Friends seeing your wife's nude pictures.

My husband shares my pictures with a friend at work. I control what he has on his phone. I send him (them) pictures fairly often under the guise of motivating them for work. I just like that they look at them and have nice and naughty comments for me to read. We also post on a few websites. I control it all and we both get turned on by it all. Here’s a couple that he’s shown to his friend.
Beautiful and Naughty indeed!
When I got my first computer and had nude pictures of downloaded pictures, my wife ask, why her pictures weren't there.
I told her that if they were and one of my friends came over and we got on the computer they would see. All see said was so,
but she'd show the ones I could have there. Next day a friend wanted to look something up on the internet and seen her picture.
She was in the other room and he yelled that she could mow his lawn anytime. After that she just said she didn't want to know
who seen her pictures. Here is the pictures he seen.
It looks like the lawn isn't the only thing that needs cutting.
How many guys show nude pictures of there wife's to there friends?

i was totally whacked out one time and a friend stopped by. we did some blasters and i said hey i want to show you something. i went to my pc and i pulled up a video of woman i was living with taking a good sized dong in her while i filmed. he was shocked and said omg. i said i'm trying to talk her into a threesome. he said hell yes. fast forward a month and she and i are at an afternoon party. i had forgotten about what happened and guess who walk through door but the guy i showed video to. unbeknownst to him, my date is not wearing panties. i immediately flashed back and said oh no as he bee lined to us. needless to say nothing happened but he followed us around all night (and behaved) and flirted constantly with her. her pussy was super wet when we got in car to leave; was it him, someone else or no panties for me that did it was the question i never asked.
I remember one of our friends came over for dinner a bit early I’d been putting some new photos in an album after he arrived I left the album on the coffee table and went out to set up the bbq leaving Dave on his own. When I came back inside he’d been looking at the photos in the album apart from the usual stuff that album wasn’t for general view having a few photos of Anne in the nude and a few sexy ones including her being fucked by a couple of other guys. I have to say Dave looked quite interested made for an interesting conversation over dinner 😂
Doing it without her permission is w-r-o-n-g.

But I hope women understand why men might want to do it.
I have tons of pics of my wife. I have never shared as she did not want to. I started PMing with a guy inhere and things led to us talking about my wife and she was reading and agreed to let me send him a couple of pics. No face pics but with her permission. I think it kind of made her hot..... i know it made me hot.
I have tons of pics of my wife. I have never shared as she did not want to. I started PMing with a guy inhere and things led to us talking about my wife and she was reading and agreed to let me send him a couple of pics. No face pics but with her permission. I think it kind of made her hot..... i know it made me hot.
Precisely the honorable (and hot) way to do it. Bravo to you and the missus.
I have one buddy who in the past I'd shown a couple of nudes of women I was dating at the time. Not shared but just showed him my phone with the pic on it. Their faces weren't in them though. I also showed a girl friend a nude sent to me by a chick I was fucking because she was curious about it (this was when phone cameras were just getting decent).

I'd never share identifiable pics w/o permission. There are a few I have of exes with their faces but they remain private.

Weirdly if I found out a girl shared a nude of me with a friend I wouldn't be bothered. I guess I'd consider it a compliment (unless they were making fun of me).
My wife has a habit of sending me a risque selfie of herself whenever I'm out with coworkers or my buddies. I guess it's her way of getting my attention while I'm with the boys haaaa!?!

One time I had left my cell on the bar when I went to the restroom and long and behold that's when she sent two very sexy photos of herself and of course my two buddies who were sitting beside me noticed what she sent?!? Oppppsssss 🤣
My wife has a habit of sending me a risque selfie of herself whenever I'm out with coworkers or my buddies. I guess it's her way of getting my attention while I'm with the boys haaaa!?!

One time I had left my cell on the bar when I went to the restroom and long and behold that's when she sent two very sexy photos of herself and of course my two buddies who were sitting beside me noticed what she sent?!? Oppppsssss 🤣
Wow! What happened then?
I'm curious!
Wow! What happened then?
I'm curious!
When I returned they both have thjs dirty smirked on their faces when telling me that my wife had texted me and they both thought that I should go home soon 🤣

I picked up my cell and saw her texts and was dumbfounded when I quickly realized they saw what they saw. We all got a big laugh out of it since it wasn't really their fault that they saw her in a very risque' selfie. Now when we're having a night out and I run to the restroom they always ask me to leave my cell with them in case she texts me 😜!?!?
When I returned they both have thjs dirty smirked on their faces when telling me that my wife had texted me and they both thought that I should go home soon 🤣

I picked up my cell and saw her texts and was dumbfounded when I quickly realized they saw what they saw. We all got a big laugh out of it since it wasn't really their fault that they saw her in a very risque' selfie. Now when we're having a night out and I run to the restroom they always ask me to leave my cell with them in case she texts me

When I returned they both have thjs dirty smirked on their faces when telling me that my wife had texted me and they both thought that I should go home soon 🤣

I picked up my cell and saw her texts and was dumbfounded when I quickly realized they saw what they saw. We all got a big laugh out of it since it wasn't really their fault that they saw her in a very risque' selfie. Now when we're having a night out and I run to the restroom they always ask me to leave my cell with them in case she texts me 😜!?!?
Her pics made them hard! It's Good.
She's beautiful and Sexy and you're a lucky guy.
In the past I have shown very explicit and unidentifiable pics of wife to a group of male friends, telling them it was a casual meet up while on vacation. Was no longer with wife but they had all met her when we were a couple.

Again in the past, I shared very explicit unidentifiable photos of ex wife with a GF I was dating. GF became very excited.
If she really didn’t like it she wouldn’t let you take any more. I’m not saying you had her consent, I’m just saying now she knows what you’re going to do with her pictures she is in a position to determine whether there are any more taken. (I’m certain someone will disagree with me.)
Agreed…I think she loves the attention…but she is embarrassed to admit it
Any man who would do that(without the wives consent needs a beat down and a divorce.

I have a feeling a lot of the 'women' in the am pic threads are guys pretending to be their wives showing the pics and getting off.
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