Free Thoughts~on One word...

Just having a fiddle here but doubt I am doing it right because I cant see any little lines nor do I know how to do colours lol Tut now it tells me my submission is too short if I keep waffling on about the weather which is atrocious here in england perhaps it will sometime or other let me post a reply tut am now getting a tad peed off as it still won't let me post ... gives up and goes home............................................................................................... don't think this quote thing is going to work for me resigns oneself to being a leftie poster
UnderYourSpell said:
Just having a fiddle here but doubt I am doing it right because I cant see any little lines nor do I know how to do colours lol Tut now it tells me my submission is too short if I keep waffling on about the weather which is atrocious here in england perhaps it will sometime or other let me post a reply tut am now getting a tad peed off as it still won't let me post ... gives up and goes home............................................................................................... don't think this quote thing is going to work for me resigns oneself to being a leftie poster

I love
your sense of humor
how you try
so hard to keep going.
I'm writing this, to have
something to post, for you.
my lil leftie
friend ~​

Goooood morning,

I have to take the kids to school. Will be back in a bit to see if I can help. Post something you want, centered or pm it to me and I'll send it back, centered for you.

Don't know what to say now lol the lord and master (koff) will be in soon and that will put the end to this internet roving but will be back next week (I hope) mind you am feeling a tad talentless at mo when you lot can all express yourswlves better than I can was thinking of bowing out for a while .. Rhyming poetry was always my thing and finding out I was dated was a shock to the system and I can't seem to do this other stuff .. perhaps I need to read a few dictionaries .. I just don't have the words perhaps I am too old to change ..paranoia over apart from that I think you are all great xx
UnderYourSpell said:
Don't know what to say now lol the lord and master (koff) will be in soon and that will put the end to this internet roving but will be back next week (I hope) mind you am feeling a tad talentless at mo when you lot can all express yourswlves better than I can was thinking of bowing out for a while .. Rhyming poetry was always my thing and finding out I was dated was a shock to the system and I can't seem to do this other stuff .. perhaps I need to read a few dictionaries .. I just don't have the words perhaps I am too old to change ..paranoia over apart from that I think you are all great xx

Hang in there. It will come. I still do not know how to insert pictures on my commentary. Sooooo, we all live and learn, lol. Thanks for hanging out and writing with me. Have a great weekend ~~

Starting the weekend early. ;)

So, a new word comes to mind ....

Party :

Syllables: par-ty

Parts of speech: noun , adjective , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation par ti
Inflected Forms parties
Definition 1. a social gathering at which there are conversation,
entertainment, and refreshments.
Synonyms affair
Crossref. Syn. celebration , blast
Similar Words function , ball2 , celebration , social , revel , get-
together , carousal , blast , bash , fete , carouse , jamboree , soiree ,

Definition 2. a group assembled for a particular purpose.
Example a work party ; a hiking party.
Synonyms team , crew , troop , gang , band
Similar Words crowd , corps , squad , circle , assemblage , unit ,
group , association , company , assembly

Definition 3. a group or organization formed on the basis of common
political beliefs or opinions.
Crossref. Syn. camp
Similar Words confederacy , caucus , junta , coalition , wing ,
league , sector , federation , contingent , side , bloc , alliance ,
cabal , union , faction

Definition 4. a participant.
Example She was a party to his intrigues.
Synonyms participant , partner
Crossref. Syn. actor
Similar Words associate , ally , insider , contributor

Definition 5. a specific person; individual.
Example Are you the party who owns this car?
Synonyms one , person , individual
Similar Words entity , being

Related Words hop , outfit , combine , table , boss , farewell ,
event , dance , banquet , benefit , fellowship , occasion , machine ,

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. of or relating to a political party.
Example the party convention.
Similar Words factional , parochial , partisan , partial , sectarian

Definition 2. suitable for a party or other social occasion.
Example party decorations.
Similar Words festive , celebratory {celebrate (vi)}
Related Words cabinet

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms partied, partying, parties

Definition 1. to attend a party or parties.
Crossref. Syn. celebrate
Similar Words celebrate , carouse , revel , barhop


It's the weekend, come on .... tell me
what lies in your mind, that which
consist of a party, for two ? :rose:

Happy Writing ~~
RhymeFairy said:
Starting the weekend early. ;)

So, a new word comes to mind ....

Party :

Syllables: par-ty

Parts of speech: noun , adjective , intransitive verb

Part of Speech noun

Pronunciation par ti
Inflected Forms parties
Definition 1. a social gathering at which there are conversation,
entertainment, and refreshments.
Synonyms affair
Crossref. Syn. celebration , blast
Similar Words function , ball2 , celebration , social , revel , get-
together , carousal , blast , bash , fete , carouse , jamboree , soiree ,

Definition 2. a group assembled for a particular purpose.
Example a work party ; a hiking party.
Synonyms team , crew , troop , gang , band
Similar Words crowd , corps , squad , circle , assemblage , unit ,
group , association , company , assembly

Definition 3. a group or organization formed on the basis of common
political beliefs or opinions.
Crossref. Syn. camp
Similar Words confederacy , caucus , junta , coalition , wing ,
league , sector , federation , contingent , side , bloc , alliance ,
cabal , union , faction

Definition 4. a participant.
Example She was a party to his intrigues.
Synonyms participant , partner
Crossref. Syn. actor
Similar Words associate , ally , insider , contributor

Definition 5. a specific person; individual.
Example Are you the party who owns this car?
Synonyms one , person , individual
Similar Words entity , being

Related Words hop , outfit , combine , table , boss , farewell ,
event , dance , banquet , benefit , fellowship , occasion , machine ,

Part of Speech adjective

Definition 1. of or relating to a political party.
Example the party convention.
Similar Words factional , parochial , partisan , partial , sectarian

Definition 2. suitable for a party or other social occasion.
Example party decorations.
Similar Words festive , celebratory {celebrate (vi)}
Related Words cabinet

Part of Speech intransitive verb

Inflected Forms partied, partying, parties

Definition 1. to attend a party or parties.
Crossref. Syn. celebrate
Similar Words celebrate , carouse , revel , barhop


It's the weekend, come on .... tell me
what lies in your mind, that which
consist of a party, for two ? :rose:

Happy Writing ~~


I remember the mild ones when I was young...
birthday hats, cake, friends and presents
then they got wilder
drinking wine, beer, whiskey and usually
all in one night...
but now that I am older
I watch the kids
with hats, cake, smiles
while we party!
my party for two
has begun. a pole, laundry
flying to the skies
heart racing, sighs
escaping, two becoming, not
quite one.

hands moving, fingers grasping,
gaping memories, swing in,
a kaleidoscope of emotion filling
days. turning topsy turvey nights
into lust and excitement with sexual
frustration, no more. pinned down,
wringing wet, ironing out all his hot

spots, with pure driven
devotion to turning whites, white
and colors will collide, meshing
their machine from line dancing dips
to a cowgirl in spurs, spinning,
pouncing, edging him on. to take
grind, great each thrust
with a hell ya, I want

;) :kiss:
Good morning .... :rose:

Sometimes I look up words in the thesaurus to get a general " feel " of them. I like these two a lot. I could bounce off them for days on end and still have so much more to say. Both of these have so many hidden meanings with a lot of word play mixed with smoke and ladders.


Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: erotic

Synonyms: animal, animalistic, arousing, blue, bodily, carnal,
debauched, delightful, epicurean, exciting, fleshly, heavy*, hedonic,
hot*, hot stuff, irreligious, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous,
licentious, lustful, moving, physical, pleasing, purple, randy, raunchy,
rough, sensuous, sexual, sexy, sharpened, steamy, stimulating,
stirring, tactile, unchaste, unspiritual, voluptuous

Notes: sensuous usually implies gratification of the senses for the sake
of aesthetic pleasure; sensual usually describes gratification of the senses
or physical appetites as an end in itself

* = informal or slang


Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: gratifying

Synonyms: carnal, epicurean, exciting, fleshly, fleshy, hedonistic,
low down, luscious, lush, luxurious, passionate, physical, pleasurable,
pleasure-loving, pleasure-seeking, primrose, rich, self-indulgent, sensory,
sensual, sensualistic, slinky, sumptuous, sybaritic, voluptuous

Notes: sensuous usually implies gratification of the senses for
the sake of aesthetic pleasure; sensual usually describes gratification
of the senses or physical appetites as an end in itself

Main Entry: carnal

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: erotic

Synonyms: animal, bodily, corporal, corporeal, earthly, fleshly,
genital, impure, lascivious, lecherous, lewd, libidinous, licentious,
lustful, physical, prurient, salacious, sensual, sensuous, temporal,
unchaste, venereal, voluptuous, vulgar, wanton, worldly

Antonyms: chaste, godly, moral, pure, spiritual

So use one of these words, or several, to find your zone and write it out.
In general just have some fun with thinking on this and so much more.

Have a great one and Happy Writing .....

Last edited:
UnderYourSpell said:
The reading of the meanings is poetry in itself ...all hot n bothered here now!!

lmao ... Seems we have a lot in common, I stay that way. :devil:

2 Free Thoughts this week :


I had a spot picked out just for us.
A lil shade tree, sheet and lotza ice
to keep us cool, while we burn up
the hillside with all our moans
and grunts.



It's all in the pressure
and release. Thighs,
how they do heed
directions in sticky,

Like in a fever
consuming passion
Oh my God
waves rising
speading inwards
towards the shore
crashingggggggg .....
Passion Thread this am ~

RhymeFairy said:

Take what I give. Dress me down,
till my tits submerge,
emerge to be tickled and tasted
with long wet licks, round top
to bottom. Slide my sides and drown
my thighs. You're granted a break
while I milk your cake. I take
my way, as you pay. My hand full'a
cock, more is my glory. I taste
your growth as you mouth out
" Oh My Betroth !! " A long, deep
throated dip, your base at my lips,
while I suckle your screams
and fancy your huckle.


... needs a bitta work ~


Brought over from the passion thread. This one started out as an imagery, dream. I put it on passion and played with it there, then here ... the final finish, me thinks, lol :eek:

Take what I give. Dress me down,
till my tits submerge,
emerge to be tickled, tasted
with long wet licks, round top
to bottom. Slide my sides and drown
my thighs. You're granted a break
while I milk your cake. I take
my way, as you pay. My hand full'a
cock, round the clock. I taste
your growth as you mouth out
" Oh My Betroth !! " A long, deep
throated dip, your base at my lips,
while I suckle your screams
and leave you, seepingly supple.

:heart: :catroar:
RhymeFairy said:
Brought over from the passion thread. This one started out as an imagery, dream. I put it on passion and played with it there, then here ... the final finish, me thinks, lol :eek:

Take what I give. Dress me down,
till my tits submerge,
emerge to be tickled, tasted
with long wet licks, round top
to bottom. Slide my sides and drown
my thighs. You're granted a break
while I milk your cake. I take
my way, as you pay. My hand full'a
cock, round the clock. I taste
your growth as you mouth out
" Oh My Betroth !! " A long, deep
throated dip, your base at my lips,
while I suckle your screams
and leave you, seepingly supple.

:heart: :catroar:

Oh you wicked wicked woman.... "You're granted a break while I milk your cake" split second thought......find be a plane ticket I need to partake of some delicious creamy cake.....missing my man...missing my cock :devil:
Beam_of_lite said:
Oh you wicked wicked woman.... "You're granted a break while I milk your cake" split second thought......find be a plane ticket I need to partake of some delicious creamy cake.....missing my man...missing my cock :devil:

Hoping your not on a diet ... ;) :D

this cake ... this dream
filled with rich, wet lip
dip, sweet as sin, cream.

Yes, I told and did not paint :eek: but it's all in the flick, of the wrist, so I went with it ~

;) :D :p
Milky way meltdown

Twisted visions turn on,
cycling me to another world,
another time. Where I rim out
then in, take deep breathing treatments
to the edge, back out, to cycle
over. Twisting purple beach balls,
absorbing his fresh meat as I frolic
down to taste the destruction
of this lusty beaching
I long to command.

Being here at Lit. has taught me a lot about being ....

Thesaurus entry :
Horny ~

* = informal or slang

Main Entry: amorous

Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: affectionate
Synonyms: amative, amatory, aphrodisiac, ardent, attached, boy
crazy*, doting, enamored, erotic, fond, girl crazy*, horny*, hot, hot
for, impassioned, in love, infatuated, lovesick, lovey-dovey, loving, l
ustful, passionate, romantic, sweet for*, sweet on*, tender

Antonyms: cold, cool, hateful, repulsed, turned off, unfriendly

Main Entry: ardent

Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: enthusiastic
Synonyms: agog, avid, blazing, burning, desirous, eager, fervent,
fervid, fierce, fiery, horny*, hot*, hungry, impassioned, intense, keen,
lovey-dovey*, lusty, passionate, spirited, thirsty, vehement, warm,

Antonyms: apathetic, cold, cool, dispassionate, frigid, indifferent, unenthusiastic

Main Entry: excited

Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: emotional
Synonyms: aflame, agitated, animated, annoyed, aroused, awakened,
beside oneself*, charged, delighted, discomposed, disconcerted,
disturbed, eager, enthusiastic, feverish, fired up*, frantic, high*, hopped
up, horny, hot*, hyper, hysterical, inflamed, inspired, juiced up*, jumpy*,
keyed up*, moved, nervous, on edge*, on fire*, overwrought, passionate,
piqued, provoked, roused, ruffled, steamed up*, stimulated, stirred, thrilled,
tumultuous, upset, weird, wild, worked up

Antonyms: bored, comatose, composed, easygoing, laid-back, sedate,
tranquil, unexcited

Main Entry: hot

Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: aroused
Synonyms: aroused, carnal, concupiscent, erotic, horny, lascivious,
lewd, libidinous, lustful, passionate, prurient, salacious, sensual

Antonyms: calm

Main Entry: lascivious

Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: aroused
Synonyms: X-rated*, bawdy, blue, bodily, carnal, coarse, crude, dirty,
evil-minded, fast*, filthy, fleshly, gross*, hard core, heavy, horny, hot*,
hot for, immoral, incontinent, indecent, lecherous, lewd, libertine,
libidinous, licentious, low-down*, lubricous, lustful, nasty, obscene,
off-color*, offensive, orgiastic, pornographic, prurient, randy, raunchy*,
raw, ribald, rough, salacious, scurrilous, sensual, smutty*, soft core,
steamy, suggestive, unchaste, voluptuous, vulgar, wanton

Antonyms: ascetic

Main Entry: lecherous

Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: lustful
Synonyms: carnal, concupiscent, corrupt, dirty, fast*, horny,
incontinent, lascivious, lewd, libertine, libidinous, licentious, low-down*,
lubricous, prurient, raunchy*, salacious, satyric, sensual, unchaste,

Antonyms: chaste, pure

Main Entry: libidinous

Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: lustful
Synonyms: carnal, coarse, concupiscent, debauched, fast, gross,
heavy, horny, hot*, impure, incontinent, lascivious, lecherous, libertine,
loose*, obscene, passionate, prurient, salacious, satyric, sensual,
unchaste, wanton, wicked

Antonyms: chaste

among other things, ;) So, who else is gonna jump on this wagon and give it a write?

Happy writing ~

smoggy land visit

secreting, mink oil
pearl paste. fornicating
imagery, invading
wetland paradise, eroding
dusty webbed fly traps
into the cloudless sky, as we
take our trip, into
the erotic heart.

:catroar: :kiss: :p :catroar:
I'm outta booze

so speaks the heart.
True and undefy-ingly
dedicated. Traipsing along,
taking, wanting, tasting
tainting your virgin heart
to try, me on. Dry run test
to bend your pretzel,
corrode your mind.
Making my wants, happen.

For love, is you
the champion of my soul.
Who caters to every need,
known. Come play these fields,
sip this cup, tight fist,
these caverns of catastrophic
prudence. Take your stand,
no ringing the bell, kneel
and pray, it never

Prurient lascivious thou lecherous libertine,
passionate impure and coarsely debauched
unchaste satyr orgiastic perveyor of porn,
stimulate my desires inflamed , hysterical
......taken .......
RhymeFairy said:
I'm outta booze

so speaks the heart.
True and undefy-ingly
dedicated. Traipsing along,
taking, wanting, tasting
tainting your virgin heart
to try, me on. Dry run test
to bend your pretzel,
corrode your mind.
Making my wants, happen.

For love, is you
the champion of my soul.
Who caters to every need,
known. Come play these fields,
sip this cup, tight fist,
these caverns of catastrophic
prudence. Take your stand,
no ringing the bell, kneel
and pray, it never


hey dey ja vooooooo .. I thought I had posted in the wrong place lol
We greet, with smiling
faces, as he drops knee
to ground, displaying
his worship, of what's
to come.

Rosary beads, slip
short coming, not hip.
Capturing nipple to tongue
cementing these holy

Curved pretzel loops
around the bend he scoops
scouting new territory
to take and command.

Professing prolific proposals,
pretty words, clipped. Sharing
his world of teaching, with his
Mistress of pain.

*whip snaps*

UnderYourSpell said:
hey dey ja vooooooo .. I thought I had posted in the wrong place lol

If I write something on any other thread, I try bringing it back here, to have it to play with, down the road ... grrrrrr, mmmmmmmmm ~
