Full Moon Challenge

Angeline said:
Hello dear woman. I do too. In fact, Graceland is in my top favorite albums ever I think. ee and I have this ongoing "top ten" "top five" (whatever lol) music discussion. So that;s a top ten album and Paul Simon is probably a top five songwriter. Probably. :D

How are you?


Hi Ange! I'm doin good! I'm packing for my move- gettin excited!

I know about the 'ongoing top ten'... mine keeps changing all the time! One that I'm listening to now is (appropriately enough tho I was listening before the Challenge started) is Henry Mancini's Moon River. I know- a bit corny, but it was one of Dad's AND Mom's favs (they rarely agreed on music). I just think it's pretty.

Hope you're happy, chicky! I am... getting that way!
BooMerengue said:
Hi Ange! I'm doin good! I'm packing for my move- gettin excited!

I know about the 'ongoing top ten'... mine keeps changing all the time! One that I'm listening to now is (appropriately enough tho I was listening before the Challenge started) is Henry Mancini's Moon River. I know- a bit corny, but it was one of Dad's AND Mom's favs (they rarely agreed on music). I just think it's pretty.

Hope you're happy, chicky! I am... getting that way!

Corny? I think it's a lovely song. I have a version of Moon River by the Bill Evans Trio that is so beautiful you could week. I love all that old stuff--but mainly when someone who I think can really play or sing covers it. Here one that everyone has heard a zillion times, but the lyric is transcendent, and if you really want to hear it the way it was made to be done, two words: Billie Holiday. :)

Blue Moon
You saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

Blue Moon
You know just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked to the Moon it turned to gold

Blue Moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked the Moon had turned to gold

Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

(And the Cowboy Junkies version is pretty wow, too.) And happy? Makes me think of Lester Young, who did a marvelous version of "Sometimes I'm Happy." And I truly am, sometimes. ;)
Angeline said:
so? write it. (my grandma used to say "Are you waiting for an engraved invitation?")



Hmmm.. Moon Challege 2 ?

Ok- but I'm not quick like you. Give me a few days.

Oy...what am I saying? :D
Angeline said:
Corny? I think it's a lovely song. I have a version of Moon River by the Bill Evans Trio that is so beautiful you could week. I love all that old stuff--but mainly when someone who I think can really play or sing covers it. Here one that everyone has heard a zillion times, but the lyric is transcendent, and if you really want to hear it the way it was made to be done, two words: Billie Holiday. :)

Blue Moon
You saw me standing alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

Blue Moon
You know just what I was there for
You heard me saying a prayer for
Someone I really could care for

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked to the Moon it turned to gold

Blue Moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

And then there suddenly appeared before me
The only one my arms will ever hold
I heard somebody whisper please adore me
And when I looked the Moon had turned to gold

Blue moon
Now I'm no longer alone
Without a dream in my heart
Without a love of my own

(And the Cowboy Junkies version is pretty wow, too.) And happy? Makes me think of Lester Young, who did a marvelous version of "Sometimes I'm Happy." And I truly am, sometimes. ;)

You're right about Billie... Summertime is an all time #1 for me... and Fantasia sang it on American Idol and when I heard what she was singin I said oh nooooo... for about 2 seconds. She blew me off the couch. She was astounding. If you can find a way to listen to her version then do so. You'll be happier...lol
Not My best work But ...

Sugar Moon

Twinkling throughout the night
Millions of stars do shine
and what a brilliant light
on this face of mine

A Sugar moon they call it
Is that why I'm so sweet?
Always looking upward
As I'm begging at God's feet

** Loving all the entries I have read so far ,wow!!:rose:
He grabbed my hand

led me into the field

laid me down tween the rows

laughed as we stared up above us

while the hounds bayed at their catch

and the Corn Moon leered

as we worshipped Him

over and over

covered with red dirt

satiation our gift to Him.

Beaver Moon

He smiled,
looking down.
"You're pubes are gleaming."
I stretch out, cat-like.
"It's the moonlight, gilding the lily"
His hand, gentle,
stirs me and makes
"A Beaver Moon."
soft laughter sifting into
The scent of spring
The smell of fresh turned ground
Permeates the night air
Come join me in the evening
Stay with me this night
Taste with me the vigor
Of the spring
Let us lay beneath the stars
And listen to the world
If you’re cold, I’ll be your blanket
And share with you my heat
While the Planting Corn Moon
Peeks down upon desire
Corn Planting Moon

In Spring,
Moon is pale,
pastel painted, holding
night upright. Moon
is backdrop to birthing
fields. The stars watch,
peeking from the curtain.
The stars hold themselves
apart, brilliantly distant.

In Spring,
Earth is woman,
capturing seeds,
giving life in soil's grip.
Her damp hips suck and push
sustanance over time.
Moon knows Earth is woman
harboring secrets, leafy
and soft, wrapped in silk
like aged pearls, but sweet,
bitten, sugared with Earth's
pungent green, its musky dirt.

Moon becomes father,
darkens with knowing.
Moon's shoulders hold
a textured burden, Atlas
holds the wisdom
of Earth's issue, becomes
large and orange, full
as a pumpkin whose seeds
have fallen awaiting
harvest. The stars don't
change, watching, holding
themselves apart,
brilliantly distant.
y'all are rebels breakin' the line limit.

no soup for you!


off to the eastern shore,
surely drive towards the hurricaine
Towards the hurricaine
you know what is best for your family
Hurricaine ?

annaswirls said:
y'all are rebels breakin' the line limit.

no soup for you!


off to the eastern shore,
surely drive towards the hurricaine
Towards the hurricaine
you know what is best for your family

Don't forget your dingy!:D

Stay safe! or NO SOUP FOR YOU!;)
Moonlight Journey

Weary but restive,
she presses on,
wood smoke sharp
in her throat.

Beneath the Travel Moon,
a canopy of crimson
cloaks the hunter,
unwilling to rest
lest she be moored too tightly
in June
when the sea breeze beckons
and lands unseen
entice her exploration.

Her heart cannot be
confined by traps
of brick and stone.

Green-gold autumn
evenings are made for drifting
when the Hunter’s Moon glows
on the waves.

:kiss: red

edited to post the version I've submitted - the 10 line thing just didn't read well
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The moon is pregnant with metaphor.
You look up and see a fingernail
or a benevolent loopy face.
Think of a harvest moon, dark
as pumpkin or winter’s white gold,
shifting in and out of gray, hanging
like an ornament in a snow globe.
The delicate spring moon is balanced
in night, a promise lighting copses
hidden bowers glowing on whispers,
laughter, yours and your skin shivers
translucent in summer, when it descends
kissing rivers and ocean, so full
of itself, dancing over water,
pure joy, but it’s shy and unsure,
too, a bumpkin sneaking behind Sun,
sometimes all the way. Nothing
is so cold as that moment
when it’s blotted away by darkness
or so reassuring as the ever of its return.
No wonder we dream about the cow
jumping the dish and spoon running
and we feel safe, we can sleep or sing
about its glow, how it shines on
because it had to be moonlight
or dance or some other thing
that it is and isn’t everywhere.
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Traveler's Moon

OK...this is the first time i've participated in a poetry challenge...i've just painted on my stiff upper lip, so i am ready...i guess.

Comments/suggestions are welcome.


Traveler's Moon

no quick jaunts down Mexico way
no world-weary eyes
no honeymoon glow
no foreign destinations
no tripping round-the-world
no vacation plan
no globe-trotting jet lag
no journey to the center of the earth

she travels to non-existent places
known only to a few
So, here's the HippieDude's two cents worth on the Full Moon thing.

The Prophet

You lived for the promise of Planting Corn Moon,
casting its prophetic shine on the rising miracle to come,

and I the lesser light, receiving the dimmest hope,
withstood its dramatic irony to see beyond the now,

unless a seed falls into the earth and dies,
it remains alone, but if it dies it multiplies ten,
twenty, or even one hundred fold.
Frost Moon

Icy fingers have traced
a circle around the moon
among the brittle stars.
and the earth is rutted hard,
glittering with cold.

The world holds its breath,
And no exhaled clouds
Shroud Luna’s naked beauty,
My crisp shadows dances behind
As I walk in her cool light.

I have seen this Frost Moon before
through semi-pellucid paisley glass
and the arabesque of empty boughs.

I have watched her dance beside me
as I travel through the trees.
Or when she rises, flaxen, over the horizon
to slip westward in full sail.

She has been my companion on wakeful nights,
a baleful eye, reading over my shoulder
or whispering madness into my dreams.
In the indifference of dawn, still she lingers,
a pale ghost low in the sky,
ousted by the morning star.

Here's my effort - posted here because I'm not going to be able to post on the due-date.

Thanks for a great challenge.

See y'all later.

That's beautiful Tris- but it's only supposed to be 10 lines... no more- no less.

Don't change that one- just try a smaller one! Cuz that one is TOO pretty to change!
When was those thangs supposed to be posted? And what moon am I?
Sorry this was such a long time challenge, I should have checked my lunar calendar before saying "Due on the next full moon"

Full Moon Challenge
Challenge: Write a poem that meet the following criteria:


1. Use the full moon name from the month of your birth in the text of a poem (posted below)

2. Your poem should contain a metaphor or analogy between something about yourself-- personality, appearance, luck in life, path chosen, etc. and the name of the poem. Why does it make sense that you were born under that particular moon?

3. Free Verse

4. No more than 10 lines. Keep them trim.

5. Post them here for suggestions (optional)

6. Submit them on August 29 so that they appear on August 30, the Sturgeon Moon

Algonquin Names

January: Wolf Moon, Old Moon

February: Snow Moon, Hunger Moon

March: Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Sugar Moon

April: Pink Moon, Frog Moon, Planter's Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon

May:Flower Moon, Planting Corn Moon, Milk Moon

June: Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon, Hot Moon

July: Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Hay Moon

August: Sturgeon Moon, Red Moon, Green Corn Moon

September: Harvest Moon, Corn Moon

October: Hunter's Moon, Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon

November: Beaver Moon, Frost Moon

December: Cold Moon, Long Nights Moon
BooMerengue said:
That's beautiful Tris- but it's only supposed to be 10 lines... no more- no less.

Don't change that one- just try a smaller one! Cuz that one is TOO pretty to change!

it can be less than ten lines

i hunger
moon pie
Oh hell... both of you are too much. I had a hard time writing one at 10 lines. The very subject requires more depth, but what I've seen is great, so don't rock the boat!
annaswirls said:

Boo Moon Merengue Pie

mmmmmmmthat was the first smile I had in 3 hours:p

Did you know merengue is the dance? and meringue is the topping...

hmmm... a boodance... I've heard of the bonedance... lol

I don't know about this challenge. Is it cuz it started so far ahead of the post date? I don't like any of my entries...and can't find another one in me...

oh dear