Free Thoughts~on One word...

he wants pink cuffs

binde him
to do my pleasing
of pleasure.

slow slanted
talk of sex. hot erotic
words of sexually persuasive
acts I shall perform
on his willing body.

I shall make him beg
with a feather
flick to his nips. his six pack
abs I shall suckle down
trace with

my tongue
straight into his black curls
to the garden
that grows his fiery
prick. a stick I ride
upon like a rodeo cowgirl
taking the red flag.

bump, grind take him
down. roll, tie and smack
his sweet lil tight ass
show him

what a woman really
hungers for
and delights in.

awakening my muse :

slow, tender fingers, tenaciously
touch, as full body finger trails
take hibernating naps upon nipples,
lush thighs and mowed cove caves.

single digits dally, taking time tempting
pink nubs into cherry headlights, protecting
their practiced route with moans
of pleasure, highlighted within echoes
of lethargic leniency.

this bedazzled body sings out, expressing
its love, for this slow midnight feeding
of forensic fallacies taken with care
to coerce each cell into full throttle
erotic tendencies ...

RhymeFairy said:
he wants pink cuffs

binde him
to do my pleasing
of pleasure.

slow slanted
talk of sex. hot erotic
words of sexually persuasive
acts I shall perform
on his willing body.

I shall make him beg
with a feather
flick to his nips. his six pack
abs I shall suckle down
trace with

my tongue
straight into his black curls
to the garden
that grows his fiery
prick. a stick I ride
upon like a rodeo cowgirl
taking the red flag.

bump, grind take him
down. roll, tie and smack
his sweet lil tight ass
show him

what a woman really
hungers for
and delights in.


what about... cushion padded tiger stripe material on hand-cuffs

back from vacation <grin
My Erotic Trail said:
what about... cushion padded tiger stripe material on hand-cuffs

back from vacation <grin

tiger stripes you say? G r o w l !! I missed you mister !! Hope you and yours are very well. :kiss: So, when are you going to get down to some serious writing or ... you too busy too? I soooo understand and if not that, I get writers block. Perhaps, it's a sign maybe I should hand my pen in ...

RhymeFairy said:
tiger stripes you say? G r o w l !! I missed you mister !! Hope you and yours are very well. :kiss: So, when are you going to get down to some serious writing or ... you too busy too? I soooo understand and if not that, I get writers block. Perhaps, it's a sign maybe I should hand my pen in ...


its been a romper room summer and picking up two more kids today for the summer...we'll have four for about a month so wish us luck <grin p.s. finished the novel and editing it now <grin
Her soul mouth flexed with the effort
a production of mindless verbiage
that filtered into the ears
of the deaf.

Broken and bent the children
saw hope in the flight of a sparrow
wishing for the Popsicle sweetness
of a mother’s kiss

The earth ponders waiting for us to hear

Wisdom discovered in a babes breath
before death chants to the heart.
Moments of clarity dance
before our sightless eyes.

We bend against our will
leaning into the acid rain of material goods
ignoring the golden umbra of dreams
gifted to us at the now of birth.

The earth ponders, waiting for us to hear.
Last edited:
Du Lac said:
Her soul mouth flexed with the effort
a production of mindless verbiage
that filtered into the ears
of the deaf.

Broken and bent the children
saw hope in the flight of a sparrow
wishing for the Popsicle sweetness
of a mother’s kiss

The earth ponders waiting for us to hear

Wisdom discovered in a babes breath
before death chants to the heart.
Moments of clarity dance
before our sightless eyes.

We bend against our will
leaning into the acid rain of material goods
ignoring the golden umbra of dreams
gifted to us at the now of birth.

The earth ponders, waiting for us to hear.


You head straight for the heart with this pen of wisdom and love. This one touched my inner me .... and I love it. Thank you for taking time to drop by and share your precious, insightful words.

In honor of July 4 ... I recommend we think on what it means to be

Free :

Syllables: free

Parts of speech: adjective , adverb , transitive verb

Phrases: free and easy

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation fri
Inflected Forms freer, freest
Definition 1. being without hindrance or constraint; not enslaved or
Example a free man at last.
Synonyms liberated , at liberty , enfranchised , emancipated
Crossref. Syn. uninhibited , spontaneous , loose
Similar Words unrestricted {restrict} , freeborn , loose , footloose

Definition 2. characterized by self-government and the existence of civil
and political rights and liberties for all citizens.
Example a free society.
Synonyms independent, autonomous , self-governing , sovereign
Similar Words enfranchised {enfranchise}

Definition 3. not subject to outside authority or restrictions.
Example a free press.
Synonyms unrestricted {restrict} , independent , sovereign
Crossref. Syn. autonomous
Similar Words autonomous

Definition 4. released from burdens or worry (usu. fol. by of or from).
Synonyms unburdened , disencumbered
Similar Words fancy-free , footloose , carefree

Definition 5. not blocked or impeded; able to move or act.
Example The drain is now free.
Synonyms open , wide-open, clear
Similar Words unoccupied , unstopped {unstop} , loose , accessible ,

Definition 6. open or available to all.
Example a free lecture.
Synonyms open
Crossref. Syn. public
Similar Words unlimited , unreserved , available

Definition 7. requiring no payment in return.
Example That store gives a free balloon to every child.
Synonyms gratis , gratuitous , on the house , complimentary
Similar Words voluntary

Definition 8. unloosed, disattached, or separated from contact
that impedes.
Synonyms unloosened {unloosen} , separate , unattached ,
detached , clear
Crossref. Syn. loose
Similar Words unfettered {unfetter} , disengaged {disengage (vt)} ,
untied {untie (vt)}

Definition 9. generous in spirit.
Synonyms open , liberal , openhearted
Similar Words tolerant , open-minded , generous , openhanded ,

Definition 10. loose or unrestrained in behavior.
Synonyms uninhibited , unrestrained , abandoned , loose ,
Similar Words wanton , promiscuous , immoderate , intemperate

Definition 11. presumptuous; bold; forward.
Synonyms assuming , forward , presumptuous , bold , assertive
Similar Words pushy , unrestrained , bumptious , brazen , audacious ,
brash , high-handed

Definition 12. empty, as a space; not occupied.
Example Is this seat free?
Synonyms vacant , unoccupied , available
Crossref. Syn. clear , empty
Similar Words open , unreserved , clear

Related Words ad-lib , absolute , void , natural , independent ,
liberal , passable , familiar , quit , candid , sovereign , bountiful ,
bounteous , exempt , profuse , large , easy , munificent ,
spontaneous , welcome

Phrase free and easy

Part of Speech adverb

Inflected Forms freer, freest

Definition 1. in a free manner.

Definition 2. without cost.

Related Words slack , loose

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms freed, freeing, frees
Definition 1. to set loose from bondage; make free.
Crossref. Syn. loose , deliver , emancipate , acquit , amnesty ,
rescue , spring , liberate

Definition 2. to disattach, unloose, or make clear of obstruction.
Crossref. Syn. spring , loose , rid , extricate

Definition 3. to release, esp. from burdens or worry (usu. fol. by of
or from).
Crossref. Syn. acquit , ease , relieve , loose , deliver , release ,
absolve , extricate

Related Words redeem , pardon , ease , loose , discharge , save ,
acquit , turn , relax , dismiss , excuse , exonerate , unburden

Derived Forms freely, adv. ; freeness, n.

So many things and people are not free, whether physically or mentally we all strive to be at peace with others and ourselves. Just take a moment and free think on whatever comes to mind ... ;)

Happy Writing ~~

RhymeFairy said:
In honor of July 4 ... I recommend we think on what it means to be


I set the lovebird free,
because as they say
if you love the lovebird, set it free,
or some such bullshittery.
If it loves you equally, supposedly it returns.
Perhaps it will find a brighter chest,
and tail feathers that gleam with greater light
than my own oil-stain glisten can ever attain.

Tonight you devour seed from the palm
of another hapless stranger
as you evaluate them with a soot gaze.

I'll leave the window open,
should you find my old nostalgic hand appealing.
darkerdreamer said:
I set the lovebird free,
because as they say
if you love the lovebird, set it free,
or some such bullshittery.
If it loves you equally, supposedly it returns.
Perhaps it will find a brighter chest,
and tail feathers that gleam with greater light
than my own oil-stain glisten can ever attain.

Tonight you devour seed from the palm
of another hapless stranger
as you evaluate them with a soot gaze.

I'll leave the window open,
should you find my old nostalgic hand appealing.

Free :

I'm free

free to fly, but at what cost?
letting go, tearing apart
my heart. please, listen
I cannot go on, with no closure in
sight. I feel you
heart sore
awaiting "our" day but I know
deep inside "our" future is set
with his kindness and love
erasing every gesture you try

he wraps me in silk
'en words meant to re-assure me that he
is my "one'. I try to step back, breathe

and I feel your essence
overcome. taking me back,
back to when we two, were one. moments
capturing my soul
choke holding my heart
with love. a pure love that tells me,

you and I , were meant to be.
yes, he is here, in my mind, while you
hold my heart and my every fear screams out
fall apart and let it be. be free
while words dance, memories chant
and my heart sings her soulful rendition
of what remains, of you and I.

Hey honey...

RhymeFairy said:
Free :

I'm free

free to fly, but at what cost?
letting go, tearing apart
my heart. please, listen
I cannot go on, with no closure in
sight. I feel you
heart sore
awaiting "our" day but I know
deep inside "our" future is set
with his kindness and love
erasing every gesture you try

he wraps me in silk
'en words meant to re-assure me that he
is my "one'. I try to step back, breathe

and I feel your essence
overcome. taking me back,
back to when we two, were one. moments
capturing my soul
choke holding my heart
with love. a pure love that tells me,

you and I , were meant to be.
yes, he is here, in my mind, while you
hold my heart and my every fear screams out
fall apart and let it be. be free
while words dance, memories chant
and my heart sings her soulful rendition
of what remains, of you and I.


Don't I know the feeling...same words once again sweetie.

Have missed you...been a while. :kiss:
Many Feathers said:
Don't I know the feeling...same words once again sweetie.

Have missed you...been a while. :kiss:

Just goes to show you, sometimes we are not as free as we would like to think we are ... Miss you too my friend. Been a wild couple of weeks with a new job that leaves lil time to wool gather. ;)

Good evening, here's hoping we all take a bitta time from our

Busy :

Syllables: bus-y
Parts of speech: adjective , transitive verb

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation bI zi
Inflected Forms busier, busiest

Definition 1. actively occupied; engaged.
Synonyms immersed , absorbed , occupied , engrossed , engaged ,
active , working
Crossref. Syn. industrious
Similar Words involved {involve}

Definition 2. characterized by much work or activity.
Example a busy season.
Synonyms active , productive
Crossref. Syn. industrious
Similar Words lively

Definition 3. unavailable for immediate use.
Example All the telephone lines were busy.
Synonyms occupied , engaged
Similar Words used , reserved

Definition 4. excessively decorated; ornate.
Example a busy design.
Synonyms overcrowded , rococo , ornate , elaborate
Crossref. Syn. overwrought
Similar Words fussy , excessive , cluttered {clutter (vt)}

Related Words luxuriant , brisk , ornate , florid , alive

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms busied, busying, busies
Definition 1. to keep (oneself) busy or occupied.
Example She busies herself with car repairs.
Synonyms interest , employ , absorb , involve , work , occupy ,
ply , engage
Crossref. Syn. concern
Similar Words exercise

Related Words elevate , occupy

Derived Forms busily, adv.

schedule to enjoy the finer things ... times, in life.

Happy Writing ~~~~

working tha bar

at night, when the sidewalk roll up
you shall find me residing behind tha bar.
another hot entree pulled, cleaned
and recapped, to feed the nation.

while sweat drips, I smile knowing
another day, another dollar - well spent,
keeping the bills paid, one sweet dish
at a time ...

:rolleyes: ;)

Syllables: ap-pre-hen-sive

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation ae prE hehn sihv

Definition 1. feeling anxiety about future events.
Synonyms nervous , fearful , jittery , anxious , afraid

Crossref. Syn. on edge
Similar Words uneasy , fretful , alarmed , worried , concerned

Related Words afraid , nervous , restless , shy , anxious , solicitous ,
insecure , jumpy , timid

Derived Forms apprehensively, adv. ; apprehensiveness, n.


Hidddy-hoeee :rose:

Ever just get a feeling of nervousness ... a taste settling in the bottom of your tummy as if something is coming, almost knowing it's something bad? Just a weird vibe going on this evening, so I say ... write it out ~~

Happy Happy


RhymeFairy said:

Syllables: ap-pre-hen-sive

Part of Speech adjective

Pronunciation ae prE hehn sihv

Definition 1. feeling anxiety about future events.
Synonyms nervous , fearful , jittery , anxious , afraid

Crossref. Syn. on edge
Similar Words uneasy , fretful , alarmed , worried , concerned

Related Words afraid , nervous , restless , shy , anxious , solicitous ,
insecure , jumpy , timid

Derived Forms apprehensively, adv. ; apprehensiveness, n.


Hidddy-hoeee :rose:

Ever just get a feeling of nervousness ... a taste settling in the bottom of your tummy as if something is coming, almost knowing it's something bad? Just a weird vibe going on this evening, so I say ... write it out ~~

Happy Happy


I've been living with that feeling for over a year now...

Waiting for that other shoe to drop so to speak.
Many Feathers said:
I've been living with that feeling for over a year now...

Waiting for that other shoe to drop so to speak.

Nah, this is something BIG. Have no clue but I feel it, in my bones... wayyy down. Hurts almost. Almost scary like. Something bad ... seriously. Last time I felt this there was a death in the family, the same the time before but ... this is worse, this is more ... crazy eh ...


goin' to four walls ...

Waiting, almost listening for some
whisper to tell me why this feeling
gnaws and won't let me go as I
busy myself .. yet there in the
very back of my soul .. it lingers
intangible...something isn't right
and unbalances my rhythm ..
UnderYourSpell said:
Waiting, almost listening for some
whisper to tell me why this feeling
gnaws and won't let me go as I
busy myself .. yet there in the
very back of my soul .. it lingers
intangible...something isn't right
and unbalances my rhythm ..


you got it !! I love it.

An update ... nothing, I repeat, nothing as of yet has happened and I am sooo proud to say it. Perhaps it was jus me, an off night with my body saying, get to bed woman !! lol ...

Under ~~ I love the last line, may I borrow a word? Our new word for today is ....

Rhythm ... let me do a lil research and will put it in it's spot. Thank you again for writing with me ....

:nana: :rose:
Rhythm :

Syllables: rhythm

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation rI dhEm

Definition 1. movement marked by the regular repetition of accent, beat,
or the like.
Synonyms measure , beat , time , cadence
Crossref. Syn. march , cadence , time , beat
Similar Words swing , meter, pace , count , pulse , lilt , recurrence

Definition 2. a particular type of such movement.
Example The rhythm of a waltz.
Synonyms meter , cadence , measure , beat
Crossref. Syn. cadence , measure , beat
Similar Words pace , count , time , tempo , lilt

Definition 3. the regular repetition of a biological function, such as
the beat of the heart.

Definition 4. a pattern of events or of a temporal process.
Example the rhythm of the work day.
Synonyms pattern
Crossref. Syn. tempo
Similar Words pace , tempo , order , flow , shape , schedule

Definition 5. in the visual arts, a uniform pattern resulting from the
recurrence of colors, lines, or shapes.
Synonyms pattern
Similar Words design , symmetry , harmony , balance , proportion ,
order , theme , motif

Related Words tempo , music

Derived Forms rhythmless, adj.


Synonyms: accent, bounce, cadence, cadency, downbeat, flow, lilt,
measure, meter, metre, movement, pattern, periodicity, pulse, regularity,
rhyme, swing, tempo, time, uniformity

Happy Writing ~~~~

rhythm reminds us
we are not dreaming
rhyme reminds us
we rock and roll
thats the beat of the drum....