Full Moon Challenge

Re: This is a great idea anna.

Tristesse said:
Frost Moon

Icy fingers have drawn
a circle round the moon
among the brittle stars.
the ground is rutted hard
glittering with cold.
and the world holds its breath.
no exhaled clouds shroud
the beauty of cold Luna.
crisp shadows dance behind us
as we walk in the blue light.

This is so beautiful Tess! Brittle Stars!!! Rutted hard!!! No exhaled clouds shroud the beauty of cold Luna!!

Damn! I want this inspiration and the ability to write it out!

(still stuck under the hunger moon, hungry for ideas)
Re: Flower Moon

*Catbabe* said:

Born in early hours when
flower moon faded behind the
curtain of rays dropped by the dawn
slipping unseen offstage,
enveloped by the darkness of the wings,
content to avoid the glare and wait,
for our moment,
not to shine,
but to reflect on the
blossoms of the night.

Good to see you Catbabe!

This poem is beautiful, I am glad you dropped in to join in!

I love the image of the moon slipping backstage. sigh.

ferociouskittycat said:
Wolf Moon

Meandering whispers, reminiscent of times ago
threaten to engulf, crush and expel
grasping but a handful of dreams,
the wolf moon howls- illuminating
a path of shimmering gold.

Destiny triumphs - trumpets sound,
opportunity's door stands barred
through wind carried whispers
the siren song invokes sympathy
for devils, left behind with the key.

(any suggestions before i submit?)

suggestion: don't submit until the 29th! Join in the parteee under the Sturgeon moon.

This is packed with so many images! Maybe too many for such a short poem! You have much to say, my brain was spinning. I wanted to hear more about the howl.
How does a howl illuminate a path?
I want more about the howwwwwl!

BooMerengue said:
I think I have a Harvest Moon poem...

When do we post? Is there a reason you wanted them posted here, or are folks just putting their warmups here? Cux my warmups ...well... you dont wanna know...

oh my
my brain is doing all kind of acrobatics with images of you warming up your poems...

never tell a poet "you dont wanna know" or they may just write you up naked doing hamstring stretches


You can post Aug 29, I thought it might be fun to throw some down here for a

eh hem

naked warm up time

leg warmers optional
as is the warm up itself

*Catbabe* said:
If they are like your Imhumanity poem Boo, they will rock our worlds.;)

Is it just me or does the title of this thread make any one else think that Anna wants us all to drop trou?


Anna says:
dropping through is optional

I plan to write mine the 29th, post and run
I intend to comment here instead of on the new poems list, unless there are new ones I have not read yet. I am in love with these moon poems and cannot get enough

then again, I am the hunger moon
never filled
seymore says
Feed Me

your moon poems
*Catbabe* said:
I think Anna wanted people to hold off submitting them 'till the next full moon Boo so you have time to work on it.

Sorry I missed these questions-- I was out last night

Submit them on August 29 so that they appear on August 30, the Sturgeon Moon
matriarch said:

Reap as ye sow

Approaching my autumn,
Reflections on my spring and summer
Wash over me,
leaving me in the golden glow
of a Harvest Moon.

Reap as ye sow, the elders tell
And as I look, I see
The tall, strong, full grown stalks of my sowing,
My children, my sons,
My corn, my harvest.


wow this is very moving, you fit the season of a lifetime and year all into the mood and themes of this poem. Impressive!
Re: Re: Re: Crow Moon

Tathagata said:
I'm going to rework it

and that is a good idea for the last line....

clasically T?
is that good or am I predictable??

It is good, silly primate,
if it weren't I would have said

predictably T
and rolled my eyes like this
guidelines with some edits/additions

Challenge: Write a poem that meet the following criteria:


1. Use the full moon name from the month of your birth in the text of a poem (posted below)

2. Your poem should contain a metaphor or analogy between something about yourself-- personality, appearance, luck in life, path chosen, etc. and the name of the poem. Why does it make sense that you were born under that particular moon?

3. Free Verse

4. No more than 10 lines. Keep them trim.

5. Post them here for suggestions (optional)

6. Submit them on August 29 so that they appear on August 30, the Sturgeon Moon

Algonquin Names

January: Wolf Moon, Old Moon

February: Snow Moon, Hunger Moon

March: Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Sugar Moon

April: Pink Moon, Frog Moon, Planter's Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon

May:Flower Moon, Planting Corn Moon, Milk Moon

June: Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon, Hot Moon

July: Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Hay Moon

August: Sturgeon Moon, Red Moon, Green Corn Moon

September: Harvest Moon, Corn Moon

October: Hunter's Moon, Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon

November: Beaver Moon, Frost Moon

December: Cold Moon, Long Nights Moon

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Old wolf moon

annaswirls said:
and close that mouth Mister

I imagine a whip cracking when you say that
but that's probably just the coffee talking..
well, here's my first attempt. I'm still trying...

In the fall of the year all was ready to be picked,
or plucked, or dug, or skinned and dressed; put up for the cold times.
In the dark the prayers offered to the Earth Mother, the thanks given,
when under the Harvest Moon my mother gave birth to me,
on her own birthday, her harvest, her legacy, another girl child,
to pick and gather all the fruits to keep her tribe alive and well,
and in my own time another girlchild, in the cold times.
Luna in her Harvest dress provides the harvest
for those of us who look to Her, and choose to give.
For those who choose to be the Harvest.
annaswirls said:
wow this is very moving, you fit the season of a lifetime and year all into the mood and themes of this poem. Impressive!

Thank you. I've lurked around here a few times, and seen the challenges, heard about them from Liar and Belegon and Doormouse. Decided it was time to have a go.

I enjoyed the exercise.

Was I supposed to mention somewhere in the post, other than the poem, that my moon is Harvest or Corn?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Old wolf moon

Tathagata said:
I imagine a whip cracking when you say that
but that's probably just the coffee talking..

I am more of into the good old paddle
better put down that coffee:devil:
Re: Re: This is a great idea anna.

annaswirls said:
This is so beautiful Tess! Brittle Stars!!! Rutted hard!!! No exhaled clouds shroud the beauty of cold Luna!!

Damn! I want this inspiration and the ability to write it out!

(still stuck under the hunger moon, hungry for ideas)

Thanks anna, but it has no reference to any trait or feature of me - oh, wait. Moon is, I guess.


Still redoing it, for sure.
Re: Re: Flower Moon

annaswirls said:
Good to see you Catbabe!

This poem is beautiful, I am glad you dropped in to join in!

I love the image of the moon slipping backstage. sigh.


Thanks Anna. It feels like just glanced where I wanted to go so I am glad the submission date is far away...

As the black satiny gown of night
softly carresses my surroundings
I am enveloped by the glow
of her shivering frigid beauty, frost moon.
She defines my sensuality, untouchable.

Gazing into her eye soul, I feel him.
Touching me. Igniting a raging fire.
So fierce, it burns me to my inner core.
Flames of passion melting my frost moon.
Leaving it merely a puddle between my legs.
Well mine's rating pitifully :( LOL

At least I have a couple of weeks to get the next one right.

Dingo moon... here I come ;)
I was just now playing around with a moon poem but I don't think I met the criteria for #2

December Moon

there's chill in the wane of cold crescent
as doors close on winter mountain.

long night moons over lover,
lone in her own arms,
glowing cold across slumber ridges.