Free Thoughts~on One word...

Hey sweetie

RhymeFairy said:
I'm off today and have spent all day ( till now ) with my daughter. We coerced her boyfriend :D into going thrifting with us lmao ~~ :nana:

Now, time to do the laundry, before the prince turns into a pumpkin :eek: ;) :p

Will be back and tell ALLLL my news ...


Have news too...though mines not so good. But please...tell me what happened to you anyway?
Many Feathers said:
Have news too...though mines not so good. But please...tell me what happened to you anyway?

I love that new av of yours !!! ;)

If you wanna chat, try my new thread Free Thoughts~Four Walls in my siggy ~ :kiss: I would love to catch up with you, if not, you can always email me, I'm all ears, well there is more to me than ears ;)

So who's up for a new word? :D

( Looking for a new word, will be around. Unless someone wants to jump in there/here with one? ~ )


RhymeFairy said:
I love that new av of yours !!! ;)

If you wanna chat, try my new thread Free Thoughts~Four Walls in my siggy ~ :kiss: I would love to catch up with you, if not, you can always email me, I'm all ears, well there is more to me than ears ;)

So who's up for a new word? :D

( Looking for a new word, will be around. Unless someone wants to jump in there/here with one? ~ )


Yeah, ran across that AV a while back. Sort of a mixture of what I hope, my feelings and a bit of the past. So its a very fitting AV at the moment. Anyway...found your other thread and posted. :kiss:
Found a new word. Don't think this one has been used here before :D


Syllables: neu-rot-ic

Parts of speech: adjective , noun

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation nE ra tihk

Definition 1. of or involving a neurosis.
Example a neurotic condition.

Synonyms psychoneurotic {psychoneurosis}

Similar Words neurasthenic {neurasthenia} , depressive

Definition 2. suffering from or affected by a neurosis.
Example a neurotic person ; neurotic behavior.

Synonyms unstable , overwrought , disturbed

Similar Words irrational , obsessive , hysteric , anxious , fixated
{fixate } , mental , phobic {phobia} , compulsive , distraught , maladjusted

Related Words nervous , sick

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. a person afflicted with a neurosis.
Synonyms hysteric , psychoneurotic {psychoneurosis}
Similar Words manic-depressive

Derived Forms neurotically, adv. ; neuroticism, n.

Happppy Writing ~~


one day turns, erotically twist
into another. work leaves me tired from lifting,
chatting, remembering orders, soon to be forgotten
all for, a lil peace and quiet.

finding myself home, some way, somehow.
the evening starts with kids wanting supper
baths, and a lil play time. our family time is,
at it's best, the picture that dreams
are made of. only at this time, seemingly
neurotic nightmares, make more sense.

no alone time, just for me time. just day after day
week after week, here. here to do everything,
for everyone.

alone in my mind, at night. after all are tucked in,
prayers are said and silence is golden. I make lists
in my head, awaiting the new day to start again.
when my lids start to tucker out, I remember.
I'm safe, the kids are happy and all is well. I know
this alone, is enough, but it's not. it's just

I seem to always be alone in my head but in reality
I'm surrounded by so many, who care and love me.
there are a few who would love to care for me,
and even some who love me beyond life, but I always
stand alone. waiting for my time, to be alone ...


sounds like a need a vacation eh ~ ;)

a lil twist on the word but it still means the same eh ~

your right

I do get sad
but mostly lonely.
I'm drawn back in time. when things
seemed a lil more simple and the pulling
on my heartstrings oft gave 'way
to erotic dances, soft pillow talk
and midday romancing
in the streets.

when one touches love, there is no
going back after the rain. I have felt
her tongue, lightly salting me, as if
to taste, sink her teeth in and draw back
with flesh still hooked from neck
to navel.

she whispers her ghostly warning in forked tongues
with toothpick indentions. her intention
is to ward away the thunder, to save face
and softly land in fields of cream
and sugar.

her lust for life begs, to be taken for a ride.
long into the night and not forgetting that day
turn, to night. nights that are to be shared
together. side by side, relinquishing everything
to the other. knowing it will come back
twin fold, to have and hold. a never ending ring
of love, companionship and lust.

this is my dream. this is what I fight for. this
is why, night after night
day after day
I wait,
one day. one day ....

Both of these...

RhymeFairy said:
your right

I do get sad
but mostly lonely.
I'm drawn back in time. when things
seemed a lil more simple and the pulling
on my heartstrings oft gave 'way
to erotic dances, soft pillow talk
and midday romancing
in the streets.

when one touches love, there is no
going back after the rain. I have felt
her tongue, lightly salting me, as if
to taste, sink her teeth in and draw back
with flesh still hooked from neck
to navel.

she whispers her ghostly warning in forked tongues
with toothpick indentions. her intention
is to ward away the thunder, to save face
and softly land in fields of cream
and sugar.

her lust for life begs, to be taken for a ride.
long into the night and not forgetting that day
turn, to night. nights that are to be shared
together. side by side, relinquishing everything
to the other. knowing it will come back
twin fold, to have and hold. a never ending ring
of love, companionship and lust.

this is my dream. this is what I fight for. this
is why, night after night
day after day
I wait,
one day. one day ....


Are sentiments, life that (God only knows why) are the twin of yours, and you. It's like having a sister, wife, sweetheart, friend with benefits, close stranger, once met passerby...all rolled into one that has shared my life in some strange parallel universe that ends up being a chapter in a "Voyager Episode" dealing with the space time continuum, and how things get fucked up and I go from being the girl (you) to the guy (me) and I have to learn to not only accept that, but accept I have to feel the emotions of both. (Not that thats a bad thing) but I do. So in some ways RF, whether you believe it or not (and I'm begining to) you're me, and I'm you, and I'm learning to not only accept that on top of everything else, but that I find it sort of comy too. Sort of like having a close friend along for the ride even though I keep praying for someone to come along and send me back to the future. But...I digress.


Oh...and having said all this. I think that proves I really am...neurotic
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Good morning my friends ... :rose:

Bird :

Syllables: bird
Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb
Phrases: birds of a feather , kill two birds with one stone

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation buhrd

Definition 1. a warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrate animal with
wings and feathers, which usu. has the ability to fly.

Definition 2. (informal) an odd person.

Definition 3. (slang) a contemptuous noise made with the mouth;

Related Words cardinal , jeer

Phrase birds of a feather

Phrase kill two birds with one stone

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms birded, birding, birds

Definition 1. to view birds in their natural surroundings.

Definition 2. to hunt or catch birds.

Derived Forms birdlike, adj.


Do we have any bird watchers out there? Every morning I watch my feeder, these lil mites amaze me and at times, they are too funny ~

Happy Writing ~~

I give thee, the bird
for what else could compare, to bring out
such misery. I drink while standing
awaiting a new day. These slopes are barren
from wasted days. I peekaboo you,
in the cold
well, warm night air.

see you standing, so tall
and gracefully ready to fill me up
with all your poetic
but I fly off the handle, without
a moment to spare. Knowing you watch
in utter despair.

nesting my eggs with diligence and love,
if only, if only
I could fly,
to my love.


home at last, I sink, slink on in.
to have a moment, an hour or so.
to replay memories, of you
and I.

another takes your place
you see, so wonderfully.
he is not you, never will be.
I'm drunk on the love
that used
to be.
Well well...

RhymeFairy said:
I give thee, the bird
for what else could compare, to bring out
such misery. I drink while standing
awaiting a new day. These slopes are barren
from wasted days. I peekaboo you,
in the cold
well, warm night air.

see you standing, so tall
and gracefully ready to fill me up
with all your poetic
but I fly off the handle, without
a moment to spare. Knowing you watch
in utter despair.

nesting my eggs with diligence and love,
if only, if only
I could fly,
to my love.


home at last, I sink, slink on in.
to have a moment, an hour or so.
to replay memories, of you
and I.

another takes your place
you see, so wonderfully.
he is not you, never will be.
I'm drunk on the love
that used
to be.

My sexy muse is off today it seems. Wish I could stay and play, but have ANOTHER &%#(&*)^ Dr's appointment to go to here shortly. :( ready for another question? :D And I think it's your turn to ask. :)
Many Feathers said:
My sexy muse is off today it seems. Wish I could stay and play, but have ANOTHER &%#(&*)^ Dr's appointment to go to here shortly. :( ready for another question? :D And I think it's your turn to ask. :)

I want naughty.
I want cream.
I want a man,
in bed with me.

No man will do, except
my phantom love.
He comes in dreams
and fits like a glove.

On his knees,
while I drain him dry.
Kissing his head,
till I reach his pie.

Slap his ass,
tweaking his nipples
feel his cock inside
riding through ripples.

Harder, harder I grind,
to reach my peak.
Sit'n spin
till I start to leak.

Moaning, groaning
as I climb the walls.
My fingers still combing,
rubbing his balls.

Together we crash
amid kisses and praying
for another hard fuck.
With no delaying ...


time for a nap ... or sometihing like it .... ;) :catroar:

question ... will be on it's way, this evening. :kiss:

RhymeFairy said:
I want naughty.
I want cream.
I want a man,
in bed with me.

No man will do, except
my phantom love.
He comes in dreams
and fits like a glove.

On his knees,
while I drain him dry.
Kissing his head,
till I reach his pie.

Slap his ass,
tweaking his nipples
feel his cock inside
riding through ripples.

Harder, harder I grind,
to reach my peak.
Sit'n spin
till I start to leak.

Moaning, groaning
as I climb the walls.
My fingers still combing,
rubbing his balls.

Together we crash
amid kisses and praying
for another hard fuck.
With no delaying ...


time for a nap ... or something like it .... ;) :catroar:

question ... will be on it's way, this evening. :kiss:


Dreams so to be that finger
to fit tight within her soft glove.
Poised, touching tease, I linger,
entry cum with but a shove.

Would eagle be a singer
soaring through his bliss above.
Having hit, scored a ringer
Hot lust o'ertaking love.

Easy strikes, pierced with stinger,
she bird swallowed when he drove
taking all from her bringer.
Treasure buried deep, her trove.

:nana: :devil: :nana:

:kiss: :rose:
Last edited:
RhymeFairy said:
Good morning my friends ... :rose:

Bird :

Syllables: bird
Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb
Phrases: birds of a feather , kill two birds with one stone

Part of Speech noun
Pronunciation buhrd

Definition 1. a warm-blooded, egg-laying vertebrate animal with
wings and feathers, which usu. has the ability to fly.

Definition 2. (informal) an odd person.

Definition 3. (slang) a contemptuous noise made with the mouth;

Related Words cardinal , jeer

Phrase birds of a feather

Phrase kill two birds with one stone

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms birded, birding, birds

Definition 1. to view birds in their natural surroundings.

Definition 2. to hunt or catch birds.

Derived Forms birdlike, adj.


Do we have any bird watchers out there? Every morning I watch my feeder, these lil mites amaze me and at times, they are too funny ~

Happy Writing ~~


4. Fig.: A girl; a maiden.
English usage.

I watch this kind of bird! :devil: :cool: :p
MaverickMan said:
Dreams so to be that finger
to fit tight within her soft glove.
Poised, touching tease, I linger,
entry cum with but a shove.

Would eagle be a singer
soaring through his bliss above.
Having hit, scored a ringer
Hot lust o'ertaking love.

Easy strikes, pierced with stinger,
she bird swallowed when he drove
taking all from her bringer.
Treasure buried deep, her trove.

:nana: :devil: :nana:

:kiss: :rose:

Love the rythm here ... :rose: :devil:

A few of my writes across the threads the last week or so ...



he fills me with hope

that maybe there is life, after
the death
of a heart broken, stampeded
beyond repair.

taking baby steps forward. I silently watch,
await the manipulation, cruelty and coercion
of past mistakes, to pull me back
into the eternal void of nothingness
that always

awaits me, on the edge of reality.
where darkness falls and eats at me
cell by cell, till there's nothing left
but the waifily ghost, of who I used
to be.


Fathers Day

my real dad
was never there, except :

to wrapped up and drunk from booze, he never
understood, what he would loose.
my mother paid his child support, from another child
born, before their union. then along came two, who
he also, refused to care about.

then, a new dad :

he was there, when another
to be.

stepping in to buy shoes
for two lil urchins
who refused, to give him
a chance.

hard life knocks, opened the door
to a new family, a new
man. to be husband, father
closest confidant
to a tabby hair pixie, who
never saw beyond her real fathers

but he did it. one moment, one day
at a time. when soft smiles
and easy laughs
led to a life time of memories
to share and hold dear.

:rolleyes: just thinking out loud


Originally Posted by wildsweetone

In your deepest dream
I'll come to you.
Call me Mrs Bobbit.

Beaware :

she cums in the night
without you,
in sight.

Aloof and wondering,
just who, your with
this time.


three words thread :

Title : a

sounds nice


You are one of a kind, the kind
that comes along once in a lifetime,
unfortunately, I cannot catch
and release the demons
deep inside that reside, only
to take my breath and my heart
with each second
upon the ever evolving carousel
of time.


Each turning
of her axis leaves him spinning
outta control. Lost
in the wanting need
of her double rimmed smile,
he blushes in content.

Strawberry allusions kept hidden
under wraps of blue bikini
brief elastic, rub his intuition
into over drive.

This pluto is but a memory now,
shed from the history
from planet to mere star. Shining
her light
for millions to see.

I would not hurt you
for the world,
but as you caught glimpse of,
sometimes things
places, were just not meant
to be.

A shining planet, turned a mere speck
of illusion, into disillusion
and confusion.


I think this now
but then in that one moment
all I wanted was to wrap fingers
and arms around lean hips
sweet, glistening lips
and pursue my wildest, wickedest
dreams. But

life has a way
of playing tricks on hearts still wounded
from the gaping whole
left from the same one

I wouldn't hurt
for the world. This is
my good-bye, to our love poem.
Please take it,
with all my love
and let me fly free.
You know, it's what we both need
to overcome
and heal. Hurt no more, I forgive
and forget. Now
can you say the same?


my head is pounding.

I cannot wait
till life moves forward with flourish
and fascination.

I shall walk the halls, head erect
warding off bad vibes, to cross
the finish line
and end this nightmare
that has shadowed my coattails from days
on end.

she wished to consume my life
only to find
she hated the taste of lemons.


another worn page turned.
creased at the edges of time, I carry this legend.
to cross lines, I linger on words spoken
as well as written. skim across characters,
created from my life. observation of their craft
has taught me, so well. I learn to walk tall
as I spread my wings, to begin a new flight.


I like to post my poetry here to keep a running log of it, jus sayin'

Ya'll have a great one ~~~~~~~~~~~~

New word ::::::: ;) :cool:

Heat :

Syllables: heat

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation hit

Definition 1. the state of being very warm; hotness.
Synonyms hotness {hot }
Crossref. Syn. burning , warmth
Similar Words white heat , caloricity {caloric} , warmth , fervor

Definition 2. the degree or sensation of hotness of warmth.
Synonyms hotness {hot}
Crossref. Syn. throb
Similar Words fever , warmth , fervor

Definition 3. intensity of emotion; anger; passion; enthusiasm.
Synonyms passion , ardor , intensity , vehemence {vehement } ,
Crossref. Syn. flame , fire
Similar Words enthusiasm , white heat , fieriness {fiery} , excitement ,
fever , zeal , warmth , hotness {hot }

Definition 4. hot weather.
Synonyms heat wave
Similar Words sultriness {sultry} , swelter , summer , dog days

Definition 5. the state of being prepared for sexual activity, as with
female animals.
Similar Words rut

Definition 6. in sports, a race that ones runs to qualify for the main
Similar Words race , preliminary

Definition 7. in physics, a form of energy transfer measured by
temperature differences between one system, object, or medium,
and another.

Definition 8. (slang) coercion, or other sorts of pressure.
Synonyms force , coercion , pressure
Similar Words compulsion , intimidation {intimidate} , duress

Related Words fire

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms heated, heating, heats

Definition 1. to cause to become warm or hot (often fol. by up).
Synonyms warm
Similar Words chafe , reheat

Definition 2. to cause to become emotionally excited or aroused.
Synonyms fire , excite , arouse, inflame, ignite
Similar Words flush , enthuse , rouse , kindle , stimulate , fever ,
stir , quicken , intensify

Related Words fire , toast

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to become warm or hot (often fol. by up).
Synonyms warm

Definition 2. to become emotional excited or aroused.
Synonyms fire , inflame
Similar Words warm , kindle
Definition 3. (informal) of a situation, to become more intense (usu. fol.
by up).
Example The debate was heating up ; The economy is heating up.
Synonyms intensify
Similar Words quicken

Related Words toast


Summer is upon us, in all her full glory.
Come, write and have a bitta summertime fun,
and enjoy the heat

Happy Writing ~

RhymeFairy said:
New word ::::::: ;) :cool:

Heat :

Syllables: heat

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation hit

Definition 1. the state of being very warm; hotness.
Synonyms hotness {hot }
Crossref. Syn. burning , warmth
Similar Words white heat , caloricity {caloric} , warmth , fervor

Definition 2. the degree or sensation of hotness of warmth.
Synonyms hotness {hot}
Crossref. Syn. throb
Similar Words fever , warmth , fervor

Definition 3. intensity of emotion; anger; passion; enthusiasm.
Synonyms passion , ardor , intensity , vehemence {vehement } ,
Crossref. Syn. flame , fire
Similar Words enthusiasm , white heat , fieriness {fiery} , excitement ,
fever , zeal , warmth , hotness {hot }

Definition 4. hot weather.
Synonyms heat wave
Similar Words sultriness {sultry} , swelter , summer , dog days

Definition 5. the state of being prepared for sexual activity, as with
female animals.
Similar Words rut

Definition 6. in sports, a race that ones runs to qualify for the main
Similar Words race , preliminary

Definition 7. in physics, a form of energy transfer measured by
temperature differences between one system, object, or medium,
and another.

Definition 8. (slang) coercion, or other sorts of pressure.
Synonyms force , coercion , pressure
Similar Words compulsion , intimidation {intimidate} , duress

Related Words fire

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms heated, heating, heats

Definition 1. to cause to become warm or hot (often fol. by up).
Synonyms warm
Similar Words chafe , reheat

Definition 2. to cause to become emotionally excited or aroused.
Synonyms fire , excite , arouse, inflame, ignite
Similar Words flush , enthuse , rouse , kindle , stimulate , fever ,
stir , quicken , intensify

Related Words fire , toast

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to become warm or hot (often fol. by up).
Synonyms warm

Definition 2. to become emotional excited or aroused.
Synonyms fire , inflame
Similar Words warm , kindle
Definition 3. (informal) of a situation, to become more intense (usu. fol.
by up).
Example The debate was heating up ; The economy is heating up.
Synonyms intensify
Similar Words quicken

Related Words toast


Summer is upon us, in all her full glory.
Come, write and have a bitta summertime fun,
and enjoy the heat

Happy Writing ~


that is a good word for the day ...cause it was a scorcher today.... (~_~)
My Erotic Trail said:
that is a good word for the day ...cause it was a scorcher today.... (~_~)

(((((((((Art))))))) I missed you !!! You keep disappearing, only to reappear with a one word zinger :devil: !! Bad bad boy !! :)

:rose: :rose: :rose:

Fire was our passion,
lingering in moments still.

Heat of lust, desires hot flame
though it gave to me a chill.

Those frantic moments spent together,
the laughter that we shared.

All this added up together,
told me that you cared.

Then came the day of truth's hard word,
when you simply walked away,

the heat that was
now stone cold dead, as was my heart that day.

The heat now gone, a memory
growing distant by each hour.

For closer comes the time I go
and in that I have no power.

I don't know why life is this way,
or leaves things so undone.

Was it just a ego trip
was it just for fun?

I guess I'll truly never know
though it matters not no more.

The heat I face is now my own
as I walk closer to the door.
Many Feathers said:
Fire was our passion,
lingering in moments still.

Heat of lust, desires hot flame
though it gave to me a chill.

Those frantic moments spent together,
the laughter that we shared.

All this added up together,
told me that you cared.

Then came the day of truth's hard word,
when you simply walked away,

the heat that was
now stone cold dead, as was my heart that day.

The heat now gone, a memory
growing distant by each hour.

For closer comes the time I go
and in that I have no power.

I don't know why life is this way,
or leaves things so undone.

Was it just a ego trip
was it just for fun?

I guess I'll truly never know
though it matters not no more.

The heat I face is now my own
as I walk closer to the door.

he stood, trying to withstand
the heat gathering, as moisture grew
inside gray green eyes. I felt him sliding
away, glancing off into a distant, direct
future, on the horizon his orbs vastly planted
as not to -- let go the emotion that flourished.
we both knew, felt it, deep. this was
our goodbye. Not spoken, but known
just known.

:heart: :rose:

edited to addd ~~ I wrotee this before I read yours ... amazing eh ~~~

Oh Rf...

RhymeFairy said:
he stood, trying to withstand
the heat gathering, as moisture grew
inside gray green eyes. I felt him sliding
away, glancing off into a distant, direct
future, on the horizon his orbs vastly planted
as not to -- let go the emotion that flourished.
we both knew, felt it, deep. this was
our goodbye. Not spoken, but known
just known.

:heart: :rose:

edited to addd ~~ I wrotee this before I read yours ... amazing eh ~~~


More than you could ever possibly know. Once again my dear sweet friend, you and I share a "something" that I once shared with another. You remind me of her...I hope that's ok. You just do. Funny how life does things, turns things. But I guess we're meant to try and accept, deal with all that for some reason. I just truly hope for not too much longer.

Heat :

I was emotionally excited
today. Wetness seeped, till
my thighs peeped
apart. A cicle of sweetness
trickled making goosebumps pimple
out came hard nub nipples,
to plead a simple sigh. Come
cum ... closer.
