Free Thoughts~on One word...

My Erotic Trail said:
I have been spending some much needed time with my boys <grin they go home tomorrow and I miss them already!!!!!

I understand that feeling my friend. Go, spend time and enjoy your day. Know,

we are here, when the day
darkens and night falls
bringing starts into view,
with free flying winds taking us
anywhere we wish ~


RhymeFairy said:
I understand that feeling my friend. Go, spend time and enjoy your day. Know,

we are here, when the day
darkens and night falls
bringing starts into view,
with free flying winds taking us
anywhere we wish ~


Though the days are often dark
and filled with tears of sorrow,
You've smiled for me in many ways,
and got me through tomorrow.

So know that I now smile for you,
as you've so often done for me.
And hold to hope, that fleeting prayer
and smile at what can be.

Your very special little sprite,
our thoughts so often shared,
so know this much and keept to heart,
there's someone else who's cared.

Love you RF...

"Hang in there!" :kiss: :rose:
Many Feathers said:
Though the days are often dark
and filled with tears of sorrow,
You've smiled for me in many ways,
and got me through tomorrow.

So know that I now smile for you,
as you've so often done for me.
And hold to hope, that fleeting prayer
and smile at what can be.

Your very special little sprite,
our thoughts so often shared,
so know this much and keept to heart,
there's someone else who's cared.

Love you RF...

"Hang in there!" :kiss: :rose:

You've got to one of the sweetest men !!! Thanks Rick, I appreciate your friendship and your wonderful kindhearted words ...

:rose: :kiss:

Soo, let'me find a new word and we'll all go from there, looks like a good night to write ... and who knows, I might just kick tha dust off my quill yet ~

Unless someone wants to jump in here with a new word themselves, ;)

:nana: :devil: ;)
RhymeFairy said:
I search for the tranquility

of my childhood days. Weathered by life,
taking a free-stance from feathery visions
when tree climbing, motorbike riding
and having supper with mamma
cooled my jets, from a long hot day
at the dairy.

there where, serene days were spent
lolling away under a big oak tree. reading
and fantasizing about my future ahead.
where I would go, things I would,
could do. yet, here I sit, stumped
by what time has thoughtlessly thrown
my way.


I long for peace

to envelop, surround my heart
and heal the living dead. take away
these memories of yesteryear.
when tongue torture to my toes
meant a long evening spent
with the one I loved.

to be continued, maybe ........

edited :

I search for the tranquility

of my childhood days. Weathered by life,
taking a free-stance from feathery visions.
When tree climbing, motorbike riding
and having supper with mamma
cooled my jets, from a long hot day
at the dairy.

There, where serene days were spent
lolling away under a big oak tree, reading
and fantasizing about my future ahead,
where I would go, things I would,
could do. Yet, here I sit, stumped
by what time has thoughtlessly thrown
my way.

Heyyy you ~!!!!

I borrowed this word from the 30/30 thread and one of our newest poets here : Manipulatrix. Thank you for the inspiration and possible ... write~

Incite :

Syllables: in-cite

Part of Speech transitive verb

Pronunciation ihn sait

Inflected Forms incited, inciting, incites

Definition 1. to bring about or cause (a disruptive action).
Example Her passionate speech incited a rebellion.
Synonyms stir up , prompt , instigate , provoke

Crossref. Syn. abet , stir , actuate , pick , stimulate
Similar Words foment , inspire

Definition 2. to provoke (someone) to act.
Example This pamphlet will incite the workers to strike.
Synonyms stir up , drive , stimulate , prompt , egg on , provoke ,
impel , actuate

Crossref. Syn. abet , stir , move , excite , prod , urge , arouse ,
Similar Words excite , prod , agitate , urge , push , motivate ,
arouse , goad , inflame , animate , rouse , encourage , induce

Related Words irritate , fan , lash , defy , provoke , draw , carry ,
warm , work , kindle , taunt , fire , tempt , spur , occasion , exhort

Derived Forms incitement, n. ; inciter, n.

Happy Writing my friends ~~

stimulate, this wild

cock berry blossom
to penetrate, take
purge and emerge
from the other side.
Incite, contrite nerves,
to settle down
from these wild imaginings,
that provoke and prompt
this bedevilmented lust, of life
inside me.

He gets me so H O T

Right when my time is right
he backs away. Leaving behind
smudged fingerprints
and a lethargic minx who wishes
pleads, for more !

your sweet, sexy ass
back here. Give me, feel - f i l l me
up then shake me down
town. Take what I offer.

then n i p, nice 'n slow. Never
forget your sacrificing, slithering
tongue must also pay homage, to these
hills and valleys of perfection.

each crevice, tunnel every port.
Circle about my entire essence, showing
me all those secret places, you
daydream about. When all you can think of,
is me.

in, deep as you can go. Hit my hot spot
of greedy lust, for you. Love, romp, sex me
up. Till all that's left, is two wet spot of semen
and seed, lost in the images of you
and me ~

:catroar: :devil: :catroar:
writes from four walls ~~ this am ~~

*a crotch,

wide open for me
to explore. hands,
face mouth
what more
could this girl ask for
than a partaking
of such desire
when hood meets
tongue, pardon me
while I inquire ~~


tickle my fancy
smooth and wet
ride the current
till all you get, is
a hot flooded breath
taking you in, mouth
to canyon,
surf to top
off your head
and into my cave.
a sweet milky tunnel
beseeching this beaching
to never end~


a point you make
one I share
a wet slide ride
for all who care

come join in
to have and take
each and every

what chaos, what devotion
what mortals we all be
standing each one alone.
untill, we take tha notion ~


flesh and blood, between nimble thighs
begging to burst, let go tha flow
for housecalls, are not cheap.

They take time and precedence,
presence of mind, to stick
to tha cause. for what's
a wet, hot girl - alone, if not
a lost cause.


no toys at hand
just a man for tha finding
to press him hard
ride him rough
take all I want
and to hell with his
stuff. suck him
dry, leave him wet
get to the core
of the matter
and leave him
a'tatter ~~


:p :catroar:

We had some silly fun and it was a blast ~~

She dances and tiptoes through his senses
darting rays of sunshine unclouded globes
till he reaches to grasp tinkling laughter
and makes them one upon the virgin bed.
I have this song stuck in my head :::::::

Title : Hello
Artist : Lionel Richie

I've been alone with you inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times
I sometimes see you pass outside my door
Hello, is it me you're looking for?

I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted, (and) my arms are open wide
'Cause you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much, I love you ...

I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again how much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
Hello, I've just got to let you know

'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying, I love you ...

Hello, is it me you're looking for?
'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying ... I love you

the line : See it in your eyes, keeps jumping out at me.

Why don't we go from there?

See it in your eyes .... run with it. A title, free thoughts, bounce, whatevr comes to mind from this song or this line ~~ Have a great one and as usual ~~

Happpppppppyyyyy Writing ~~~~

in your eyes

I see the freedom to go
forward. I wait to take hand
to mouth and worship our dawn.
As dewdrops dance, in green like

mountain streams, I cast aside tears
to peruse happiness. Your wilderness,
has set me free, to partake
in everyday life.

When leaves go flying,
it's your heart that holds me near,
to catch wind of our ever present
natural attraction ~~

Your eyes, the pools in which I once could
not wait to plunge my fevered body, now
I behold deep dark treacherous eddies
drawing me down to the jagged rocks below.
Obscene Thread ~

Have you no shame? It's improper
I say. To look, think, of the mere
possibility of touch-ing.

I know you say, just once. One small
dip, into the erotic taste of th-at.
But dare not, for I

watch. When the sun is high, clouds hang
dark and the moon tells her stories
of other ones. Such innocent

mortals with morals as pure, as yours.
Those who too soon passed, from this world
to there, within the bl-ink, of an obscene eye ~

New Word ~~~

Supple :

Syllables: sup-ple

Parts of speech: adjective , transitive verb

Part of Speech adjective
Pronunciation suh pEl
Inflected Forms suppler, supplest
Definition 1. easily curved or bent; flexible.
Example a supple willow limb.
Synonyms flexible , limber , pliable , pliant
Crossref. Syn. lissome , lithe
Similar Words malleable , lissome , elastic , willowy , yielding ,
springy , manipulable , ductile , plastic , lithe

Definition 2. able to move with ease and flexibility.
Example a supple gymnast.
Synonyms lissome , limber , loose-limbed
Crossref. Syn. lissome , agile , lithe
Similar Words flexible , willowy , lithesome , lithe , double-jointed

Definition 3. adapting easily to change or confrontation.
Example a supple mind.
Synonyms pliable , flexible , adaptable
Crossref. Syn. elastic

Similar Words elastic , changeable , adjustable , resilient , yielding ,
acquiescent {acquiesce} , accommodating , amenable , pliant , compliant ,
complaisant , receptive

Related Words airy , soft , spry , graceful

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms suppled, suppling, supples

Definition 1. to make supple.
Synonyms limber
Similar Words flex , work , loosen up

Derived Forms suppleness, n. ; supply, adv.

Meditating on form ... I see this as a very nice word to kick off the evening with. ;) Hope ya'll have a great one and

Happy Writing ~~

4 Quotes for a lil inspiration on Supple ~


The night is of the color
Of a woman's arm:
Night, the female,
Fragrant and supple,
Conceals herself.

[Wallace Stevens (1879-1955), U.S. poet. "Six Significant Landscapes."]


Picture that orchard sprite,
Eve, with her body white,
Supple and smooth to her
Slim finger tips,

[Ralph Hodgson (c. 1871-1962), British poet. Eve (l. 25-28). . . Modern British Poetry. Louis Untermeyer, ed. (7th rev. ed., 1962) Harcourt, Brace and Company.]


Reason is a supple nymph, and slippery as a fish by nature. She had as leave give her kiss to an absurdity any day, as to syllogistic truth. The absurdity may turn out truer.

[D.H. (David Herbert) Lawrence (1885-1930), British author. repr. in Phoenix: The Posthumous Papers of D.H. Lawrence, pt. 4, ed. E. McDonald (1936). "Introduction to The Dragon of the Apocalypse by Frederick Carter," London Mercury (July 1930). Carter's book eventually appeared under a different title and without Lawrence's introduction.]


Life is extraordinarily suave and sweet with certain natural, witty, affectionate people who have unusual distinction and are capable of every vice, but who make a display of none in public and about whom no one can affirm they have a single one. There is something supple and secret about them. Besides, their perversity gives spice to their most innocent occupations, such as taking a walk in the garden at night.

[Marcel Proust (1871-1922), French novelist. "Fragments From Italian Comedy," no.

I love supple...

RhymeFairy said:
4 Quotes for a lil inspiration on Supple ~


The night is of the color
Of a woman's arm:
Night, the female,
Fragrant and supple,
Conceals herself.

[Wallace Stevens (1879-1955), U.S. poet. "Six Significant Landscapes."]


Picture that orchard sprite,
Eve, with her body white,
Supple and smooth to her
Slim finger tips,

[Ralph Hodgson (c. 1871-1962), British poet. Eve (l. 25-28). . . Modern British Poetry. Louis Untermeyer, ed. (7th rev. ed., 1962) Harcourt, Brace and Company.]


Reason is a supple nymph, and slippery as a fish by nature. She had as leave give her kiss to an absurdity any day, as to syllogistic truth. The absurdity may turn out truer.

[D.H. (David Herbert) Lawrence (1885-1930), British author. repr. in Phoenix: The Posthumous Papers of D.H. Lawrence, pt. 4, ed. E. McDonald (1936). "Introduction to The Dragon of the Apocalypse by Frederick Carter," London Mercury (July 1930). Carter's book eventually appeared under a different title and without Lawrence's introduction.]


Life is extraordinarily suave and sweet with certain natural, witty, affectionate people who have unusual distinction and are capable of every vice, but who make a display of none in public and about whom no one can affirm they have a single one. There is something supple and secret about them. Besides, their perversity gives spice to their most innocent occupations, such as taking a walk in the garden at night.

[Marcel Proust (1871-1922), French novelist. "Fragments From Italian Comedy," no.


Supple her firm soft breasts
filling my hands, palms that skim over the sweetness
nubbins of pure pleasure bouncing like gum drops
sugar coated to the taste,

Supple the soft curvature of that underneath place
lifting to lick, touch explore
sucking, nipping, languishing at flesh too often ignored

Supple too the moans, the sounds of pleasure
the ooh's and ahh's of ecstacy, the giggle of teased delight.

Supple are her breasts molding themselves about me
slippery with the essance of desire, pleasure and lust.

Slip me in to that neither place,
rest me comfortably against the clit-nipple of your want
rub me against the supple folds of ever increasing need

Then wet me with your spendings
bite my shoulder until the explosion softens
then bite me again as I languish in the pulsations loving departure.

Fingers, hands, soft legs and sharply curving back
are eager, no, insistent for present need to couple.
Reaching, touching, clutching with their forceful tack
bend her will with insidious speed, deceptively supple.

Lost, intertwined in battle with some personal devils
she succumbs, lost command of body, mind and soul.
Hot blood has boiled and brought her to a level
of seeking fiery death, impaled upon the pole.

At the brink, her sinews taut as one upon a rack,
a scream escapes and breathing paces to double
She cannot stop, escaped control, never coming back
roiling wet explosions obliterate her care or trouble.

Last edited:
Many Feathers said:
Supple her firm soft breasts
filling my hands, palms that skim over the sweetness
nubbins of pure pleasure bouncing like gum drops
sugar coated to the taste,

Supple the soft curvature of that underneath place
lifting to lick, touch explore
sucking, nipping, languishing at flesh too often ignored

Supple too the moans, the sounds of pleasure
the ooh's and ahh's of ecstacy, the giggle of teased delight.

Supple are her breasts molding themselves about me
slippery with the essance of desire, pleasure and lust.

Slip me in to that neither place,
rest me comfortably against the clit-nipple of your want
rub me against the supple folds of ever increasing need

Then wet me with your spendings
bite my shoulder until the explosion softens
then bite me again as I languish in the pulsations loving departure.

Mmmm, very sensual Rick ... I like !!!

:heart: :kiss:
MaverickMan said:

Fingers, hands, soft legs and sharply curving back
are eager, no, insistent for present need to couple.
Reaching, touching, clutching with their forceful tack
bend her will with insidious speed, deceptively supple.

Lost, intertwined in battle with some personal devils
she succumbs, lost command of body, mind and soul.
Hot blood has boiled and brought her to a level
of seeking fiery death, impaled upon the pole.

At the brink, her sinews taut as one upon a rack,
a scream escapes and breathing paces to double
She cannot stop, escaped control, never coming back
roiling wet explosions obliterate her care or trouble.


Mav, VERY erotic and filled with tasy imagery ~~ *fans self*

:catroar: :kiss:
more inspiration

Main Entry: supple
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: bendable
Synonyms: adaptable, agile, bending, ductile, elastic, flexible, graceful, limber, lissome, lithe, lithesome, malleable, moldable, plastic, pliable, pliant, resilient, rubber, springy, stretch, stretchy, svelte, willowy, wiry, yielding
Antonyms: rigid, stiff


Main Entry: adaptable
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: alterable
Synonyms: adjustable, all around, alterable, can do, changeable, compliant, conformable, convertible, ductile, easy-going, flexible, malleable, modelable, modifiable, plastic, pliable, pliant, putty, resilient, supple, switch hitting, tractable, variable, versatile
Antonyms: inflexible, intractable, invariable, nonconforming, rigid, unadaptable, unbending


Main Entry: agile
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: nimble
Synonyms: active, acute, alert, athletic, brisk, buoyant, bustling, clever, deft, dexterous, easy-moving, energetic, fleet, frisky, limber, lithe, lively, mercurial, prompt, quick, quick-witted, rapid, ready, sharp, spirited, sportive, spright, sprightly, spry, stirring, supple, swift, vigorous, vivacious, winged, zippy
Antonyms: brittle, clumsy, oafish, ponderous, stiff

Oh my, my, my the things that come to mind ....

the firm, suppleness
of his member
makes my mouth
water in anticipation

taking in the fragrance
of his male enhancement
I envelope him,
wholly, deeply

loving every inch
that overtakes my
feminine tastebuds,
I savor each flavor

saltiness, then sweet
each in it's own degree
until the ending
always fulfilling
Well can't say that a BJ is exactly what I would savour (perhaps I have tasted the wrong ones!) but thatttttt poem is certainly hot under the collar making material!