Freedom of Speech and D/s... How Does It Affect You?

Does involvment in the D/s lifestyle affect your freedom of speech?

  • I say whatever I damned well please

    Votes: 8 36.4%
  • I am cautious, but that's just how I am naturally

    Votes: 13 59.1%
  • My dominant/master must approve anything that I wish to post in advance of my placing the post

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • My dominant/master does not allow me to post at all, only read.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other: Feel free to explain

    Votes: 1 4.5%

  • Total voters
Re: Sammy sub

Bachlum Chaam said:
Johnny she is THE sub and I was sorely tempted to lend her to you till she sufficiently grovelled

Yes, alas I do insist she uses her mind, she would be of little use otherwise, but as you can tell she does like to push, but I can push harder :D

Hope that clarifies my ladies position (kneeling)

You go, brother!! Nothing wrong with using your mind, subbies...just try to use it sometime before you open your mouth, or hit the submit button, ok? ;)
catalina_francisco said:
Edited to add: In posting, he has on occasion wanted to see what I was posting before I posted, mostly to remind me he can, sometimes to protect me....though he may pass comment, he does not forbid me posting anything. Also contrary to what some may believe, I never set out to offend or be rude to anyone, but believe I have an equal right to my opinion and hope others read my words the way they are intended. Sometimes does not happen, but that is not my issue to deal with though I may attempt to explain in the interests of peaceful and productive discussion.

Thank you for sharing that, Catalina. You made me smile when you said that he sometimes wants to see something 'just to remind you that he can'. And, you've added the fact that he may also do it to protect you. Those are two great points that hadn't even crossed my mind. You still retain the right to post what you want, so your freedom of speech is not compromised.

Once in a blue moon I may run a post by Soron prior to submitting it. If he can offer me another point of view to incorporate, I appreciate it. I value his thoughts and respect his opinions. (They're usually the same as mine anyway, we think alike on most matters) But, I am not required to modify the post to reflect his thought if it differs from mine. I have the freedom to say whatever I want to in the end.
Desdemona said:
My relationship has no bearing on what I post here.
I admire you for your insightful and honest posts, Des. You have a lot to offer, and I've learned a good deal through what you post here. Thanks!
Johnny Mayberry said:
Yeah, that's what he lets you think...


I allow my submissive the freedom to express herself usually, because it suits me to.
You did reply, I almost missed it... thanks!

Care to comment on the 'usually' part? Are there times where you do not permit her to express herself, as far as free speech goes? Do you use it as a learning tool, as punishment... something else? I'd be interested in anything you might have to share.
Re: I voted cautiously

apet4you said:
My *Owner* (if and when i have one) does not tell me when and where to post. I do, however, believe some things Should Not be discussed in an open forum: ie my personal life, my relationship status etc. It is no-ones business but mine and not up for discussion or debate. If my *Owner* were to want me to announce it (for whatever reason) then of course i would, though i would be extremely uncomfortable about doing so.

I guess this comes from attempting relationships on the net in the does more harm than good.

In my humble opinion, i am a smart female with a tremendous amount of experience in this particular lifestyle choice. Whether i belong to someone or not does not change the basic things that make me...ME. I will be outspoken and rude when called for just because that is how i naturally am. Anyone who prizes those things would be hard pressed to try and convince me that they no longer have worth because i now belong to *Them* have my vote and opinion...
Thanks, Pet!

I agree with your thought completely. I don't believe that I could change what I feel, think or say either. I am who I am, it's not something that can be changed at will. I can see where I might temporarily alter behavior or speech on occasion if requested, but that still wouldn't change who I am inside.
Arden said:
I admire you for your insightful and honest posts, Des. You have a lot to offer, and I've learned a good deal through what you post here. Thanks!

Thank you Arden. What a nice thing to say!
I believe in freedom of speech, I do not see the need or the usefulness in limiting my slave's opinions or trying to mould her into a mindless robot. For me personally her opinions count ten thousand times more then anyone else in the world. The thing that made me fall in love with her was her mind and the way she can use it.

Of course she might have a different opinion than mine, and I will tell her so if she has. I will even discuss with her the differences, but I will not force her to change them to mine. However of course at the end whatever her opinion might be, my word is law.

This in effect makes the submission taste even sweeter, since she is not a mindless robot, who follows commands blindly the fact that she submits not out of weakness but out of strength makes my own dominance over her purer and more fulfilling.

catalina_francisco said:
I believe in freedom of speech, I do not see the need or the usefulness in limiting my slave's opinions or trying to mould her into a mindless robot. For me personally her opinions count ten thousand times more then anyone else in the world. The thing that made me fall in love with her was her mind and the way she can use it.

Of course she might have a different opinion than mine, and I will tell her so if she has. I will even discuss with her the differences, but I will not force her to change them to mine. However of course at the end whatever her opinion might be, my word is law.

This in effect makes the submission taste even sweeter, since she is not a mindless robot, who follows commands blindly the fact that she submits not out of weakness but out of strength makes my own dominance over her purer and more fulfilling.


I feel that sums it up perfectly and much better than I myself could put it v nice Francisco
Bachlum Chaam
Hey Arden...

I guess I am somewhere in between being cautious and saying whatever I damn well please. OK, so I don't have a Dom but the situation wasn't much different when I did.

There are times when I agonize over some posts and will run them by whoever is important to me, but that doesn't always mean I will edit the content. In the end I post what I want.


In thinking further about things, asking for his input in particular was very much an exercise in seeking his approval. I don't think he ever tried to censor me.
If my speech was restricted ... it was the Dominants choice at that time. However, the content of my speech nor my thoughts were restricted and that is as it should be.

i often think there is confusion about whether or not a sub is allowed to post as opposed to how they are allowed to post. If a Dominant does not see fit to allow their sub/slave/bottom to speak period ... it is the perogative of the Dominant provided it is within the guidelines of that relationship.

i fall squarely in the "i'll say what i damn well please" catagory. i'm outspoken and brutally honest, and change is something i keep in a little coin purse.
Arden said:
You did reply, I almost missed it... thanks!

Care to comment on the 'usually' part? Are there times where you do not permit her to express herself, as far as free speech goes? Do you use it as a learning tool, as punishment... something else? I'd be interested in anything you might have to share.

'Usually' meaning when I feel like it...I thought I had made that clear. Sometimes for punishment, sometimes just because she needs to remember her place.

Oh, and when she is allowed to speak her mind(which is most of the time...she's pretty entertaining!), she still needs to remember her place. After all, her behavior and speeech are reflections on me...something certain submissives on Lit should try to remember.
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Ok... sorry JM... had to get that out of my system :p

Obviously, I say whatever I damn well please. My mind is my own... and though we have not discussed it, I am quite sure N would have nothing to do with me if that were not the case, as it was my mind that attracted him to me in the first place. We were friends first, and moved on from there.
Johnny Mayberry said:
After all, her behavior and speeech are reflections on me...something certain submissives on Lit should try to remember.

As true as this statement is, it does go both ways. I have seen submissives judged, and at times pitied, for the words and behaviour of their seemingly rude, obnoxious, and intellect lacking Dominants. Fortunately your submissive won't have this problem but it is worth noting for some that being a Dominant does not automatically bless one with a perfect persona, and as such their submissive may be unfairly judged.

I don't think I would ever consider curtailing someone's speech (except perhaps with a gag!) I like feisty women, and prefer someone outspoken to someone quiet -- that includes submissives.

As for me, well, I say what I damned well please. I try not to be deliberately offensive, but I will quite happily take the mickey (so if you are missing a mickey, you know who has it!)
FungiUg said:
I don't think I would ever consider curtailing someone's speech (except perhaps with a gag!) I like feisty women, and prefer someone outspoken to someone quiet -- that includes submissives.

As for me, well, I say what I damned well please. I try not to be deliberately offensive, but I will quite happily take the mickey (so if you are missing a mickey, you know who has it!)

Oh you really are mean:eek: taking Mickey and leaving Minnie all alone and blue? :mad: How could you be so cruel and nasty?:D

catalina_francisco said:
As true as this statement is, it does go both ways. I have seen submissives judged, and at times pitied, for the words and behaviour of their seemingly rude, obnoxious, and intellect lacking Dominants. Fortunately your submissive won't have this problem but it is worth noting for some that being a Dominant does not automatically bless one with a perfect persona, and as such their submissive may be unfairly judged.


Its lucky for me(and my sub) that I came factory-equipped with such a sunny disposition, huh?;)

Seriously, though, as much as I like to play around and joke, I do think my point is valid, as this thread shows, I think. While I believe everyone has the right to express themselves, the way they choose to do it is important as well. I would absolutely feel ashamed of myself, and not very Domly at all if my submissive was posting to this thread something like "I'll do as I damned well please, and if my Dom doesn't like it, too bad!" Then again, I don't think I can imagine someone giving that impression, and at the same time calling themself a submissive...but to each his own, I suppose.
Johnny Mayberry said:
Its lucky for me(and my sub) that I came factory-equipped with such a sunny disposition, huh?;)

Seriously, though, as much as I like to play around and joke, I do think my point is valid, as this thread shows, I think. While I believe everyone has the right to express themselves, the way they choose to do it is important as well. I would absolutely feel ashamed of myself, and not very Domly at all if my submissive was posting to this thread something like "I'll do as I damned well please, and if my Dom doesn't like it, too bad!" Then again, I don't think I can imagine someone giving that impression, and at the same time calling themself a submissive...but to each his own, I suppose.

I can sort of see where you're coming from. For some of us though, we've had that discussion privately within our relationships. Snooze told me long ago to use my judgement and that He would not censor what I say. I chose not to add this info to my original post. Perhaps I'm not the only one who has this arrangement.
Desdemona said:
I can sort of see where you're coming from. For some of us though, we've had that discussion privately within our relationships. Snooze told me long ago to use my judgement and that He would not censor what I say. I chose not to add this info to my original post. Perhaps I'm not the only one who has this arrangement.

Perhaps. And perhaps some folks post things 'against' their Dom as a sort of acting out, or to claim complete independence from their Dom?

PS: Subs don't hold all the power in a D/s relationship, as I understand it. The only power they truly have is to walk out...which is a lose-lose situation, isn't it?
Johnny Mayberry said:
Perhaps. And perhaps some folks post things 'against' their Dom as a sort of acting out, or to claim complete independence from their Dom?

Anything's possible. I personally don't see the point in acting out that way. But then, I hate to get in trouble and I'm not looking for independance. I prefer the attentions of a happy, pleased Dom, not the attentions of one who is upset with me for some reason.

PS: Subs don't hold all the power in a D/s relationship, as I understand it. The only power they truly have is to walk out...which is a lose-lose situation, isn't it?

I agree. Walking out is a lose-lose scenario unless there is abuse or a bad fit and in that case, they shouldn't be in the relationship to start with. As far as power goes, if I wanted it, I'd be a Domme. I have whatever power or rights He chooses to give me and that works great for us.
Johnny Mayberry said:
Its lucky for me(and my sub) that I came factory-equipped with such a sunny disposition, huh?;)

Seriously, though, as much as I like to play around and joke, I do think my point is valid, as this thread shows, I think. While I believe everyone has the right to express themselves, the way they choose to do it is important as well. I would absolutely feel ashamed of myself, and not very Domly at all if my submissive was posting to this thread something like "I'll do as I damned well please, and if my Dom doesn't like it, too bad!" Then again, I don't think I can imagine someone giving that impression, and at the same time calling themself a submissive...but to each his own, I suppose.

I agree with you the freedom of speech and freedom to expression does not mean it is a wild card to impolite and disrespectful behaviour.

Johnny Mayberry said:
Perhaps. And perhaps some folks post things 'against' their Dom as a sort of acting out, or to claim complete independence from their Dom?

PS: Subs don't hold all the power in a D/s relationship, as I understand it. The only power they truly have is to walk out...which is a lose-lose situation, isn't it?
If they were to act out, they certainly deserve what comes to them.

And why even bother with an active punishment?

Ignoring a person in need is such a cold and bitter bowl of ice cream in the end.
Yeah, I REALLY limit what *I* say :rolleyes:
Hell, with some of the fights & flames I get in, I probably SHOULD have someone around to censor me LOL