: :( Better be carefulll, this fairy has a mean bite when she gets *dissssed.

Kids are asleep still, I might just be for trying this one out now .. ;) :p

writing did not used to be so tough.

I wrote of fantasies, heats desires
and flew above with the lurkers
to stand watch, on all my lovely

I stepped back, mixed up
in green emotions while all the greats,
one by one lined up to take their slice,
of poetic pie. served with lust, eroticism

fed them all by. tongue to spoon,
tasting the remains of the last single serving
of slip and dip dessert, left me
craving more.

RhymeFairy said:
Good Morning ... :rose:

Time moves fast my friends. As summer sashays on through, let us take time to

Ponder :

Syllables: pon-der

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation pan dEr

Inflected Forms pondered, pondering, ponders

Definition 1. to think about something deeply and carefully; meditate.
Synonyms contemplate , study , reflect , meditate , muse , mull

Crossref. Syn. deliberate , consider , think , ruminate , cogitate
Similar Words deliberate , cerebrate , think , ruminate , cogitate ,

Related Words wonder , reason , puzzle , speculate , decide

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to consider carefully; deliberate about.
Synonyms deliberate , think , meditate , cogitate , ruminate ,
weigh , study , mull , contemplate
Crossref. Syn. chew , debate , revolve
Similar Words consider , cerebrate

Related Words deal , regard , balance , wonder , view , entertain ,
reason , digest

life. We all do it on a daily ( if not momentary ) basis. Come, sit a spell and feel the soft wind, curling around your entire body. Settle down, beneath the old oak tree out back, on your favorite blanket. Book and water bottle in hand, take this day to ponder on things to come. Come, dream with me ... my friend.

Happy Writing ~~


on my anticipation (~_~)
Sometimes, one word leads to another ...

Green :

Syllables: green

Parts of speech: noun , adjective , intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation grin
Definition 1. the color of emeralds or of young, growing foliage; the
color lying between yellow and blue on the spectrum.
Similar Words kelly green , sea green , emerald , chartreuse , pea
green , olive , aqua , jade , aquamarine

Definition 2. something that is green in color.
Similar Words verdure
Definition 3. someone who wears the color green or a group identified
by this color.
Example The greens are playing the blues today.

Definition 4. a grassy area.
Example We played croquet on the green.
Synonyms lawn
Similar Words heath , sword , golf course , greensward , common ,

Definition 5. (pl.) green, often leafy foliage or vegetables.
Example One needs greens in the diet.
Synonyms greenery
Similar Words salad , foliage , vegetables

Definition 6. (slang) money.
Synonyms money , greenbacks , silver
Crossref. Syn. scratch
Similar Words cash

Related Words top , produce , lawn , money , note

Part of Speech adjective

Inflected Forms greener, greenest

Definition 1. of or pertaining to the color green.
Synonyms viridescent , verdant
Crossref. Syn. bilious
Similar Words olive

Definition 2. full of or covered with greenery or foliage.
Example green hills.
Synonyms verdant , verdurous
Similar Words grassy , foliate , leafy

Definition 3. made with green leafy vegetables.
Example a green salad.
Similar Words vegetable

Definition 4. not fully mature; unripe.
Example green bananas.
Synonyms unripe
Crossref. Syn. immature
Similar Words immature

Definition 5. lacking in experience; untrained.
Synonyms inexperienced {inexperience} , raw , immature , callow
Crossref. Syn. naive , tender
Similar Words naive , crude , untrained {train (vt)} , unseasoned
{season (vt)} , gullible , innocent , new , ingenuous , unskilled

Definition 6. young and full of life.
Synonyms coltish , young
Crossref. Syn. tender
Similar Words lively , vigorous , growing {grow (vt)} , frisky

Definition 7. sickly looking; pale.
Example You look a little green today.
Synonyms sickly
Crossref. Syn. off-color , bilious
Similar Words pallid , ghastly , under the weather {weather (PHR)} ,

Related Words unsophisticated , lush , childish , juvenile , young ,
infantile , ignorant , guileless , sick , adolescent

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms greened, greening, greens

Definition 1. to make or become green.
Similar Words burgeon , sprout (vi) , bud1 (vi)

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms greened, greening, greens

Definition 1. to make or become green.
Similar Words burgeon , sprout (vi) , bud1 (vi)

Derived Forms greenish, adj. ; greenly, n. ; greenness, n.

I'm not thinking color, but ... imagery, emotion -- just a thought. Have fun with this one. Maybe think on it yourself for a bit ...

Happy Writing ~~

my mother has a green thumb

she oft takes it
for a stroll
down the lanes
to where good gardeners

planting everything
with hope and spice.
spitting out spores
another roll
of her dice.

some grow big and large
from love. while others stay
small, with patience
from her glove.

this is the way
of her life, and this,
is why father
made her his wife ...


Silly lil rhyme but it works ... a bit, lol

Have a great one my friends. Now I really am off to work ~~

So I was very green to think
that sisterhood would see us thru
colours that you've shown today
black on black are what suit you.
Good evening ....

A friend brought this new word to mind .....

Flex :

Syllables: flex

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , transitive verb

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation flehks
Inflected Forms flexed, flexing, flexes

Definition 1. to bend, often repeatedly.

Definition 2. to contract, as a muscle that moves a joint.

Related Words contract , bend

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation flehks
Inflected Forms flexed, flexing, flexes
Definition 1. to bend, often repeatedly.
Definition 2. to contract, as a muscle that moves a joint.

Related Words turn , contract , bow , tone , supple , bend

~~~~ ........ ~~~~~~~

Main Entry: flex
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: bend
Synonyms: angle, bend, contract, crook, curve, lean, mold, ply, spring,
stretch, tighten, tilt, yield
Antonyms: straighten

Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)
Copyright © 2007 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: bend
Part of Speech: verb 1
Definition: curve
Synonyms: angle away, angle off, arch, bow, buckle, camber, careen,
circle, contort, crimp, crinkle, crook, crouch, curl, deflect, deform, detour,
double, droop, flex, genuflect, hook, incline, incurvate, lean, loop, pervert,
round, spiral, stoop, swerve, tilt, turn, twist, veer, verge, warp, waver,
wilt, wind, yaw, zigzag
Antonyms: align, square, straighten

Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)
Copyright © 2007 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: crook
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: bend
Synonyms: angle, bow, curve, flex, fork, hook, meander, notch,
round, slither, snake, wind, zigzag

Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)
Copyright © 2007 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved

Main Entry: give
Part of Speech: verb 4
Definition: yield
Synonyms: allow, bend, bow to, break, cave, cede, collapse, concede,
contract, crumble, crumple, devote, fail, fall, flex, fold, fold up, give way,
go, grant, hand over, lend, open, recede, relax, relent, relinquish, retire,
retreat, sag, shrink, sink, slacken, surrender, weaken
Antonyms: hold on

Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)
Copyright © 2007 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Happpppy Witing ~~

This heat is sapping me.

As the day progresses I feel
it seeping in, slacking body movements
down to near nothing. Breathing in
this chest cold causes me to near faint
from hot attacks of lung and heart.
When will it cease, go from frailness
to electrified energy within the walls
of this bronchial infested volcano ...


I want you and you know it. That's why
you feel my breath in the morning, sinking in
down your spine, softly blowing
blending bodies into motion while minds
digress replaying olden times.

I share this twin pain to ever after, till
the end. Let me feel, hope and even dream
that it is you, there beside me
in the dark. When loneliness turns its head
and winks out worry for my day has been completed.
My time is here and now,

with you
my love, my life. I share everything
every moment, but is it now we want
or what used to be? Is love this burning desire to
shake you down and have my wicked wicked way
or is lust paying his weekly visit. Tell me
are you in love with that image

of what was, or what is
before your eyes, in the light of day
in all her glory, wrinkles, gray hairs, curlers
and houseshoes. Or this magical,
mythical vamp, that visits only in darkness
to stake claim to brazen skin
and all that's within ...
