Free Thoughts~on One word...

not supple but ... something ~

Is it time

to render myself, senseless
with booze or blues ? no matter
which way I go it drowns me.
I sit talking nonsense to sensitive ears
making no one happy
but here I go, chattering on and on
about booze and blues. too heavy
to drink, enlarged from fizzy fluid,
ice, a no brainer. this I ask
booze or blues? I'll take whatevers
on tap ...

:rolleyes: :confused: yet? lol ~

How about...

RhymeFairy said:
Is it time

to render myself, senseless
with booze or blues ? no matter
which way I go it drowns me.
I sit talking nonsense to sensitive ears
making no one happy
but here I go, chattering on and on
about booze and blues. too heavy
to drink, enlarged from fizzy fluid,
ice, a no brainer. this I ask
booze or blues? I'll take whatevers
on tap ...

:rolleyes: :confused: yet? lol ~


Since we're doing "B" words, I'll take "Boobs" for 300 Alex.
Many Feathers said:
Since we're doing "B" words, I'll take "Boobs" for 300 Alex.

you forgot the fizzy fluid :p , lol

So ... how about writing with me, if you feel like it. No worries. I'm just not in the mood to write about supple. I'm tired and need a bath but it looks to be a while ...

:( :rose:
I bet...

RhymeFairy said:
you forgot the fizzy fluid :p , lol

So ... how about writing with me, if you feel like it. No worries. I'm just not in the mood to write about supple. I'm tired and need a bath but it looks to be a while ...

:( :rose:

It's hard getting back into the swing of things. And I am sure you need a calgon moment (or two) as well.

:kiss: :rose:
Many Feathers said:
It's hard getting back into the swing of things. And I am sure you need a calgon moment (or two) as well.

:kiss: :rose:

I have got my sugar under control. I splurged yesterday for the first time. I ate two bites of a moon pie ... :eek: that's why I passed out a lil after 8 like I did, lol. But it was all ok when I got up. :D Also, a hot hot day here and it drained my energy fast. Perhaps I need to talk to that dr. about a b12 shot, lol. Sooo, I AM gonna try and write. I want to just a lil tired from this hot hooter day, lmao ... if you were a woman you would sooooo understand how heavy breast are and yes ... they get all hot too !! lmao .. I did not just say that but damned if it aint tha truth. Now, schootch over and hand me tha calgon ..

:devil: :cathappy:
One thing I would do...

RhymeFairy said:
I have got my sugar under control. I splurged yesterday for the first time. I ate two bites of a moon pie ... :eek: that's why I passed out a lil after 8 like I did, lol. But it was all ok when I got up. :D Also, a hot hot day here and it drained my energy fast. Perhaps I need to talk to that dr. about a b12 shot, lol. Sooo, I AM gonna try and write. I want to just a lil tired from this hot hooter day, lmao ... if you were a woman you would sooooo understand how heavy breast are and yes ... they get all hot too !! lmao .. I did not just say that but damned if it aint tha truth. Now, schootch over and hand me tha calgon ..

:devil: :cathappy:

Give you a bath. (Not cause you need it or but being bathed can be sensual/relaxing. Washing you from top to bottom slowly and softly for a long time while you just relax and place yourself in my hands. I'd have you purring (and probably nice and sleepy in no time).

Yeah...need to see the Dr about my situation soon here too. Have a decision to make, and not sure it's going to be one everyone's going to agree with. But it's my life, and I need to do what I think is best. Still havn't decided yet...but am running out of options. So soon...
RhymeFairy said:
I have got my sugar under control. I splurged yesterday for the first time. I ate two bites of a moon pie ... :eek: that's why I passed out a lil after 8 like I did, lol. But it was all ok when I got up. :D Also, a hot hot day here and it drained my energy fast. Perhaps I need to talk to that dr. about a b12 shot, lol. Sooo, I AM gonna try and write. I want to just a lil tired from this hot hooter day, lmao ... if you were a woman you would sooooo understand how heavy breast are and yes ... they get all hot too !! lmao .. I did not just say that but damned if it aint tha truth. Now, schootch over and hand me tha calgon ..

:devil: :cathappy:

Never minded a puddle between my breasts when i was having FUN...but yeah it's dam hot here too and there is a puddle between mine and I'm all alone...THAT SUCKS
Beam_of_lite said:
Never minded a puddle between my breasts when i was having FUN...but yeah it's dam hot here too and there is a puddle between mine and I'm all alone...THAT SUCKS

lmao ... you have just made my day ... I went around all day hoping and praying for it to go faster so I could get home and get my danged bra off, lmao ... I know the guys will take that comment and run but OH WELL ~ ;) :cathappy:


As always, your in my heart and prayers. If you would like to talk to someone about it, I'm here ... drop me a line ~~

:kiss: :cathappy:

Sooo, we gonna write here of go to Four Walls and chat ????


RhymeFairy said:
lmao ... you have just made my day ... I went around all day hoping and praying for it to go faster so I could get home and get my danged bra off, lmao ... I know the guys will take that comment and run but OH WELL ~ ;) :cathappy:


As always, your in my heart and prayers. If you would like to talk to someone about it, I'm here ... drop me a line ~~

:kiss: :cathappy:

Sooo, we gonna write here of go to Four Walls and chat ????


Yeah....I'll PM ya on that one.
RhymeFairy said:
..........I went around all day hoping and praying for it to go faster so I could get home and get my danged bra off, lmao ... I know the guys will take that comment and run but OH WELL ~ ;) :cathappy:


how poetic..... <bigrin' (~_~)

hey... how come chicken breasts don't have nipples?

...cause they would poke a hole in the bag if they get cold <grin (~_~)
My Erotic Trail said:
how poetic..... <bigrin' (~_~)

hey... how come chicken breasts don't have nipples?

...cause they would poke a hole in the bag if they get cold <grin (~_~)

Poetic ??? lol .. Ok I get the drift, le'me find ya'll a new word ~~

:cool: :D :cathappy:
Goooood Morning peoples .... :rose: Seems Artie pooh is craving a lil

Steam :

Syllables: steam

Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb , adjective

Phrases: blow off [or] let off steam

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation stim
Definition 1. water vapor, esp. that formed by boiling.

Definition 2. the white mist formed in the air when water vapor
condenses, esp. by cooling.

Definition 3. any visible mist, as from a smokestack.

Definition 4. (informal) ability to do work; power.
Example Do you have the steam to climb the hill?
Crossref. Syn. energy , power

Related Words fog , cloud , vapor

Phrase blow off [or] let off steam

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms steamed, steaming, steams

Definition 1. to release or produce steam.

Definition 2. to come to have a coating of condensed vapor
(often fol. by up).
Example The windows steam up in cold, humid weather.

Definition 3. to be in motion using or as if using steam power.
Example The train steamed up the mountain.

Definition 4. (informal) to feel or express anger.
Crossref. Syn. broil , fume , anger

Related Words evaporate , boil , sail , vapor

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to apply steam to, esp. to cook or clean.
Example He steamed the fish for five minutes.

Related Words boil

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. of, concerning, or driven by steam.
Example a steam locomotive.

Definition 2. conveying or containing steam.
Example a steam pipe.


in his writes, sooo here we go.
Have fun with this one, make it
hot 'n steamy ;) , lol ~~

Happy Writing ~~

:rose: :rose: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Goooood Morning peoples .... :rose: Seems Artie pooh is craving a lil

Steam :

Syllables: steam

Parts of speech: noun , intransitive verb , transitive verb , adjective

Phrases: blow off [or] let off steam

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation stim
Definition 1. water vapor, esp. that formed by boiling.

Definition 2. the white mist formed in the air when water vapor
condenses, esp. by cooling.

Definition 3. any visible mist, as from a smokestack.

Definition 4. (informal) ability to do work; power.
Example Do you have the steam to climb the hill?
Crossref. Syn. energy , power

Related Words fog , cloud , vapor

Phrase blow off [or] let off steam

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms steamed, steaming, steams

Definition 1. to release or produce steam.

Definition 2. to come to have a coating of condensed vapor
(often fol. by up).
Example The windows steam up in cold, humid weather.

Definition 3. to be in motion using or as if using steam power.
Example The train steamed up the mountain.

Definition 4. (informal) to feel or express anger.
Crossref. Syn. broil , fume , anger

Related Words evaporate , boil , sail , vapor

Part of Speech transitive verb

Definition 1. to apply steam to, esp. to cook or clean.
Example He steamed the fish for five minutes.

Related Words boil

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. of, concerning, or driven by steam.
Example a steam locomotive.

Definition 2. conveying or containing steam.
Example a steam pipe.


in his writes, sooo here we go.
Have fun with this one, make it
hot 'n steamy ;) , lol ~~

Happy Writing ~~

:rose: :rose: :rose:

heated passion
brings the windows to fog
on a hot, sweltering night
fueled by...
lover's steaming desire.
Artist : Kenny Chesney
tITLE : Steamy Windows

Well I was thinkin' 'bout parking the other night
We was out on a back road
Me and my lady was just gettin' right
All systems on overload
Radio blasting in the front seat
Turnin' out the music fine
We were snuggled up in the back seat
Makin' up for lost time

Steamy windows
Zero visiblity
Steamy windows
Comin' from the body heat
You can wine and dine a lady all night
With good intent
But there's something about a rendezvous on a back road
That gets mighty intense

Steamy windows
Ain't nobody can see
Steamy windows
Comin' from the body heat
There's a sound outside the front door
And I know it's just the wind
But it makes us wanna snuggle just a little bit closer
And it starts all over again

Steamy windows
Zero visiblity
Steamy windows
Comin' from the body heat
Steamy windows
Zero visiblity

Steamy windows
Comin' from the body heat
Steamy windows...
Steamy windows
Comin' from the body heat
Steamy Windows
Ain't nobody can see...


*Fans self * :catroar:


My Erotic Trail said:
how poetic..... <bigrin' (~_~)

hey... how come chicken breasts don't have nipples?

...cause they would poke a hole in the bag if they get cold <grin (~_~)

One just has to drink enough beer :D :D :D


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RhymeFairy said:
Artist : Kenny Chesney
tITLE : Steamy Windows

Well I was thinkin' 'bout parking the other night
We was out on a back road
Me and my lady was just gettin' right
All systems on overload
Radio blasting in the front seat
Turnin' out the music fine
We were snuggled up in the back seat
Makin' up for lost time

Steamy windows
Zero visiblity
Steamy windows
Comin' from the body heat
You can wine and dine a lady all night
With good intent
But there's something about a rendezvous on a back road
That gets mighty intense

Steamy windows
Ain't nobody can see
Steamy windows
Comin' from the body heat
There's a sound outside the front door
And I know it's just the wind
But it makes us wanna snuggle just a little bit closer
And it starts all over again

Steamy windows
Zero visiblity
Steamy windows
Comin' from the body heat
Steamy windows
Zero visiblity

Steamy windows
Comin' from the body heat
Steamy windows...
Steamy windows
Comin' from the body heat
Steamy Windows
Ain't nobody can see...


*Fans self * :catroar:



I have got that by Tina Turner but must get it by him too phewwwwww
sun beating down
upon my sweat-soaked brow
unrelenting, so hot

that I'm wishing for rain
to come and wash
away the dust and grime

humidity climbs,
now it is so steamy
it is difficult to breathe

each inhale feels
unhelpful as I try to
catch up on oxygen

that isn't there.
summer in the south,
will it ever end?
I work the steam grill
sliding slice after slice
and patty after patty
from one side
to the other. flip, press
season and spice, making magic
mythicize griddled grease into
succulent steam cakes. too hot
to handle, while they melt
in your mouth.

:devil: :p ;)
from the passion thread. I went with it ~ lol ~


it's time to take a dip
into steam. let it consume my whole

being. pinkie toe after pink lil toes
gliding across that surface of bursting

bubbles. down slides, my nipples into this orgasmic
orgy of silken sin. skin and pale hips, delight

in twisting in the surf as hands hide'n seek,
seeking shelter in the moist cavern

of my homemade wine.

And my hole once consumed
begs for more deeper deeper
intrusion spread over the
sheets of my wanton desire
till I crash and burn in the
bottomless well of your
making. your hell ..or is it
I wrote a novel

about 'one word'

'oh how the fairy ryhmed'...

...reading the story... word at a time

...line after line!
Title : Thinking About You
Artist : Norah Jones

Yesterday I saw the sun shinin',
And the leaves were fallin' down softly,
My cold hands needed a warm, warm touch,
And I was thinkin' about you.

Here I am lookin' for signs of leaving,
You hold my hand, but do you really need me?
I guess it's time for me to let you go,
And I'll be thinkin' about you,
I'll be thinkin' about you.

When you sail across the ocean waters,
And you reach the other side safely,
Could you smile a little smile for me?
'cause I'll be thinkin' about you,
I'll be thinkin' about you,
I'll be thinkin' about you,
I'll be thinkin' about you.

New word? How about I go

Nap :

Syllables: nap

Parts of speech: intransitive verb , noun

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Pronunciation naep
Definition 1. to sleep briefly, esp. during daylight hours.
Synonyms doze , snooze , catnap
Crossref. Syn. slumber
Similar Words slumber , drowse , drop off , nod , crash , sleep ,

Definition 2. to lack alertness, esp. in the face of danger.
Example The attack caught the enemy troops napping.
Synonyms sleep
Similar Words repose , relax , drowse , rest

Related Words hit the sack

Part of Speech noun

Definition 1. a short interval of sleep, esp. during daylight hours.
Synonyms snooze , siesta , catnap , forty winks , nod
Crossref. Syn. doze , slumber , sleep
Similar Words doze , sleep , rest


Syllables: nap

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation naep
Definition 1. a soft or furry surface on cloth or leather caused by
raised, fuzzy fibers.
Similar Words surface , weave , pile3 , texture

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms napped, napping, naps
Definition 1. to form or bring up the nap on (leather or cloth).
Crossref. Syn. tease

and come back filled with my own inspiration ... :cool:

Happy writing and have a great one ~~

no lights
no sound
so dark
so free
the bed
and me
when closed
the stars
shine bright
no scars
they then
now dark
no spark
no time
to sour
just one
short hour

I was that close. Oh well ... I'm going to go to sleep now. :confused:
free write, boune off my own ... words.


I am no Alice.

words mean, something. Especially yours
rolled off protecting, procrastinating
telling me, to move on. Is there another?

Can she love you the way, I do? Does she
melt your butter on rainy days with smoltery visions
surround, circling your body
taking what is, mine? My body
mind, heart says, NO. But, I have

to wonder about : when a nap, is just an excuse
to get you between the sheets, tumble you dry
wring out every drop
and leave you pultervized from the free for all tumble
you so richly, deserve.

No one can replace me, or you ... in my mind or
heart. I sit listlessly waiting, dreaming
you. Please, one word, a simple phrase to uncover
these ill begotten longings I insist
keep surfacing. To rope you in and cuff
you down. I will wait. I shall surrender
if only, if only
you knew I miss you, love you
wait for one spec, uttered from two lips
closing in on my silky pink nub
begging you to give in
take what is offered and

show me your/our love. I feel it, know
it is still there. Broken
from wishing, tempting, wanting
to take you in hand, map you out
and advertise our union with
soft spoken whispers
upon your skin, every night,
every day. Show me, your darkness.
wrap me up and stamp me out with your
forwarding address.

Alice doesn't live here
anymore, only me,
pretending to understand
you have no mercy, you
cannot be my partner?
