Free Thoughts~on One word...

New Word :

I Get Weak
Belinda Carlisle

When Im with you
I shake inside
My hearts all tangled up
My tongue is tied its crazy

Cant walk, cant talk, cant eat, cant sleep
Oh, Im in love, oh Im in deep cuz baby

With a kiss you can strip me defenseless
With a touch I completely lose control
til all thats left of my strength is a memory, wo...

I get weak when I look at you
Weak when we touch
I cant speak when I look in your eyes
I get weak when youre next to me
Weak from this love
I cant speak when I look in your eyes
I get weak

Convincing eyes, persuasive lips
The helpless heart just cant resist their power

You know youve got a hold over me
You know youve got me where I want to be cuz lover

Like a wave you keep pulling me under
How Ill ever get out of this I dont know
I just know theres just no way to fight it, wo...

I get weak when I look at you
Weak when we touch
I cant speak when I look in your eyes
I get weak when youre next to me
Weak from this love
Im in deep when I look in your eyes
I get weak I get weak I get weak

Just a kiss you can strip me defenseless
Just a touch I completely lose control
til all thats left of my strength is a memory, wo...

I get weak when I look at you
Weak when we touch
I cant speak when I look in your eyes
I get weak when youre next to me
Weak from this love
I cant speak when I look in your eyes
I get weak I get weak I get weak

weak ....

whator who makes YOU weak ?

Happy Writing ~~

rewind ....

the eyes can be deceived
but the heart can tell,
knows when that embering flame
has whippled to an all consuming
low. a far sighted future calls
out, asking to be shown
like a rerun,
the heart has known
felt the deep chill
of what has been
and what shall be
over again. it cannot
be tricked
or convinced
the needle has been pricked
all that is left
is the blood letting ...


Once sprouted lusts springtime
blossom. Bounteous bouquets of hot
greedy need, planted a seed
only to watch as withering rays
shriveled each leaf. Leaving
a lost, scared lil plant. Too fractured
to attempt the barest whiff
of loves smiling grace.

Winter time love called, slipping in
diving deep into the frail foliage.
Spreading, shaping a meaningful mix
of sunshine, happiness, lust and yes
love all around. Helping the down-
trotted tulip blush
into the skies eternal empyrean.

UnderYourSpell said:
Wish I could write poetry like that .. mine just seems concrete next to your flame

And my hole once consumed
begs for more. Deeper, deeper
intrusion. Spread over
the sheets of my wanton
desire, till I crash and burn
in the bottomless well
of your making. Your hell
or is it ... heaven?

I edited a bit. :rose: Still might need a bit of work, but the thing is :

Everyone has feelings, wants, desires ... it is in you, to put those feelings down. Make the reader FEEL it, without saying every word that pop's in. That way, they are a part of the journey, the vision you have.

Just a thought. I'm not the best but I strive to be better. Your welcome to come, play, write, whatever ... here. Anytime and Thank you for sharing this one with me, I get it and that's enough ... for now, lol ~

average gina said:
no lights
no sound
so dark
so free
the bed
and me
when closed
the stars
shine bright
no scars
they then
now dark
no spark
no time
to sour
just one
short hour

I was that close. Oh well ... I'm going to go to sleep now. :confused:


It's GREAT to see you. We miss you like crazy here and I am honored to have you drop by. Thank you for this one. Seems your stepping outside the box a lil and all looks good from here. Will be interesting to see where you take this ... More Please !!!

Did I say weak ?

Ok, here goes .. hipshot ~~


I still get weak, just thinking
of you. Time once was ours
to spend our dime, cater
to our secret need and shower
deep in the mountains
pure driven stream.

Now, days pass as I awake with your
memory. Try standing, only to fall
on my knees in hurt and misery.
One day turned the earth
a million times over, while we stood,
shell shocked and withered from emotions
torn, to easily given, but always

Our passion still whispers, maybe. But
in honest we converse, heart to heart,
breaking news that our one day
may have came, while we lived
normal lives, just trying to make it till,
that one.

Reality spins her dials, broadcasting :
No, perhaps not ever. We stand, we still
love and no one can take that away.

New word .. already, you say? lol ~

I am gonna bounce and have fun :

Milk :

Syllables: milk

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation mIlk
Definition 1. a white liquid produced by female mammals as food
for their offspring.

Definition 2. this liquid produced by cows or female goats and
collected for human consumption.
Crossref. Syn. bottle

Definition 3. a white fluid or juice secreted by certain plants.
Example coconut milk.

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms milked, milking, milks
Definition 1. to extract milk from the udder of (a female mammal).

Definition 2. to drain of energy, information, or money, usu. in
an exploitative way.
Example They milked him for every cent he had.

Related Words tap , blackmail , bilk , sap , drain , capitalize

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to yield milk.

Definition 2. to extract milk from the udder of a female mammal.


Main Entry: milk

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: liquid

Synonyms: bovine extract, buttermilk, certified, chalk*, condensed,
cow juice, cream, dried, evaporated, formula, goat, half-and-half,
homogenized, laiche, moo juice*, pasteurized, powdered, raw, skim,
two-percent, whole

Main Entry: milk

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: exploit

Synonyms: bleed, drain, draw off, elicit, empty, evince, evoke,
exhaust, express, extort, extract, fleece, impose on, let out, press,
pump, siphon, suck, take advantage, take out, tap, use, wring

it for all it's worth, leave it bone dry with
nothing to offer but saggy skin and a promise,
for more !!!

Happy Writing :p ~~~

Last edited:
RhymeFairy said:
New word .. already, you say? lol ~

I am gonna bounce and have fun :

Milk :

Syllables: milk

Parts of speech: noun , transitive verb , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation mIlk
Definition 1. a white liquid produced by female mammals as food
for their offspring.

Definition 2. this liquid produced by cows or female goats and
collected for human consumption.
Crossref. Syn. bottle

Definition 3. a white fluid or juice secreted by certain plants.
Example coconut milk.

Part of Speech transitive verb

Inflected Forms milked, milking, milks
Definition 1. to extract milk from the udder of (a female mammal).

Definition 2. to drain of energy, information, or money, usu. in
an exploitative way.
Example They milked him for every cent he had.

Related Words tap , blackmail , bilk , sap , drain , capitalize

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Definition 1. to yield milk.

Definition 2. to extract milk from the udder of a female mammal.


Main Entry: milk

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: liquid

Synonyms: bovine extract, buttermilk, certified, chalk*, condensed,
cow juice, cream, dried, evaporated, formula, goat, half-and-half,
homogenized, laiche, moo juice*, pasteurized, powdered, raw, skim,
two-percent, whole

Main Entry: milk

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: exploit

Synonyms: bleed, drain, draw off, elicit, empty, evince, evoke,
exhaust, express, extort, extract, fleece, impose on, let out, press,
pump, siphon, suck, take advantage, take out, tap, use, wring

it for all it's worth, leave it bone dry with
nothing to offer but saggy skin and a promise,
for more !!!

Happy Writing :p ~~~


Now these words :

Main Entry: milk

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: exploit

Synonyms: bleed, drain, draw off, elicit, empty, evince, evoke,
exhaust, express, extort, extract, fleece, impose on, let out, press,
pump, siphon, suck, take advantage, take out, tap, use, wring

are the spice, of life, g r o w l !!!!

now, who is willing to write till we drop ?

:cathappy: :catroar:
bleed, drain, draw off, elicit, empty, evince, evoke,
exhaust, express, extort, extract, fleece, impose on, let out, press,
pump, siphon, suck, take advantage, take out, tap, use, wring


elicit endeavors keep reaching beyond
and taking what is mine, freely
given, taken with relish and cream

spread eagle wide, I have your key
in hide and seek, I shall find your button
drain you dry, fleece every moment, for what
it's worth.

sharing wine with pressing thighs, silken tongue
glued to your button of thriving
need. exhausting all avenues from your top to
bottoms up. bite, nip
take you down to nothing, just to rebuild
you over and over

take, press, slice, figure
out a way to press on, for preliminary measures
are saying, you arr mine. I shall extract every morsel
of bone and flesh. finishing only, to take you
milk you dry again.

To savour on my tongue
is it wasted there this
milk, no creation of your
being? Taken for lust,
why should you care
with your moan your
pleasure that you deny
I thought I left you far behind,
yet you lurk in the shadows
mocking me, milking me of my happiness
or so you think...

Moving on was a blessing, well needed
and deserved after living under your thumb
for so many years,
finally finding bliss and worthiness

Keep hiding in the shadows and soon
you will find that you are nothing more
than a tiny nuisance,
you no longer have control of my life

Soon the time will come that I
will triumph, wanting to throw it all
in your face, but knowing me,
instead I will let you stew in your own pity
Unbridled_Passion said:
I thought I left you far behind,
yet you lurk in the shadows
mocking me, milking me of my happiness
or so you think...

Moving on was a blessing, well needed
and deserved after living under your thumb
for so many years,
finally finding bliss and worthiness

Keep hiding in the shadows and soon
you will find that you are nothing more
than a tiny nuisance,
you no longer have control of my life

Soon the time will come that I
will triumph, wanting to throw it all
in your face, but knowing me,
instead I will let you stew in your own pity

I wish I had written that it describes perfectly somewhere I have been ..
He's been released
to torment and plague.
I watch my back, front
as well. My desire,
is to see him
rot, in hell.

My aren't we in good spirits lol

See me, feel me creep into your bones
milking the marrow from your life
ripping assunder the sinews, racked
with pain, shrivel your mildewed mind.
a few writes yesterday ~

tie him up
( paw the ground )
slither across snakelike,
tongue lashing, slinking
tasting my meal, to


renewed strength
lifelong ambitions, on the edge
to take, make
a fierce tongue, glued not
staking claim, to where
red crimson tears
fall, licking
every drop
away. strength reborn
as mistakes pass
this is the time to grow,
what once was ....

~~ helpless, in what
can be ~~~


I am a lone soul,
wavering across
taking, good to bad.
making mince meat from mice
to little to know what they really
desire. alone in the dark, tied
tight, scampering emotions
from scared to scolding, ionic
nerves on end. a whip-
ping tail, slices, first blood
spilled. taste, this energy.
take a piece of wholey-cheese
as it slithers down and awaiting,

Last edited:

Half full from lines wasted, too many
telling. Can you not see, really
see, I am half empty. Long distance
nights left me, to rediscover,
where all my pieces are hidden. Once
a vision, clear and beautiful, with tight
fitting seams. Now I sag in the middle
and steam blow the rafters.​

How do you make the poem sit in the middle of the page please? I have tried doing that from my own copy but when I submit it just comes out on the edge as per usual!
I like this one RF,,,

RhymeFairy said:

Half full from lines wasted, too many
telling. Can you not see, really
see, I am half empty. Long distance
nights left me, to rediscover,
where all my pieces are hidden. Once
a vision, clear and beautiful, with tight
fitting seams. Now I sag in the middle
and steam blow the rafters.​


Reminded me of one I wrote a while back...

Above me, the storm clouds remain, the fierceness of thunder and lightening all about.

Below, scattered about the ground are the remnants of my leafy comfort, my security, hopes and beliefs.

Everywhere I look, pieces of me.

The wind blows. I hear the softness of your name, and then the gusts begin, shattering the beauty of the sound.

The four winds scatter that which was, chasing away the memories, emotions and feelings.

Like so much chaff falling from the sky, tiny bits and pieces of debris, of what was my heart, my soul.

I stand watching them fall like teardrops,

And everywhere I look, pieces of me.

Vainly I attempt to gather them before they can scatter even further. But there are too many, it is hopeless.

The pieces of memory, love, and trust that once held true now torn asunder, growing ever distant.

Like so many tumbleweeds, scattering off in differing directions.

Too many to gather, hold onto. Too much of what was, now lost.

Confused, frustrated, and torn. I can only stand and watch as they blow away into the distance.

Pieces of me, tumbling away into oblivion.

Pieces of me


Of me
UnderYourSpell said:
How do you make the poem sit in the middle of the page please? I have tried doing that from my own copy but when I submit it just comes out on the edge as per usual!

Hightlight what you want in the middle
go to top of quote page, or submit page
see that lil set of threee lines ?
B ... I ... U ....
pick the one that says align center


Or ....

you could just try putting

[ * CENTER* ] ..... your words ..... [ */CENTER* ]

before and after, like you would normally do when adding color to change the colors on words ...but take out the *'s.


.. push quote on this commentary and see how I did it on the first, round.

Hope I helped more than confuse. :eek:

Many Feathers said:
Reminded me of one I wrote a while back...

Above me, the storm clouds remain, the fierceness of thunder and lightening all about.

Below, scattered about the ground are the remnants of my leafy comfort, my security, hopes and beliefs.

Everywhere I look, pieces of me.

The wind blows. I hear the softness of your name, and then the gusts begin, shattering the beauty of the sound.

The four winds scatter that which was, chasing away the memories, emotions and feelings.

Like so much chaff falling from the sky, tiny bits and pieces of debris, of what was my heart, my soul.

I stand watching them fall like teardrops,

And everywhere I look, pieces of me.

Vainly I attempt to gather them before they can scatter even further. But there are too many, it is hopeless.

The pieces of memory, love, and trust that once held true now torn asunder, growing ever distant.

Like so many tumbleweeds, scattering off in differing directions.

Too many to gather, hold onto. Too much of what was, now lost.

Confused, frustrated, and torn. I can only stand and watch as they blow away into the distance.

Pieces of me, tumbling away into oblivion.

Pieces of me


Of me

beautiful !!! :rose:

I see quit a bit of repetition. Sometimes it works. I know this poem really touches me but I think the repetition takes away from it. Just my opinion Rick, it really is beautiful ... I worked on the form a bit but you have your own, natural form, so pay me no never mind, I just love to play with poems and switch'it around a bit to see how it better falls off the tongue. Here's what I came up with but like I said, ... if it were me, the repetition would be what I would play with ... I started out doing that but then ... I just couldn't ... it is yours and I do love the feeling .. so Thank you my friend, for sharing.


Above me, the storm clouds
remain. The fierceness of thunder
and lightening all about.

Below, scattered around the ground
are the remnants of my leafy comfort,
my security ... hopes and beliefs.
Everywhere I look, pieces of me.

The wind blows. I hear the softness
of your name, and then the gusts begin,
shattering the beauty of the sound.

The four winds scatter that which was.
Chasing away the memories, emotions
and feelings. Like so much chaff falling
from the sky, tiny bits and pieces,
debris, of what was my heart, my soul.
I stand watching them fall like teardrops,
And everywhere I look, pieces of me.

Vainly I attempt to gather them
before they can scatter even further.
But there are too many. It is hopeless.
The pieces of memory, love, and trust
that once held true, now torn asunder,
growing ever distant.

Like so many tumbleweeds, scattering off
in differing directions. Too many to gather,
hold onto. Too much of what was, now
lost. Confused, frustrated, and torn.
I can only watch as they blow away
into the distance.

Pieces of me, tumbling away
into oblivion. Pieces of me


Of me


:heart: :rose: :kiss:
he touched me

with passion. colored me
into a corner, a lovers den.
casually coerce, tenderly
tease and poetically
passion me up. a slow building
of love, brick by brick
placed, just right.
the making of such,
is unthinkable to me.

once a woman destroyed
by loves embrace. he took
the time, energy to remake,
make me. rethink, rebuild
this lost soul. structured
to stand tall, think proud
and love, once again.
only, time could not

stand still. oceans churned,
and the world turned into
a new time and place.
here I stand renewed, becoming
unglued by the thought

of his passing, his touch
his mere, being in my life. happy
to be a new me, saddened by
the thought of me, without him ...


an edit of one of my older ones ... still needs a bitta work. :rolleyes:

nighty night friends ~~

Come on tuck me in and I'll tuck you in....I think our super woman powers are exhausted :kiss: