Full Moon Challenge

Hopefully, no one should panic.

My recall of the rules, (found at the start of this thread), said it could be in the title or the body of the poem. Moonscars is the only reference in my poem's title... tHough I did post a note with the submission requesting that it be posted with the Moon Challenge Poems.

I say no one should panic, because I believe that folks will read through all the poems... at least those folks who love to read (and write) poetry.

Then again, I'm old enough to be given to bouts of dementia!


:) :) :)
matriarch said:
Mine was submitted, and is up ............I did not include the moon in the title. Was I supposed to? I thought the criteria was to include the moon in the text not the title..??????

'Reap as ye sow'

'Will try to do better, next time'. :rolleyes:

If I want to change the title to 'Harvest Moon', will I have to re-submit, and lose the voting and comments already up?


If you want to edit a piece of writing that has been posted to lit already, re-submit the piece with the same title (if that is what you want) and write the words "edit" beside it. Laurel will replace the existing poem and delete the old one, but you will keep your comments and votes.

If you want to also change the title I would explain to Laurel in the notes field that this poem you are submitting is actually an edit and a title change. Make sure you tell her the title of the old poem you want this one to replace. She should be able to replace it without you losing any comments or votes.

Edits usually take longer to post btw.

more moonies

My apologies--

I knew there would be more, but circumstances arise, I was only now able to sift through and find the non-moony tiles.

I am so impressed. I think I want to print these out and think of something


born of a journey
by BlueskyBeauty ©

Evening Hillside
by Remec ©

by Liar ©

The Prophet
by hippiedude ©

by irishcatsmeow ©

by Randi Grail ©

Reap as ye sow
by matriarch ©

Culled old moon
by tungtied2u ©
jd4george said:
Hopefully, no one should panic.

My recall of the rules, (found at the start of this thread), said it could be in the title or the body of the poem. Moonscars is the only reference in my poem's title... tHough I did post a note with the submission requesting that it be posted with the Moon Challenge Poems.

I say no one should panic, because I believe that folks will read through all the poems... at least those folks who love to read (and write) poetry.

Then again, I'm old enough to be given to bouts of dementia!


:) :) :)

I am sorry, the baqbysitter/respite care provider called to say oops cant make it so I was the one panicing. I had to get my ass off the chair and figure out what the hell I was going to do to get my kid cared for and myself to school for new parents meeting.


Sorry about that, it was not an intentional slip, I started off with the moon titled ones and was interrupted in the middle of my search for more.

Thanks for the patience-- sure y'all understand.

PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I MISSED ANYMORE-- I might not be able to read through myself until tonight. It is a crazy day (silly me I thought it would be good as first day of school, not knowing until recently that um the kids dont start really Really start until next week. I have to keep that in mind for next year :)

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helping Anna swirl!

Maybe if I do this Anna will have more time for her delicious comments! Hope I have everyone! What great works these are! Anna! What is the surprise?

not pimping myself... these are the order they appeared

September's Bloody Moon

The Milk Moon Uprising

Moon Of My Mothers

Harvest Moon

Moon Scars At Scapparappa Falls

Thunder Moon

Full Moon Haiku

hunger moon

November Moon

Frosted Beaver Moon

Crow Moon

Facing The Flower Moon

Strawberry Moon

Hot Moon

Culled old moon

Beaver Moon

Alaskan Night

Thawing Of Frost Moon

Reap as ye sow

Now... please don't ask me why I didn't put the author with the work- I have no answer! And I have screamin' rugrats here so I can't go fix it!

Just go read and vote and comment! These are ALL wonderful!!
Re: helping Anna swirl!

BooMerengue said:
Maybe if I do this Anna will have more time for her delicious comments! Hope I have everyone! What great works these are! Anna! What is the surprise?

not pimping myself... these are the order they appeared

September's Bloody Moon

The Milk Moon Uprising

Moon Of My Mothers

Harvest Moon

Moon Scars At Scapparappa Falls

Thunder Moon

Full Moon Haiku

hunger moon

November Moon

Frosted Beaver Moon

Crow Moon

Facing The Flower Moon

Strawberry Moon

Hot Moon

Culled old moon

Beaver Moon

Alaskan Night

Thawing Of Frost Moon

Reap as ye sow

Now... please don't ask me why I didn't put the author with the work- I have no answer! And I have screamin' rugrats here so I can't go fix it!

Just go read and vote and comment! These are ALL wonderful!!
There are a few more, but they don't have "moon" in the title, sp they might be a bit hard to spot. When I'm done cooking dinner, I'll see which I can pinpoint. Unless someone else beats me to it.
I did it, just without the links--

Thanks if you want to do that, cool beans!

and Thanks Boo for getting the links to the others. I am lazy I figured people could just go to new poems and read em


I still have to read them!!!!

Ok, I did a little collecting of those that Boo missed. This might be a complete list, but I might also have missed one or three more.

25 poems if I counted right. This must be the best turnout of a challenge ever. Yay for us. :)

born of a journey by BlueskyBeauty

September's Bloody Moon by BooMerengue

Evening Hillside by Remec

Hibernation by Liar

The Prophet by hippiedude

The Milk Moon Uprising by hippiedude

Harvest Moon by BooMerengue

Stumble Precedes Fall by Randi Grail

Palette by Randi Grail

Moon Scars at Saccarappa Falls by jd4george

Thunder Moon by sandspike

Full Moon Haiku by Miss Oatlash

hunger moon by annaswirls

November Moon by champagne1982

Frosted Beaver Moon by champagne1982

Reap as ye sow by matriarch

Crow Moon by Tathagata

Facing the Flower Moon by *Catbabe*

Strawberry Moon by PatCarrington

Hot Moon by neonurotic

Culled old moon by tungtied2u

Beaver Moon by champagne1982

Alaskan Night : Full Moon Challenge by Belegon

Stolen Dreams by doormouse

Thawing Of Frost Moon by pamelahhh
I just realized that we have not eaten anything all day except a coffee light frappichino (which I highly recommend) so if things were light headed that is why.

Please forgive if I missed leaving a comment or anything, it is I swear nothing personal.

I just realized that we have not eaten anything all day except a coffee light frappichino (which I highly recommend) so if things were light headed that is why.
Just in case anyone is keeping track....

In case anyone is keeping track of the Full Moon Challenge poems...please add Travelogue to the list.

Re: Just in case anyone is keeping track....

irishcatsmeow said:
In case anyone is keeping track of the Full Moon Challenge poems...please add Travelogue to the list.

And here, with a link for everyone's convenience.

Travelogue by irishcatsmeow
give me your moon, please

I am hoping to publish a collection of Full Moon poems at my new home page thinggie which I just published... are you game?

mannequin envy

...this was not premeditated, I just wanted company on my page, and what better company-- these poems were awesome!:heart:
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Just sent you "Alaskan Night" in an email as an attachment. You definitely have my permission to use it. I'm flattered that you would even ask us...:rose:
Mine are on the way baby- you can choose which you like. I, too, am flattered! Good luck and I hope it takes you where you want to go!
annaswirls said:
give me your moon, please

I am hoping to publish a collection of Full Moon poems at my new home page thinggie which I just published... are you game?

mannequin envy

...this was not premeditated, I just wanted company on my page, and what better company-- these poems were awesome!:heart:

I'd be honoured to send it.
I do intend to change the title after the comments.

I think, simply 'My Harvest'.

Mail on the way.

oh no look what I found.....


maybe we need to do one moon poem per month per culture to make sure we stay politically correct. what is next a sonnet?


Names Given to the Moon by Other Cultures

Colonial American
January: Winter Moon July: Summer Moon
February: Trapper's Moon August: Dog Day's Moon
March: Fish Moon September: Harvest Moon
April: Planter's Moon October: Hunter's Moon
May: Milk Moon November: Beaver Moon
June: Rose Moon December: Christmas Moon

January: Holiday Moon July: Hungry Ghost Moon
February: Budding Moon August: Harvest Moon
March: Sleepy Moon September: Chrysanthemum Moon
April: Peony Moon October: Kindly Moon
May: Dragon Moon November: White Moon
June: Lotus Moon December: Bitter Moon

American Indian (Cherokee)
January: Cold Moon July: Ripe Corn Moon
February: Bony Moon August: Fruit Moon
March: Windy Moon September: Nut Moon
April: Flower Moon October: Harvest Moon
May: Planting Moon November: Trading Moon
June: Green Corn Moon December: Snow Moon

American Indian (Choctaw)
January: Cooking Moon July: Crane Moon
February: Little Famine Moon August: Women's Moon
March: Big Famine Moon September: Mulberry Moon
April: Wildcat Moon October: Blackberry Moon
May: Panther Moon November: Sassafras Moon
June: Windy Moon December: Peach Moon

American Indian (Dakotah Sioux)
January: Moon of the Terrible
February: Moon of the Raccoon, Moon When Trees Pop
March: Moon When Eyes Are Sore from Bright Snow
April: Moon When Geese Return in Scattered Formation
May: Moon When Leaves Are Green, Moon To Plant
June: Moon When June Berries Are Ripe
July: Moon of the Middle Summer
August: Moon When All Things Ripen
September: Moon When The Calves Grow Hair
October: Moon When Quilling and Beading is Done
November: Moon When Horns Are Broken Off
December: Twelfth Moon

January: Quite Moon July: Moon of Claiming
February: Moon of Ice August: Dispute Moon
March: Moon of Winds September: Singing Moon
April: Growing Moon October: Harvest Moon
May: Bright Moon November: Dark Moon
June: Moon of Horses December: Cold Moon

English Medieval
January: Wolf Moon July: Mead Moon
February: Storm Moon August: Corn Moon
March: Chaste Moon September: Barley Moon
April: Seed Moon October: Blood Moon
May: Hare Moon November: Snow Moon
June: Dyan Moon December: Oak Moon

Neo Pagan
January: Ice Moon July: Rose Moon
February: Snow Moon August: Lightening Moon
March: Death Moon September: Harvest Moon
April: Awakening Moon October: Blood Moon
May: Grass Moon November: Tree Moon
June: Planting Moon December: Long Night Moon

New Guinea
Name: Rainbow Fish Moon Name: Black Trevally Moon
Name: Parriotfish Moon Name: Open Sea Moon
Name: Palolo Worm Moon Name: Tiger Shark Moon
Name: Flying Fish Moon Name: Rain & Wind Moon


Copyright © 2000 By Keith Cooley
annaswirls said:
oh no look what I found.....


maybe we need to do one moon poem per month per culture to make sure we stay politically correct. what is next a sonnet?


No Sonnets!!!

*lookin at The Fooly in one of those 'I-cant-help-it-I-think-I-just-gotta-say-it looks... I think I love sonnets. But I want to learn about cinquains and villanelles, too. lol
BooMerengue said:
*lookin at The Fooly in one of those 'I-cant-help-it-I-think-I-just-gotta-say-it looks... I think I love sonnets. But I want to learn about cinquains and villanelles, too. lol

I'm gonna write a villanelle today, I think--for lauren's challenge. Wanna try one with me? Come into chat and we'll talk.
Angeline said:
I'm gonna write a villanelle today, I think--for lauren's challenge. Wanna try one with me? Come into chat and we'll talk.

see Boo? told ya, lol.

I sent you the link.

Lauren's challenge... Aiyiiyiiyii!!! I tried a couple things but alas! to no avail!

Angeline- in chat- Theres a flashback! I'm lookin, but I think you're gone already!
BooMerengue said:
Lauren's challenge... Aiyiiyiiyii!!! I tried a couple things but alas! to no avail!

Angeline- in chat- Theres a flashback! I'm lookin, but I think you're gone already!

Did you get my email? I knocked myself out of chat--lol. Just as well--I have writiing to do. Let me know what you think of that link.
I got the link... now I'm lookin at the corpses. I don't know. I can't see a good match here. But I'll try... *sigh Ange Ange Ange... always causin trouble!
BooMerengue said:
I got the link... now I'm lookin at the corpses. I don't know. I can't see a good match here. But I'll try... *sigh Ange Ange Ange... always causin trouble!

Well i'm on the 4th tercet and I'm dyin, trying to figure it out, lol.