Friends seeing your wife's nude pictures.

Consent is sexy

Sharing without consent is some creepy scrub bullshit by folks who’d rather be furtive creeping masturbators than be men confident enough to empower their women’s sexual agency and to hold safe boundaries that make that possible.

But that is harder than being stuck at 14 and being too weak to ask for what you want and not knowing right from wrong I guess.
The policy most of my nudist friends and I use is that nude pics are only shown privately to those who were there when they were taken. Otherwise express permission is required - unless of course they have already been posted online by that person. So far everyone is comfortable with this approach.
Never have I and never will I… that said, it would be so hot and erotic to find out she has been sharing her pics AND that she would then ask me and start sharing mine as well…
The policy most of my nudist friends and I use is that nude pics are only shown privately to those who were there when they were taken. Otherwise express permission is required - unless of course they have already been posted online by that person. So far everyone is comfortable with this approach.
I don't think i have ever been part of a nude body pic. I was raised a nudist and it has always been considered bad form.
But... like everything else I guess the times are a changing
I think I have posted this before, but I have heaps of photos of my wife, and she knows I have posted them in the past. She enjoys the comments and attention. I also understand it is not permitted to post photos of your spouse on lit.
I think I have posted this before, but I have heaps of photos of my wife, and she knows I have posted them in the past. She enjoys the comments and attention. I also understand it is not permitted to post photos of your spouse on lit.
You have a great profile picture!
I used to work with a guy that actively liked to show off his and his wife’s home made porn collection. He would encourage you to watch it saying it was good stuff. I’d always blow him off but when he left the room yeah I checked it out
That sounds awesome everybody's having a good time
This how I got hook on taking my photos, having them taken, videos, and extramarital sex. My x husbands showed them around at work one private sector the other gov., sector. I'm still showing off at 62yo. What do you think?View attachment 2315439
Bet your pics have made a lot of men cum. I’m working on a big load now.
Many Long years ago, I had a best male friend that had a young hot sexy blonde wife. (Her natural hair color was Brown not Blonde)
I was shown several naked pictures of her free and restrained...

But that was nothing compared to when I was talking to him one night outside of his bedroom window, when she came into the room fresh from the shower and dropped her house coat and finished really slow through dry off!

Then slowly bent over and retrieved a pair of Bikini panties out of the Dresser and dressed in short shorts and Tee shirt.
Being Braless and having a Camel toe did not decrease the effect at all.

The best part was i was standing in the dark and he had his back to the window, and both was clueless as to what was going on.
Me and my hard on motored on out of there fairly quick! :nana:
I've never been a fan of taking nude pictures of myself or having anyone take nudes of me. My husband would always ask me for some though. One of my wedding gifts to him was that I did a boudoir photo shoot for him. Nothing too explicit but I did go quite a few topless pictures. He loved them and it was implied that they were for his eyes only.

Fast forward a few years when we were swinging and I was hooking up with his friend. We were having some pillow talk and his friend asked me if I would wear some lingerie for him. I told him that I am not a fan of lingerie and he off handily mentioned how hot I looked in those pictures. Apparently, on some random night that they were all hanging out, they started having an argument about who's girl was hotter and started showing each other pictures, and my husband decided to show them some of the boudoir photos I gave him. I was livid to find this out. It took so much for me to get past my hangup of taking pictures and he shared them without any consideration. We got into a huge argument about it and he did apologize and was sincere about it. He used alcohol as the excuse and just getting caught up in the moment. Afterwards though, I brought it up with his friend again and asked him what everyone said about my pictures and he started telling me how they were all surprised to see me dressed like that but that everyone agreed I looked incredibly hot and everyone admitted to having fantasized about my boobs and ass. That ended up turning me on and did wonders for my ego. Of course I never told my husband because I didn't want to encourage that behavior.
This doesn’t quite fit the subject but…
I met my GF at her house before going shopping together. As she was getting ready she anxiously wanted to show me a sketch book we sat together on the couch and she flipped the book open to a page, to my surprise it was several pages of HER naked in various poses. Now I had never even seen her naked before or even in a bathing suit.
I was at a loss for words! How should I respond? I turned a few more pages and there she was full spread eagle and a few close up drawings of her pussy.
They were all pencil drawings done by her husband and wanted to share them with me.
The only thing I could come up with was “wow he is very talented, he does good work”
Then she said “if you want he can sketch you as well” “ he is looking for another model “. Instantly I turn red, I could feel my whole body change. My heart was beating out of my chest.
I didn’t know how to respond. I was flattered that he wanted to draw me. But in a little shock with the offer.
The thought of being naked in front of my GF’s husband has never crossed my mind.
Then she really started to encourage me. He can draw you in 45 min then he can fill in the shadows later.
Now Mike walks in and sees us looking at his drawings. Then he starts to encourage me.
I finally say Okay and ask him where and how I should pose. He said the quickest one would be to just stand and turn slightly ( naked of course) I was excited and little embarrassed to strip down in front of the two of them. I was the only one naked. He opened his sketch book to a new page and started drawing. He was done in no time and as I looked at the sketch I thought it was done quite well
He wanted to do another on and I was getting comfortable so I agreed
The second pose he had me sit on their bed and leaning up against the headboard then he moved my legs so one was straight and the other bent at knee, that leg was resting on the mattress so basically I was displaying all the goods.
This drawing took longer and I was getting heated up.
when he was done I checked out the drawing and it was very good.
So I am in my GF’s husband’s sketchbook!
Wife and our best friends who we used to play with made several vids over the years. My best friend from college ....who had a major crush on my wife... were traveling and stopped at a hotel for the night. I'd brought 2 vids we had made and played them for him...and me. I'd say 10 mins after we started watching it he suddenly got up and ran into the bathroom to take care of his throbbing hardon. To say he was shocked is and understatement. My sweet innocent wife shocked the hell out of him. watched it the morning after with the same results, hell of a trip
This doesn’t quite fit the subject but…
I met my GF at her house before going shopping together. As she was getting ready she anxiously wanted to show me a sketch book we sat together on the couch and she flipped the book open to a page, to my surprise it was several pages of HER naked in various poses. Now I had never even seen her naked before or even in a bathing suit.
I was at a loss for words! How should I respond? I turned a few more pages and there she was full spread eagle and a few close up drawings of her pussy.
They were all pencil drawings done by her husband and wanted to share them with me.
The only thing I could come up with was “wow he is very talented, he does good work”
Then she said “if you want he can sketch you as well” “ he is looking for another model “. Instantly I turn red, I could feel my whole body change. My heart was beating out of my chest.
I didn’t know how to respond. I was flattered that he wanted to draw me. But in a little shock with the offer.
The thought of being naked in front of my GF’s husband has never crossed my mind.
Then she really started to encourage me. He can draw you in 45 min then he can fill in the shadows later.
Now Mike walks in and sees us looking at his drawings. Then he starts to encourage me.
I finally say Okay and ask him where and how I should pose. He said the quickest one would be to just stand and turn slightly ( naked of course) I was excited and little embarrassed to strip down in front of the two of them. I was the only one naked. He opened his sketch book to a new page and started drawing. He was done in no time and as I looked at the sketch I thought it was done quite well
He wanted to do another on and I was getting comfortable so I agreed
The second pose he had me sit on their bed and leaning up against the headboard then he moved my legs so one was straight and the other bent at knee, that leg was resting on the mattress so basically I was displaying all the goods.
This drawing took longer and I was getting heated up.
when he was done I checked out the drawing and it was very good.
So I am in my GF’s husband’s sketchbook!
Did your gf or her hubby say that either of them became aroused as the sketching was going on? Or was that obvious?

As a nudist, being naked with other people is not novel, but most people I know find it sexy to have the intimate parts of their body on full display to others.
One of my favorite pictures my wife ever sent me is of her on her knees in our living room with her tits out and a load on her left breast. I loved it so much that I ended up making it her contact picture for a while (with her permission). I remember hanging out with the guys one day and I had my phone on the table and she called me, and her big beautiful tits showed up on my screen. I let it ring a couple times and watched as my buddies got an eyeful. It was such a huge rush.
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i finally got the guts to start kidding my best friend about looking at pix and vids of my naked wife.

at one point, i risked our friendship t tell him that i was serious and that i hoped he wouldn't think less of me for bringing up the issue.

i was thrilled to hear from him that he would love to look at the pix and vids. we have to schedule a time that my wife is out of the house to do this.

i hope it goes well!