Full Moon Challenge

Gurl, please. Just post the dang thangs, heffa! :) You know they are gonna be loved!
daisy moon
in a field of stars
and comet bees,

follow fallen
white petal beams,

see yourself,
in the sea surface.
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average gina said:
Gurl, please. Just post the dang thangs, heffa! :) You know they are gonna be loved!

Gina? I DID! Right on this thread! 3 of them! They sucked... lol
see you on the 30th

Looking forward to posting and reading all about moons.

Have no fear, I'll sleep in your embrace
when winter lulls Tarot temptations to rest,
chanting snow moon's praise
against it's numbing breast.
New dreams and disasters
will hide so transparent,
and let me feign stargazing,
soulsearching indesicion.
So I can make my choices
in peace, this time.

Hmm... blah.
out my sun roof moon roof

the moon is filling

"look mommy it is a circle moon

not a different one"

that means one thing

I better freakin write a poem :eek:

Aug 29

Let's go back
to where you drank.

Accusations always
ended on my pillow.

Tears wasted.

Years wasted.

Don't take my old moon too.

That's one thing
you can't steal.

Anyone wanting to suggest 'minor' changes, most welcome.

I want it to reflect the anger and pain I'm feeling, so please don't pick it apart.

Full Moon Haiku

Sugar moon so still
Against icy winter night
Warming frozen hearts.


Can't decide whether to post this...any thoughts?

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so did i miss out on this or are they suppose to be posted today..i'm thinking it looks like a full moon tonight???

someone let me know would ya?

BlueskyBeauty said:
so did i miss out on this or are they suppose to be posted today..i'm thinking it looks like a full moon tonight???

someone let me know would ya?


Supposed to submit today for post tomorrow..:)
Awaiting responses (if any) on the morrow, in trepidation.

My first ever challenge.

I hope to join in again.

matriarch said:
Awaiting responses (if any) on the morrow, in trepidation.

My first ever challenge.

I hope to join in again.



Most important part isn't it...and the reason we are all here. If we did not enjoy Lit, I dare say we would find something else soon...
today's pale milk moon lights the way
of a hope nourished path.

dreams of tomorrow's endeavers transcend.
magnetic pull,
embracing the haze of luminating love.

those who step from shadows
filled with hunger suckle strength.

a guide when midnight blinds.

truth shines born of a journey
through many starless nights.

i need a title :rolleyes:
BlueskyBeauty said:
today's pale milk moon lights the way
of a hope nourished path.

dreams of tomorrow's endeavers transcend.
magnetic pull,
embracing the haze of luminating love.

those who step from shadows
filled with hunger suckle strength.

a guide when midnight blinds.

truth shines born of a journey
through many starless nights.

i need a title :rolleyes:

I'm not good at tiltes, but how about:

Stepping from Shadows


Born of a Journey

BlueskyBeauty said:
today's pale milk moon lights the way
of a hope nourished path.

dreams of tomorrow's endeavers transcend.
magnetic pull,
embracing the haze of luminating love.

those who step from shadows
filled with hunger suckle strength.

a guide when midnight blinds.

truth shines born of a journey
through many starless nights.

i need a title :rolleyes:

ok, i realized starless nights is too cliche and am changing it to this:

today's pale milk moon lights the way
of a hope nourished path.

dreams of tomorrow's endeavers transcend.
magnetic pull,
embracing the haze of luminating love.

those who step from shadows
filled with hunger suckle strength.

a guide when midnight blinds.

truth shines born of a journey
through many moonless sorrows.

hey miss o..

how are ya darlin?

born of a journey sounds pretty good..thanks for the feedback.
:kiss: :kiss:
DAMN it is post tonight grrrrrr!

I have to go write the damn thing!

I was thinking monday but it is tonight okay

cant wait to see the others.

Anna- you'll probably ground me for this, but I posted 3. I'm not wild about any of them, but I liked all 3. You can throw them out if you like...LOL I'll understand!
Back from the west front just in the neck of time to post my moon poems. Phew.

How is everyone doing?
Randi Grail said:
Back from the west front just in the neck of time to post my moon poems. Phew.

How is everyone doing?

Welcome back Randi.....took a bite out of both your posts...yummy!:rose:
Moon Poems, Full!

I was happy to see so many Moon poems, but don't forget to scroll through this thread, as many really good ones were not submitted, or were not sucked into the poem crunchin machine until too late

Will be back to read these, can't wait!


New Poetry

September's Bloody Moon -
Submitted by BooMerengue (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

The Milk Moon Uprising -
Submitted by hippiedude (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Moon Of My Mothers -
Submitted by BooMerengue (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Harvest Moon -
Submitted by BooMerengue (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Moon Scars at Saccarappa Falls -
Submitted by jd4george (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Thunder Moon -
Submitted by sandspike (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Full Moon Haiku -
Submitted by Miss Oatlash (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

hunger moon -
Submitted by annaswirls (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

November Moon -
Submitted by champagne1982 (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Frosted Beaver Moon -
Submitted by champagne1982 (Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Crow Moon -
Submitted by Tathagata (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Facing the Flower Moon -
Submitted by *Catbabe* (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Strawberry Moon -
Submitted by PatCarrington (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Hot Moon -
Submitted by neonurotic (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Culled old moon -
Submitted by tungtied2u (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Beaver Moon -
Submitted by champagne1982 (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04

Alaskan Night : Full Moon Challenge -
Submitted by Belegon (Non-Erotic Poetry) 08/30/04
Randi Grail said:
Back from the west front just in the neck of time to post my moon poems. Phew.

How is everyone doing?

welcome back
glad to see you made it safe and sound
: )
annaswirls said:
Moon Poems, Full!

I was happy to see so many Moon poems, but don't forget to scroll through this thread, as many really good ones were not submitted, or were not sucked into the poem crunchin machine until too late

Will be back to read these, can't wait!


Mine was submitted, and is up ............I did not include the moon in the title. Was I supposed to? I thought the criteria was to include the moon in the text not the title..??????

'Reap as ye sow'

'Will try to do better, next time'. :rolleyes:

If I want to change the title to 'Harvest Moon', will I have to re-submit, and lose the voting and comments already up?

oh oh!

anna darling, i didn't realize that the name of our moon had to be in the title..i think there might be some other poems in there that are from the challenge too that don't have moon in the title.

but mines in there "born of a journey" i'll go take a look and see if i can spot some others that might have been missed..

:kiss: :rose:
My new poem Talk to the Heat is not part of the Full Moon Challenge.
But I'd love it if you read it anyway. Just my luck to submit a poem on a day with 40+ new poems.