Fucking Forum Postwhores:

minsue said:
Nah, couldn't afford any more than a cheap gilding.

Why do I have this sudden urge to give you a chicken and let you work it out for yourself? ;)
Don't. I get too jealous of a pecker bigger than mine. :)
Brinnie said:
because you're a worthless prick with nothing going on in your life but just to prove how better and smarter you are than the next person.

In releaty, those practices are ignorant and the blind.

Of all the unpleasant things you've said, this post takes the cake. Just thought you'd want to know you've topped yourself.

(For the person asking in private, no, this was most definitely not a compliment.) ;)
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duckiesmut said:
Of all the unpleasant things you've said, this post takes the cake. Just thought you'd want to know you've topped yourself.

I kinda wish she would top herself...
Brinnie said:
wtf, i wish you'd eat my pussy!11

Please, dear little girl.... You shouldn't flatter yourself so. You may be somewhat attractive on the outside, but, you are one of the ugliest people I have come across. And I have met some ugly people in my time.
Trent_Dutch said:
Please, dear little girl.... You shouldn't flatter yourself so. You may be somewhat attractive on the outside, but, you are one of the ugliest people I have come across. And I have met some ugly people in my time.
Yannow, she merely expressed her wish there. ;)

Now, where is my drink...
Trent_Dutch said:
Please, dear little girl.... You shouldn't flatter yourself so. You may be somewhat attractive on the outside, but, you are one of the ugliest people I have come across. And I have met some ugly people in my time.

It's her heart that's ugly, which makes me get ugly. I don't like ugly, and I don't like getting ugly, but I just can't help myself.

How many times did I say ugly?

5 with the question. I can count. Hurray!

Please read my sig line. I am somewhat crazy
saldne said:
Please read my sig line. I am somewhat crazy

Hardly. A touch of insanity makes you one of the sanest people I know.
However, I will attest to your case of erraticus behavioritis. :D
Luv2PleasureF said:
Hardly. A touch of insanity makes you one of the sanest people I know.
However, I will attest to your case of erraticus behavioritis. :D


assmunch :D
Liar said:
Yannow, she merely expressed her wish there. ;)

Now, where is my drink...

Yannow, I could spend hours drawing a definition between the nature, effects and objects of our respective wishes.... but I've drank too much Guinness, and I have a new P K Dick (Horselover Fat) book to read.... and my last reviews to do(though they may have to wait til I sober up tommorow morning)....
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You think you can see someone's heart through a board? Wow, you're fucking amazing!
Brinnie said:
You think you can see someone's heart through a board? Wow, you're fucking amazing!

Yes. But it would be better if I could punch right through it. Come closer, sweet one.

What happened to that ignore button? Can't resist, eh?
Holy Shit

Mmmkay. I just like, hopped on the forums here (after ages of no success) and I think I caught the bad end of a violent heart transplant. Should I like, walk out, drop some Visine and come back in and hope mommy and daddy are done fighting?
Heh. Pardon the post de Deuce.

Damn. I haven't seen the word Virgin applied to me in so long. I forgot how to spell it!
VelvetTourniquet said:
Mmmkay. I just like, hopped on the forums here (after ages of no success) and I think I caught the bad end of a violent heart transplant. Should I like, walk out, drop some Visine and come back in and hope mommy and daddy are done fighting?
Methinks there are better introductions to the forum than this particular thread. :rolleyes:

Welcome, and hang around for a while. You'll learn to filter out the sour apples in due time.

Brinnie said:
You think you can see someone's heart through a board? Wow, you're fucking amazing!

All this pink is hurting mine augen.... Im either gonna buy a B/W monitor.... or just put Brinnie on ignore.

As to VelvetTourniquet..... welcome to the board. They really aren't this bad. I've been here for about 4 months or so now, and this whole Brinnie thing is the first overly negative situation that I think I've ever seen.
saldne said:

assmunch :D

I'm only an assmunch when you let me rim that incredibly hot and gorgeous ass of yours. The rest of the time, I'm just an ass. Mostly. Sometimes. Occasionally. :D
Luv2PleasureF said:
I'm only an assmunch when you let me rim that incredibly hot and gorgeous ass of yours. The rest of the time, I'm just an ass. Mostly. Sometimes. Occasionally. :D

I'm hearing things crunch now. This is not a good thing.